Chapter 192 Juan Er is old and strong

From his own point of view, Karasuma Nida doesn't look down on Lou Ning and other mobsters like them. Even though Lou Ning is well-known on the grassland, he still doesn't look down on him.

But what's interesting is that when everyone came not far from the place where Zhao Yan and the others made the fire rain, Karasuma Nida still made people stop.

If you don't look down on him, you don't like it, if you don't care, you don't care, and he will not risk the lives of his subordinates.

But compared to Lou Ning, he has more rules.

Directly let the centurion lead his team to pass quickly, while he himself watched all this not far away, and at the same time let several centurions shoot arrows with bows. .

Zhao Yan actually noticed the following situation.

Of course it won't be easy for people to show up.

Seeing the opponent's situation, he knew that he had met his peers.

In the final analysis, why pay attention to professionalism.

Although Lou Ning has made a name for himself on the grassland, in terms of professionalism, he is indeed far behind Karasuma Nida.

"I'm afraid we're going to fight a tough battle today." Zhao Yan said, "But Your Highness asked us to hold on for two hours, so no matter how difficult the bone is, I have to hold it for two hours!"

The crowd did not speak.

Why don't they know?
It's only two hours, they believe they can withstand it.

"Centurion, let them pass like this?" someone asked.

Zhao Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning. It's still the same as before, we will move after they pass by."

He was indeed not in a hurry, Yiyuan Peak was more fully prepared this time.

In order to deal with them, everyone has not been idle these days.

Karasuma Nida saw that a centurion had passed smoothly, and immediately asked people to do the same. Soon, several centuries rushed over.

Gradually, more than half of his team had passed the place that Lou Ning and others regarded as a tiger's mouth.

But even at this time, he still did not relax.

Still cautious.

Just when two-thirds of his subordinates passed by, the accident finally appeared.

I saw something like a wine jar being thrown down from above, and then, a person stood up on the cliff, and a flaming arrow went straight to the wine jar.

Just for a moment, with a bang, the flames and gravel fell from the sky.

Immediately, screams were heard incessantly!
This time, their alcohol jars were also mixed with a lot of gravel.

The impact of the explosion ejected the gravel like bullets.

The taste is extraordinarily sour.

At the beginning, Li Chengqian planned to improve the incendiary bomb, but after many improvements, he only achieved this.

But these gravels are carefully selected by them, they are very sharp!
Seeing this scene, Karasuma Nida did not panic, on the contrary, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Just figure out what's going on.

In an instant, people shot arrows towards the cliff, forcing them back.

Immediately afterwards, someone rescued the soldier who had just been injured.

Lou Ning told him that it is a good way to pass quickly with clothes covering his head, but he didn't let people do it at first.

Doing so might save them a lot of casualties, but for him, he couldn't realize the power of the enemy's new weapon. He hadn't seen it with his own eyes, and it would affect his judgment.

Soon, the person was rescued and returned.

Karasuma Nida got off his horse and carefully checked the injuries of the people. He frowned and said, "General Lou, didn't you say it was just a shower of fire? Take a look at what it is?"

As he spoke, Karasuma Nida pointed to the bleeding wound on the wounded man.

Lou Ning was also taken aback, and said, "Shouldn't it? We only had burns before, and we didn't have this kind of wound."

Just now, Zhao Yan improved the incendiary bomb in order not to expose them, so he waited until the incendiary bomb was about to hit the ground before chasing it with an arrow.The gravel inside was blocked by those guys.

"Could it be caused by the broken pieces of the wine jar?" Qiu Hao said beside him.

It is indeed possible.

Karasuma Nida nodded, but did not rush to speak, but looked at the cliff.

Not to mention, the top is really a good place. From the perspective of a professional soldier, this location is indeed an excellent place for ambushes.

After signaling to the soldiers around him, the soldiers immediately picked up a horn and blew it.

Hearing this voice, Yi Yuanfeng pretended to be calm and said: "They are going to charge."

The sound of the horn was an order to launch an attack on the grassland.

Sure enough, as the horn sounded.

Not far away, the vanguard of King Ning's army rushed towards Yiyuan Peak and the others.

Even though they knew there might be traps ahead, they didn't hesitate or hesitate one by one.

They all ran towards Yi Yuanfeng and the others in a desperate manner.

This is the difference between the regular army and Lou Ning.

Danger, of course they know the danger, but after the order is issued, let alone danger, even if they know they are going to die, they have to scramble one by one.

Zhao Yan didn't ask everyone to attack them with continuous crossbows like last time, and he didn't bring anyone to support them.

This time, he stared at the guys behind him.

And Yi Yuanfeng kept an eye on the distance between these people and himself and others.

He wasn't even in a hurry to let someone set up a bow and shoot an arrow.

This scene made Lou Ning very puzzled. He knew that these cunning guys must have prepared some new tricks.

You know, they didn't go so smoothly at the beginning.

Sure enough, when the vanguard rushed to a position that could pose a threat to Yi Yuanfeng and the others, Yi Yuanfeng waved his hand and shouted angrily, "Open the bow!"

In an instant, rockets fell from the sky!

Seeing this scene, Lou Ning suddenly felt bad, and shouted loudly: "Fraud!"

Karasuma Nida also saw the rocket falling from the sky, but right now he couldn't care less about it.

The fast war horse is not something he can stop just by saying stop.

What made him curious was, what was their purpose in doing this?
Just when he was still worrying about the purpose.

The rockets landed one after another.

Everyone was still rejoicing that they had escaped unharmed, and some even ridiculed that this arrow technique was not as accurate as their own with their eyes closed.

But at this moment, the rockets that landed were surrounded by flames, and countless running fire dragons ran wildly on the ground.

It was just a matter of an instant, and the originally peaceful land turned into a sea of ​​flames!
Especially the deep pit that Lou Ning had filled up with corpses, war horses and stones before became a wall of fire!
At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

People can resist this fear, but war horses can't!
For a moment, in the sea of ​​flames, the war horse neighed, accompanied by a few screams from time to time.

"Warriors, let's see!" Yi Yuanfeng said loudly, "Even if they are numerous, they are still human! As long as they are human, they can be defeated! As long as they are human..."

Yi Yuanfeng became more and more excited as he spoke, he was boosting everyone's morale.

How about thousands of troops?
Isn't it still blocked by us without a single soldier?

At the beginning, he asked Li Chengqian to drink a lot of alcohol just to wait for this moment. Now that he thinks about it, this is the most correct decision he has ever made in his life!
And his subordinates were all excited.

As long as you are human, you can be defeated!
Moreover, they don't need to defeat these guys, they only need to persist for two hours!

As for the soldiers that Fang Yiai and the others brought, they all looked excited.

They have fought side by side together, and now they are acquainted with Ibara Suk and others a lot.

The despair that was arranged here before has long since disappeared.

Even though the current situation is more critical, in their view, it is really much stronger than before.

Although these guys are not a strong army.

But their fearlessness and courage are incomparable.

Coupled with their endless means, it also made everyone see hope.

As for Karasuma Nida seeing this scene, he didn't say anything.

It's just that his face is a little more gloomy.

He could see that this method was nothing to them.

It just looks fierce, but if you really want to say it, as long as you don't get confused, you really can't hurt a few people.

The biggest effect is to stop them from attacking.

But for his subordinates, he still has confidence.

Murong Shun only has King Ning's army, so they give priority to supplying everything on weekdays.

In the absence of anything, drills became their only job every day.

Everyone's military literacy is still good.

Of course, this is also a relative term. Compared with any army in later generations, their Ning Wangjun's military quality is not so good.

Now it is the taller one among the short ones, so there is no choice.

Fortunately, these subordinates did not disappoint him, and one or two of them really performed well.

After the initial hesitation, everyone settled down.

Although trapped in a sea of ​​flames, the formation is still in chaos.

With the cooperation of their respective centurions, the two thousand commanders comforted their subordinates.

Soon, the group of people fell silent.

There is no way to deal with the sea of ​​fire.

As long as you cover your mouth and nose, you can always find a way out.

"General Karasuma won't let them withdraw?" Lou Ning asked.

Karasuma Nida said: "Withdraw? Withdraw to be a living target for those guys above?"

Saying that, Karasuma Nida looked up at the top.

It's a joke, can you withdraw it?

"But in the sea of ​​fire..." Lou Ning shook his head.

This is not a good thing!
Karasuma Nida also shook his head and said, "Isn't it just a sea of ​​fire? They can handle it. Besides, what kind of sea of ​​fire is this?

Such fuel is very expensive, and I don't believe how much they have.

After burning for a while, these fuels are burned out, and there is no sea of ​​fire.

Now, all that needs to be done is to stabilize the army and keep it from chaos. "

Karasuma Nida still has some knowledge.

He didn't believe that the earth would spontaneously combust, and there must be a reason for it.

If the earth would spontaneously combust, why would it need rockets to ignite the fire?
Besides, the fire looked fierce. If it hadn't been equipped with firewood and cow dung in some places, the fire would not have been so big.After all, from the appearance of the fire rain, he roughly judged something.

This thing burns hard, but also fast.

Therefore, he is quite confident in his subordinates.

Lou Ning didn't say much anymore, he found that he could learn a lot by following this Karasuma Nida.

Although both of them are generals, there is really no comparison.

The general Lou Ning, that is, the general in the tribe, to put it bluntly, is a respectful title.

But Karasuma Nida is a real general, and he was a general who was killed with a single shot on the battlefield.

There is still a gap between the two.

Sure enough, as Karasuma Nida said, the fire burned quickly and went away quickly.

It didn't take long for the fire to visibly decline.

After a while, the open flame disappeared, leaving only some green smoke.

After a gust of wind passed by, Lou Ning saw a scene he couldn't believe.

Even Yi Yuanfeng was stunned.

I saw the vanguard army that was surrounded by the sea of ​​flames before, now one or two are lying on the ground with their horses, covering their heads with their clothes. At first glance, they thought they were all killed in battle .

But as the green smoke dissipated, one by two got up again, which really stunned everyone.

"This is King Ning's army!" Fang Yiai's personal soldiers recognized it at a glance.

He didn't know King Ning's army, but he also knew during this time that Murong Shun had a regular army in Chishuiyuan, and these guys were well-trained, so who else is it not King Ning's army?

Of course he didn't know that outside the mountain, the thousand followers under Dayan Mangjiebo's command were more well-trained than King Ning's army.

Yi Yuanfeng gritted his teeth, and said: "What about King Ning's army? We are not afraid of him, Murong Shun, but are we afraid that a group of dogs under his command will fail?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yiai's personal soldier who had just spoken was a little embarrassed. He knew that he had said the wrong thing when he was emotional.

Pointing out the identities of these people will damage the morale of their side.

But after looking at it, everyone didn't seem to take Ning Wangjun seriously.

At this time, everyone looked at the other side with serious faces, and some even sharpened their knives, eager to rush forward.

Ning Wangjun?
Hehe, Murong Shun is here, and they dare to rush!

Without him, what you protect is your own home!

Lou Ning, who saw this scene, sighed.

This is the gap, he knows, this is the gap between these people and these professional troops.

Just now he tried to think about it. If they encountered this situation, they probably didn't need others to do it, and they would be in a mess, and then...

They are indeed courageous, but they still lack a lot.

Sure enough, a strong army is not so easy to be.

For all this, Karasuma Nida is quite calm.

He had already guessed all this.

So it's no surprise.

Didn't think much, just winked at the soldiers again.

The soldiers blew their horns again.


Since you are not dead, then charge me!

Karasuma Nida always has to check the quality of Riyue Mountain first.

Although the confrontation between the two sides has already begun, Riyue Mountain has used some tricks from the beginning to the end, and this is not a real confrontation.

He wanted to experience Riyue Mountain's close combat ability.

If there is no hand-to-hand combat, it is not a confrontation, this is his idea.

Hearing the charge horn sounded again.

The vanguard didn't care.

Get on the horse and prepare to charge again.

This time, Yi Yuanfeng no longer held back, and directly ordered the entire army to shoot upwards at a 45-degree angle!

But the first few rounds are still the Rockets.

They had prepared a lot before, and they might not have ignited all of them in the round just now, so they couldn't give up now.

Besides, if the arrow with fire is shot at a person, the effect will be just right.

In fact, as he thought, under the previous round of rockets, there were indeed some fish that slipped through the net.

Although not many, it also caused a certain amount of interference to the enemy's offensive pace.

That's not bad either.

After this round, the soldiers Fang Yiai and the others brought took the initiative to ask Ying to go out to kill the enemy.

What they mean is to let the big guys see what the enemies are like first, and give them a sample, but don't be like dealing with Lou Ning and the others, this is different.

Yi Yuanfeng also knew what they meant, so he nodded immediately and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"


"Yes, yes, General Yi is being polite, but it's just a matter of being loyal to the emperor."

With that said, a group of people rushed forward.

There are more than 200 people, although not many, but they come out quickly, which is quite imposing.

Soon, they fought against Karasuma Nida's vanguard.

Although everyone is from the regular army, even if they are all from the regular army, there is a gap.

The defenders who followed Li Er in the Southern and Northern Wars in the early years of the Tang Dynasty can be said to be as good as any current army. They have a strong enough record and the strength to match their record!
From the first contact between the two sides, there was a gap.

Fang Yiai's personal soldiers, whether it's personal military quality or teamwork, are not comparable to these subordinates of Karasuma Nida.

"Are these people from Riyue Mountain?" Karasuma Nida frowned for the first time seeing these people appear.

The rain of fire and sea of ​​fire before did not make him frown.

In his opinion, it was just a small trick.

But at this moment, he is frowning!

This is hard power!
Nodding his head, Lou Ning said: "Yes, and these people are extremely brave. They should be the guards from the Tang Dynasty. It may be an exaggeration to use one as ten, but it is really easy to use one to block two."

Seeing these guys, he also had a headache. These guys are like meat grinders on the battlefield.

The killing was fast and ruthless, and the cooperation between the few of them was extremely tacit.

It is not easy to find their weaknesses.

On the battlefield, he was afraid of encountering such almost hexagonal fighters.

Karasuma Nida's brows were furrowed even more.

He didn't expect that two hundred people on the opposite side would dare to rush out to face his vanguard army.

Coupled with Yi Yuanfeng's long-range support from behind, his vanguard was actually stopped.

Although it couldn't be stopped for long, it was stopped anyway.

This is the most fatal place.

Zhao Yan also laughed when he saw this scene.

Those old guys, except that their physical strength may not be able to keep up with young people, but their experience on the battlefield is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Get ready, it's time for us to go all out!" Zhao Yan said.

The war is unfavorable, Karasuma Nida will definitely send people to continue to support the front, this is for sure.

(End of this chapter)

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