This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 275 Volume 3 Leading Tigers and Driving Wolves?No, I am anti-customer.

Chapter 275 Volume [-] Leading Tigers to Drive Wolves?No, I am anti-customer.

No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

This sentence is true.

If Li Chengqian still occupies a small hill as before, no one will care about him except Datang.

But today is different from the past, you have established yourself as a king and wear a crown, so I'm sorry, everyone will officially see you as a person.

It sounds like it's insulting.

But if you really want to talk about it, it does have a bit of flattery.

Of course, to be viewed as a human being, one must have the awareness to be used by others.

In other words, if you have no value to use, people will not be willing to use you.

This is unavoidable, everyone is the same.

This is true even if he is Li Chengqian, even if he is the prince of Tang Dynasty.

After Li Chengqian combined the knowledge he possessed with the existing information, he finally basically concluded that it was really Songtsan Gampo who was leading the tiger to drive the wolf away.

He was using himself to help him put down the rebellion.


Although it is said that Songtsan Gampo has the ability to quell the rebellion, no one knows what price he will have to pay before he succeeds. Since he has the opportunity to let others help him achieve his goal, why doesn't he do it?
If it were Li Chengqian, he would also be willing to do it.

Not to mention right or wrong, everyone is like this.

"Your Highness, Songtsan Gampo's move is to make us and the rebel tribes in Tubo hurt both! This is really cruel!" Gao Chunxing said, looked at Li Chengqian, and suddenly felt a little hopeless.

He used to think that Li Chengqian was evil enough, but when he helped Li Chengqian sort out the news about Tubo, he realized that Songtsen Gampo was not comparable to them.

Think about Xue Rengui again...

Hey, these days, why do young talents like them always feel that they are a bit of a sham?
Li Chengqian squeezed his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Tell me, what if I don't fight?"

"Don't fight?" Gao Chunxing was a little surprised, "If you don't fight, why don't you let those Tibetans enter the hinterland of our Ming court?"

Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "That's not what it means, you see, Songtsan Gampo wants to lure tigers and drive wolves away, right? Let us help them wipe out the rebellious tribes.

But what if we don't annihilate them?
Not only do we not annihilate them, out of humanitarianism, the Ming court can also help them with some food, ordnance, etc. You said, Songtsan Gampo knows, will he call the king a coward? "

He just thought a lot about helping Songtsan Gampo unify Tubo, he is thankless.

In the end, Songtsan Gampo picked up the cheapest money, which was not in his interests, let alone the interests of the Ming court.

So, he started to use his brains.

Didn't we work for you?Why should you fight to the death with your opponent?
There is no need for that.

Even if I help you annihilate all those rebellious tribes in the end, you won't think well of me. If that's the case, why should I help you?
The point is that he saw an opportunity to plot Tubo.

He had been focusing on Tuyuhun before, but he really didn't pay much attention to Tubo.

For one thing, the terrain of Tubo makes it difficult to fight up, and Tubo is so poor that there is not enough oil and water to fight down.

The second is that Tubo is not easy to deal with, they have strong beliefs, and they are very harmonious...

The most important thing is that his current strength is really not good enough to compete with Tubo.

But Songtsen Gampo gave him a chance.

That opportunity is those rebel tribes.

"Your Highness, if this is the case, I guess those soldiers will have some ideas." Gao Chunxing said, "Nowadays, everyone is trying to make meritorious service, and the morale of the soldiers is also high..."

He didn't say the rest, and Li Chengqian understood.

"This king doesn't mean that." Li Chengqian waved his hand, "It's definitely going to be a fight, but to what extent and what kind of fight it is, we have the final say.

Songtsan Gampo was actually relying on the terrain, thinking that we would not be able to fight them, and they had no way of taking them.

Hehe, we can't fight, but those tribes in Tubo can't fight?

In this way, in the past few days, we have paid close attention to the news of Tubo. Now, according to the information we have, we cannot confirm whether this is Songtsan Gampo trying to lure tigers and drive wolves away.

Once it is confirmed, hehe, he wants to attract tigers to eat wolves, but this king wants to turn the guest into the master. "

In fact, Li Chengqian was not too worried about Tubo's large-scale attack. First, Songtsan Gampo didn't have the time to do it now, and second, he didn't have the strength for the time being.

That being the case, what did he have to worry about?
What about fighting? He hasn't fought much in the past six months?

At the beginning, dozens of people ran across the source of Chishui, and he never persuaded him. What's more, now, there are nearly [-] people who control strings under his command, and hundreds of thousands of people under his command. sure.


Outside the Riyue Mountain, Qibi Shamen finally led his own army to set off.

He didn't worry too much, as Qibi Heli's younger brother, he had fought many battles in these years, and he was a born warrior of the Ma nationality.

Of course, it was inevitable that some clan elders had stuffed some people into his team this time.

He had nothing to say about this.

Everyone wants to seize this opportunity, which is right in itself.

Even Qibi Heli has no objection to this.

To be honest, everyone has made great achievements, which is also a good thing for them.

In the court, there is always a need for help from one's own people.

But in the border town, Lou Ning and the others were exhausted.

Although there is no danger for them to occupy the advantage of the city, it is really incomparable with Riyue Mountain.

The city wall of Riyue Mountain is more than three feet long, but this broken city wall is less than one foot long.

Of course, there is nothing to complain about. At the beginning, I was in a hurry. In this way, the planned three became, and now it is only this one.

The other two are still outlines today.

"General, you said that when we attacked the city, why were we not as fierce as them?" Lou Zurong asked a little incomprehensibly.

At this moment, the battle had just ended, and everyone rested on the top of the city for a while.

Lou Ning touched the sweat on his forehead and said, "Compare this city wall with the city wall of Riyue Mountain? What are you thinking? But if these Tibetans want to destroy the city, there is no way.

Not to mention, in the past we have suffered from this continuous crossbow, but today the feng shui has changed. "

"Your Lou family is soft..." Someone said, "If we had been replaced by King Ning's army, Riyue Mountain would have disappeared a long time ago, hey..."

Lou Zurong said disdainfully: "It's not that you Ning Wangjun were absent at the beginning. Speaking of which, in the battle of Riyue Mountain, your Ning Wangjun suffered the most casualties, and none of the three thousand Ning Wangjun survived!

What do you have to show off?
How many people died than who? "

"Then at least we didn't surrender!" the man choked immediately.

"Aren't you saying that you are helping the Daming royal court to guard the frontier?"

"You..." As he said that, the man sighed, "If King Daning hadn't abandoned us, how could we have betrayed him. Those who mistake me for being unfaithful are also King Daning!"

Lou Ning heard them quarreling for a long time, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't argue, your King Ning's army is really powerful, this is what the general will obey.

But now that everyone is working for the Ming court, don't mention those things.

No one is willing to betray him. If we really want to talk about it, he betrayed us.

If King Daning did not want to submit to Datang, I, the Lou family, would not have betrayed him.

After all, he never cared about the life and death of us people. "

Speaking of this, everyone started a new round of criticism meeting against King Daning, enumerating Murong Shun's various crimes.

The more interesting thing about people is that as long as they have a common enemy, they can stand in the same camp for the time being.

Obviously, they are right now.

After criticizing King Daning, someone said again: "It's good now, the Ming Dynasty court didn't really do anything to us, who is not selling our lives?

In the final analysis, this way of breaking the world is for survival. "

"That's reasonable, this way of breaking the world is just for survival." Someone immediately echoed.

As long as a person finds a reason to convince themselves, then they will firmly believe that the choice they made is right.

Lou Ning watched all this, but didn't say much.

These people are actually very interesting, they have hatred and resentment, but they are also aware of their situation.

Li Chengqian dared to send them here because they still had concerns.

This night was spent while everyone was nervously guarding against Tubo's night attack.

Unfortunately, this night was as quiet as anything else.

At dawn, when the sun was rising, the Tubo people came to kill again.

The war, once again opened the curtain.

It's also interesting to say that the more tenacious resistance those Tibetans encountered, the more excited they were, especially when they saw the Liannu in the hands of Lou Ning and the others, they showed greed without any concealment.

They want it.

With such weapons, they have greater confidence in fighting Songtsen Gampo.

However, Lou Ning and others have the convenience of the city and the equipment, so they have no better way for the time being.

Siege has never been so easy.

Everyone is ready.

In the afternoon, when the battle ceased, an old soldier of King Ning's army said, "Do you think that King Ming will abandon us like King Daning?"

What they are most worried about now is being abandoned.

Being abandoned twice, everyone has no idea.

"Aren't you used to it yet?" Someone laughed, "Just throw it away, I'm used to it anyway."

How much self-mockery there is in these words, he probably knows it in his heart.

Everyone smiled wryly and stopped talking.

Yes, throw it away and throw it away, this is what they can decide?

At this moment, someone ran to say: "General, it seems that reinforcements are coming from the north gate."

"How many people?" Although Lou Ning didn't express his opinion before, he was actually a little worried.

It doesn't matter if he dies in battle, but there are still so many people here, if Li Chengqian abandons them, they really only have a dead end.

But when they heard that the reinforcements had arrived, they were a little excited.

"There are thousands of people." The visitor said.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came up and said: "General, Lou Yong is back and is rushing here."

"Those reinforcements came with him?" Lou Ning asked.

The reporter nodded.

Lou Ning was overjoyed immediately, and shouted: "Brothers, the reinforcements have arrived. You guys, you are thinking blindly every day. Can Murong Shun compare with King Ming? When has he ever abandoned his own people?"

Lou Ning said this sincerely, he just wanted to praise Li Chengqian's stinky feet and flatter Li Chengqian, he had no choice but to rely on Li Chengqian's protection to survive in the Ming court.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, but they didn't speak.

One time doesn't mean anything.

King Daning did not abandon them at the beginning.

"General, His Royal Highness King Ming sent Qibi Shamen to lead an army of five thousand to assist us in defending the city. Now the army is outside the city." At this time, Lou Yong hurried to the top of the city and said loudly.

Lou Ning said with a smile: "Very good, very good, the general will go to greet you in person."

As for who Qibi Samana is, what does it have to do with him?No matter who it is, as long as it is a reinforcement.

Although they can defend it, it is only for a short time. After a long time, they will not be able to hold it. After all, they only have so many real troops.

It's not that Li Chengqian was sitting in the fortified city back then.

Qibi Shamen is riding a horse outside the city right now. To be honest, he was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect that the city wall is so simple. Just now he thought in his heart, if it was him, how long would it take to take down this city? city.

Just then, the city gate opened.

Lou Ning rode out.

As the guard of the border city, no one dared to open the city gate unless Lou Ning ordered it during the war.

"General Qibi came at the right time." Lou Ning said with a smile, "Please, General."

Regardless of the identity of the person who came, it is absolutely right to call it that way.

Qibi Samana didn't correct his address either, in Tiele's department, he was indeed a general.

After the two had a brief exchange of the current situation, the Qibi Samana was also amazed at the bravery of these people.

"There are only three thousand of you? The Tubo people haven't even come close to the city wall?" He couldn't believe it.

Lou Ning actually noticed that these were all members of the Tie Le tribe, and they hadn't changed their costumes yet, so they probably belonged to Qibi Heli's tribe.

"The main reason is that we have a great advantage in ordnance, the general should not be surprised..." Lou Ning explained briefly.

After hearing Lou Ning finished speaking, Qibi Shaman nodded, he still knew this, but he hadn't had time to see it.

After chatting for a while, Qibi Samana said: "Since this general is here, General Lou will take his subordinates to rest first."

With the arrival of reinforcements, the hope of the Tubo people to break through the city became increasingly slim.

And on the third day, Yi Yuanxi took the people from the Ministry of Industry, recruited tens of thousands of herdsmen on the grassland, and rushed to the border town together with the food and ordnance rationed by the Ministry of Households.

The herdsmen on the grassland heard that the Tibetans were coming, and now they needed manpower to build the city, so they were very positive.

Chishuiyuan borders Tubo, and the two sides have had frequent frictions over the years. When they heard that Tubo was attacking, they would have to fight against each other.

But in the final analysis, Li Chengqian had never oppressed them, and that was the reason why they were so active.

Moreover, when Ibara Suk recruited manpower on the grassland, they were given food and salaries a month in advance. If anything happened, they would be paid according to the pensions of the soldiers. In this way, even their worries about the future were resolved.

Lou Ning and the others were shocked to see Yi Yuanxi coming with tens of thousands of people.

Good guy, although these people are here to build the city, but if so many people fight on the top of the city, or take a walk out of the city, the Tubo people will probably be scared away.

Qibi Samana also didn't understand what this meant, so many people came, why don't you worry about us?
"Yi Shangshu, who are you?" He still knew Yi Yuanxi. When Li Chengqian met them, Yi Yuanxi was there.

Yi Yuanxi smiled and said: "General, you don't need to worry too much. We are all ordered to build the city. These are also herdsmen on the grassland. In recent years, there have been years of snowstorms on the grassland, and there are no cattle and sheep to let go. They come out to do work and subsidize Home at once.

Of course, if the general needs to fight, it is also possible to mobilize them to defend the city.

The men on my grassland can kill the enemy even if they mount a horse. "

His words also have the meaning of shocking. Although he doesn't lead soldiers, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

"Yishangshu was joking." Qibi Shaman said with a smile, "But there are more than ten thousand thieves in the area, and there is no need to go to war."

"That's good. If necessary, the general just greets you." Ihara Suk did not insist.

The two chatted for a while and then left.

The monk Qibi was also amazed at the mobilization power of the Ming royal court, but it was the invasion of Tubo, so tens of thousands of civilians were mobilized.

In war, sometimes it is not just soldiers who fight, these civilians are also the key.

At the same time, Lu Dongzan set foot on Riyue Mountain again.

"Is your envoy here to declare war?" Li Chengqian looked at Lu Dongzan in front of him and said casually.

Lu Dong praised: "This time, the foreign ministers are here to apologize to the Ming court under the order of my Tubo Zanpu."

"Oh?" Li Chengqian said with a smile, "So, the next time our Imperial Court's troops attack Tubo, we only need to send one person to apologize?"

"Your Highness's words are wrong." Lu Dongzan said, "It is not our Tubo army that invaded the Ming court this time, but Tubo's rebellion. Zanpu thought of the difficult diplomatic relations between the two countries, so he sent foreign ministers to tell the whole story."

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian was ecstatic in his heart.

it's confirmed!
Of course, there was still a cold expression on his face: "According to what you said, there may be a lot of rebellions in the Ming court in the future."

"In order to show the sincerity of Tubo, Tubo is willing to send troops to help the Ming court to suppress these rebellions." Lu Dongzan laughed.

What he does is to do this work.

In other words, if Wang Xuance hadn't been from the Tang Dynasty, if he only made meritorious service as an envoy, Lu Dongzan would not have given up much.

Li Chengqian said with a sneer: "Your envoy's words are interesting. Since it is your Tubo rebellion, how can you help me destroy it? Your envoy will turn black and white. What's the matter, do you want me to thank you?"

"Your Highness misunderstood." Lu Dong praised, "Nowadays, those rebels are active in the territory of the Daming Royal Court, and my Tubo army has no reason to come to the Daming Royal Court to conquer the rebels, isn't it? Why don't Your Highness drive them back? Just go back The border of Tubo, I, Tubo, can naturally send troops to wipe it out.

What's the point of being rebellious? "

"Humph!" Li Chengqian snorted coldly, "Is your envoy looking down on my court of Ming Dynasty? Since Tubo himself is unable to suppress the rebellion, let me come and dare to invade the court of Ming Dynasty and kill him without mercy!"

Of course he did it on purpose.

Lu Dongzan's provocative method may be feasible for a real teenager, but it can be used for an old fritter like him whose edges and corners have been smoothed by later generations.

That was blind.

However, since you have given me such an opportunity, I must seize it.

You want to lure tigers to eat wolves, but I also want to turn against customers.

"Your envoy remember what you said today, and don't forget it in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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