Chapter 205 Volume Two

Lou Ning ran really fast!
He didn't even run in the direction of Dayan Mangjepo, but went straight out of the mountain!

Something must have happened!
Both Karasuma Nida and Qiu Hao led their troops to break through the city!There is only one reason why Li Chengqian sent someone out to deal with him!
Karasuma muda they are finished!

Thinking of this, Lou Ning's soul rages...

Karasuma Nida and Qiu Hao had more than 3000 people, and they were wiped out in less than half an hour?

So what are these people?

It was said that it was an army of [-], but their casualties during this period were even more severe than those of Li Chengqian and the others.

Now that the battalion is full of wounded soldiers, it is simply powerless to fight against Riyue Mountain who slaughtered Karasuma Nida and Qiu Hao.

Don't run, don't run, he waits to die?

When Dayan Mangjiebo saw that Lou Ning had led his people back, he thought it was a tactical retreat and didn't take it seriously.

Riyue Mountain is like this, can it still turn the sky upside down?

Just when he was about to wait for Lou Ning to come back and find out the situation, he was dumbfounded!
Lou Ning didn't run towards him at all, but roared past the camp, and disappeared in a flash!
Before he could react, a dense rain of arrows suddenly hit them.

This completely stunned Dayan Mangjiebo, what's going on?
And Zhao Yan and those refugees who followed closely saw that there were still people here who didn't move, so they killed them without saying a word.

Dayan Mang Jiebo was caught off guard, and even most of his soldiers were pulled into the battle circle before they could get on their horses.

Behind Zhao Yan, Yi Yuanzhen also rushed over with his men.

Even Plubky, with a bandage on his head, rushed in with his army of bandages.

Following behind Pluboqi is the Boys' Army.

Taking advantage of Li Chengqian's inattention, these guys rushed out. When Li Chengqian reacted, how could they be there?
Behind them, there was Yi Yuanfeng, he was the last one.

There was no way, the way they came out was full of corpses, which delayed some time.

A huge victory had already boosted their morale to the extreme, and Dayan Mang Jiebo was completely unprepared and was directly disabled.

"Zhao Yan, Yi Yuanzhen, take people to chase after Lou Ning, don't let that dog get away!" Yi Yuanfeng ordered as soon as he arrived.

To them, Lou Ning is the worst.

As for this, well, it has been killed.

From the momentum, they have already defeated the enemy.

Zhao Yan and Yi Yuanzhen immediately brought their own people and chased after hearing the words.

And Wan Tunpu and Puluboqi are like two lunatics, they rushed towards Dayan Mangjie with their people!

The two of them came to avenge. When they rushed in a few days ago, it was Dayan Mangjiebo who first sent people to surround and kill them. That time, they narrowly escaped death and lost more than half of them. This time, they went straight to Huanglong!

Yi Yuanfeng saw their intentions, and immediately led his subordinates to cut off the battlefield with the refugee army.

This left Dayanmangjiebo isolated and helpless.

And those young soldiers are just making jokes in the battlefield, and they will take advantage of it wherever it is beneficial.

The most outstanding ones are Shusun Yu, Yao Da and Fang Yiai.

Others' weapons are swords, guns, horses and spears, but Fang Yiai made an iron rod and swept all directions!

Not long after, Pluboqi roared angrily: "Your Highness has been captured alive, and you still haven't surrendered!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw that his scimitar had been placed on Dayan Mang Jiebo's neck, and his soldiers immediately bowed their heads.


Dayanmang Jiebo only felt that he was defeated!

He couldn't understand why Karasuma Nida and his four thousand troops had let these rebels from Riyue Mountain kill him!

Even if it was a few thousand pigs, it wouldn't be so fast to kill them!

But no matter what, he still lost, and the loss was a complete mess.

As Dayan Mangjiebo's soldiers put down their weapons, the battle here finally came to an end.

Compared to the enemy's defeat, the soldiers of Riyue Mountain were full of emotions.


Really won!

Not only won, but also captured Dayanmang Jiebo alive!
If this battle is told, that bullshit can brag for days!
"Clean up, take all the captives and trophies, and get what you can't take away tomorrow." Yi Yuanfeng also heaved a sigh of relief. They really won this battle.

Crazy, but big payoffs!
Who knows how much pressure they have endured before.

Self-exposing his shortcomings attracted the enemy to break through the city.

When the enemy broke through the city, their hearts almost jumped out.

No one knows if there will be any surprises...

Fortunately, no accident, they won, it's that simple.

When Yi Yuanfeng came back with the captives, Li Chengqian was watching Fang Yiai and their relatives from the top of the city leading some people from the valley to repair the knife in the urn city.

This is a meticulous job, and it is inevitable that some people will pretend to be dead and try to get away with it.

Some were seriously injured and still alive.

During the battle between Yi Yuanfeng and the others, Weng City also harvested a lot of supplementary swords.

"Your Highness, General Yi and the others are back, bringing back many prisoners." When Li Chengqian was watching them make up their swords, someone shouted.


Well, victory is inevitable.

They are carrying the momentum of great victory, and it is the time when the momentum is like a rainbow, and it is the right meaning to win and return the original.

If it wasn't for winning, would Li Chengqian let them kill them?
After walking over to have a look, Li Chengqian smiled with satisfaction.

Just when Li Chengqian was about to meet his defeated general, outside Riyue Mountain, Zhao Yan and Yi Yuan Zhenzheng led people to chase Lou Ning, but collided with Liu San and Qibi Heli who hurried back to Riyue Mountain to support him on.

Fortunately, Liu San recognized Zhao Yan immediately, otherwise the two sides might have a muddle-headed encounter.

However, after seeing Zhao Yan, Liu San was stunned: "Boss Zhao, what's the matter? Are you protruding? Is Riyue Mountain in danger? Where's Your Highness?"

Facing Liu San's barrage of questions, Zhao Yan said angrily: "Why the hell are you blocking my way! Damn it, Lou Ning let you go!"

"I let Lou Ning go?" Liu San was a little dazed, and said, "What's the situation? This is the Khan of the Tiele tribe. We came from Taoyuan City overnight, just to give Dayan Mang a wave from behind. It is not a problem to attack from inside and outside, not to mention destroying all of them, but destroying half of them."

Liu San was a little embarrassed.

see?I have brought reinforcements back.

Zhao Yan wanted to give him two kicks and kill half of it?If you don't get in the way, my mother will almost be wiped out!But Qibi Heli was also there, so he had no choice but to get off his horse and salute: "The general has seen Khan."

"Did Riyue Mountain encounter a crisis?" Qibi He Li said.

He also thought that Zhao Yan had risked his life to stand out and ask for help.

After all, according to what Liu San said, the situation of Riyue Mountain is indeed very dangerous.

"Why did Khan say that?" Zhao Yan actually knew what was going on, but now it was time to save face for Li Chengqian, and he said immediately, "Tonight, His Highness led us to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, and now the people who are besieging Riyue Mountain There were thousands of people, only Lou Ning fled with more than a thousand people. We were ordered to pursue, but happened to meet Khan."

The implication is that if we hadn't been stopped by you, we would have caught up with Lou Ning.

However, upon hearing his words, Qibi Heli immediately froze in place.

Behind Qibi Heli, the people Niu Jinda arranged to see them off were also stunned.

The battle of Riyue Mountain is over?
No, you only have more than 2000 soldiers and horses, and Dayanmang has beaten nearly [-] soldiers and horses, leaving Lou Ning to flee for his life with more than a thousand people?
"Are you moving so fast?" Liu San was also stunned!But if others are embarrassed to ask, he has nothing to be ashamed of.

Damn, what am I missing!

On the side, Ihara Zhen said: "Don't be too fast. Your Highness has been preparing since the second day after your boy broke through. You don't know, our battle general Karasuma Nida and what Qiu Hao's three thousand soldiers and horses The array was cut on the spot, if the old boy Lou Ning didn't run away when he saw the situation was not going well, hehe, he wouldn't be able to escape!"

Slash three thousand!

Everyone looked at each other in dismay!

These days, fighting with cold weapons, beating three thousand soldiers is a record that can only be achieved by tens of thousands of troops!

Only Liu San was very annoyed, and said: "Fuck, if I knew it earlier, I would let someone else go on this job. It's a big loss now. You all killed everyone, and I have nothing to do!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yan immediately scolded.

Is it really appropriate for you to say this in front of Qibi Heli?

"It's okay, Brother Liu, speak quickly, I would feel sorry if it were me." Qibi Heli didn't mind, and asked, "Can I go into the mountain now, as a servant of His Highness, the late rescue comes, which makes me panic ah."

He was also extremely shocked!
It is said that His Royal Highness is only fourteen years old. Before Liu San said that the Ming court never placed their hopes on others, he only thought it was Liu San's lie to trick him into coming to the rescue.

In the end, what a fucking slap in the face right now!

They rushed to the rescue, originally planning to stage a savior show, but no one showed up, and the war was over!

What could have shocked him more than this?

The point is, Riyue Mountain has only more than 2000 soldiers and horses, and it seems stretched to defend the city, but they not only defended it, but almost wiped out the invading enemy!
This made him have to re-examine the Great Tang prince he worked for.

"Khan is being polite." Zhao Yan said, "The reason why Your Highness decided to defeat the enemy tonight is because he guessed that Khan was coming. His Highness often said before that Khan surrendered to the Ming court thousands of miles away. Khan didn't even have time to rest, so he worked hard for us first.

Therefore, tonight, Your Highness led us to defeat the enemy, which can be regarded as a celebration of Khan's arrival. "

Zhao Yan is more important than Liu Sanhui, and now Barabara is bragging for Li Chengqian.

But let alone, this is really Li Chengqian's idea, and the two of them coincided with each other.

Hearing what Zhao Yan said, Qibi Heli was quite touched, and he cupped his hands in the direction of Riyue Mountain: "Your Highness is the number one talent in the world!" After saying that, he cupped his hands again at Liu San, and said, "Liu San Brother said, only after seeing our Highness, can one know that the world is only a mediocre talent, and now, I deeply believe it!"

"It's too late to say these things. There was a big battle, and I didn't drink the soup. Hey..." Liu San didn't care about this, he regretted it!
"Go back to the mountain, go back to the mountain." Zhao Yan said, "Although Lou Ning has run away, Dayanmang is still there, maybe you can still drink soup when you go back."

Qibi He Li also said: "Let's go back to the mountain." After finishing speaking, he looked at the one Niu Jinda arranged to lead them. In fact, this is not a guide. Is it Liu San who can't recognize the way or Wang Jin who can't recognize the way?The reason why they came was that Niu Jinda was worried about Li Chengqian's safety, "Several, this journey has been hard, but now I'm going back to the territory of the Daming Royal Court, so I won't see you off."

This is also a smart man, since he surrendered to the Daming Royal Court, then the Daming Royal Court can be the master.

The main reason is that the ability Li Chengqian showed really surprised him.

"Khan, everyone, take care all the way." These people also wanted to go back immediately, such important news had to be passed back.

After they left, Zhao Yan led everyone back to the mountain.

Dayan Mang Jiebo cannot be allowed to run away.

Especially Liu San, who took the lead and rushed to the front, followed by Wang Jin and others who were gnashing their teeth.

Such a big battle, they actually missed it!

The only one who was a little dazed was Wang Xuance.

He hasn't slowed down all this way.

Your Highness has become king in Chishuiyuan?
"I'm stupid, I didn't even save the soup!" Liu San roared when he returned to Riyue Mountain.

Who the hell are you going to reason with?

And Li Chengqian was looking at the captives escorted back by Yi Yuanfeng and others outside the city.

When he saw Dayanmang's wave, Li Chengqian pretended to be displeased and said: "Pulu Boqi, take your knife away, that is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Tuyuhun, you thought it was you, don't worry, His Highness will not run away. "

When Plubo heard this, he took back the knife with a smile and didn't say much.

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you." Dayan Mang Jiebo saw Li Chengqian with a stalk in his neck, showing a bit of heroism.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I won't kill you. Don't worry, since you're here, you must be entertained with delicious food and drink. Yi Yuanfeng, arrange a few people to send our Highness back, remember." , as I said, serve delicious food and drink."

He really didn't know how to kill Dayan Mangjiebo. To him, a living Dayan Mangjiebo was much more useful than a dead Dayan Mangjiebo.

When Yi Yuanfeng waved his hand, several people stepped forward.

At this moment, Fang Yiai shouted: "Your Highness, Zhao Yan and the others are back, do you think they caught Lou Ning?"

Li Chengqian took a look.

Good guy, there are so many people in a mighty force, the formation is bigger than before Lou Ning and the others attacked the city.

But as soon as he saw Liu San in the lead, Li Chengqian knew that Qibi Heli was coming.

It just so happened that when Lao Tzu was at his most brilliant, someone always had to witness it.

But Dayanmang Jiebo was overjoyed when he saw thousands of people coming on horseback. He thought that Lou Ning had found reinforcements, but he saw that Li Chengqian didn't move, and even asked people to put down their weapons. Asked blankly: "Your people?"

"Well, my people." Li Chengqian said, "You did not lose this battle unjustly."

It's not wrong... Dayan Mang Jiebo didn't speak anymore, and was taken back to the valley directly.

"I've met Your Highness! Congratulations to Your Highness for the victory!" In an instant, thousands of people dismounted, and the voice resounded through the sky.

The beauty in Li Chengqian's heart!
Damn, these people still come to trouble!

Such a big victory, no one thought of this, hey, these guys are useless.

Of course, no matter how frightened he was, his face remained calm, and he said: "It's all thanks to everyone, the complete victory in this battle is definitely not the work of this king alone..."

After he finished speaking, Qibi Heli stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Qibi Heli, I have seen Your Highness."

"It's my king's good fortune for Khan to submit to my imperial court thousands of miles away!" Li Chengqian actually didn't know what to say at this moment, so he just said something nonsense.

"Your Highness is serious. From now on, Qibi Heli is just a pawn in the Ming court, and he dare not call himself Khan anymore." Qibi Heli kept his posture very low.

Of course, this is also a means.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that it was impossible for Li Chengqian to treat him as a pawn.

This is impossible.

However, Li Chengqian was really inexperienced in this matter, so he said immediately: "Khan is humble, everyone has worked hard tonight, Yi Yuanfeng, you arrange someone to guard these prisoners, and the rest go back to the valley to rest first."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, everyone went through the Wengcheng to go back to the valley.

Those who didn't know the details of the previous battle were all shocked when they saw the corpses piled up in the urn city.

But this night, everyone was indeed tired, but no one cared too much.

As for Qibiheli's 5000 troops, Li Chengqian placed them in Dayanmangjiebo's camp.

Only Qibi Heli and some of his personal soldiers were arranged in the valley.

There is no way, the valley really has no place to house so many people.

Qi Bi He Li didn't mind about this either.


The next day, when Li Chengqian and the others were sound asleep, Niu Jinda jumped up.

"What did you say? Before you go, His Highness already killed three thousand people. Except for Lou Ning who ran away with a thousand people, the rest were either captured or executed?"

After getting the exact news last night, these subordinates of Niu Jinda rushed back overnight. The news was so shocking that they had to report back quickly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Niu Jinda jumped up.

Mainly it's incredible.

"Yes." One person said, "When we went, Zhao Yan and another person were chasing Lou Ning with hundreds of people, and we did see a group of people running out from the direction of Riyue Mountain. If you were in a hurry to rescue Riyue Mountain, you didn't take it seriously."

After exhaling, Niu Jinda sat back down again.

Absolute monster!

Fourteen years old!

Back then, Huo Qubing plagiarized Captain Yao, beheaded more than [-] captives, and was made a marquis in World War I, saying—Champion Marquis!

Today Li Chengqian, at the age of fourteen, led more than two thousand soldiers to defend the besieged city, broke through seven thousand, killed more than three thousand, and captured thousands of prisoners, so what?

"Send a message to Su Guogong, and then play Chang'an." Niu Jinda really sighed.

Is this something people can do?

If you say that Li Chengqian's more than 2000 people defended the city and resisted Dayanmang's [-] troops, he can understand it. What he can't understand is that you are not resisting, but in the most unfavorable situation, the Jedi fought back. Invading enemy!
And it's fucking more with less!
Don't look at the historical classics where there are many battles where fewer people win more battles, but what kind of people can fight those battles?Which one is not a famous general who has been passed down through the ages?

Which one was played by a young man who was only fourteen years old?
It can be said that Li Chengqian's battle is unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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