Chapter 259 Volume Three

This time Datang sent Su Dingfang, the general of Zuowei Zhonglang, while Yi Yuanfeng sent Wan Tupu.

Both sides sent 500 people to attack the opposing army.

Fortunately, the imperial palace has a big place, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to use it.

"Let me tell you again, this isn't how we dealt with Murong Shun and the others back then? Remember, this is an envoy, and the two sides are competing!" Yi Yuanfeng explained incessantly.

There is no way, Xue Rengui has just competed once, so naturally he cannot be allowed to compete again.

The remaining Pluboqi and Wan Tupu, these two things are fucking lunatics.

One is crazier than the other...

Especially the camp run by Wan Tupu, the whole damn camp is full of lunatics.

But it's understandable when you think about it. After all, they were like a group of bereaved dogs at the beginning, and it's no wonder they weren't crazy until today.

"Don't worry, I know how to measure." Wan Tupu said.

Yi Yuanfeng said angrily: "You know what a fart! Remember it for me! This is a competition, not a war!"

The reason why he still decided to send Wan Tupu out was because he didn't want to lose too badly.

Datang's army is definitely not comparable to them. After all, Datang's military power is also fought one by one.

In desperation, Yi Yuanfeng had no choice but to walk up to Li Er and said, "Go back to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, we are ready."

Li Er nodded, and the war drum sounded immediately.

In this confrontation, the knives of both sides were wrapped in thick cloth, and the horses or spears were also removed.As for bows and arrows, neither side uses them.

When the war drum sounded, Wan Tupu held a scimitar in his hand and shouted: "Kill!"

Hearing his voice, Yi Yuanfeng's face turned dark.

Kill your sister, kill!This is a fucking match!
Su Dingfang had to be more stable, after all, he was a famous general who had already made his mark, and he immediately led the army to press up according to the formation arranged in advance.

He wasn't worried about winning this battle at all. He had sixteen guards under his command, so it goes without saying how brave he was.

However, he didn't know what kind of lunatics he was facing.

As soon as the two armies came into contact, a guy kicked his legs, stood on the horse, and rushed towards the other side with a swoop.

This stunned everyone. If it fell, it would be trampled to death by a horse's hoof.

Yi Yuanfeng suddenly said in embarrassment: "Please forgive me, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. These guys are like this. They must fight with their lives."

He scolded these guys half to death in his heart, and what I just said, was all ignored by you?

Li Er didn't mind, but said: "Their riding skills are really superb."

At this point, they really don't compare.

People do have unique advantages.

Li Jing and the others also nodded. Competing with the people on horseback in riding skills is indeed a bit overconfident.

During the battle, Su Dingfang was not in a hurry.

From the very first contact, he knew that these guys were more difficult to deal with, but they were only difficult to deal with.

If it wasn't for the fact that these were all Li Chengqian's people, he would have been sure to wipe them all out here at a certain price.

Don't forget, this **** is also a god of death.

The reason why he is a late bloomer is not that he was not capable enough when he was young, but that when he was young, he was too murderous, and the whole Tang Dynasty was able to do military plunder with confidence, he was considered the only one.

"Change the formation." Su Dingfang ordered, "Use me as the front to pierce their formation!"

Soon, the left back began to move, or began to change.

"With his change, Yuan Jun wants to play exchange tactics with him, but he can't do it." Li Jing said.

When it comes to battle formations, Datang still has the upper hand. Under Li Chengqian's command, there are actually not many people who play battle formations, especially the resentful army.

Wan Tengpu didn't mind, they never made their fortunes on the battlefield, and when they went to the battlefield, they fought bravely!

If Su Dingfang is playing technical skills, then what they are fighting is psychological warfare, and what they pay attention to is that a brave man wins when they meet in a narrow road, and what they want is the kind of aura that when I become ruthless, even I am afraid of myself.

"Let them change their formation!" Wan Tengpu said, "Listen to me, kill one to save money, kill two to earn one, don't be cowardly!"

In this battle, he just wanted to test the strength of the generals of the Tang Dynasty. Yi Yuanfeng sent him out to fight. Although he didn't say it clearly, he also had this intention.

Although Li Chengqian is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, who said that the prince of the Tang Dynasty must be the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty?
The battle for the patriarch of a big family is full of all kinds of open and dark arrows, not to mention the throne of the Tang Dynasty.

In the future, it is not impossible for them to have a battle with Datang. Knowing the strength of the soldiers of Datang now will also help them prepare for a rainy day.

Following Wan Tengpu's angry shout, the soldiers under his command rushed into the formation like crazy.

It completely belongs to the kind of play that kills a thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred before you die.

Wan Tengpu went directly to Su Dingfang.

Of course, he is definitely not Su Dingfang's opponent, this is inevitable, but whether he is an opponent or not, we don't take counsel.

As a result, Su Dingfang also felt very uncomfortable.

This group of guys, like his mother's brown sugar, can't let go of their hands once they get stuck.

"They are always like this on the battlefield?" Li Er asked suspiciously.

Yi Yuanfeng said embarrassingly: "After going to the battlefield, they are much crazier than this... That is the real immortality."

The reason why the resentment army is so powerful comes from their unstoppable momentum.

It is no exaggeration to say that when an ordinary army encounters them, as long as they engage in battle, they will be overwhelmed by their aura. There is no way, the resentful army is like this, the more they fight, the more courageous they become!
"Why?" Li Er asked, he was also considered a famous soldier leader, and this style of play hurt his muscles too much.

Yi Yuanfeng said: "Your Majesty does not know something. In the beginning of the establishment of the Ming court, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as difficult. The reason why His Highness named our army the Resentment Army was that each of us had a heart. Resentment has no place to vent.

It's like that Wan Teng Pu, his Wan Teng Pu, was wiped out by Murong Shun earlier, and there are only rough guys like them left. This resentment can only be relieved by killing the enemy. "

Now, Lou Ning has surrendered, so this account can only be counted on Murong Shun's head, and if it is on Murong Shun's head, there is no problem at all.

Li Er heard this, nodded his head, and said, "This resentment is indeed quite serious."

As he spoke, he looked at the two sides fighting again.

Although Wan Tupu was brave enough, he still lost to Su Dingfang after all, and was finally captured alive by Su Dingfang.

"This is just a sparring session. On the battlefield, at most you can help me collect the corpse!" Wan Tupu snorted coldly.

For losing to Su Dingfang, he didn't feel ashamed at all. He was not strong enough, so he went back and practiced again.

Su Dingfang smiled and said, "I believe it."

For their bravery, Su Dingfang has no doubts, and there is nothing to doubt. They have proved all this with their actions.

"Is your subordinate still not surrendering?" Su Dingfang asked curiously.

Wan Tengpu was more curious than him, and asked back: "In a big battle, if you die in battle, will your subordinates surrender?"

Su Dingfang was stunned, this is true, I have never died before, how would I know.

On Li Er's side, someone suddenly dissatisfied: "Isn't this playing tricks? The main general has been captured, and his subordinates are still not surrendering?"

"That..." Yi Yuanfeng said embarrassingly, "on the battlefield, not to mention the generals of the first battalion, even if I, the main general, were captured, they would not surrender...

To be more precise, the resentful army will not have any prisoners, unless they are seriously injured and comatose, and have no mobility. "

"Why is this?" Someone asked in confusion.

Yi Yuanfeng said: "When the resentful army sends troops, either the whole army dies in battle, or the opponent retreats or the whole army dies in battle. There is no such thing as surrender. The first rule of the resentful army's military law is that no surrender will be fought to the death!

As long as someone surrenders, whether it is a general or an ordinary soldier, they will be punished as rebels! "

"What an overbearing military law!" Yuchi Jingde said.

"Only such a resentful army can achieve such a record." Li Jing nodded and said.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and now, they finally understood why Li Chengqian fought so exaggeratedly in every battle.

With such a large army, it is indeed normal to exaggerate.

Just as Yi Yuanfeng and the others thought, when an ordinary army encounters them, they will be crushed to death in terms of momentum. This is the first opportunity.

But at this moment, Su Dingfang was also helpless, thinking that the battle would be over if he won Wan Tupu, but who knows, this fucking has just begun.

Wan Tengpu didn't fart a single one, and those guys were still rushing forward desperately.

But everyone knows that the final winner must be Su Dingfang, the difference is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Su Dingfang won.

It's just that, the win was quite miserable, one and two were both green and red, and some people even had a limp leg.

Of course, the reason why it took so long is also due to the restrictions of the rules. If there were no rules, Wan Tupu and others would have been lying on the ground long ago, but Su Dingfang would definitely lose at least half of them.

But the soldiers of the resentful army who lost didn't complain, they lay on the ground one by one panting heavily, and said, "It's so fucking comfortable!"

A few people even lay on the ground summing up their experience, which made everyone dumbfounded.

Damn it, those guys were actually saying that if they could get a cunt leg at the end just now, they should be able to take one away...

Yi Yuanfeng was a little embarrassed, it was a bit embarrassing.

"That, everyone, please forgive me..." Yi Yuanfeng said with a red face, "Everyone studies and discusses the skills of killing the enemy on weekdays. There is no difference in killing the enemy. Our Highness said that no matter it is a white-haired black cat, A good cat is one that catches mice."

"That's quite reasonable." Yuchi Jingde said, "He's the enemy of life and death, what moves can't be used, as long as it can kill the enemy, it's a good move!"

Everyone nodded, no matter how you say it, Su Dingfang won this match, which more or less saved some face for them, but they also saw that the soldiers of the Ming court were a bunch of fucking lunatics.

That's really crazy...

"Not bad, really good." Li Er nodded.

Li Er admired both Xue Rengui's performance and Yuan Jun's performance.

Xue Rengui won, so there is nothing to say.

But although the resentful army lost, the momentum was really displayed.

It does have a bit of a heroic meaning.

For this reason, Li Er specially asked Xue Rengui and Wan Tengpu to call over, and said: "You are indeed worthy of the word "warrior". Today I will give you wine to show respect for the warrior."

He actually wanted to thank these guys for helping his son, but he couldn't say that on the surface.

"Thank you for the reward, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty." Yi Yuanfeng said hastily, he was really afraid that Wan Tengpu would say something outrageous again.

On the other side, Pulu Boqi suddenly saluted and said, "His Majesty the Tang Emperor, do you want to come again?"

Damn, we didn't!

That is to say, when he was in the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, there were not many rules. If he had been serving in the army in the Tang Dynasty, he would definitely not be able to say this.

Yi Yuanfeng was stunned, why the fuck did you jump out?
Li Er knew what this guy meant as soon as he heard it, and immediately said with a smile: "That's all, you are all warriors, you should drink this wine."

How about a fart, let's see all your dirty tricks?

Plubo Qi bowed and said, "Thank you His Majesty the Tang Emperor for the reward."

As long as there is wine to drink, it doesn't matter whether you fight or not.

The point is that they prohibit alcohol in the army, unless they take a rest, so if they watch Wan Tupu and others drink later, how uncomfortable they are.

Li Er nodded, looked at Chang Le, and said, "This Xue Rengui, my father likes it very much!"

He was a little embarrassed to speak directly, but he was also reluctant to let go of the future star that Li Jing was talking about.

All the best talents in the world are in the net, this is obviously missing one!

How could he bear it?

Chang Le nodded and said, "Hey, as long as the father likes it."

After finishing speaking, she didn't write any more.

No, I'm going to help my eldest brother welcome a kiss, and you still want me to post a famous general of my eldest brother?

Li Er was a little embarrassed. After all, he still didn't speak, and he couldn't speak. His son and daughter are still there, so he wants to poach the talents trained by others. This is really not something a person does, let alone a father. doing.

But knowing that there is one who will dust the pearl, this makes him extremely uncomfortable.

It meant that Li Chengqian didn't know what he was thinking, and if he knew, he wouldn't have to spit on him.

What do you mean?If you follow me, you will be like a pearl covered in dust?


It doesn't matter whether Li Er is happy or not, anyway, Changle is happy today.

In these two games, one win and one loss, although they were tied.

But whether it is Xue Rengui or Wan Tupu, they have won face for the Ming court and her!

"General Yi, turn around and tell Changming Restaurant to send a few cooks. Before I go back, Changming Restaurant will be responsible for the three meals a day for the resentful army. It will be rewarded for the glory of the country!" Chang Le ordered.

"Thank you for the reward from Your Highness the Eldest Princess!" Yi Yuanfeng saluted immediately.

"His Royal Highness, thank you for the reward!" Wan Tupu, Puluboqi, and Xue Rengui followed closely behind.

"His Royal Highness, thank you for the reward!" And behind them were the soldiers of the resentful army.

Seeing his daughter like this, Li Er was taken aback for a moment.

Good guy, in front of these guys, Chang Le has more cards than himself!

He rewarded everyone just now, but they didn't react like this.

But he doesn't mind, this is his daughter after all, no matter what, it's a good thing.

As for those civil and military ministers, they were also shocked.

Changle has such prestige for these people, so what about Li Chengqian?
Of course, some people are secretly feeling that it is better to have money!

That's Changming Restaurant!

These people may not dare to patronize every day, but Changle is good, with a big hand, the three meals a day of more than 2000 people are handed over to Changming Restaurant.

No, Fang Xuanling suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness, does the army of the Ming court have three meals a day?"

Only then did everyone realize that three meals a day, for thousands of years, how many restaurants have three meals a day?

Not to mention the army!
Chang Le nodded, and said: "Yes, not only the army, everyone eats three meals a day, morning, afternoon, afternoon, even when we were the poorest."

"How can you waste food so much?" Wang Shilang yelled.

Chang Le was a little puzzled, and said: "How can this be considered a waste of food? Isn't it all eaten by everyone? Can it be considered a waste of food if you eat it?"

This made everyone startled, but they were still uncomfortable.

Immediately, someone said: "The Tang Dynasty supported the Daming royal court by saving food and clothing. How can the Ming court do this? You know, my Tang Dynasty does not have the so-called three meals a day!"

The past two years have been good, but there has been no famine.

But even so, no one has three meals a day.

Of course, there are still very few.

"Doctor Zheng's words are wrong." Chang Sun Chong hurriedly came out and said, "When did the Great Tang support the Ming court? Although the food for the Ming court did come from the Tang.

But we bought it with real money, so how can we support it?
Could it be that the food from Dr. Zheng's family will be given to my Daming royal court for free?
If so, then we would like to thank Doctor Zheng for his generosity. "

Doctor Zheng, Zheng Xu, admonishing doctor.

Hearing this, he broke his heart and said: "Even so, it is the food that my Tang frugally saved, how can it be so contemptible!"

The crowd nodded frequently.

If it weren't for the relationship between Daming Royal Court and Datang, Li Er would never allow grain to be sold to Daming Royal Court.

This is the enemy!

Changsun Chong has a headache, this matter is not easy to deal with, Changle's unintentional mistake made it a little difficult for him.

But at this moment, Chang Le suddenly said: "Dr. Zheng is an admonishing doctor?"

"His Royal Highness, Princess Hui, I am the doctor Zuo Jianyi of the Tang Dynasty." Zheng Xu said.

Chang Le nodded, but suddenly asked curiously: "You are the Zuo Jianyi doctor of the Tang Dynasty, why do you care about the affairs of the Ming court? Not to mention three meals a day, four or five meals a day What are you doing with Dr. Zheng?
Doctor Zheng is trying to mess with my Ming Dynasty's internal affairs? "

"But this..." Zheng Xu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the young Chang Le to say such words.

"Don't talk about wasting food." Chang Le said, "Doctor Zheng doesn't know the situation of the Daming Royal Court, so he doesn't know the people of the Daming Royal Court. These years have been plagued by snowstorms, and they can't eat enough. The reason why Brother Wang set this day for three days Meals, because they are afraid that the poor will become rich, and they will hurt their health by eating and drinking. Three meals a day, eating separately, is just a kind of protection for them.

Dr. Zheng didn't know anything, so he just talked about the affairs of the Ming Dynasty here, but it passed. "

What did she learn in the Ming court?Li Chengqian taught everyone who could teach, and everyone who could learn in the school learned.

What's more important is her own experience.

She is already smart and smart, but she is also proficient in these things.

At this moment, Li Er nodded appreciatively, and then looked at Chang Sun Chong with disgust on his face!

Chang Sun Chong is useless, not as good as his own daughter.

 I'm afraid there will be a power outage today, so I'll update it early, and by the way, here are some recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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