Chapter 27

After discussing with Liu San and the others, Li Chengqian sat in front of the desk with the sleeping Chang Le in his arms.

"My lord, why don't I take Miss Changle to rest?" Chunhua asked carefully.

They just sorted the teeth and completed the names.

Spring flowers, summer sunshine, autumn moon, winter snow.

The name is a bit casual, but Li Chengqian doesn't mind either.

After waving his hand, Li Chengqian said: "No need, the little guy is very scared right now. I'll take her with me for these two nights. You should go to rest when you should."

"Is it inappropriate?"

It's nothing to ordinary people, but the words of Tianhuang nobles are not suitable for etiquette.

"Huh?" Just as Chunhua finished speaking, Li Chengqian glanced at her.

At the moment, Chunhua is no longer obsessed with this problem.

"By the way, don't be short of their charcoal for the soldiers. I know what habits you have developed in the palace, but you are not in the palace now. We will rely on them to protect us from now on. Bring me a set of habits of looking down on people with a dog's eyes." Li Chengqian urged again.

"Slaves don't dare." Chunhua said in a low voice.

I don't know why, but now, she is a little afraid of Li Chengqian, and always feels that she is a little different from the Prince Highness she has seen before.

Li Chengqian didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to write and draw on the table with a charcoal pencil.

He can't write calligraphy well, but charcoal is still fine.

After tossing and tossing until the third quarter of Haishi, Li Chengqian got up from the table with Changle in his arms, then put him on the bed, helped him cover the quilt, and fell asleep with his clothes on.

As for Chunhua, who was waiting on the sidelines, although she felt that this was a bit against the rules, she felt very warm in her heart.

This is really just a brother taking care of a sister with all his heart.


And a few hours ago, Chang'an, the imperial palace.

When Li Shimin returned to the harem after finishing his day's work, he sighed when he saw Empress Changsun covering her face with tears, and finally asked, "That kid, what did you say?"

Hearing Li Er's voice, the eldest grandson wiped away his tears and got up to salute.

"Okay, tell me, what did that kid say?"

The reason why he asked his eldest grandson to go out of the city to see off Li Chengqian was actually because he wanted to know some things that he was inconvenient to ask through his eldest grandson.

He has done this kind of thing countless times, and his eldest grandson has done it countless times. The couple have a tacit understanding on this point. They don't even need to communicate with each other to know what each other's intentions are.

"Gao Ming said..." Changsun slowly relayed to Li Er what Li Chengqian had said to her before.

"As soon as he entered the Hou family, it was as deep as the sea, and he couldn't help it at all from then on." Li Er muttered these words, and said, "This kid has a lot of complaints against the royal family, but he is right, he was lucky to be born in the royal family." , but also his misfortune.

Since one is born much nobler than others, it is destined to bear or lose more.

Lu Zhengqing is right in saying that if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

Don't say clever, it's me, why not. "

Having said that, Li Er sighed and asked again, "What else?"

The eldest grandson squinted at Li Er, and he took over what she said just now, but it's unclear how charming and complaining this look was: "He said he didn't plan to go to the Western Regions. , but prepare to go to Tuyuhun.”

"Go to Tuyuhun?" Li Er didn't expect this.

Although in court, Li Chengqian said that he was going to the Western Regions, but Li Er didn't believe it.

What a joke, don't say that the Western Regions are thousands of miles away, just say that the Western Turkic Ashina has just succeeded to the Great Khan last year, and he is making troubles in the Western Turkic. If someone plunges in, why don't those red-eyed savages eat him alive?

As for going to Tuyuhun, relatively speaking, it is indeed a good choice.

Although Tuyuhun suffered from snow disasters every year these years, Murong Fuyun's regime is still very stable. Although there are some internal conflicts, they are still under Murong Fuyun's control.

"This kid, he chose a good place." Li Shimin also had to admit that Li Chengqian's move was very smart.

Tuyuhun is Li Shimin's future strategic policy.

If it wasn't for Li Chengqian's intrusion, in two years' time, Li Er would have to use Tuyuhun as well.

According to the original historical process, in the eighth year of Zhenguan, Li Er would send troops to Tuyuhun and destroy his country in one battle.

Even now, Li Er is already preparing for sending troops to Tuyuhun.

If it weren't for the natural disasters that happened in the past few years, he would have mobilized troops long ago. These two years are just a time for Datang to recuperate.

"But how is he going to gain a foothold in Tuyuhun?" Li Er said with some doubts, "Although Murong Fuyun is nothing more than a clown to me, it's not something the current Gao Ming can easily deal with."

Saying that, Li Er frowned.

He was thinking about how Li Chengqian could open up the situation in Tuyuhun.

But no matter how he thinks, according to Li Chengqian's current strength, there is absolutely no way to gain a foothold in Tuyuhun in a short time.

Without him, lack of strength, and one's own weakness is the original sin.

What's the matter, with his twenty or so people, he still wants to occupy the land and become king?
Murong Fuyun probably died laughing.

"Your Majesty is thinking too much." The eldest grandson laughed, "Gao Ming never thought of making trouble in other people's territory. He said that he just wanted to help the herdsmen who were affected by the disaster in Tuyuhun, survive this cold winter, and help them live a good life. ..."

The eldest grandson is very satisfied with his son.

She is happy to brag about her son in front of Li Er, maybe this is the fun of being a mother.

When Li Er heard it, his eyes lit up!
He didn't have the worries of his eldest grandson before, but directly heard Li Chengqian's sinister intentions from this sentence.

"Give kindness to the bottom and win people's hearts." Li Er nodded and said, "If he can really do it, then he may gain a firm foothold in Tuyuhun in a short period of time and have the first batch of fans.

But Murong Fuyun, how could he sit and watch such a person appear?

Moreover, it is not easy to do this, after all, Tuyuhun's national strength is there, if it can be done, why would Murong Fuyun harass the surrounding area.

Difficult, or too difficult..."

After all, Li Er is a qualified emperor, and after a little thought, he knew that Li Chengqian's road was not easy.

Neither the right time nor the right place is on his side. If Li Chengqian dared to plunder grain from the Tang Dynasty to help Tuyuhun overcome this difficulty, it was still possible.

But can Li Chengqian do this?

The answer is obvious, no, not to mention that his own strength limits the possibility of him doing this, even if he has this strength, he can't do it, otherwise, he really won't be able to come back to Chang'an again.

You know, there are still people in Datang who are hungry, how can there be food to help others?

The eldest grandson also didn't explain, she was actually not optimistic about Li Chengqian's future path, but as long as there was no great danger, she could accept it.

Although going abroad will definitely suffer, it is better than facing your father, brother, and swordsmen.

"By the way, why didn't you see Changle today?" Li Er stopped worrying about Li Chengqian and asked.

Speaking of this, the eldest grandson became even more depressed, and after a while, he said, "I let her go with Gao Ming."

"You..." As soon as the word "you" came out of his mouth, Li Er fell silent. Obviously, he understood the meaning of the eldest grandson, and he let out a long sigh.

Complain?He couldn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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