Chapter 25

Back on the carriage, Xiao Changle pouted and said, "Brother is lying."

She is quite sensible, just now when Li Chengqian was dealing with business, she was watching from the side without making any noise, but now that she was back in the carriage, she was suddenly unhappy.

She didn't see any of the strange things that Li Chengqian mentioned before.

Today, she rode in a carriage for a whole day, and her bones were all broken, but as long as she didn't sleep, she would look out of the window from time to time, and there were no such fun things as the elder brother said.

"You silly girl, it's still early." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Let's take a break today, and brother will make you something fun tomorrow."

After dismissing the little boy, Li Chengqian opened the curtain and asked Zhao Yan who was following the carriage, "Is it not going well in Jingyang?"

Now that the gentry have done the trick of blocking people halfway, presumably there will be no less small tricks in the city.

Zhao Yan rode on the horse, cupped his fists and said, "It's a humble job and incompetent."

"Okay, it has nothing to do with you." Li Chengqian could understand what was going on, "What is the specific situation?"

"The place to stay has already been found, it is a private house." Zhao Yan said, "But we inquired, and the grain merchants in the city are not willing to sell a large amount of grain, and all the finished carriages have also been bought away. .”

Nodding his head, Li Chengqian put down the curtain.

For such a thing, Li Chengqian did not expect it, but it was not unacceptable.

As for the gentry, how could it be possible for a little favor to make them bow down to you?

If it was that simple, Li Shimin would have taken down the gentry a long time ago.

As for the gentry responding faster than them, that's normal.

Fast horses are definitely not comparable to horse-drawn carriages, and even Zhao Yan and the others rushed to Jingyang on fast horses. Firstly, their first priority is to find a place to stay tonight, and secondly, they are not professional in this field.

In the final analysis, there are not many people around Li Chengqian who can command him.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was thinking about something, Chang Le didn't bother him, and just sat in the carriage thinking about some messy things.

The carriage is not important, the key is food.

There were nearly thirty people in their party, and they ate horse chews, so they could get at least a hundred and ten catties of grain a day.

I don't know if Li Er did it on purpose or by negligence.

Copper coins and silk cloth were not less given, but they just didn't arrange much food, which made Li Chengqian a headache now.

"Food, food." Li Chengqian shook his head and remained silent.

Sometimes, too many people can be troublesome.

If he was alone, he wouldn't have these troubles at the moment, and he could drive a carriage with a hundred catties of grain, enough for him to eat for a long time!
Of course, life is definitely not as comfortable as it is now.

Just when Li Chengqian was thinking about how to solve the food problem, the carriage entered the city, turned east and west, and turned to the place where they stayed.

"Your Highness, we're here." Liu San shouted from outside the carriage.

Since leaving Chang'an, Liu San has been snatched the job of driving a carriage for Li Chengqian.

"En." In response, Li Chengqian led Chang Le out of the carriage.

At this time, the unitary hour is over, and the sky is getting dark.

When he met Cui Hao earlier, Zhao Yan arranged for the carriage in which the maids were sitting to go into the city first.

At this moment, although the sky is dark, the whole house is bright.

At the door, there are two guards lined up on the left and right.

This made people passing by always wonder what kind of big shot came to Jingyang.

"No one is arranged at the door." Li Chengqian said after seeing this scene.

Zhao Yan who followed him immediately said, "Your Highness..."

"Don't call him His Highness from now on, just call him Young Master." Li Chengqian waved his hand, interrupting Zhao Yan's words directly.

Now that he has demoted himself to a commoner in the Tai Chi Hall, no matter what attitude Li Shimin has, he must maintain this attitude.

"Yes, son." Zhao Yan bowed and said, "But no one is arranged outside the door. If there are thieves who commit crimes, we cannot escape the responsibility."

"Aren't you a Yumu head?" Li Chengqian said speechlessly, "Who doesn't know that I'm here if you arrange people outside the door? Isn't that a living target? But you can't arrange people outside the door, and you can't inside the door either?

You have to learn to be flexible, you know? "

Li Chengqian was speechless, he actually didn't like such guards, but he couldn't change many things, so he let them go.

Of course, if this was in later generations, Li Chengqian would definitely like it.

What a joke, taking more than 20 bodyguards with you when you go out, and four good-looking maids to serve you, what a spectacle it must be!
But in this era, to be honest, no matter how big the score is, he doesn't know who to show it to...

Ignoring the work arrangements of these personal soldiers, Li Chengqian led Changle directly to the hall.

Several court ladies had already arranged meals and were waiting for the two of them.

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the food-sharing system was more important, but Li Chengqian and his sister did not care about it, and said: "Just put it on a low table (there is no such thing as a table in the Tang Dynasty, but there is a thing called a table again... ...) Just serve it, I will eat with Changle."

"My lord, this is not in etiquette." said a court lady who was also at the door just now.

Li Chengqian said coldly: "Then why don't I ask someone to send you back, and ask my mother to change some for me with less rules?"

"Slaves don't dare." The maids were so frightened that they knelt on the ground immediately.

"Okay, hurry up." Li Chengqian didn't want to make fun of them either.

After a day of tossing, Changle is also hungry, and filling his stomach quickly is the most important thing.

Li Chengqian didn't like the delicacies of the Tang Dynasty at all, and the reason why he was willing to eat them was just to satisfy his hunger.

Chang Le had a good time eating, it was the first time she ate at the same table with others, and it was very fresh.

"Go and call Zhao Yan." After eating, Li Chengqian ordered again.

A court lady immediately bowed out.

"My lord." A moment later, Zhao Yan came in.

Li Chengqian asked: "Can we buy food from ordinary people?"

"It's difficult." Zhao Yan shook his head and said, "Although the situation this year is not bad, but in the early years, the Guannei Road was hit by disasters almost every year. Now, even if the family has surplus food this year, they dare not sell it."

Li Chengqian nodded, he understands this truth, and he also understands it.

In fact, it's normal, after all, I just came from the age of starvation, who doesn't want to save some life-saving food for themselves.

He frowned slightly, this is not easy to do.

Needless to say, those grain merchants belonged to the gentry, which is actually easy to understand.

Ordinary people, who has so much food, that is, the nobles have this ability.

In Chang'an, there were many big landlords. In the civil and military dynasties, no one had hundreds of acres of land.

It's just going out of Chang'an City, but it's troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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