Chapter 213 Volume [-]

After a brief discussion with Niu Jinda, Li Chengqian returned to Zhuangzi.

Originally, he planned to stay overnight in Taoyuan, but the accompanying Pluboqi disagreed with everything and insisted on going back to Zhuangzi.

Li Chengqian didn't insist anymore.

He understands what Plubozi means, and that sentence, the kindness of others cannot be let down.

Seeing Li Chengqian returning to Zhuangzi, Changsun Chong immediately came for him.

After a very unnutritious exchange of pleasantries, Li Chengqian asked, "Is there something wrong with my cousin?"

Chang Sun Chong hesitated, he felt that he had made it obvious just now, it was time for Li Chengqian to invite him to Riyue Mountain, but Li Chengqian acted as if he didn't understand anything, which made him very uncomfortable.

There was no other way, Chang Sun Chong had no choice but to say: "Your Highness, we have also discussed it, and we also want to go to Riyue Mountain to see and see."

Li Chengqian didn't know what he meant, but could he agree?
Agreed shit!

He didn't agree with Fang Yiai and others at the beginning, if he agreed with Chang Sun Chong, what would Fang Yiai and the others think?
Immediately he waved his hand and said, "Cousin, it's better to stay in Taoyuan, even though Riyue Mountain has stabilized the situation just after a big battle, but this is just the beginning.

Next, after this king returns, he will definitely look for Murong Shun's bad luck. Thinking back, he insulted this king so much, how could he not take revenge? "

"It doesn't matter." Chang Sun Chong said, "We are not timid and afraid of getting into trouble. It is impossible to say that this time we can still do the work of dogs and horses for His Highness."

It's good to fight, the war shows that the imperial court of Ming Dynasty is expanding rapidly, which is a good thing for them.

After all, only the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, which is in the expansion period, has the opportunity to show their ambitions.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "My cousin may have misunderstood. This time, the king signed a three-party non-aggression pact with Murong Fuyun and Datang. Chishuiyuan will only be a battle between the Ming court and Murong Shun, not It involves Datang and Tuyuhun.

In other words, we have no reinforcements at Chishuiyuan.

While Murong Shun has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, Daming Wang Tingman is full of calculations, less than ten thousand! "

This was something Chang Sun Chong didn't expect.

He thought Datang would take this opportunity to win Tuyuhun in one fell swoop, but who knew it would be like this.

But the words have been spoken, how can you break your promise?Immediately, Chang Sun Chong said: "Since this is the case, we should help His Highness!"

"Cousin, don't joke." Li Chengqian still shook his head and said, "Riyue Mountain is full of dangers, how can I let my cousin put myself in danger, and if my cousin has something wrong, how can I explain to my uncle?" , Cousin, don’t embarrass me.”

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian didn't take this issue any more.

You can come, but you have to learn how to love them.

Not getting a reply, Chang Sun Chong left very disappointed. This was completely contrary to his initial prediction. He thought that as long as he expressed his opinion, Li Chengqian should invite them to join in the grand event with a happy face.

This is the mystery of human self-confidence.

"How is it?" As soon as Changsun Chong came out, Xiao Yue and others surrounded him, "When are you leaving?"

Facing the expectant expressions of the crowd, Chang Sun Chong shook his head helplessly and said, "Your Highness is worried about our safety, so it is inconvenient for us to go."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely disappointed in an instant.

No matter how nicely he said it, he was rejected in the end.

This made everyone instantly depressed.

"Ask Fang Yiai and them." Li Dezhen said.

"Yes, yes, ask them." Someone said immediately.

Xiao Yue said: "Ask Cheng Chuliang, that fellow Fang Laoer, his words are a little bit off..."

Not long after, everyone found Cheng Chuliang.

The next day, Li Chengqian took everyone back to Riyue Mountain.

This time when Li Chengqian came out, he didn't go down the glacier.

It's already early April, even if the glacier hasn't thawed, and thousands of people are running wildly on it, God knows if the glacier can hold it.

Not long after leaving Datang, Cheng Chuliang came up to him: "Your Highness, the eldest grandson followed them secretly."

"What trick did you give them?" How could Li Chengqian fail to guess.

Cheng Chuliang hastily waved his hands and said, "No, no, they just asked the general how he got to Riyue Mountain in the first place, and they just told him everything."

Xiao Yue thinks that Cheng Chuliang is simple and honest, but this kid has the worst heart.

At the beginning, they suffered a lot. When they arrived at Riyue Mountain, they were all like beggars. This didn't let Changsun Chong and them experience it. He always felt that he was in a panic.

After waving his hand and dismissing Cheng Chuliang, Li Chengqian said to Liu San: "Notify the people behind that, except for Li Deju's personal entourage, no one is allowed to enter the territory of Riyue Mountain. Well, don't make it too obvious, understand?"

Liu San was a little puzzled, Li Chengqian had the idea of ​​following these people before, why did he change his mind now?
Of course, although there are doubts, it does not affect him to carry out Li Chengqian's order.

In fact, the only thing Li Chengqian wanted to guard against was Chang Sun Chong's personal companions.

There is no way, the name of the old fox's eldest grandson Wuji is really difficult to make people feel good in the books he has read.

Not to mention dealing with him, it is always right to guard against him at all.

Back at Riyue Mountain, Qibi Heli came to find him.

"Your Highness, it's not a problem to keep those captives like this!" Now that the corpses in the Weng City have been cleaned up, these captives are useless. On the contrary, someone has to be assigned to take care of them.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "How can it be useless? In this way, you let Li Qinjian take the people from the workshop, and then let Yi Yuanxi take people to pick and choose, and let me dig the rest of the people. Why? Maybe useless?"

"They have more than [-] people, isn't it good to do this?" Qibi Heli was a little worried.

More than 2000 people, if they really want to rebel, there is still a lot of movement.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "It's okay, just tell them that Dayan Mangjiebo has returned to Tuyuhun, and, from the beginning to the end, Dayan Mangjiebo was never captured by us."

Qibi Heli doesn't understand, is that all right?
"Just tell them, they will understand." Li Chengqian said.

Why didn't he see this guy after he captured Dayan Mangjiebo?Didn't let this guy show up?
Isn't the purpose just for these two thousand captives?

In this day and age, manpower is productivity, how could he let these guys go so easily?

"By the way, let someone investigate in secret. Those who hate our Daming royal court should be careful. At the same time, we should train a few leaders among them. Such people have to be carefully selected. , the more it was not appreciated by everyone in the past, the more it must be reused.

Finally, tell them that everyone was their own master before, and there is nothing to say, but since they are now our captives, they must accept the punishment of the losers. They left, and at the same time, they were allowed to join the Daming royal court three years later.

How to choose at that time is up to them to decide. "

At the end, Li Chengqian added another sentence.

Dividing up contradictions, cultivating contradictions and creating contradictions, Li Chengqian really played it handy.

Qi Bi He Li didn't understand the deep meaning of it, but he did it anyway.

When he gathered all the captives together and informed them that Dayan Mangjiebo had returned to Tuyuhun, and that the Ming court had never captured Dayan Mangjiebo.

He immediately saw the desperation on the faces of many of the captives.

This scene made him very puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, he informed Li Chengqian of the remaining arrangements one by one, and everyone came back to their senses.

Three years, how long?
Not short anyway, but that's hopefully not it!

Therefore, when Li Qinjian and Yi Yuanxi came to pick people, a group of prisoners were very enthusiastic.

Even if they were not selected, there was not much disappointment, and digging rocks is not that difficult.

For a while, Riyue Mountain became busy again.

And Li Chengqian was planning to fight out in the tent!
Since he wants to establish a dispute with Datang, he needs to master the junction of Chishuiyuan and Datang.

Just when Li Chengqian was planning these things.

Several fast horses are galloping towards Chang'an.

There is the tripartite non-aggression treaty that Cheng Yaojin sent to Chang'an, Cui Mingyuan's memorial to open a debate, and the Liannu that Niu Jinda sent to Chang'an and the price he negotiated with Li Chengqian.

And in Chang'an City, Tai Chi Hall.

The court meeting was so lively.

The crowd was noisy, and the reason why it opened like this was because of Li Chengqian.

Without him, Wei Zheng's memorial would be too appalling.

"Your Majesty, when has the world ever heard of a son and father getting married? It's absolutely ridiculous!" Cui Yushi spoke first.

Soon, a group of people stood up and said that they had never seen such absurd things.

Don't mention them, Li Er feels a headache!
Live to hell!

It was also the first time he encountered such a thing.

Before, when he saw Wei Zheng's memorial, he laughed angrily!
I just want to arrange a marriage for you, but you kid actually made a marriage for me?
You sure are not joking.

Just at this time, Wei Zheng's voice came from Huangmen asking for an interview, and everyone was shocked. Shouldn't Wei Zheng still be an envoy to the Ming court?This is back?
Li Er was also taken aback, and hurriedly sent Wei Zheng to the hall.

Wei Zheng couldn't understand this matter the best.

Not long after, Wei Zheng went to the hall.

"Veteran Wei Zheng, see Your Majesty."

"Aiqing is free of courtesy." Li Erdao, "Why did Aiqing return to Beijing in such a hurry?"

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that with Wei Zheng's dusty appearance, he definitely came to court right after he returned to Chang'an.

Sighing, Wei Zheng said, "It's not because of what the old minister said in the memorial."

"Secretary Cheng came back just in time." Cui Yushi stood up and asked immediately, "Your official is unclear about something, why did Secretary Cheng propose such absurd things in his memorial?
Looking at the history books, how did father and son reconcile, such a ridiculous thing in the world? "

"Does Cui Yushi know where the old man returned from?" Wei Zheng asked without answering.

Cui Yushi immediately said: "Secretary Cheng is asking the question knowingly. Who in the Manchu Dynasty doesn't know that Secretary Cheng has gone to the Ming court?"

"Since he knew, why did Cui Yushi turn a blind eye? He still slandered the old man with slander!" Wei Zheng said.

Cui Yushi was a little confused: "Where do you start with this?"

He didn't mean to target Wei Zheng, the main reason is that this guy's fighting power is too fierce!And it is too hard to bite...

"In the old man's memorial, which word or sentence mentions the reconciliation between father and son?" Wei Zheng sneered.

Before he came back, he knew that this matter would inevitably cause an uproar in the court, especially those noble families, they couldn't accept it.

In their view, this is inconsistent with etiquette.

"Secretary Cheng is thinking that we are all fools in civil and military affairs?" Immediately, someone stood up and said, "Who doesn't know that the King Ming of the Ming Dynasty is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Dynasty. This is not the son and the father. What is it?"

"You also know that it is the Daming Royal Court." Wei Zheng said disdainfully, "The old minister is sent to the Daming Royal Court by His Majesty's order. There is a record in Honglu Temple, and His Majesty bestows a letter of credence with his own handwriting. In the middle, the old man also met His Royal Highness King Ming according to the process of going on a mission, and His Royal Highness King Ming admires our Heavenly Kingdom, so why not ask for marriage hereby!"

Kong Yingda was a little dumbfounded, what happened to his old brother?

Today's reaction is not like that of Wei Zheng.

"Ridiculous." Another person stood up, "Secretary Cheng is really eloquent. No one in the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty knows that the so-called King Ming of the Great Ming Dynasty is my Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Is it possible that everyone in the world is going to change concepts like this?" It's a fool."

"Wang Shilang is justified." Xiao Yu stood up and said, "This is really unreasonable, and it seems like deception."

Xiao Yu is hard to say...

It stands to reason that he shouldn't stand up.

How to say it?If it weren't for Li Chengqian's big victory before, Li Erlong Yan Dayue, Xiao Yu would not be qualified to participate in the government now.

In the fourth year of Zhenguan, he was dismissed from office because of his character and stayed at home. It was precisely because of Li Chengqian's big victory that Li Erda rewarded a group of officials who had taught Li Chengqian, and Xiao Yu happened to be one of them.

But this guy has always regarded himself as upright and strict, so it's not surprising that he stood up.

"Song Guogong's words are wrong." Wei Zhengdao, "The old man's envoy this time is the Ming court, since we have recognized the legitimacy of the Ming court, why can't the Daming court propose a marriage with the Tang Dynasty?

Don't forget, this is an exchange between countries, and the country is prior to the family. Could it be that Song Guogong doesn't agree? "

Dealing with Xiao Yu is actually the easiest.

Although this guy has a clean and strict personality, he is the most reasonable.

As long as you convince him logically, he won't talk nonsense.

The fact is also the same, when the concept of country was mentioned, Xiao Yu shut up.

It's not that he agrees with Wei Zheng's words, but he is thinking about the things in it.

Xiao Yu shut up, but Wang Shilang would not shut up, and immediately said after seeing this: "To tell the truth, the Great Ming Dynasty is also the Great Ming Dynasty of my Tang Dynasty. I have seen myself and myself and my relatives!"

He finally said what everyone wanted to say but was too embarrassed to say.

Yes, the Great Ming Dynasty is the Great Tang Dynasty's Great Ming Dynasty!
This is the opinion of all of them.

Who let Li Chengqian create the Daming Royal Court?
Isn't this Datang's?

Wei Zheng laughed. In fact, he thought so before, and even now, he actually had the same idea, but now he said: "You should ask King Ming if he agrees to this!"

"What king of Ming!" Wang Shilang said disdainfully, "That is my prince of the Tang Dynasty, not to mention being the heir of the Tang Dynasty, even ordinary people of the Tang Dynasty should be responsible for expanding the territory of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Since Wang Shilang thinks so, can the old man think that as a citizen of the Great Tang, everything belongs to the Great Tang?" Wei Zheng asked loudly, "Answer me!"

Before Wang Shilang could react, he subconsciously said, "That's natural."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Yushi and the others were stunned. Can you talk nonsense?
But Wang Shilang is Wei Zheng's opponent, he couldn't help saying it when he was questioned by Wei Zheng.

"Then when will the Wang family of Taiyuan donate their property to the Tang treasury!" Wei Zheng said sharply.

Wang Shilang finally realized that he had said the wrong thing, and chirped, "This..."

"What is this?" Wei Zheng said, "When His Royal Highness King Ming fought against Tuyuhun, did you send a soldier or help one?
When His Royal Highness King Ming was hunted down on the grassland, did you block an arrow or a knife?

When His Royal Highness King Ming was besieged and defended the besieged city, did you offer a plan or a helping hand?
Where do you have the face to say this!
Of the [-] fine cavalry under the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, how many of them are soldiers of our Tang Dynasty?

There are tens of thousands of people under the rule of the Ming court, how many of them are my Tang people?

For every inch of land under the jurisdiction of the Ming court, how many feet is my Tang territory?

Why do you have to put your life to work and take everything you have earned as soon as you talk about it?
Is this how the face of a scholar comes from? "

Wei Zheng is worthy of being a big sprayer who has been famous for thousands of years. He is so heroic when he is angry with others. As long as he is allowed to catch the opportunity, he will be full of firepower, directly spraying Wang Shilang speechless.

But if you think that Wei Zheng can only spout people, then you are wrong, everyone was dumbfounded, and he said: "The old man, like you, also wants to bring the Ming court into the territory of the Tang!

But don't do it!

Think about it, everyone, the family business that you have earned through hard work all your life, will be taken away by others as soon as you touch it. Would you like it? "

"But it only took a few months for the Ming court to go back and forth!" Wang Shilang said through gritted teeth.

Wei Zheng laughed: "Why, what does this mean? It means you are useless! Tuyuhun is so big, the old man asked someone to lend you a hundred soldiers and horses, you go try it? Don't say a few months, This old man will give you one year, no, two years, if you can create a second Ming court, this old man will kowtow to you and admit your mistake! Are you going or not?"

Wang Shilang shut up.

Only fools go...

Shaking his head, Wei Zheng said: "The Royal Court of the Ming Dynasty will eventually be the Royal Court of the Tang Dynasty. This old man believes that everyone here believes it, but he also needs to develop, and he needs the Tang Dynasty to show his heart. You have to let him The members of the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty recognize the Tang Dynasty!

It's not that just when someone gets better, you just grab it with a knife and gun.

To put it bluntly, if you dare to grab it with a knife and gun, even if the Great Ming Dynasty is annihilated in the dust of history, it will not become the Great Tang Dynasty's Great Ming Dynasty!

This trip to Daming Royal Court, what I am most impressed by is the spirit of Daming Royal Court.

From top to bottom, they are filled with an inexplicable self-confidence.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know why King Ming insists on getting married? "

"Why?" Xiao Yu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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