Chapter 222 Volume [-] Moves Chang'an After Calm

In Chang'an City, after Wang Dequan came back a day early, he was not in a hurry to put the paper on the shelf.

His purpose is not to sell goods, but to stabilize prices.

Li Chengqian said that if each knife is ten cents, then the price can no longer make waves.

That night, all the Xungui's families in Chang'an actually received the news.

The messengers at home came back quickly and brought some samples back.

When Wei Zheng got the paper, his hands were shaking!
He knows what such cheap paper means!
With such cheap paper, Datang's culture and education will reach its peak!

As for making money or not, Wei Zheng really didn't care.

"Lang Jun, as long as this paper is on the market, we will at least make hundreds of guan." The reporter said excitedly.

Hearing this, Wei Zheng said angrily: "Vulgar, how can such things that benefit the country and the people be measured by money? Tomorrow, they will be sold at the original price. I won't make this money!"

"This..." the reporter said helplessly, "Your Majesty, the Ming court has told you that the price of paper should not be lower than ten cents per knife.

Before leaving, His Royal Highness Prince Ming personally sent someone to say that the price is already extremely low, if it is lower, it would not be a good thing. "

He didn't lie, Li Chengqian knew Wei Zheng's character too well, in order not to be disturbed by this guy in the market, he did send someone to explain.

How smart is Wei Zheng?

After a little thought, he understood Li Chengqian's deep meaning, and said immediately: "So, let's sell it according to His Royal Highness King Ming's arrangement."

After finishing speaking, Wei Zheng was hesitant to speak, and the person who reported the letter was also an old man in his family. Seeing this, he immediately said: "Your Majesty is well, and His Highness personally sent you and the son of the Duke of Wu to Daming. Chinese studies."

Nodding his head, Wei Zheng didn't speak.

How could he not care about his son?It's just that father's love is never something to talk about.

Wu Guogong Wei Chi Jingde's house, the person who reported the letter has also returned.

Compared to Wei Zheng's emotion, Yuchi Jingde laughed again and again, saying: "Hahaha, it's really a good deal!

Damn it, I have been ridiculed by those guys for being a prodigal, but now, I want to show them what a business is! "

He didn't have as many affairs as Wei Zheng, and he always said whatever he wanted, even Li Er and all the civil and military ministers had nothing to do with him.

In other words, he made the most money from this business. After all, he threw away all the cash at home with a wave of his hand. It's just that, no one expected such a big return.

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad.

Changsun Wuji is depressed to death right now!
He didn't expect Li Chengqian to come up with such a huge profit.

"How much did each family deliver?"

The reporter said: "The Wei family and Yuchi's family took the most. They have raised at least 100 rings, and the rest are about the same. Our eldest grandson's family only raised more than [-] rings this time.

Mr. Lang, did the Wei family and Yuchi family receive the letter a long time ago, otherwise why did they take all the benefits. "

"You think too much." Changsun Wuji waved his hand and said, "You can say Wei Zheng is pedantic, or you can say he is stubborn, but you have no reason to criticize his conduct.

As for Yuchi Jingde, this old man is crazy alone. If he had received such news earlier, he would have yelled a long time ago when he was squeezed out by those gentry officials. "

Changsun Wuji is yin and yin, bad and bad, but you can't deny that this old guy does have two brushes.

"Okay, let's go get ready." Changsun Wuji continued, "During this period of time, our honorable families have indeed been suffocated, and it's time to vent our anger."

The person who reported the letter did not leave, but said: "Your Majesty, the business of the Ming court is indeed very promising. When I was in Riyue Mountain, the shopkeeper found out that those people in Riyue Mountain were not incapable of buying, but We can't provide the corresponding goods, and the shopkeeper asked me to come back early to ask for your opinion."

"You don't need to ask me about this kind of thing. I don't have time to deal with business matters." Changsun Wuji waved his hand.

Although he is unemployed at home, he will not be a businessman.

That night, such a scene happened in the homes of many nobles throughout Chang'an.

They didn't expect that the business of fetching water from bamboo baskets, which they thought would be a vain business, could still make money, and it was a huge profit business, which made everyone very excited.

Who would think too much money?

And it's still earned!

Reasonable and legal!
Besides, those nobles of the Shi family have been mocking them a lot recently. Although they dare not speak out to ridicule, the pretentious greetings are even more annoying.

Originally, everyone held their breath, but now it's all over, let them see it for a while!
Zhenguan six years, May fifteen.

This is definitely a day that can be remembered by all readers!

Because just today, an extremely cheap paper was launched in countless shops in Chang'an City.

The price ranges from ten Wen to twenty Wen.

Like Wei Zheng's house, they don't have a store, so they sell it on the street.

However, in order to allow more scholars to buy such cheap paper, Wei Zheng limited each person to only buy two knives.

And shops like Changsun's house are priced at [-] yuan, even though it is twice as expensive as Wei Zheng's house, there are still people who come to buy it in an endless stream.

Wang Dequan was sitting in his own shop, listening to the situation from the shop assistants, and said with a sneer: "Send someone to inform these shops that those whose paper prices are higher than Changming shops will lose the qualification to pick up the goods again.

At the same time, put out the paper from our shop, and sell it for twelve cents. "

The purpose of his sitting in Chang'an is to limit the price of paper.

He doesn't know what His Highness wants to do, but he knows that his task is to perfectly execute the task His Highness entrusted to him.

When the man heard this, he immediately ran out with a smile.

When the grandson's family heard the news, they were also taken aback.

But there is no other way at the moment. After seeing the madness in the market, who wants to make a one-shot deal?

In just an instant, the price of paper in many shops fell back to ten cents.

And for those who bought high-priced paper in advance, the shops also made up the difference for them.

From this point alone, today's businessmen are much stronger than those of later generations.

Although it is said that businessmen seek profit, in this era, businessmen without integrity cannot go far.

"Why are you still queuing at the Changming store?" Someone saw his friend queuing outside the Changming store and immediately said, "Let's go, their Changming store is the most expensive in Chang'an, and other stores have unified prices. Wen Yi Dao, they still sell twelve Wen here, it’s really dark.”

"Really?" the man asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Let's go now. What's wrong with saving two pennies? Do you have to let these black-hearted businessmen make money?"

"Let's go, let's go to another house." After hearing the words, everyone withdrew immediately.

If you want to say, it has to be Wei Zheng's family who made this ten-cent-one-knife paper famous.

No way, his family didn't have a store, so he had to sell it on the street. This spread of rumors has created such a grand scene.

And when those guys walked towards Wei Zheng's booth, they were surprised to find that many shops were selling paper, and the price was ten yuan a knife.

In just an hour, the entire city of Chang'an was boiling!
As the most prosperous city-state in the world today, how could such cheap paper make everyone explode?

Although the paper is smaller and the color is worse than the previous paper, it is cheaper!

Just a cheap one can make people overlook its many shortcomings.

"Shopkeeper, here..." The waiter felt extremely aggrieved when he saw the customers who had just lined up cursing and leaving.

But Wang Dequan just smiled and said nothing.

pretty good.

Changming Store itself didn't want to make money from selling paper. The reason for doing so was just to set a benchmark for the price of paper.

Besides, how offensive is it to sell this stuff?

It's better to let those noble families offend them.

Anyway, when the money is in Riyue Mountain, all the money that should be earned is earned.

"It doesn't matter, let them go." After finishing speaking, Wang Dequan returned to the shop and drank tea leisurely.

And with the popularity of paper in Chang'an City, those noble families who were bewildered finally received the news.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously. After all, the color of this paper is too different. Who would use this kind of paper?
But soon, everyone discovered something was wrong.

This fucking is not for those who have status and status!
This discovery stunned everyone.

For this reason, Wang Shilang, Cui Yushi and others went to the street to have a look.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

I saw many people on the street each holding one or two pieces of paper and returning home with a smile on their faces.

Occasionally, I can see a peasant woman holding a knife of paper, and she keeps saying, "Now my child can read!"

"Guys, do you want to buy paper?" Just when they were in a daze, someone came to sell and said, "It's just new, although the color is a bit poor, but it's cheaper, fifteen yuan a knife, a child's No cheating!"

"Other shops only sell ten coins!" Wang Shilang said angrily.

The man didn't panic, and immediately said: "Don't you guys look at how long the line has been? With this arrangement, you won't be able to see what the paper looks like until noon? This is a waste of time. It was made by the power of the tiger."

Wang Shilang was about to speak when Cui Yushi waved his hand, took out fifteen Wen and threw it away.

The man accepted the money, immediately handed Cui Yushi a piece of paper, and then went to look for the next buyer.

"One piece of paper, fifteen cents, that's the price increase!" Cui Yushi shook his head and said, "This is to dig the roots of our gentry!"

"No, we'll go find them to argue!" Wang Shilang said, "Selling paper so cheaply, destroying the market, how can those workshops that make paper survive!

How could a group of court officials do such despicable things! "

"What do they do?" Zheng's family said, "Ten pennies a knife, I want to see how much they can pay! Since they dare to sell, we dare to buy! Let everyone know and go to line up." , we will charge as much as they have!"

Wang Shilang's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he immediately raised his fingers and counted: "Yes, yes, at this price, you can buy it for a hundred dollars with regular money, and if the family pays for a thousand dollars, these guys will definitely lose it." Bankruptcy!"

"Extremely extreme. In the final analysis, where the cost is, we will see how much they can pay for!" Someone said again immediately.

And at this moment, Yuchi Jingde, who was strolling on the street, saw this group of people and immediately came over.

Why is he on the street today?
Isn't it just to find these people bad luck?
"Oh, how many of you are here to buy paper?" Yuchi Jingde said immediately, "Come, come, come to a certain shop, they are all colleagues who are ministers in the same hall, how can I let you line up, how much do you want?" , Say the number!"

If you want to talk about this kind of thing, only Yuchi Jingde can do it, and the rest of them even have people in their families who do business, but who would make such a big statement like Yuchi Jingde?
Being a merchant is not such a glorious thing!
"Wu Guogong is quick to speak." Wang Shilang said, "It just so happens that the juniors in the family are about to start school, and they do have the idea of ​​purchasing some paper. I wonder how much Wu Guogong can give?"

Yuchi Jingde smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how much I have, just say how much you want."

"As much as Wu Guogong has, as many officials as there are." Wang Shilang sneered in his heart.

You are still in a hurry to deliver things that make money and make money.

Hearing what Wang Shilang said, Yuchi Jingde pretended to be hesitant and said: "If that's the case, it's worth a deal for a knife and twelve coins."

"Wu Guogong is joking, right?" Wang Shilang laughed angrily, "The retail price is only ten coins, why do you want to buy Wu Guogong's twelve coins?"

Yuchi Jingde also laughed, and said: "Although I don't know how to do business, I also know that the longer the sale time for this paper, the more beneficial it will be for me.

Why do you think everyone has to limit one person to only buy two knives? "

Yuchi Jingde is not stupid, of course he knows that these guys think they are making money by making money, so why don't they deal with them severely, who made these guys always be eccentric lately.

As soon as they heard him say that, everyone immediately understood.

Feelings, these guys want to use this paper to drive the business of their own shops, so the price is acceptable.

"Since that's the case, then follow what Wu Guogong said." Wang Shilang smiled heartily, "It's really not easy for this big family to support their families."

Ha ha?

Yuchi Jingde didn't say much, and after giving instructions to his followers, it was over.

The same is true of Wang Shilang.

For business, they still need to do it themselves.

After finishing the work, Yuchi Jingde said with a smile: "The old man will take his leave first. If you need paper in the future, you can still find the old man."

After saying this, I felt very relieved, because Li Chengqian said hello, he did not have a deposit to pick up the goods from Yuchi's family and Wei's family, and only went out for [-] guan, but it took only a month to earn twice as much. What is he not happy about? ?

"Wu Guogong still exists?" Wang Shilang was a little unconvinced.

Are you still going to lose money like this?

Yuchi Jingde smiled and said: "For the time being, there will be none, but after a while, there will be more in a while."

After speaking, Yuchi Jingde planned to leave.

And as soon as he stepped forward, he heard Wang Shilang whispering to the people around him: "Do they really want to continue this loss-making business?"

"Business at a loss?" Yuchi Jingde, who was just about to leave, stopped when he heard the words, and turned around and said, "Do you think this old man will do business at a loss?"

"Isn't it a loss-making business to buy ten papers and one knife?" Wang Shilang shook his head and said, "I know that Wu Guogong is an invincible general on the battlefield, but in this business field, bravery is not enough."

Yuchi Jingde was about to laugh, he knew these guys would have such a face, but he was not angry, and immediately said: "Wang Shilang, if the old man is you, I will send someone to visit the Daming Royal Court." .

Do you know what the sale price of the Daming Royal Court One Knife Paper is?Still trading at a loss?How do you compare with Changsun Wuji?He is willing to sell it for ten cents a knife?Do you still think this is a loss-making business?
How do you say that?

Frog in the bottom of the well, sit in the well and watch the sky!

I will tell you the truth, the selling price of a piece of paper from the Ming court is six cents!As far as Liu Wen is concerned, the old man has earned you five hundred guan from this deal!You actually mocked the old man for not being able to do business!
Everyone laughed to death! "

Yuchi Jingde is so proud!
Finally had the opportunity to disclose this reserve price to these shameless guys.

This pass really made him vent his anger!

"How much?" Wang Shilang was stunned.

Yuchi Jingde smiled and said: "Liu Wen, children are not deceived! Hahaha!"

After speaking, he shook his arms and left.

As for whether Wang Shilang will send someone to chase after him and not buy his paper, then he doesn't care, anyway, venting anger is more important than making money.

When Yuchi Jingde walked away, everyone froze in place.

Six cents!
This price is simply huge profits!
"No, we must stop it!" Wang Shilang said, "How can the paper workshops in Datang survive with such cheap paper!"

He didn't say a word about the benefits of this cheap paper to scholars all over the world, nor did he mention that the appearance of this cheap paper would break the monopoly of their gentry on knowledge.

Scholars, the truth is in their mouths.

"Yes, we have to go to the memorial, let everyone go to the memorial, and ask for an explanation for those who rely on papermaking workshops to support their families!" Someone immediately said.

Six cents!

Liuwen money can't even buy a large piece of paper, but people sell Liuwen directly for a dollar!

If the six-cent paper was sold all over the Tang Dynasty, I don't know how many people would copy books day and night.

Yes, you heard that right, most of the books these days are copied!

Can't afford it!

Before this kind of cheap paper appeared, it was impossible to copy it!
For a while, everyone was worried.

They never imagined that this small piece of paper would shake Chang'an.

Not long after, they went home and contacted everyone, and then began to write the memorial crazily.

In the afternoon, Li Er's desk was once again overwhelmed by a mountain of memorials.

Seeing these memorials, Li Er smiled.

He also knew the specific situation, Fang Xuanling had already reported the matter to him.

It wasn't until this moment that he felt that his eldest grandson was right.

In terms of business, these noble families were not qualified to fight Li Chengqian at all. They just threw out a piece of paper and made the noble families feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Chuan Fang Xuanling, Li Jing, Changsun Wuji, Yuchi Jingde...the Taiji Hall discusses matters." Li Er gave a casual order, and someone immediately left the palace.

"Chang'an, it's time to be lively again." Li Er said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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