This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 2, Volume 1: Things Every Traveler Will Do

Chapter 2 Volume [-]: Things That Travelers Will Do

For several days in a row, Donggong only did one thing, spending money!

Ever since Li Chengqian learned that his personal guard was injured, he had an idea.

Brew wine, purify high-grade alcohol to treat injuries for personal guards.

In his previous life, as a craftsman of a certain music, brewing wine and purifying alcohol were nothing to him.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether he can heal the personal guard or not. The important thing is that he has a reasonable excuse to do it.

So in the past few days, Donggong ordered a large number of wine-making tools, and the rest of the money was used to buy food.

The reason why he did this was to deliberately find an excuse for those civil servants to impeach him.

You must know that in the early years of Zhenguan, because of the continuous wars and the shortage of food, the common people could not eat enough. As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he spent such a huge amount of wine making, which was definitely a sign of immorality!

The prince has lost morals, doesn't care about the people, wastes food, and is greedy for pleasure. Why don't those civil officials go crazy and impeach him?
Moreover, Li Chengqian confiscated it and hid it, and ordered people to buy grain in Chang'an City, making a lot of noise in Chang'an City, and everyone in Chang'an City knew that the crown prince was brewing wine in the East Palace.

On this day, Li Chengqian came to the newly built wine making workshop, where a group of eunuchs and court ladies were busy.

People in the Tang Dynasty were no strangers to wine making, but in Li Chengqian's view, the wine brewed in this era was bland and tasteless, very much like the sweet potato wine that later generations drank somewhere.

To be specific about what it feels like, it's like Erguotou mixed with water.

What Li Chengqian has to do is to distill high-quality wine.

The boiled rice has been fermented for six days, and it's almost time for fermentation, so here he is.

In the past few days, he didn't do anything. Apart from arranging for his subordinates to prepare distillation tools, he also studied the death rate of wounded soldiers in the Tang Dynasty army.

It's really not that I don't know, it's a shock.

Today's wounded soldier mortality rate is as high as 70.00%!

To be honest, after finding out the high death rate, he was only in disbelief for a moment, and he didn't have much emotion, but a little bit more joy.

It’s not that he’s cold-blooded, it’s that he’s only been in Datang for a few days, and he has to be on guard against revealing his secrets all the time, and he’s living a cautious life, so he really doesn’t have the heart to empathize with these unfamiliar people .

To put it bluntly, at this moment, even if Li Er or Empress Changsun, his two parents in name, passed away, apart from pretending to be a little sad, there is probably no disturbance in his heart.

After all, feelings are something that cannot be inherited.

"All ready?" Li Chengqian asked, putting aside the messy thoughts in his head.

The person in charge of the brewing workshop was the eunuch who was going to give eye drops to the guards. After Li Chengqian came, he waited on him. When Li Chengqian asked, he immediately replied: "Go back to Your Highness, everything is ready."

After finishing speaking, the old eunuch looked at Li Chengqian hesitantly.

"Say anything, don't hesitate."

Hearing this, the eunuch said in a low voice: "Your Highness, some people in the court are quite dissatisfied with His Highness's move."

"Huh?" When Li Chengqian heard it, although there was no reaction on his face, he was happy in his heart. Isn't this exactly the result he wanted?
"anything else?"

The eunuch said in a low voice, "Some people say that His Highness's move is a waste of food, which is not good for the country."

After speaking, he didn't make a sound anymore, just stood quietly on the side.

Li Chengqian smiled, he understood, this guy was reminding himself, "Okay, no matter what they say, just do our own thing."

After speaking, Li Chengqian arranged for everyone to prepare wine.

Distilling wine is actually not difficult. Compared with the brewing of wine in the Tang Dynasty, there is an extra distillation process.

This process requires a still, and as far as Li Chengqian is concerned, there is no way to build a still like that of later generations.

However, as a handicraft expert of a certain music, it is no problem to get an earthen still.

Soon, Li Chengqian asked someone to pour the fermented rice into the pot, and then asked someone to put a still modified with a steamer on it.

In fact, the so-called modification is nothing more than opening a hole in the steamer according to the requirements and connecting a bamboo tube, so that the distilled wine will flow out along the bamboo tube.

After all the preparatory work is done, a heavenly pot is placed on the steamer.

After finishing all this, Li Chengqian said: "Burst the fire, and fill the pot with water."

Although a group of people didn't know why Li Chengqian did this, but he was the prince, so everyone would do what he said.

When the pot was filled with water, everyone looked suspiciously at this strange thing, and a bold maid even whispered, "That's all right?"

"Look at it." Li Chengqian said, "By the way, go and get the jar and gauze that I asked you to prepare earlier, and put them under the bamboo tube."

As for gauze, that is for filtering.

Speaking of gauze, Li Chengqian really admired the wisdom of his ancestors.

At first, he thought that the Tang Dynasty did not have gauze, after all, the gauze he had come into contact with was made of cotton, but after he asked tentatively, he realized that the Tang Dynasty already had this stuff.

I heard that there is a kind of spinning tool called spinning pendant, but its age is unknown...

After the maid put the jar in place, a group of people watched and waited.

Except for Li Chengqian, everyone is very curious about what will happen next.

It didn't take long for people to wait, and a strong smell of wine wafted out from the bamboo tube.

"This..." Almost everyone was stunned when they smelled this smell.

"The smell of wine is too strong, isn't it?" a little maid said in a low voice, her face full of disbelief.

Li Chengqian didn't care about this, and after waiting for a while, he asked someone to replace the water in the Tianguo with cold water, and at the same time took the first pot of wine aside to continue distilling.

Because the first pot wine contains too many impurities, anyway, in his later generations, people rarely drink it. After all, it is a life-saving thing, so it is better to be cautious.

And the wine after that has almost the same meaning as Erguotou.

"Your Highness, doesn't this wine taste too fragrant?" At this moment, the eunuch standing beside Li Chengqian swallowed pretendingly.

Li Chengqian smiled, he roughly knew what this guy was thinking, but he didn't care, after all, it's not easy for anyone these days: "Want to have a bite?"

"Slaves don't dare to spoil such a good thing." The old eunuch smiled.

"Okay, this thing smells good, but if you really want to drink it, you can't drink it. Let's wait until the work is over, and I will reward you with a good bottle of wine after this time."

When the old eunuch heard the words, he immediately thanked him a thousand times.

He didn't talk to the eunuch again, but when he saw that the wine had come out, a big stone in Li Chengqian's heart dropped.

To be honest, he was really worried that his method would still work after a thousand years of time had passed.

Now that the wine was out, he no longer worried about it, but thought about how to use such a good opportunity to go west to Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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