This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 196 Volume 2 Li Chengqian's Defensive Counterattack

Chapter 196 Volume [-] Li Chengqian's Defensive Counterattack
Smoke up!
This is a signal and a hope!
When Yi Yuanfeng and the others saw the wolf smoke, they almost cried.

No one knows how desperate they are playing!
No one knows what kind of pressure they withstood.

Even if Zhao Yan brings everyone to help, there are thousands of people on the other side!
They are full of money, including those refugees, there are more than 1000 people!
Two dozen first floor Ning they are rich.

It is also thanks to these refugees, otherwise they would have collapsed long ago.

But speaking of it, these refugees suffered the most casualties!
But it is precisely because they paid a heavy price that everyone has survived until now!

It is no exaggeration to say that they performed miracles.

"Hurry up, let the medical team evacuate first!" Seeing the smoke, Yi Yuanfeng said hastily, "Then let those refugees evacuate as well, we are the rear!"

The medical team has no ability to protect itself, so it should be withdrawn first.

And those refugees have only a pair of feet and boards, and don't even have a horse. If they are not allowed to evacuate first, then there is no need to evacuate.

Zhao Yan said: "Keep a distance, don't charge too hard! The archers are ready!"

They are about to withdraw, who the hell still fights close to hand?

When the refugees heard that they were asked to evacuate, one or two were stunned!
Ever since they joined the battle group, they all thought that they were going to die here. Who knew, someone suddenly asked them to withdraw, and the key was that someone else would kill them!

At that moment, their eyes were moist.

How long?
Anyone else thinking about them?

Ever since they started being refugees on the grassland, they have all felt the helplessness of being abandoned by this world, but today, there are still people who miss them.

This is like when a person has no worries about food and clothing, he may not remember how long someone treats him to a meal of delicacies from mountains and seas, but after he has been hungry and cold for several days, a bowl of porridge given to him can be remembered in his heart .

"You withdraw first! We are the rear!" Some refugees shouted.

Hearing this, Yi Yuanfeng yelled angrily: "If you are told to withdraw, then withdraw! His Highness said, when withdrawing, you must be the first to withdraw! You are already very brave! You are still needed in the next battle!"

Hearing what he said, Zhao Yan laughed.

This guy now knows how to win Li Chengqian's hearts.

"Yes, hurry up and withdraw! Your Highness has explained that we will take care of the Queen's affairs!"

At this point, those refugees no longer persisted, and quickly left the battlefield, and as long as there were enemies trying to catch up, the role of the Liannu would be highlighted.

Although the range is not far, but the rate of fire is really fast!

Not long after, all the refugees and medical teams were evacuated.

Seeing this scene, Lou Ning frowned.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Even now, although they have an advantage, Yi Yuanfeng's side is not considered an absolute disadvantage. If they want to fight, they can still fight!

Why did he start withdrawing?
Does it have something to do with the wolf smoke?
Thinking like this, Lou Ning looked in the direction of the wolf smoke, is that Riyue Mountain?
Or another of their positions responsible for intercepting them?

Zhao Yan and the others didn't care what Lou Ning was thinking. Seeing that the medical team and the refugees had withdrawn, they fought and retreated at the same time.

And this scene made Lou Ning even more suspicious.

He had to doubt it!

Refugees, Dayan Mangjiebo, Li Chengqian, and Yi Yuanfeng, they shouldn't be together, but now they are.

"Could this be a trap for those two?" Lou Ning asked suspiciously.

But Karasuma Nida ran over and asked, "Is it chasing or not?"

He was also confused.

Who is not afraid?

If it was the trap of those two, his three thousand King Ning's army would be lost here, and the strength of King Ning's army would drop sharply!

"Send someone to follow up to see the situation." Lou Ning didn't dare to make a decision lightly, so he could only send someone to check the situation first.

It was precisely because of their suspicion that Yi Yuanfeng and the others escaped from the battlefield smoothly.

This made Yi Yuanfeng and the others a little stunned, so easy?
They thought that if they wanted to return to Riyue Mountain, they would have to pay some price. Who knew it was so simple?
This is something they never expected.

And when Li Chengqian saw that the medical team and the refugees came back first, he didn't say much at the moment, and hurriedly asked to escort them.

At this time, although the city wall of Riyue Mountain was still under construction, it was already half completed.

That is to say, the established goal set by Pusiro has already been achieved.

"Thank you." Li Chengqian said to everyone.

Yi Yuanqing shook her head, and said sadly: "Your Highness, many people died, many..."

For the past few days, she has been helping to bandage the wounds of the wounded on Yiyuan Peak's position. She thought she could face all this, and even accept it all, but when she saw more and more familiar people falling down one by one When she was in front of her, she was about to collapse. At that moment, she was so desperate.

If it weren't for someone who needed her, she didn't think she could persist until now.

"Although they sacrificed, we will never forget it! Riyue Mountain won't forget it! The Ming court won't forget either!" Li Chengqian said, "They sacrificed themselves to let us live better. We Only by living better can we not fail them.”

After going through so much of this kind of thing, Li Chengqian actually became numb.

At the moment, there are just a few more dogmatic words to comfort these girls who have experienced the battle for the first time.

However, his words were very exciting to those refugees.

Is this an endorsement?
In this battle, they lost the most people!
This is also thanks to their firm beliefs. The general army has been reduced to the point where they have already collapsed.

Fortunately, they are not the army, they are just a group of ordinary people with various desperate reasons.

"Send the wounded back to the hospital." Li Chengqian said, "As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, don't give up treating them."

Yi Yuanqing nodded, without any hesitation, she led the wounded into the valley.

Li Chengqian led the refugees up the city wall.

They had only seen the city wall from a distance before, but when they passed through the city gate and looked again, one and two were dumbfounded!
There is actually a city wall inside!
Two walls!

"Although you have been asked to withdraw, the next step will not be easy." Li Chengqian said as he walked.

For these refugees, for the time being, he is still willing to believe.

The people sent by Zhen Ihara had already returned, and he also told him about the performance of these people.

Since he was really willing to fight for them, then Li Chengqian was also willing to trust them once.

However, such belief is still limited.

Therefore, the walls of the outer city were handed over to them and Yi Yuanzhen's people.

As for Yi Yuanfeng and Zhao Yan, it was time to rest for a while.

This defensive battle cannot be finished in a short while.

"Don't worry, Your Highness!" Someone said, "We know what to do!"

They were not surprised by Li Chengqian's arrangement.

After all, there are really not many people in Riyue Mountain, so who can we arrange if we don't arrange them?
Li Chengqian nodded, and simply asked Yi Yuanzhen to assign work to everyone. There were more than 1000 people on the entire city wall, including those repairing the city wall at the moment, which was quite lively.

Not long after, Yi Yuanfeng, Zhao Yan and others came back.

This is what no one expected.

The point is that they haven't seen any large troops behind them, which makes everyone even more confused.

Is Lou Ning a fool?

Seeing such an opportunity, people don't want to chase after him?

See you so fucking long!
Even Li Chengqian, who has almost never commanded a war, knows this clearly.

The tail chase of the cavalry is still very terrifying.

After Zhao Yan, Yi Yuanfeng and the others entered Wengcheng, Li Chengqian asked, "Did Lou Ning and the others chase after him?"

Yi Yuanfeng and the others were also puzzled, they didn't expect to withdraw so easily.

It's like playing around.

"I didn't chase, probably because I was afraid of an ambush." ​​Zhao Yan said, "By the way, King Ning's army came with 3000 people, but after those refugees joined the battle, suddenly 1000 people turned back."

He hadn't thought about this before.

Folded back?

When Li Chengqian heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, but soon, he laughed, very unrestrainedly!

He guessed it, guessed who was coming!
No wonder he dared to attack again, it turned out that this guy appeared.

"Your Highness?" Zhao Yan called out in a low voice.

They were all dumbfounded, what's so funny about this?

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Li Chengqian said, "You don't know who is here?"

Everyone shook their heads, Li Chengqian said: "Da Yanmang Jiebo is here! All of today's events were made by him."

"No way!" Yi Yuanfeng said in disbelief, "Dayan Mangjiebo and Murong Shun are simply incompatible, and Murong Shun's King Ning Army will listen to Dayan Mangjiebo's order?"

He didn't believe it, really didn't believe it.

This is completely unreasonable!
Li Chengqian thought for a while and said, "This is easy to understand, but you don't understand.

But if you think about it, why did 1000 people from King Ning's army turn back as soon as those refugees appeared?What did they go back for? "

Li Chengqian and Zhao Yan could understand why Dayanmang Jiebo came, but it was difficult for Yi Yuanfeng who didn't know Li Chengqian's real identity to understand.

Li Chengqian would not explain this to him.

"Prevent Dayan Mang's wave?" Zhao Yan turned his head, suddenly thought of this possibility, and then said, "This can be explained, the big battle is coming, how can there be any reason to withdraw people?"

"But why is he guarding against Dayan Mang's knots?" Yi Yuanfeng was still a little puzzled.

Zhao Yan said: "The general forgot? Didn't the refugees who broke the city of Chishui back then belong to Dayan Mangjiebo? The refugees and Dayan Mangjiebo belonged together!"

Hearing what Zhao Yan said, Yi Yuanfeng suddenly realized!
It turned out to be the case.

It's not that he couldn't think of this, but he didn't think about it.

After being reminded by Zhao Yan, he naturally remembered this.

"You have worked hard during this period, take a rest first, and leave the rest to us!" Li Chengqian said.

Upon hearing this, Yi Yuanfeng said immediately: "How can we do that? The battle is imminent, so how can we rest? Don't worry, Your Highness, we still have the strength to fight."

"That's right, don't worry, Your Highness, I didn't frighten them outside before, but we can still frighten them when we get to our own territory!" Zhao Yan also said, he knew that since Dayan Mangjiebo came, maybe it was a real mess. In a tough battle, one more person means more chances of winning.

How could he go to rest at this time?

However, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "Okay, let you go to rest and go to rest! If you don't rest, they have to rest! This battle can't be finished in a day, and you have to watch at night. They If you can't take it down during the day, if you don't do it well at night, you will sneak attack. At that time, when everyone is exhausted, who will meet the enemy?

Now that we have a strong city as a support, they want to break the city for a while?This is Riyue Mountain, not Chishui City, and this king is not Murong Shun. "

Speaking of Murong Shun, Li Chengqian laughed.

That guy was ruthless, but he also helped Li Chengqian invisibly. If Dayan Mangjiebo brought the refugees to Riyue Mountain, it would be really troublesome.

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Yi Yuanfeng and the others stopped insisting. Indeed, the moment they withdrew back meant that the battle to defend the city had begun.

How could the battle to defend the city end in a day or two?

Everyone didn't hesitate at the moment, and took their own people back to the valley to recuperate.

When they left, Li Chengqian looked at the empty city gate and said, "Close the gate."

With the sound of creaking, the gate of Riyue Mountain was closed for the first time.

Who can imagine what kind of bloody feast it will be when the door opens next time.

And in the place where Yi Yuanfeng and the others had fought before.

Lou Ning and the others finally waited for the report from Tanma who had followed them.

It's just that they never expected that Yi Yuanfeng and others actually returned to Riyue Mountain!
"You said they built a three-foot-high city wall in the mountains?" Karasuma Nida asked in disbelief.

The spy nodded and said, "Yes, it looks quite spectacular from a distance, and there are many people on the city wall, but it seems that it has just been built not long ago."

"Could it be that they tried their best to stop us before just to delay the time and let them build the city wall?" Lou Ning said.

Karasuma Nida said disdainfully: "Whether it is or not, but they think that a city wall can stop us, are they kidding?"

Siege cities and pull out strongholds, this is war.

The city wall can only be a support, not a sustenance.

"What's going on now?" Qiu Hao asked.

When he asked this question, everyone remained silent, mainly because there was no news from Dayan Mangjiebo.

Riyue Mountain, they are not afraid, they are afraid that Riyue Mountain and Dayanmang Jiebo will have a collusion.

Moreover, Dayan Mangjiebo can mobilize some soldiers and horses from the grassland at any time, even though they have a lot of people under their command, but if this situation really happens, if Murong Shun doesn't send people to rescue, they may really be over it's here.

"I'll go back and have a look." Lou Ning said.

In the camp, he still has a secret weapon, if it falls into the hands of Dayan Mangjiebo, this secret weapon will be useless.

Several people nodded and had no opinion.

Taking a deep breath, Lou Ning turned back with a few soldiers.

Dayan Mang Jiebo must be dealt with, if he can't be dealt with, it's useless to say anything.

If there is no other way, Lou Ning would not mind cooperating with Karasuma Nida to destroy Dayanmang Jiebo first.

Before returning to the camp, people from Karasuma Nida and Dayan Mangjiebo were confronting each other.

One side is full of indignation, and the other is full of disdain.

Fortunately, there was no real fight, but Lou Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take me to see His Highness, I have something important to ask." Lou Ning said casually.

Seeing that there were not many people in Lou Ning, Dayanmang Jiebo's soldiers took him back to the camp.

To be honest, they couldn't understand what was going on.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be right!
Back at the camp, Lou Ning cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Your Highness."

"Have you seen it? Did you see it with a bow or a knife?" Dayan Mang Jiebo glanced at Lou Ning with disdain.

Although there are many of them, he is really not afraid.

Among other things, if he wants to run, he is confident that he can run away.

It's just that the current situation really makes him a little confused.

Logically speaking, Murong Shun's people shouldn't be targeting him.

Tomorrow, the Riyue Mountain is facing the enemy, so Murong Shun really wants to do what his loved ones hurt his enemies and make his enemies happy?

"Don't dare." Lou Ning said with a smile, "It's just that there have been some changes in Riyue Mountain, and we really don't know where His Highness is going."

"Hmph, where is my heart going?" Dayan Mang smiled, "I am Prince Tuyuhun, where do you think my heart is going?"

Lou Ning also smiled: "But we were blocked by refugees in Riyue Mountain. Who does Your Highness think we should trust?"

"Refugees?" Hearing what Lou Ning said, Dayan Mang Jiebo instantly understood that he suspected that he had colluded with Riyue Mountain and wanted to kill them, "Do you think the refugees were all arranged by me?"

The refugees in Chishui City, everyone knows it well, but there is nothing to explain.

But if you see a wave of refugees and think that I arranged it, that's too much.

"The final general doesn't know." Lou Ning said, "That's why I came to ask His Highness."

He couldn't even open his mouth about this question.

"I said it has nothing to do with me, are you trustworthy?" Dayan Mangjiebo said.

He didn't explain to Lou Ning and others, but he didn't want to be used by others, "I was also surprised when refugees first appeared on the grassland. Yes, you heard me right, I was also surprised."

This makes sense.

Although he didn't say it clearly, he actually told Lou Ning that the first wave of refugees had nothing to do with me.

Lou Ning understood as soon as he heard it, and said, "So, the refugees were created by Riyue Mountain?"

"Why can't it be them?" Dayan Mangjiebo said, "Riyue Mountain is the biggest beneficiary of the refugees besieging the city. Among other things, they can win a lot of precious time."

Hearing what Lou Ning said, Dayanmang immediately went down the donkey.

Yes, the refugees are all created by Riyue Mountain, and have nothing to do with me.

Lou Ning nodded, he understood.

Regardless of whether the refugees were created by Riyue Mountain or not, in Mangjiebo, Dayan, they must be created by Riyue Mountain.

This is especially important to him.

After all, this is a good opportunity to clean up.

Now, the entire source of Chishui is spreading rumors that he, Dayan Mangjiebo, created the homeless people. This is still very damaging to his reputation as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!
From this point of view, he will not cooperate with Riyue Mountain.

"Put away your cleverness." Dayan Mang Jiebo said, "Ri Yue Shan and I will never reach a consensus unless he withdraws, do you understand?"

At this moment, Lou Ning understood.

This is a battle between two princes!
Tigers and tigers cannot be friends, because one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

And he is, and so is Li Chengqian!
(End of this chapter)

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