This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 273 Volume 3 Is Your Mouth Open?

Chapter 273 Volume Three Has Your Mouth Been Open?

Li Chengqian actually knew about the Tie Le Department.

There is no way, he can almost recite the allusion of Qibi Heli's allegiance by cutting his ear.

So for the Tiele Department, there is only one person he trusts, and that is Qibi Heli.

He doesn't need any doubts about Qibi Heli, after all, history has endorsed it, but he doesn't trust Qibi Heli's people so much.

Especially Qibi Heli's mother and his younger brother Qibi Heli.

Therefore, he has also thought carefully about the arrangement of Tiele's department.

It's definitely not possible to get together. He doesn't want to take this risk. He has no choice but to place it in the six cities on the grassland.

More than 6000 people were settled in each city, and the herdsmen on the grassland were diluted. In this way, the Tiele tribe was prevented from being dominant in one city.

As for the formation of a larger sphere of influence in the six cities of the grassland, hehe, it's impossible.

After all, they only have those tens of thousands of people, which is really not enough compared to the hundreds of thousands of people on the grassland.

Of course, this may also make the Tiele Department gradually become the sitter of the six grassland cities over time. This is impossible, after all, Li Chengqian has no way to arrange everything perfectly.

Now, we can only deal with the immediate matter first.

"Your Highness, my Tie Le family is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death." Qibi Heli knew Li Chengqian's worries, but for him, there was nothing he could do. Sometimes the family is too big, but it's not the case What a good thing, "There are three border towns in the north and south, and our Tie Le tribe will choose one of them, and the rest will be distributed to the six cities in the grassland."

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "General Qi Bi misunderstood, the reason why Tiele's troops were stationed in the six grassland cities is actually simple.

To put it bluntly, it was to revitalize the business of the Ming court. Now the six cities on the grassland have reached a certain scale, but few people have entered the city.

You also know that those guys on the prairie are used to living by water and grass, and they don't have the habit of living in cities. Isn't this just asking the people from the Tiele Department to make an appearance for them and let everyone change gradually.

At the same time, it also added popularity to the Six Cities of the Grassland.

Otherwise, even if the six grassland cities are built, they will be empty like ghost towns. Wouldn't it be a joke for us to spend so much energy building the city? "

This reason was thought up by Li Chengqian early on.

The reason why the city was built on the grassland in the first place was to give the herders who had no cattle and sheep to graze a chance to survive, and secondly, it was prepared for the Tiele tribe.

Doesn't he know the habits of those herdsmen?

"This king has also thought about it. After the Tie Le tribe moved into Liucheng, they always have to find a way to support their families." Li Chengqian continued, "But there may not be enough cattle and sheep for everyone to graze, but they always have to find a way to survive. come down isn't it?
Therefore, the king and the general supervisor have also discussed that some workshops will be moved to these cities in the future, and the workers will be recruited from the cities.

Moreover, the Ministry of Household Affairs will also help the cities to revive business. If the Tiele Department wants to start a business, they can also consult with the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Of course, the Changming Grain Store will also open branches in various cities, so General Qibi doesn't have to worry too much. "

Li Chengqian also has arrangements for how to support his family after the tens of thousands of people from the Tiele tribe have arrived.

What he is doing now is actually subtly familizing the tribe, dividing a huge tribe into countless families, and slowly disintegrating the so-called tribe.

Not only for the Tiele tribe, but also for many tribes on the grassland.

Humans are inherently selfish.

There's no arguing about this.

When everyone gradually got used to earning money and spending it by themselves, the imprint of the tribe gradually faded away.

Of course, this must be a terrazzo work that takes a long time period.

But what is Li Chengqian afraid of?

How old is he?
In my teens, I am amazing and have survived you for two or three generations. I don’t believe it. In the constant temptation, everyone is still thinking about tribal life.

Murong Shun wanted to integrate the tribe at the beginning, but Li Chengqian did the exact opposite.

After listening to Li Chengqian's arrangement, Qibi Heli really thought about it seriously.

As far as the current Daming royal court is concerned, this is indeed preferential treatment. Of course, he did not realize that this kind of preferential treatment is actually dividing the Tiele tribe.

However, it is estimated that even if he knew, he would not take it seriously.

As long as the tribe can live a better life, he really doesn't care if they are divided or not.

"My minister thanked His Highness for your kindness." Qibi Heli said, "But His Highness treats the Tiele tribe so kindly, and the Tiele tribe has no reason to hide on the grassland and enjoy the peace that everyone sacrificed their lives for.

Weichen still hopes to choose a border city in the north and south, and let my Tie Le department garrison it. "

Does Qibi Heli have selfish motives?

There must be some. Only by stationing in the border towns can they have the opportunity to make meritorious service, and only by making meritorious service can they stand out in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty.

He will definitely need helpers in the future. As the saying goes, if you fight a brother with a tiger, and fight with a father and son, the ones he trusts most are naturally his own clansmen.

This is something no one can escape.

Li Chengqian saw that he insisted, so he also said: "In that case, then I will obey the general."

For him, this is acceptable.

The Tie Le tribe and Tuyuhun were feuds in the first place, and Li Chengqian had no worries about letting them station at the border.

As for Tubo, hehe, the Tiele Ministry has no friendship with them.

When the time comes when the Tie Le tribe would rather take refuge in Tubo than betray him, then Li Chengqian himself has to reflect on himself.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Qibi Heli immediately bowed his hands and saluted, "The Tiele Ministry will definitely guard the frontier for the Ming court."


In Taoyuan City, people from the Tiele tribe are slowly entering the country.

There is no way, they are the migration of the whole tribe, there are too many things, plus tens of thousands of people, both elderly and children, the movement is really too fast.

Cui Mingyuan, who is Taozhou's other driver, also came to the scene in person.

Tens of thousands of people passed through the state and across the government under his rule, and he had to come and watch.

And Guo Xiaoke, the newly-appointed Taozhou Commander, is waiting in front of tens of thousands of troops. Even if he knows that these are Li Chengqian's people, he should always be careful.

However, seeing tens of thousands of people heading towards the Ming court, Guo Xiaoke couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your Highness is really courageous."

"What Guo Tongjun said is very true." Cui Mingyuan also nodded.

Who would have thought that a son of the Han family, alone in the territory of Tuyuhun, would achieve such an achievement?
Rule over hundreds of thousands of alien races.

"We people are really old." Guo Xiaoke looked at the direction of the Daming royal court and said with a smile.

Speaking of it, Guo Xiaoke came to Taozhou to work, and he was also a low-ranking and high-ranking officer.

But now the position of Taozhou commanding army has become a favorite, and there are many people who want to come.

Li Er would not arrange someone casually, and it finally fell on Guo Xiaoke's head.

Cui Mingyuan took Guo Xiaoke's words seriously.

He almost watched the Ming court grow from scratch.

If anything, he came to Taozhou earlier than Li Chengqian.

But Li Chengqian has already claimed the title of king and wears the crown on Chishuiyuan, and his Taozhou seems to be slightly better than last year.

The reason why it was a little better was because of the honor of the Daming Royal Court. After all, there was an endless stream of caravans going back and forth between the Daming Royal Court and the Tang Dynasty, which made Taoyuan City prosper all of a sudden.

Shaking his head, Cui Mingyuan had nothing to say.

The two waited until the last member of the Tiele tribe left the country before dispersing.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, it is unknown what was going on in his mind.

And in Deyang City, Qibi Heli also waited for his own people.

On the face, it is naturally happy.

Reunion after a long absence, happiness is naturally inevitable.


Seeing Qibi Heli, the clansmen were also very happy at the moment, one by one getting more and more excited.

Hearing this, Qibi Heli immediately said: "In the court of the Ming Dynasty, there is no Khan, so he will be called a general from now on."

Now that he had chosen, he had to make a correct stand. Qibi Heli thought about this very clearly.

"Yes, General!" At that moment, everyone shouted again.

Qibi Heli nodded, and then, he invited the elders of the tribe aside, and explained in detail the resettlement plan he had discussed with Li Chengqian.

And said the reasons again.

He was also worried that his tribe would be dissatisfied with such an arrangement.

"Can the general be reused in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty?" After hearing what he said, everyone did not express their opinion lightly, but asked first.

Qi Bi He Li said: "This general is the Secretary of the Ministry of War, commander of the Western Army, and has more than [-] soldiers under his command. Do you think this general can be reused?"

After getting such an answer, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were a little puzzled. Someone immediately asked: "Since King Ming values ​​the general so much, why did you split up my Tiele department?"

Everyone is not a fool. The complete Tiele department and the split Tiele department are two different things.

If Li Chengqian didn't mean to be wary of them, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed them.

But Qibi Heli said: "The general has already said the reason just now, the six cities in the grassland are still empty, if we don't help His Highness share the worries, who will share the worries?

Could it be that these six cities are left empty?

Now, it is the time for my Tie Le tribe to be loyal, how can I fall behind?

I know what you think, get together in one city.

But think about it for yourself, our Tiele tribe gathers in one city, no matter which city you choose, how do you make His Highness think?

Now that you have chosen to surrender, you should simply surrender and obey the arrangement. Your Highness has also racked his brains for the livelihood of our Tie Le department.If you don't want to surrender, then you should say it early, with His Highness's mind, you dare not say anything else, it is still feasible to get together and get away.

As for the two cities on the frontier, this general begged His Highness for them. The people of my Tiele tribe are all unparalleled warriors. How can they sit back and enjoy the peace that others have earned through fighting desperately?
Moreover, I also hope that there will be some outstanding people in the Tie Le Department, and now, the Ming court is employing people, I think, with the bravery of the Tie Le Department, there will be a bright future..."

Qibi Heli talked a lot, and also talked about a lot of great principles, but there was no way, he also expected that some people would be dissatisfied with this arrangement.

This is normal. After all, it is a tribe with tens of thousands of people. It is impossible to achieve unity of opinion so quickly.

"General, can we also serve as officials in the Ming court?" Someone asked.

Qi Bi He Li smiled and said: "Let me tell you this, more than half of the officials in the Ming court are still vacant, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Rites, and even the post of Shangshu is still vacant.

Today, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty does not look at status, and even ability is not ranked first for the time being, it only looks at merit.

Of course, merit is actually ability, and if you don't have ability, you can't get merit, but this is indeed an opportunity.

If you want to become an official, you might as well give it a try.

Daming royal court, I haven't been here for a long time, but I have witnessed that Daming royal court conquered the entire Chishui source from a small hill in a short period of time.

To be honest, I am very optimistic about Daming Royal Court!

In the future, this piece of land will definitely belong to the royal court of Ming Dynasty.

After you stay in Daming Royal Court for a while, you will understand what I mean. "

Everyone was moved.

In fact, they didn't care about how many cities they were assigned to, but they didn't care that much. If they really had the opportunity to become officials, they would be the most concerned about it.

This is an opportunity!
Qibi Heli didn't say anything, that is Li Chengqian is still the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

After this, if Li Chengqian returned to Tang Dynasty and ascended the throne, wouldn't they become servants of the dragon again?
Who wants to miss this kind of opportunity?
"It's no problem to divide the tribe into six cities." Someone said, "But I have to ask everyone's opinions anyway, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Everyone nodded. Indeed, as long as they agree, there will be no problem.

Qibi He Li said with a smile: "It's okay, the elders just look at the arrangement."

He doesn't care about this, as long as everyone can accept it.

This is actually a good thing for them.

In the past, everyone has never lived together in a city, and nomads are not used to building cities.

This time, I picked up a ready-made one.

Of course, if they still had cattle and sheep, they would probably not be willing to enter the city.

But there is no way, these years they have also encountered snow disasters, and Tuyuhun was hit by disasters, and they are actually having a hard time, otherwise, the whole family would not have migrated to Datang, the reason is not because Atami is no longer suitable for them to survive Is it?

Moreover, the snow disasters these years have also made them realize that it would be better if there was a city for them to resist.

"Then let's arrange it now." Everyone said.

After everyone left, Qibi Shamen stayed behind, looked at his elder brother, and asked: "Brother, is this Great Ming court really an opportunity?"

"Why, you still can't trust me?" Qibi Heli smiled.

Qibi Shamen shook his head and said: "That's not what I meant. On the way here, we received news from our elder brother. To be honest, everyone couldn't believe it at the beginning. This is too exaggerated. Dozens of people start a family, and less than one In less than a year, the entire Chishui source has been conquered, even my Tie Le department probably wouldn't be able to do it, right?"

"Remove the estimate." Qibi Heli said, "It is definitely impossible to do it. Your Highness can do this, but it is not only relying on force. In terms of force alone, the Ming court cannot shake Murong Shun." It is no exaggeration to say that the Daming royal court could not cope with the cooperation of several larger tribes on the grassland at that time.

There are many reasons that really brought the Ming court to where it is today, including His Highness's identity and His Highness' plans, but no matter what the reason is, remember that the core will always be Your Highness. "

Qibi Shaman nodded, they have an inexplicable admiration for the strong.

As long as you are strong enough, then I will worship you without thinking.

This is their habit and character.

And just when Qibi Heli resettled his clansmen, the Ming court was to the south.

Lou Ning stood on the top of the wall with a melancholy expression on his face.

Ever since Murong Shun was captured, he brought his own command to this side of Chengxu.

Li Chengqian considered that they only had more than a thousand people, and dispatched 2000 to him from the captives who surrendered earlier.

One is to strengthen their military strength, and the other is to check and balance.

These captives who had already surrendered did not have a sense of belonging to the Ming court, but they did not feel disgusted either.

At least the Ming court treated them pretty well. Their family members arranged for them, and they didn’t default on their food and wages. They didn’t even deliberately target them. To be honest, they didn’t have anything to complain about when the Daming court made it this far.

Besides, it was Murong Shun who abandoned them first, thinking about it this way, even the slightest bit of guilt is gone.

As for He Lou Ning and the others, this is more interesting.

Although everyone is basically a pawn, there is still a chain of contempt for the fucking pawn!
At least, those who were abandoned by Murong Shun looked down on Lou Ning who surrendered without a fight.

Although the two sides have no sense of gunpowder, there is still some friction occasionally.

"Hey, if this is on the border of Water River County, there might still be battles to be fought here, hey..." Lou Ning sighed.

He is really having a headache now, he cannot die, and being alive is another threat to Lou.

This gave him a headache.

"General, haven't you fought enough battles yet?" Beside him, Lou Zurong said, "For the past half a year, you've been either fighting or on the way to fight. It's rare to have a leisurely day."

This guy, how should I put it, is really tough!
Since his first encounter with Li Chengqian, he participated almost without losing a fight, and in the end, he survived.

However, he and Lou Ning had the same idea.

They all have to die!

The point is, even if Li Chengqian didn't trouble him, he couldn't help but draw his knife and fight desperately when he saw Li Chengqian.

If he didn't care about his clansmen, he would really be able to do this.

"You little bastard, you are also unlucky." Lou Ning shook his head and smiled, "Tell me, will those Tibetans come down?"

"Probably not." Lou Zurong said, "They haven't figured it out yet, General, why don't we kill it?"

Lou Ning patted his head and said with a smile, "Kill your head, kill..."

At this moment, outside the city, a fast horse came back, shouting something.

The two of them listened carefully, but they didn't hear what they said clearly.

Just curious, I suddenly heard a louder voice.

"Tibetan attack!"

The two were stunned for a moment!
Is this really fucking what you want?

When Lou Ning heard the words, he was overjoyed immediately, and said: "Tubo is attacking, the whole city is on alert!"

"Tibetan is attacking, the whole city is on alert!"

"Tibetan is attacking, the whole city is on alert!"

Three times in a row, followed by the sound of the Jujiang drum!

(End of this chapter)

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