Chapter 235 Volume Two

In his two lifetimes, Li Chengqian was the first time to admire a beautiful woman so closely.

He couldn't tell what the beauty of this woman was, she was very pure and clean, well, with his shallow knowledge, he felt that this woman was comparable to someone from later generations.

"Wake her up." Li Chengqian ordered.

A group of rough men in the army don't know what gentleness is, especially Yuchi Baolin, who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade, knocked on the carriage with a horse and shouted: "Wake up, wake up, big girl, everyone, sleep!" What does it look like on the road?"

Everyone was dumbfounded immediately!

This is really a model of incomprehensible style!

Not long after, Murong Wanqiu woke up, and when she saw these people around her, she was immediately taken aback, sat up straight and looked at everything around her vigilantly.She still had an impression of being kidnapped yesterday, but she also couldn't figure out who dared to kidnap her after taking the guts of a bear.

"Who are you, and where is this?" Murong Wanqiu asked.

There was no panic in her voice.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian smiled inwardly.

This is the performance of a wealthy family.

If he threatened this and that as soon as he woke up, he would be disappointed.

"What are you afraid of, little lady?" Yuchi Baolin said, "This is His Royal Highness King Ming from the Great Ming court. Seeing this little lady lying alone on the road, I came over to have a look."

When Murong Wanqiu heard this, she was immediately stunned.

Yuchi Baolin's words contain a lot of information.

First of all, this is Chishuiyuan, and secondly, she met the prince of the Tang Dynasty!
Taking a look in the direction Yuchi Baolin had just looked back, he saw a young man riding on a horse, he must be Li Chengqian, Prince of the Tang Dynasty.

At that moment, her mind was running crazily.

In Li Chengqian's hands, her situation is not very good. If Li Chengqian knows her identity, it will be a devastating blow to her father.

"Thank you, everyone, I will give way to the army." After thinking for a while, Murong Wanqiu said tentatively.

Li Chengqian waved his hand, motioning for everyone to retreat, leaving only Liu San, Yuchi Baolin and others.

Seeing Li Chengqian like this, Murong Wanqiu became nervous.

Her face is indeed her capital, but sometimes it is also the source of disasters.

If this Li Chengqian is interested in sex, she really can't escape.

"Murong Wanqiu?" Li Chengqian asked after everyone retreated.

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's question, Murong Wanqiu's heart rose to her throat.

"His Royal Highness has identified the wrong person. The little girl's name is Wan Qiting." In just a moment, she made up a name for herself.

Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Do you know why you are here?"

Li Chengqian became more and more satisfied with her reaction.

Although her status is noble, she has no arrogance or extravagance, let alone domineering, not to mention, such a woman is worthy of him.

"Since I can call you by your name, you should know that you can't fool me." Li Chengqian looked at Murong Wanqiu seriously, "You don't want to know why you appear here?"

At this time, Murong Wanqiu also knew that her identity could not be concealed anymore, and everyone talked about it. Besides, it is not surprising that she is well-known in Water River County, but when it comes to Chishuiyuan, Li Chengqian can sip her. There is really nothing to quibble about calling out her name.

"The little girl is also curious, why does His Highness take the little girl here?" Murong Wanqiu who gave up on sophistry, asked immediately.

Li Chengqian asked, "What do you think?"

Murong Wanqiu said: "Although the young girl is very beautiful, she must be nothing more than a skin to His Highness. Could it be that His Highness is planning to attack my father?"

It has to be said that this Murong Wanqiu is quite intelligent.

It can also be seen from this that Murong Xiaojun really has a heart for this girl.

"You guessed pretty well." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "But it is not this king who is going to attack your father, and it is not this king who kidnapped you.

From where you are now, you should be able to tell.

Moreover, if I really want to deal with Murong Xiaojun, I don't need to take you away. To say something arrogant, why do I need to use such means to deal with your father? "

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, Murong Wanqiu began to think carefully in her heart.

Whether she would like to admit it or not, Li Chengqian was right in saying one thing. To deal with her father, Li Chengqian didn't have to spend so much trouble, it wasn't worth it.

Soon, she thought of the reason and asked, "Did King Daning send someone to take me here?"

"Smart." Li Chengqian became more and more satisfied with Murong Wanqiu the more he looked at it. There are beautiful and smart ones, but it is rare to see beautiful and smart, "Then guess again, Daning After the king captured you, why did he send you to the king's army camp?"

"Prince Daning is ambitious, so he naturally wants His Highness to be my father's enemy." Murong Wanqiu said, "Please send someone to send the little girl back for the sake of peace between the two countries.

After the little girl returns, she will be able to expose King Daning's conspiracy. "

I have to say, this Murong Wanqiu is really smart, at this time, she still wants to use Li Chengqian to return to Water River County.

If Xiao Yue and the others didn't have other plans...

Well, even if Xiao Yue and the others had no other plans, Li Chengqian was unwilling to let her go back.

It's better for such a woman to stay by her side.

He doesn't care about beautiful women, but he has to care about beautiful and smart women.

In the future, he will definitely have conflicts with Tuyuhun, rather than letting Murong Wanqiu go back to be his enemy, it is better to stay by his side.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her being really beautiful, at least Li Chengqian thinks so.

"It's late." Li Chengqian said, "At this moment, Murong Shun is afraid that the news that you have fallen into my hands will reach your father's ears, and the rumors must be too much. In the ears of the king, you have been ruined by me ten or eight times at this moment."

What he said was not to fool Murong Wanqiu, but Murong Shun would really do this.

To judge others by oneself, if it were him, he would do the same.

When Murong Wanqiu heard this, she was immediately stunned.

The prince of the Tang Dynasty speaks so vulgarly?
"Moreover, Murong Shun's tens of thousands of troops are just a few miles ahead. Even if this king wants to send you back, you will not be able to go back. Murong Shun will not let you go back." Li Chengqian added.

Murong Wanqiu pondered.

She didn't know what Li Chengqian meant by that.

Did he want to keep her and threaten her father, or did he really like her?
"Your Highness, I'd better go back." There was no other way, Murong Wanqiu had no choice but to continue, "As long as I go back, no matter what kind of rumors Murong Shun spreads, it will be self-defeating. advantageous."

"I told you that you don't believe me." Li Chengqian smiled, "Wang Jin, take your soldiers and horses to escort her to the front and see if Murong Shun's tens of thousands of soldiers will let her go."

When Wang Jin heard this, he immediately shouted, and hundreds of people rushed forward in an instant.

Liu San specially led a horse to Murong Wanqiu, people on the prairie, even if they are women, riding a horse is still a housekeeping skill.

Seeing this, Murong Wanqiu didn't hesitate at the moment, she straddled her horse, followed Wang Jin and others and galloped forward.

But Li Chengqian continued to lead people to follow behind unhurriedly.

"Your Highness, this Murong Wanqiu is indeed a rare beauty." On the way, Fang Yiai bared her teeth and said, "Although there are many beauties in Chang'an, I have never seen anyone like her."

"Why, you're into it?" Li Chengqian joked.

Fang Yiai immediately shook her head, I dare not argue with you.

In front, Murong Wanqiu quickly saw Murong Shun's tens of thousands of troops marching northward.

At the moment, my heart is also tense.

There's really no going back.

There are tens of thousands of troops, but Li Chengqian is only a few thousand soldiers. It is impossible for her to let Li Chengqian forcefully send her back.

Not long after, he and Wang Jin and others turned back again.

"See?" Li Chengqian asked.

Murong Wanqiu nodded and said, "Is there any other way, Your Highness, to send me back?"

Is there?

Of course there is a way, just take a detour from Datang.

But the question is, why should I send you back?

If you stay in the Daming Royal Court, only then can I maximize my interests.

"It's not difficult to send you back." Li Chengqian said, "But now that Murong Shun is marching north, when you go back, the war may be over."

"King Daning really wants to march north?" Murong Wanqiu asked in disbelief.

She had heard her father mention this matter.

Hearing her words, Li Chengqian could think of how much Murong Xiaojun doted on his daughter, and immediately said with a smile: "Then why do you think Murong Shun brought tens of thousands of soldiers and horses this way? I really think they have nothing to do ?”

"Then why is Your Highness walking this way?" Murong Wanqiu immediately discovered the crux of the problem.

Aren't you also leading the army to the north?

"Murong Xiaojun dares to send troops south to suppress them!" Li Chengqian said coldly.

"What does this have to do with my father!" Murong Wanqiu was stunned immediately.

Whether it's Murong Shun or Li Chengqian, they went north to deal with her father!
But Li Chengqian said: "The original treaty stated that Tuyuhun's soldiers and horses were not allowed to go south!"

"But King Daning sent his troops to the north, my father must resist!" Murong Wanqiu was anxious.

However, Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with this king, if this is a play played by your father and Murong Shun, if the two of them ignite the flames of war to Chishuiyuan, will it burn to my royal court? Rules are rules, treaties are treaties, if your father violates the treaty, then this king can only fight back!"

"How could my royal father play with my safety?" Murong Wanqiu said, "Your Highness, don't fall into the tricks of King Daning."

She knows too well that once the war breaks out, her father really has no chance.

Especially now that the army of the Tang Dynasty has reached the frontier, and can send troops into Waterhe County at any time, and even enter the entire Tuyuhun.

She is in a hurry...

"Even if what you said is true, I can't do anything about it. Murong Shun's move is called Yangmou." Li Chengqian said, "It is impossible for me to gamble. If I lose the bet, the entire Ming court will be gone.

Well, if you want to go back, I can send someone to take you back, but you have to take a detour through Datang, just right, it doesn't matter to you whether the war just broke out or has already ended. "

Murong Wanqiu is so helpless, can she go back?

If this comes to Datang, there will be a big fight here, good guy, she doesn't have to go back, and Datang will not let her go back.

"Your Highness, let me stay. If there is a real battle and I'm here, my father will definitely not be an enemy of Your Highness." Murong Wanqiu is also smart, she knows that she can't go back now.

This problem must be resolved before Li Chengqian fights with her father.

Otherwise, her royal father would really be unable to get over this hurdle this time.

Li Chengqian smiled, of course, in his heart.

go back?

can i let you go back

Don't you know how much it means to me if you stay with me?

"What can you do?" Although he thought so in his heart, Li Chengqian still asked.

When Murong Wanqiu heard this, she immediately said: "Your Highness, with me at least I can prevent His Highness and my father from falling into King Daning's tricks, and I can even urge His Highness to cooperate with my father to annihilate Daning in one fell swoop." King's rebels."

Yes, King Daning is a rebel.

From the moment he prepared to send troops northward, for Tuyuhun, he was a rebel.

"Don't even mention it." Li Chengqian said, "This king has such a plan, and you must know that this king has already sent an envoy to Tuyuhun, and now the envoy of this king is in your father's barracks. "

Regarding this, Murong Wanqiu really doesn't know.

It is also impossible for Murong Xiaojun to tell her every detail.

"Since this is the case, how can Your Highness doubt my father?" Murong Wanqiu was a little puzzled.

Li Chengqian said: "It can't be called suspicion, it's called being prepared. The best way to prevent a crisis is to nip it in the bud."

For Murong Wanqiu, Li Chengqian really appreciates it, it doesn't matter if she is pretty, the key is to be smart.

This brain is enough.

Moreover, she was not as arrogant and unreasonable as he imagined, which was even more pleasing.

In fact, this is also due to his short-sightedness, or in other words, he was deeply misunderstood by some second generations of later generations.

How could the children raised by the really rich and powerful be raised to be such bastards who don't know much about football and are arrogant.

Regarding Li Chengqian's explanation, Murong Wanqiu was also speechless. Of course, although she was speechless, she could understand it.

There is nothing wrong with maintaining one's own interests as the basis.

Just like that, Murong Wanqiu, who planned to find a chance to go back at first, stayed in Li Chengqian's military camp.

Whether she likes it or not, it's impossible.

Her current task is very simple, but also very difficult, which is to prevent Li Chengqian from conflicting with her father.

As for Murong Shun, he loves him to death.

And Murong Shun was not idle, just as Li Chengqian said, he really sent someone to Piaohe County to spread the message.

If you're a good person, then you have to do it to the end, what's the matter with being half-baked.

That night, Murong Xiaojun received the news that his daughter was kidnapped by the people of the Ming Dynasty, and now she is suffering from the inhuman torment of the Ming Dynasty.

The rumors became more and more exaggerated. On the second day, it was rumored that Murong Wanqiu was pregnant with Li Chengqian's child...

Even Chang Sun Chong and others who were trapped in the barracks were stunned when they heard such rumors.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?
How long has it been?
Less than two days!

Even a BMW that can travel thousands of miles a day doesn't have this speed!
However, as the rumors spread, Murong Xiaojun's troops became more and more restless.

The master humiliated his ministers to death, and this principle applies everywhere.

Some soldiers who knew that Chang Sun Chong and others were here even led people to surround the residence of Chang Sun Chong and others. Zhao Yan was not a vegetarian either. People confronted each other.

It was Murong Xiaojun who came in person to break this tense situation.

"Your Highness, these Han people..."

"Shut up!" Without waiting for the man to finish speaking, Murong Xiaojun interrupted him and said, "I don't know what's going on, so I just bring someone to make trouble, think about it, if it's really King Ming Yes, how long has it been since you heard such news? You don’t have a brain, do you?”

When he first heard the rumors, his brain exploded!

Murong Shun, that bastard, really dares to do such a terrible thing!

Of course, if he hadn't known about it a long time ago, he would probably be the same as these bastards at this moment, directly leading troops to surround Zhao Yan and others.

"Put down your weapons too, don't you really want to be satisfied if you fall into someone else's scheme!" Looking at Zhao Yan and the others, Murong Xiaojun also had a look of anger.

You all know what the hell is going on, and you still want to fix this?
Zhao Yan didn't care, waved his hand, and went back with his subordinates.

However, after returning, the vigilance did not relax.

In other people's territory, it's better to be careful.

"I'm afraid the war is about to start." Chang Sun Chong said from the side.

Rumors spread like this, which means that the war is about to break out.

Zhao Yan nodded and said: "Before the war comes, everyone is not allowed to leave. If there is a war, Murong Xiaojun has other ideas, so kill him first!"

There are hundreds of them, and they are still in Murong Xiaojun's military camp. Although it is difficult to do this, you can try.

After all, if something happens, they have almost no chance of surviving.

On the other side, after Murong Xiaojun dispersed the people, he gathered the leaders under his command and said, "We're going to fight."

Four words, concise and to the point.

"Who will you fight with?" Someone asked, "You won't really be fighting with King Daning, will you?"

Murong Xiaojun said helplessly: "If there is no accident, it will be him."

"He really took him away?" asked a person who had just blocked Zhao Yan.

Murong Xiaojun nodded, and said: "The Royal Court of Daming knew the news in advance, but it happened before I could tell this king."

"Could it be that they didn't intend to tell His Highness the news?"

"No." Murong Xiaojun said, "This king has already learned that the person who delivered the letter from the Daming royal court was taken away before he arrived. Therefore, something must have happened in Chishuiyuan, forcing Murong Shun started early.

But in any case, there is no way to avoid this battle. "

"We really want to be restrained by the Ming court?" Someone asked again.

They all know this commandment, and they feel aggrieved when they say it.

"Then let Murong Shun's people break into Water River County?" Murong Xiaojun was also aggrieved.

This is impossible.

Without the restraint of the Ming court, they couldn't even step out of Piaohe County!
(End of this chapter)

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