This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 220 Volume 2 Crazy Business

Chapter 220 Volume [-] Crazy Business

Li Chengqian was actually very helpless.

He was unwilling to have a conflict with Murong Shun so soon.

He wanted to hold his hand.

At least the royal court of the Ming Dynasty must have the most basic economic conditions and economic environment before fighting this battle.

He was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time to spend slowly with Murong Shun in Chishuiyuan.

After his identity gradually became public, is it possible that he is still worried that Murong Shun will continue to kill him?
In the final analysis, Murong Shun's current situation is just to accompany the prince to study.

Li Chengqian, who has opened his eyes, as long as he develops steadily, it is impossible to persuade Murong Shun to surrender in the end.

It's just that he underestimated the greed of human nature.

Murong Shun wanted more.

For Murong Shun, he is the eldest son of Murong Fuyun. In his opinion, he should have inherited Tuyuhun's position, but due to various reasons, he gradually lost the opportunity to inherit the position.

This kind of change has long made Murong Shun's character difficult to figure out.

Do you think he was just preparing to vote for Tang?
Just a joke, Murong Shun actually did a lot secretly.

Throwing Tang is just one of his means.

Of course, Murong Shun's behavior also forced Li Chengqian to move ahead of schedule.

Things in the world are like this, no one can accurately predict every step in the future, even if they open their eyes.

Human beings are pushed forward by all kinds of unpredictable emergencies.

This is what it is about to move the whole body by pulling a hair.

Zhenguan six years, early May.

When the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty sealed off the border between Chishuiyuan and Datang, the caravans of nobles from Chang'an finally entered the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty one after another.

As Minister of the Ministry of War, Qibi Heli immediately ordered to send a thousand cavalry to escort these caravans to Riyue Mountain along the way.

Even Qibi Heli strictly forbade these caravans from any contact and communication with the tribes in the various camps that had just surrendered to the Ming court.

In other words, they were blocked from contacting anyone other than the original members of the Daming Royal Court.

In short, everyone is doing their best to prevent Murong Shun from spreading the news that he wants to vote for Tang.

People, to put it bluntly, are all selfish.

Doesn't Qibi Heli know Li Chengqian's identity?

Nonsense, of course he knows it, but if the Ming royal court returns to the Tang Dynasty like this, wouldn't his Minister of War be more like a joke?Just imagine, if the future imperial court of the Ming Dynasty can really conquer the entire Tuyuhun, what kind of scenery will it be like when he assists Li Chengqian to return to the Tang Dynasty?
Therefore, the more aware of Li Chengqian's identity, the harder he is now.

They know all too well what that means.

And in Riyue Mountain, outside the city, Yi Yuanxi led a group of captives to repair the two rows of houses in the north and south.

A street that is fifty steps wide in the middle makes the outer city look rather spectacular.

If I really want to talk about it, I have to thank Lou Ning and the others for their hard work in attacking the city, but they have filled up this area.

To Li Chengqian's surprise, Wang Dequan actually chose the house with the best location outside the city and opened a Changming restaurant.

I have to say that this guy is still very business-minded. When he saw Fang Yiai and these young masters in the city, although he didn't know their specific identities, he could tell from their words and demeanor that they were a group of rich or expensive people. exist.

From this point of view, they are potential customers.

Not to mention, after his restaurant opened, Fang Yiai and others really supported him.

Riyue Mountain is good for everything, but there is no place to spend money.

This made everyone very helpless.

"This guy is quite enlightened." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "It happened that this king has something to deal with."

Speaking of which, Wang Dequan has been in Riyue Mountain for some time, but Li Chengqian has never seen him.

Firstly, he was busy, and secondly, he also wanted to see how this guy reacted when he was left alone.

Generally speaking, Li Chengqian is quite satisfied. After being left alone for so long, this guy managed to create a Changming restaurant. Although there must be the help of Li Qinjian and others, his own ability cannot be ignored.

Of course, ability comes second, and what Li Chengqian values ​​is actually not ability.

When Wang Dequan, who was busy in the restaurant, heard that Li Chengqian wanted to see him, he was overjoyed immediately, changed his clothes in a hurry, and followed.

During this period of time, he was actually suffering.

After coming to Riyue Mountain for so long, Li Chengqian ignored him, how could he not suffer?
"My subordinate Wang Dequan, see Your Highness." Wang Dequan is very good at business.

A self-proclaimed position is clear.

Li Chengqian smiled, and said: "I have been busy with business recently, so I have slighted Shopkeeper Wang, so don't take it to heart."

"Your Highness is serious." Wang Dequan said hastily, "If it weren't for His Highness's love, this subordinate is just a dilapidated merchant in Jingyang, how dare you complain?"

There is one thing to say, although merchants have many shortcomings, they will really come to trouble.

Li Chengqian nodded with satisfaction, and said: "In the beginning, I did have a business that I was going to entrust to you, but in the end I found out that you can't do this business alone, so I have been idle for so long."

"I don't know what kind of business His Highness is talking about?" When it comes to doing business, Wang Dequan is obviously excited.

Not to mention any complaints, just pure curiosity.

Li Chengqian raised his hand, and Chunhua came out with a plate.

This scene is too familiar to Wang Dequan, it was like this back then.

Seeing the items on the plate, Wang Dequan was a little puzzled, and said, "Your Highness, is this paper? But it doesn't look good."

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Touch it with your hands."

This piece of paper really doesn't look good.

Due to the rush of time and the fact that there is still room for improvement in the craftsmanship, the paper looks slightly yellowed.

However, when Wang Dequan touched it, he was quite surprised.

The paper is thick and feels great, especially extremely smooth!

Compared with the common paper on the market, except for its color, it is much stronger, but Wang Dequan still shook his head and said: "Your Highness, although the quality of this paper is high, but the paper is so fast that it is white, it is so fine, it cannot be sold." price."

Wang Dequan still has some business acumen.

This thing, how should I put it, rich people look down on its fineness, and those who fancy it may not be able to afford it.

After all, in this day and age, paper is still a luxury.

"Price?" Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Just this kind of paper, 25 sheets for a knife, can anyone buy it for ten cents?"

"If you really want this price, it must be sold like crazy." Wang Dequan said, "But who would sell it at this price, it's just..."

Speaking of this, Wang Dequan was stunned suddenly, looked at the smiling Li Chengqian, and said in disbelief, "Your Highness is not really planning to sell this price, is it? If it is really this price, those scholars are afraid that they will go crazy. More importantly, those noble families..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Dequan was immediately stunned.

He finally understood why Li Chengqian said that he could not do this business alone. If Li Chengqian really asked him to do this business, it would be fine in Riyue Mountain. The skin is all peeled off!
Thinking of this, Wang Dequan's back felt cold, and he immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness loves you..."

At this moment, what else does he not understand? This is because Li Chengqian is concerned about his safety.

"Your Highness." After thinking for a while, Wang Dequan said again, "Although the price is very attractive, it is not a problem to lose money and make money."

Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Who said you lost money? At this price, you still earn half and half."


Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Wang Dequan was immediately stunned!
At this price, you can earn half and half!

That would be really big business!
How many scholars are there in the world?

How many people can't read books?
If there is such cheap paper, wouldn't those scholars flock to it?

What's more, at this price, ordinary people can afford it!
In addition, paper is still a consumable, this business is definitely a huge profit.

"My lord, if you really want to do this business, this price is still not enough." After calming down, Wang Dequan said, "Although this price is cheap, it is precisely because it is cheap that it will give people with ulterior motives the opportunity to hoard goods.

A piece of paper is only ten pennies, and you can hoard a hundred dollars with money in the past, and a willing person can swallow a hundred thousand dollars for only one thousand dollars. This is not conducive to our opening up the market at all. "

After hearing what Wang Dequan said, Li Chengqian also nodded, that's true.

At that time, he only thought about taking revenge on those noble families, but he ignored this issue.

"In this way, the price remains the same, ten pennies per piece of paper." Li Chengqian said, "However, this large piece of paper can be cut..."

In the end, Li Chengqian determined the size of the paper, which was about the same as A4 paper in later generations.

Of course, if this price is placed in later generations, it would be a black heart, but in this era, how can it be comparable in price and quality?
"Okay, you make some preparations." After deciding the price and specifications, Li Chengqian said, "The merchants from Chang'an will arrive soon, and you will be responsible for receiving them, and sell the paper to them, and let them handle it. At that time, you can see if you go back to Chang'an to sit in the town in person, or find a trustworthy person to sit in the Changming store.

But one thing to keep in mind is that although Changming Store does not sell paper in bulk in Chang'an, it must be a benchmark for paper prices, understand? "

"This subordinate understands." Wang Dequan is also a smart person, once Li Chengqian said this, he understood.

The paper is sold by the merchants in Chang'an, but the price must be decided by them.

It is not difficult to do this.

"Go, besides paper, there are many other things that can be sold. As for the price, you can go to Zhang Erniu to discuss." With someone like Wang Dequan, Li Chengqian can save a lot of worry.

As for Changsun Chong and the others, forget it, except for the usefulness of his own background, well, at other times, Li Chengqian really doesn't count on them.

When merchants from Chang'an came to Riyue Mountain, Wang Dequan was also very surprised.

Even if he wasn't very familiar with these people, he probably knew who they belonged to.

For example, he knew Cheng Zhenghao from Su Guogong's mansion.

"What a rare guest, what wind brought you all here?" Wang Dequan sighed a little.

At first, he was still a little worried. After all, there was still a lot of resistance to selling such cheap paper to Datang.

But when he saw these people, he immediately understood that His Highness had already made arrangements.

The noble families of scholars are indeed very powerful, but these emerging nobles are not vegetarians.

"Shopkeeper Wang is polite." Cheng Zhenghao and others greeted Wang Dequan with a smile.

Of course, most of the people were just laughing and not laughing. The family asked them to come to Daming Royal Court to do business, but what kind of business can this Daming Royal Court do?
Before entering Riyue Mountain, the army threw them to Wang Dequan, and everyone was quite emotional at the moment.

They did see the city wall of Riyue Mountain, but what they saw along the way was the barrenness of the northwest.

Even the once famous Riyue Mountain, from the perspective of the outer city, is desolate enough.

Except for some workers who were busy, there were only these people in their caravan on the fifty-foot-wide street.

Doing business in this shitty place?

"Let's go to the restaurant and sit down." Wang Dequan naturally saw the dissatisfaction on the faces of the crowd, but he didn't mind, there are times when you open your eyes.

Cheng Zhenghao said: "Success, then there will be the shopkeeper Laowang."

When they went to the restaurant, two carriages were escorted by a group of entourages, heading straight for Riyue Mountain, but Liu San had been waiting under the tower for a long time, and personally escorted the two carriages into the restaurant. city.

Soon, Liu San led the carriage to Li Chengqian's tent, a young man got off the horse immediately, and two young men got off the carriage almost at the same time.

After Liu Santong reported, he signaled: "Three, please."

The young people took the lead and walked in the forefront, followed by the two young people.

In the king's tent, the young man said: "Yuchi Baolin sees Your Highness."

"Wei Shuyu sees Your Highness."

"Yuchi Baoqi sees Your Highness."

Regarding the arrival of these three people, Li Chengqian had already received the letter.

However, he was a little surprised, why did Yuchi Baolin come?
Yuchi Baolin is a full circle older than Fang Yiai and these guys, and now he has entered the officialdom, and he is a serious Wei Wei Shaoqing from the fourth rank.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Ding'an from Taoyuan may not be able to reach this level if he spends his whole life in Taoyuan.

Of course, they came as soon as they came, and they didn't care too much at the moment. Li Chengqian said: "Shuyu and Baoqi are still young, so they will go to Chinese studies, and Baolin will follow me first."

For their arrival, Li Chengqian can understand, but also find it hard to understand.

Wei Shuyu is okay, Li Chengqian understands what Wei Zheng means.

But this brother Yuchi, Li Chengqian didn't understand.

"Your Highness, before leaving, my father handed over all the family's wealth to the boy, and asked the boy to hand it over to Your Highness." Wei Shuyu said.

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian was stunned for a moment, which was beyond his expectation.

On the side, Yuchi Baolin also said: "Your Highness, my father also has a little money for my subordinates to hand over to Your Highness."


How should I put it, one really wants Li Chengqian to develop better, and the other is completely careless...

It has to be said that good people are rewarded with good rewards, and it really couldn't be more appropriate to use them on them.

"You don't need to leave it to me." Li Chengqian said, "When you are free, go to Changming Restaurant in the outer city to find Wang Dequan, the owner of the restaurant, and he will arrange it for you.

Everyone is here to do business, so how can they be handed over to me directly, and it is not a good thing to take it by force. "

A few pretentious words sent a few people away.

At this time, Changming Restaurant in the outer city.

Wang Dequan entertained the caravan from Chang'an in the hall.

There is no way, there are too many people, and there is no room for so many people in the box.

Besides, apart from Fang Yiai, they will go to restaurants for consumption, and the rest of Riyue Mountain doesn't have this consumption habit yet.

Even though some families are already considered rich, they are still used to the canteen in Riyue Mountain.

"On behalf of the Daming Royal Court, Wang welcomes you all to come to our Daming Royal Court to do business." Wang Dequan said very boldly, "I believe that the Daming Royal Court will not disappoint you, and will definitely let you return with a rewarding experience."

Everyone responded with a smile on their faces.

Who doesn't know that people who come to Daming Royal Court to do business at a loss, and return with a rewarding experience?

Come on.

Before coming, everyone was ready to lose their underwear.

"Business aside, the dishes in this restaurant really opened my eyes." Cheng Zhenghao said.

Indeed, the authenticity of the food and drink opened their eyes.

It's just that everyone is thinking about losing money. It's not good to give them dragon meat right now.

Therefore, even though Cheng Zhenghao tried his best to enhance the atmosphere, the atmosphere was still a bit awkward.

"Eating and drinking are trivial matters." Wang Dequan said, "Since everyone is here to do business, of course we should talk about business."

Someone was taken aback immediately and asked, "Is there really any business to do?"

"See what you're saying." Wang Dequan laughed, "There's no business to do, so why don't you make this trip in vain?"

As he spoke, Wang Dequan clapped his hands, and a group of people walked in with plates covered with red silk.

Everyone looked for the prestige immediately, all of them were curious.

Regardless of what it is, having a business is a good thing, better than losing everything, right?
"Treasurer Wang? I don't know what is on this plate?" someone asked.

Immediately, Wang Dequan waved his hand, and the red silk was uncovered, and the papers were placed on the plate just like that.

Seeing that it was paper, everyone was disappointed, especially the quality of the paper was not good.

Wang Dequan was not in a hurry, and said, "Take it and let everyone touch it."

After everyone had used it, they were indeed a little surprised, but that was all. Someone immediately said, "Shopkeeper Wang, although this paper is okay, it doesn't have any advantages compared to the paper on the market."

He was the voice of the crowd.

Sure enough, this is still a loss-making business.

"Really?" Wang Dequan said, "Maybe I haven't made it clear just now, our paper is worth ten pennies."

"How much?" After Wang Dequan finished speaking, someone stood up immediately!
how much is it?
Although the paper has been cut, but the size of Chang'an's paper is not less than three pennies.

Ten pennies for one knife?That's 25!

"Ten Wen." Wang Dequan said, "This is still the retail price. If you want it, the price will naturally be lower than this."

After Wang Dequan finished speaking, the restaurant was boiling!

If this thing is brought to Chang'an, wouldn't it be crazy to sell it?

Nearly ten times cheaper than existing paper!
The point is, Shiwen is only the retail price!

This business can be done and earned!Still big money!
Not to mention anything else, if they bring it back to Chang'an, if they sell it for a dollar and twenty yuan, it will attract people's looting.

For a moment, everyone's eyes lit up!

(End of this chapter)

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