This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 281 Volume 3 Li 2 is not idle

Chapter 281 Volume [-] Li Er Wasn't Idle
Spiritual cultivation is actually something that can be met but not sought after.

That is a kind of recognition, but also a kind of sustenance.

It is a mark imprinted in the bones, invisible and intangible, but it actually exists.

The reason why the Chinese civilization has survived for thousands of years in this world is because of this kind of spirit. There is a saying in later generations of China that "we are not rising, but reviving." It is this spirit that is revived.

The sons and daughters of China have relied on this spirit that has been engraved in our bones for thousands of years, and finally overcome countless hardships, and this great nation, even if it is silent for a moment, will eventually be because of the indelible spirit of thousands of years. Spirit, revived again!
This is not a miracle, but an inevitable trend.

Of course, the spirit that is sprouting in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty is not enough to compare with it.

But it doesn't matter, what matters is that this spirit has already begun to germinate.

In a banquet, Li Chengqian saved face, and all kinds of small calculations failed, which completely exceeded his expectations.

The next day, the first thing Li Chengqian did after waking up was to discuss with Pusiruo, Yi Yuanxi and others.

Now that the atmosphere is here, it doesn't make sense for him not to express it.

Besides, you have to strike while the iron is hot.

So, at noon, the first notice from the Daming royal court was finally posted.

At the same time, dozens of fast horses also rode out from the city gate and rushed towards the dozens of cities of the Ming court.

At the gate of the city, countless people crowded in front of the notice, pointing and pointing. They didn't know what the notice was about. Without him, there were very few literate people.

But the first notice from the Ming court still aroused everyone's interest.

"My lord, what's written in this notice? I'm a big bastard, and I can't understand it." A burly man asked.

"Greetings everyone, my official, Chen Sheng, I'm going to read the notice for everyone." Chen Sheng came out in a timely manner. He is the principal of the Ming Dynasty School, and he is busy with school affairs on weekdays. Not many people know him. .

And his father is Chen Ding'an, magistrate of Taoyuan County.

Now in Daming Guoxue, their Chen family can be regarded as the dominant family.

In the past, the name of Daming Guoxue was unknown, but after last night, Daming Guoxue finally came from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

"The royal court of the Ming Dynasty, the story of the youth." Chen Sheng cleared his throat, and said loudly, "The youth of the Ming Dynasty are the hope of the dynasty and the cornerstone of the future, so they cannot be discarded.

The future kingdom will definitely be the kingdom of the young men of the Ming Dynasty.

The world of the future is bound to be the world of young people everywhere.

Looking at the cornerstone of today's dynasty, it is also the young man of the past, and it is the young man of the past, who opened up my great Ming Dynasty forever.


The youth is strong, the country is strong!
If the youth is rich, the country will be rich!
When the boy is here, the country is here!
Although the kingdom was established at the beginning, a hundred wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated, and the difficulties of the dynasty are obvious to all, but the youth of the Ming Dynasty cannot be abandoned, cannot be abandoned, and dare not be abandoned!

Therefore, King Ming has an order!
Daming Guoxue opened up fifteen cities in the dynasty.

Anyone over the age of six and under the age of 16 can enter school voluntarily.

Three meals a day, the country bears it!

Books and lessons are the responsibility of the country!
What is needed for schooling is also the responsibility of the country!
I hope that the young man of Ming Dynasty will become a talent in the future, and for my Ming court, he will open up that forever! "

At the end of the reading, Chen Sheng's emotions became more and more high-pitched, and his voice became louder and louder, making everyone's blood boil!

"it is good!"

Countless shouts of applause immediately caused a commotion under the city wall.

The excitement of last night has not slowed down yet!
Mr. Pei and the others were also among the crowd at the moment, and they were more and more surprised when they heard the remarks, and they all looked unbelievable.

Good guy, even Li Er dare not do this, how dare you, Li Chengqian?

He didn't know that Li Chengqian had the only chance to do so this time.

First of all, the atmosphere is in place.

Secondly, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty was established at the beginning, the population was small, and the country was not vast.

In addition, in the past year, the agriculture and animal husbandry of the Ming court had been abandoned. To put it bluntly, it was Li Chengqian who was trying his best to feed these people.

So on the whole, what the imperial court has to pay is actually not much different.

Even if the territory is expanded in the future, the population will increase.

But at that time, everyone was used to it.

Habits are cultivated in this inadvertent way.

Of course, there is still the most important problem, that is, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is almost a bunch of fucking bumpkins, and no monopoly power has yet emerged.

This made Li Chengqian almost no resistance to doing so.

As for Datang, hehe, Li Er really didn't dare.

First, there is too much resistance.

The second is that the population is too large, and it would cost too much to do so.

These two points alone have stuck Li Er to death.

To put it bluntly, Li Chengqian took the most suitable time.

Doing so can even serve multiple purposes.

Since it can attract people's hearts, if you think about it, Guochao will help you raise your children, wouldn't it be much easier for you?
Secondly, he can also train the talents he wants for the Ming court according to his ideas.

Finally, and most importantly, children are far more malleable than adults.

Based on this alone, there is no reason for him not to do it.

Investing in education is always a good deal for a ruler.

How could Li Chengqian, a descendant who has gone through nine years of compulsory education, not understand this.

Since the right time, place and people are asking him to do this, he has no reason to let go of such a good opportunity.

Still the same sentence, if no situation makes a hero, then a hero makes a situation!
Seeing this, the officials of the Tang Dynasty shook their heads one by one. They were not optimistic about Li Chengqian's move. In their opinion, what the Tang Dynasty could not do, how could your Ming court do it?

Regardless of the country's land, national power, or even its citizens, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is not as good as a state capital of the Tang Dynasty.

To say that it is a tiny place is all a compliment, so they are not optimistic about it.

After Pei Lao and the others saw the Tang officials coming, they quickly left through the crowd.

For the time being, they don't want to deal with these people, and they don't want them to know the existence of themselves and others.

"Chen Xuezheng is talented." An official said with a smile.

They are now also interested in this little-known Xuezheng in the past.

Without him, yesterday's Wei Shuyu opened their eyes to the truth, so they also deliberately inquired about who is the master of the Ming Dynasty.

It is not difficult for them to inquire about this kind of thing.

After all, there are countless noble children serving in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, and Li Chengqian doesn't care about such things.

Hearing what he said, Chen Sheng didn't react at all, he just cupped his hands and said, "Your envoy is overwhelmed."

For these officials from Chang'an, he really didn't catch a cold.

Strictly speaking, his Chen family was a poor family in the Tang Dynasty in the past. In the past, when he was in the Tang Dynasty, even though he was the son of the county magistrate, in Chang'an, he was really not worthy of the name.

Chang'an, if you drop a stone, you can hit several Dukes and Lords.

"We admire Chen Xuezheng's knowledge very much. If Chen Xuezheng is free, why not have a banquet together?" The visitor's tone was extremely polite.

They also want to explore the bottom line of Ming Dynasty Chinese studies.

However, Chen Sheng cupped his hands and said, "Young students will not be able to be a noble envoy when they study late, and there are many trivial things in school, sorry."

He didn't like these guys very much.

He very much supported Li Chengqian's move, because he was from a poor family.

The current him has not been fascinated by power. At this moment, he still has a fistful heart.

After speaking, the guy left.

Different road non-phase plan.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

Someone said indignantly, "You bastard, you don't know etiquette!"

"Who are you scolding?" As soon as he said this, he was immediately surrounded by those excited common people.

But the man was not afraid at all, and waved his hand and said: "I am an official of the court, how dare you be presumptuous? You don't know etiquette and you don't know the law?"

Everyone was slightly taken aback. Since ancient times, people have never fought against officials. Hearing what he said, everyone was still a little worried.

But Li Chengqian, who was on the top of the city, saw this scene, but said to Liu San beside him: "Go and have a look, don't let us people suffer."

Today, he was here to see the reaction of the common people, but he did not expect to encounter such a scene.

Hearing what he said, Liu San immediately understood, and quickly ran to the top of the city.

Those common people were hesitating, a little at a loss, but Liu San smiled and said: "Your envoy wants to use the laws of the Tang Dynasty to punish the crimes of my Ming people?"

He didn't hate these people, but he didn't like them either. Since Li Chengqian said, don't let the common people suffer, it means that he was allowed to stand up for the common people.

"Everyone, don't be afraid. His Highness saw the scene just now from the top of the city. His Highness said that the people of the Ming court cannot be judged by others."

After finishing speaking, Liu San looked at the officials of the Tang Dynasty again, and said, "Everyone, this is the Royal Court of the Ming Dynasty, please correct your positions."

As soon as he said this, all the people were excited in an instant.

"Yes, this is the Daming Royal Court!" Someone shouted.

What's wrong with you being a Datang official?
This is the Daming Royal Court!
Then, they looked towards the top of the city, and seeing that Li Chengqian was indeed looking here, they immediately shouted: "Your Highness is wise!"

Cheers came and went.

They feel very comfortable in their hearts, and there is nothing more comfortable than being wronged and being protected by others.

Even if it's just a word.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian smiled and walked down the wall.

Before going out of the city gate, I asked the soldiers guarding the city gate to understand the situation, and then walked over and said: "Remember, as long as you don't violate the laws of Ming Dynasty, even if you go to the end of the world, the royal court of Daming will always be your last." solid backing.

In the same way, when the Ming court resists foreign enemies, you will also be the most solid backing of the Daming court. "

If he pretended to be aggressive, Li Chengqian would do one thing after another.

No pressure at all.

Hearing what he said, everyone shouted again and again.

I dare not say it elsewhere, but in Riyue Mountain, Li Chengqian's reputation has reached its peak.

As for those Tang officials, they didn't say a word, they knew that they and others were being used again.

Even so, when they left, those common people still looked at everyone proudly.

Why aren't they proud? A group of civilians clashed with officials, and their king supported them. That's enough!
In the end, they returned to the embassy under the escort of the soldiers at the gate of the city, otherwise, those ordinary people might really attack them in groups.

Li Chengqian's purpose is to win people's hearts, not to provoke bloody conflicts.

When Li Chengqian returns, what happened under the city wall today will surely spread throughout Chishuiyuan.

Not far from the city wall, Mr. Pei and the others, who had covered their whereabouts, sighed again as they watched this scene.

Li Chengqian, it really made them feel very strange.

"Go, go back and discuss it later." Mr. Pei finally shook his head and said.

This Daming royal court doesn't seem to be so easy to mess with.

Niu Jinda, who was in the embassy, ​​felt a little thumping at the moment. It stands to reason that yesterday's banquet was his best opportunity, but because Li Chengqian made him miss such an opportunity.

Now, for a while, he couldn't find a better time.

"Otherwise, let's use the reason for Wu's escape." Li Xiaogong said on the side.

Niu Jinda shook his head and said, "Forget it, that child of the Wu family is pitiful in the first place, so don't add new stains to her."

It is impossible to conceal this matter, but it will not be played out.

If this is the case, not only Wu Mei will be in trouble, but the entire team of seeing off relatives will be in trouble, and people may even die.

Therefore, even other officials will choose to turn a blind eye. This is the reality.

As for what opportunity Niu Jinda was waiting for, it was actually very simple.

He wanted to find a suitable opportunity to stay in the Daming royal court.

That's what Cheng Yaojin meant at the beginning, and he also resigned from the post of commanding army in Taozhou, and Li Er agreed.

But the problem is, if he just resigned to vote for Li Chengqian, he would always lack some rhetoric, or an appropriate reason.

That's why he was arranged for such a trip as an envoy, in order to make some minor mistakes during the envoy, and then Li Er got angry and dismissed him on the spot, so that he could be logical Stay in the royal court of Ming Dynasty.

For this matter, the court acquiesced, as they said, Li Chengqian had to have his own people by his side, so Niu Jinda, his own person, came like this.

Originally, he was planning to make a mess of drinking at the banquet last night, and then he was dismissed because of his disrespect in front of the palace. Who knew that there would be such a big commotion at the banquet last night. Hun, even if he stayed, he would probably be hated to death.

We are happy here, are you here to make trouble?

So, in the end, he still missed this opportunity.

"The Royal Court of the Ming Dynasty." Li Xiaogong shook his head and said, "It is true that someone needs to support him for a while. Your Highness is walking too fast now. Without the assistance of the senior ministers, I dare not imagine where your Highness will go."

In the past, he just felt that Li Chengqian was indeed worthy of being a young talent, but he didn't take it too seriously.

He has seen a lot of young talents.

Among other things, isn't Li Chengqian's father a young talent?
Although King Qin was bigger than the current Li Chengqian when he conquered the world, who were his opponents at that time?

As for the expansion of territory, Li Xiaogong's merits are not enough in front of Li Xiaogong. Could it be said that he, Li Xiaogong, did not expand the territory for the Tang Dynasty?

Therefore, although it was valued in the past, it was also very limited.

But since last night, Li Xiaogong's mind has changed, and this Li Chengqian has also changed, becoming a little strange to him.

Although he could understand everything he did, the more he understood, the more frightened he became.

Li Chengqian, this is really managing and developing the Ming court as a country.

The country, for the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty could be a country, but it also couldn't be a country.

How should I say this?

From the point of view of interests, when the interests of the Tang Dynasty are satisfied, then the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is the country.

In the same way, as long as it is beneficial to the Tang Dynasty, the Ming court will no longer be a country.

Very tongue-in-cheek, but realistic.

What the Ming court is, in the eyes of those people in Chang'an, only depends on the interests.

But Li Chengqian is developing the Ming court towards a real country, which is a country...

Between countries, only talk about interests, no feelings, even father and son!
"Hey, even if I stay now, there is no place for me in the Ming court." Niu Jinda shook his head and smiled wryly.

Li Xiaogong shook his head and said: "I have already received the news that Pei Ji's younger brother and the descendants of Yuanmou's former ministers are rushing towards Riyue Mountain. Maybe they have already entered Riyue Mountain by now."

"They're here too?" Niu Jinda dared not answer, "What are they going to do?"

"Tiger, no matter how old you are, you always want to eat meat." Li Xiaogong shook his head and remained silent.

This is interesting, and Niu Jinda even stood up when he heard this.

The flow of information is too great!
Li Xiaogong was relatively helpless, there was nothing he could do, the news came from Li Er.

Ever since Li Er found out that Pei Jimi would not be mourned, and with the addition of warriors Xun and Zhang Pinggao, he couldn't help but want to find out.

In the end, after learning the news, he also passed the news to Li Xiaogong immediately.

As for whether there is any idea of ​​testing Li Xiaogong during this process, no one else knows.

Niu Jinda was silent for a moment, and asked, "What does Your Majesty mean?"

"Your Majesty didn't explain it, you can handle it yourself." Li Xiaogong spread his hands.

Aren't you embarrassing me?What can His Majesty say about this matter?It doesn't sound very good when it gets out.

Niu Jinda pondered for a while, and realized that he had asked the wrong question.

But for him, Li Er actually didn't need to explain it. When Li Er passed such information to him, it didn't matter what he explained or not.

If you don't have any vision at all, and you need Li Er to explain everything to you word by word, then you're at the end of the road.

Many things need to be experienced by yourself.

"I understand, don't worry, I will find a way to make something happen as soon as possible." At this point, Niu Jinda knew very well that he had no way out.

In the past, he himself wanted to come to the Daming court to make contributions, but now, it was Li Er who needed him to come to the Daming court to represent Li Er and Li Yuan's old part in court.

These things, developed to the present, have become lice on the bald head, an obvious thing.

It's ridiculous that Yuanmou's former ministers are still acting mysteriously.

In fact, from Wu Mei's marriage to the Ming court, many people have seen some tricks in it.

It's just that we don't know what the tricks are here.

(End of this chapter)

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