Chapter 284 Who is Shameless in Volume Three?

What kind of place is the Daming Royal Court, in fact, many people can't explain it clearly.

Even Wei Zheng and Xiao Yu who have been to Riyue Mountain, they can't tell clearly.

The Ming court seems to have a magical power, which makes people who have been here reluctant to leave.

But if you ask them why they don't want to leave, they can't say one, two, three, four, five.

This is the Ming court.


The junction of Daming Royal Court and Water River County.

Now there are three cities built here.

Qiu Bowen's headquarters was stationed in the easternmost city.

Compared with the cities in the south, the cities in the north are much stronger.

There is no way, the planning here was earlier than that over there, and there are more merchants gathered here, so the city is naturally more complete than that over there.

The city where Qiu Bowen and the others were stationed was named Beiqiu. The name was chosen by Qiu Bowen. Li Chengqian approved it after the report, and the name was decided in this way.

If there is any meaning, probably only Qiu Bowen knows it.

Now, Qiu Bowen is the general guard of Beiqiu city and also the county magistrate of Beiqiu county. All the civil and military power is in his hands alone, so it can't be regarded as humiliating him.

Of course, Qiu Bowen only wanted to be a county magistrate, and governing a county had always been his dream.

"General..." In the county office, Qiu Bowen was dealing with official business. When he saw his subordinates rushing in, he said displeasedly, "Call the county magistrate, don't call the old general general. Hearing this name, the county thought of the old days again." Conquest on the battlefield."

"Magistrate Qiu, the caravan sent by King Gaochang has arrived." The visitor said.

He was originally under Qiu Bowen's command and a member of the Qiu clan, so he was naturally loyal to the leader of his family.

Hearing what he said, Qiu Bowen raised his head and said, "Oh, this King Gaochang moved fast enough. It took a few days for the news to be released, and their people arrived? Well, where are they? "

"I've already entered the city, and I should settle down in Changming Restaurant now." Said the subordinate.

Qiu Bowen asked, "Has the Ministry of Household arrived yet?"

"They arrived early this morning." The subordinate said, "I heard that the profit of this business is not low. Whether it is the Ministry of Households or King Gaochang, it is a huge profit."

Hmph... Qiu Bowen snorted coldly, and said, "What do you want to do? Or are you not the only one who wants to use your brain? Don't you know that our clansmen are still begging for life on the grassland? Are you trying to kill me?" They can't?"

"The county magistrate misunderstood." The subordinate immediately said, "Why do we do things that affect the safety of the tribe? The end is to hear from the Ministry of Households that the imperial court allows us to do business, but we can't do business. Do it with King Gaochang, and you are not allowed to do it in Beiqiu City.

It seems to be saying that the court signed an agreement with King Gaochang or something, and what kind of trading partners the two parties are, I will not understand.

But apart from these, we can do business. At the end of the day, the general thought, how about a part of our Qiu family also do this business, not to mention how much we earn, we can always make up for it. "

Hearing what he said, Qiu Bowen fell silent.

What does it mean?
Li Chengqian would definitely not do this for no reason. Since he did this, it must have a deep meaning.

However, he didn't think about the deep meaning of this for a while, and said immediately: "Look at this matter again, don't worry, today is different from the past, and our Highness King Ming is not comparable to King Daning." Yes, don't ruin the hope of the whole family for a little money.

Today, it is our top priority to guard the border and build a good border city.

But since King Gaochang's caravan is here, you can ask the people in the household department what they mean, and just do what they say. "

I have to say that the current Qiu Bowen is indeed a little cautious.

He couldn't figure out Li Chengqian, so he didn't dare to draw conclusions easily.

But compared to Murong Shun, he is more optimistic about Li Chengqian.

Let's do it for now, there is no better way.

The subordinate nodded, and stopped talking, and immediately left the county government office to find someone from the household department.

The handover between the people from the household department and Murong Xiaojun's caravan went very smoothly. After all, they communicated with each other early in the morning, and there were no twists and turns.

But when Murong Xiaojun's people got those exquisite goods, one or two were shocked.

This stuff makes money, and it makes a lot of money.

Because the target customers of these objects are the nobles of Tuyuhun, which has been the case in all dynasties. If you want to make a lot of money, you have to put your hands in the pockets of rich people.

Immediately, Murong Xiaojun's men took the goods back to Water River County.

And the people from the household department also returned to Riyue Mountain with money and food, and everyone needed to go back to do business.

That night, in King Gaochang's tent, when Murong Xiaojun saw these things brought back by the caravan, he was amazed as well.

Especially the vanity mirror, the princess couldn't put it down.

"This item from the Ming court is really outstanding. Even if I am a concubine, I have never seen such an exquisite thing." The princess said while looking around with a vanity mirror.

Murong Xiaojun smiled and said: "Not to mention anything else, but in this aspect, the Ming court is indeed much stronger than us, but that's good, we can earn a lot of money and food in this way. Presumably this year, Water River County can Get through this winter."

Years of snow disasters have really tormented them. No one can guarantee that this winter will be better than previous years.

"I heard that the Ming court also has a return air stove. It is said that after it is lit, the whole tent will be like summer." The merchant said, "If there is such a thing, there must be another snow disaster this winter, and we can do it too." Get over it."

When Murong Xiaojun heard that there were still such items, he immediately asked: "Then why didn't you buy some this time?"

"Da Ming said that firstly, the season has not yet arrived, secondly, the price is relatively expensive, and thirdly, the transportation is inconvenient." The merchant said, "This time, they also shipped one, saying it was for the prince. of."

"Hurry up and bring it in." Murong Xiaojun said eagerly.

If there is such a thing, it must be a great weapon for the winter grassland.

Hearing this, the businessman immediately ordered someone to bring the return air stove in.

The stove is square, like a table.

The entire stove is wrapped in iron sheets, and in the middle of the stove are rings of iron rings, and there is an air outlet at one corner.

Murong Xiaojun said: "Quickly demonstrate it to me."

"Your Highness, after using this thing, the tent in winter will be like midsummer. Is it suitable to use this thing in this day?" The businessman was a little embarrassed.

But Murong Xiaojun said: "Don't talk too much, hurry up, I want to see if it has the effect you said."

This time, if the wind stove really has the effect he said, it will definitely be a magical existence for wintering on the grassland, and he cannot afford to ignore it.

When the businessman heard this, he stopped insisting, and immediately followed the instructions taught by the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is to get the iron pipe out, and everything else is nothing.

After a while, after the preparations were completed, the merchant called the servants to light the cow dung in the stove.

It is not uncommon for cow dung to be the most common fuel on the grassland.

After the fire ignited, Murong Xiaojun said with some disappointment: "It's not as evil as you said."

"People from Daming said that the stove will only be effective after burning for a while." The businessman was not in a hurry.

While the stove was burning, Murong Xiaojun chatted with the merchant about other things, basically about where to sell the items purchased from the Daming Royal Court, what price and so on.

It stands to reason that Murong Xiaojun, a prince, shouldn't bother with these things. No matter how difficult Tuyuhun has been in these years, the difficulties are not on his head.

However, Murong Xiaojun must also have a heart of worrying about the country and the people. In recent years, although Water River County has not lost much, it is not without losses. He also wants to give the hundreds of thousands of herdsmen under his rule a way of life.

The most important thing is that Murong Shun's lessons learned from the past are there. Does he dare to watch the herdsmen suffer from disasters?

If he really got to that point, he would most likely become the second Murong Shun.

During this time, not only he was thinking, but everyone in Tuyuhun was thinking about how Murong Shun lost.

They thought about it for a long time before they could figure it out, and finally they were surprised to find that no matter how Murong Shun lost, Li Chengqian brought so many people from Datang. look.

In the end, they found that the reason why Murong Shun lost was because of the popular support.

Well, their conclusion is actually a bit unreasonable, because none of them said that the reason why Murong Shun lost was because he lost to Murong Fuyun.

But no matter what the reason was, Murong Xiaojun also realized that people's hearts are very important.

Therefore, he must worry about the country and the people.

While several people were discussing, the princess suddenly said, "Why is it so hot all of a sudden?"

Her words awakened the dreamer, Murong Xiaojun looked at the stove and immediately became excited, and stretched out his hand to touch it: "Yo yo, it's so hot..."

However, he was not angry at all, and immediately laughed and said, "Good thing, this is indeed a good thing. If every tribe in Water River County has more of these stoves this winter, then even if it is snowing non-stop this winter , we are not afraid anymore."

How did he know that the reason why Li Chengqian gave him this stove was because it was a bait for fishing.

Since you want to catch this big fish in the entire Jiaohe County, how can you do it if the bait is small?

"My lord, I'm afraid this time the blast stove is worth a lot." Wang Hao said from the side, "A return blast stove uses so much iron, it is estimated that this Ming prince will not want to sell it."

Iron material, it is a strategic material in this era.

"That's right, my lord, this item is very good, but its value is difficult to estimate." The merchant also said.

Murong Xiaojun smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you have something, you will have it. In this way, you will make a few more trips to Daming to make money, it's not shabby."

He had already guessed some of Li Chengqian's intentions, but so what?They can't stop it, as long as there are conditions, who would refuse the existence of such an artifact in the winter?

It won't, and it can't be.

That being the case, now he can only use the convenience of business to earn as much money as possible to prepare for the coming winter.

In the following period of time, Murong Xiaojun's caravan sold some exquisite items from the Ming court to various tribes in Tuyuhun, and he even sold them to the caravan from the Western Regions passing through Tuyuhun.

Everyone saw Murong Xiaojun taking advantage of the trade with the Daming royal court to make a lot of money crazily.

This made the other tribes of Tuyuhun extremely jealous.

When they saw that Murong Xiaojun was making a lot of money, they immediately organized a caravan and rushed to Riyue Mountain.

But Li Qinjian, who received them, said apologetically: "Sorry everyone, our trade with Tuyuhun is only carried out in Beiqiu City. As you all know, because the Tang Dynasty banned grain trade with the Ming court, our two countries Although there is no problem with other trades in China for the time being, we dare not be careless about trades involving third countries.

Moreover, Datang has already imposed an additional [-]% tariff on the goods exported from the Ming court to other countries through the territory of Datang, and it is a bilateral collection.

In other words, if we go from Datang, we will lose half of the money, and you will have to bear half of the cost, which is really not worth the candle. "

"We can also conduct transactions in Beiqiu City, and then return from Water River County." Someone said immediately.

Li Qinjian shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, but as a city of friendly relations with Riyue Mountain, Pourhe County signed a three-year exclusive purchase contract with us.

In other words, in the next three years, we can only sell its goods to King Gaochang.

The reason why King Gaochang signed this contract with us was to restrict us and prevent our goods from entering the territory of Tuyuhun privately, which would have an impact on Tuyuhun's own economy.

From this point of view, King Gaochang is indeed far-sighted. "

What is he called far-sighted?

Some people sneered in their hearts, this mother obviously wanted to eat alone.

He also found a high-sounding excuse for himself, that's really fucking shameless.

Who doesn't know that now Murong Xiaojun has made a lot of money?
"Li Shilang, don't take it seriously. Daming Royal Court and Tuyuhun are countries with diplomatic relations. Besides, Tuyuhun mainly focuses on grazing. How can it affect it? What's more, Daming Royal Court is a state of etiquette. King Gaochang is in vain. man!"

Li Qinjian wanted to laugh when he heard that.

The royal court of the Ming Dynasty, a state of etiquette?
Are you kidding me?
Those people in Datang said behind their backs that we are aliens, but you actually say that we are a nation of etiquette?

Really, as long as you can make money, you dare to say any nonsense...

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's really helpless. To tear up the contract, the Daming royal court will pay ten times the benefits to King Gaochang." Li Qinjian also laughed, "Everyone also said that my Daming royal court is a state of etiquette. Whether it is unilaterally tearing up the contract, or refusing to pay compensation afterwards, it will damage my reputation as a state of etiquette."


Just when everyone was at a loss, Li Qinjian said again: "However, if you really want to do this business, you can go to Beiqiu City to try your luck. I heard that there are many people there who are going to the Western Regions." Let's go, if you are lucky, you can buy some goods from them, but I don't know how to transport them back.

After all, Riyue Mountain only signed an exclusive contract with Tuyuhun with Water River County, and there is no such contract with the Western Regions. "

After finishing speaking, Li Qinjian laughed wildly in his heart, go, go, Huang Song and the others are waiting for you.

And when everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

That's right, Riyue Mountain has a contract with Water River County, which cannot be said, but it does not have a contract with the Western Regions.

As long as they intercepted the caravan heading to the Western Regions, wouldn't that be enough?Maybe it's still a no-cost deal, wouldn't that earn more than Murong Xiaojun?
For a moment, there was a greedy look on everyone's face.

When Li Qinjian saw their appearance, he guessed their thoughts, and reminded: "I advise you, doing business without money in the Ming court is a capital offense!

Of course, we have nothing to do with them outside of the Daming Royal Court, but no matter who the caravan that robbed the Daming Royal Court is, the Daming Royal Court will hunt down and kill them, even if they are in the ends of the earth, they will not stop. "

This hole cannot be opened, otherwise Daming's caravan will become a favorite when it goes out, so it's okay.

"Don't worry, Li Shilang, in business, it's always about what you like and what you want." Someone said immediately.

As for what they think in their hearts, no one knows.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone got up and left.

For them, the trip was worth it.

As soon as they left, Li Qinjian left the yamen of the household department and went straight to the palace wall.

Not long after, Li Qinjian came to Li Chengqian's king tent.

"Baited?" Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Then tell Huang Song and others, remember to protect their safety, since they are willing to do something for the Ming Dynasty, let alone other things, but safety must be taken care of." Guarantee others, otherwise, who will dare to do things for the court in the future."

Li Qinjian said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't worry, the minister has already entrusted Qiu Bowen, and Huang Song and his party have hundreds of people, they can handle ordinary situations."

"Where do they get so many people?" Li Chengqian was a little curious.

"They were all temporary recruits at Riyue Mountain, and many herdsmen who had nothing to do followed. After all, the price they gave was really good." Li Qinjian explained.

Li Chengqian had no opinion on this.

As long as you give money, it doesn't matter to recruit buddies.

It just so happens that everyone needs to earn money to buy food to prepare for the cold winter.

"Murong Xiaojun, you can't relax. Remember, don't be jealous of other people's money. How much they make has nothing to do with us. We only need to earn what we get." Li Chengqian said, "And you also know that this The king did not do this to make money, if he really wants to make money, the king has more ways, understand?"

Li Qinjian immediately nodded and said: "I understand, by the way, Your Highness, in the past two days, businessmen from Goguryeo and Wa kingdoms have come to our Riyue Mountain, and they look like they want to buy something from my royal court of Ming Dynasty. "

"Goguryeo and Wa Kingdom?" Li Chengqian was taken aback for a moment, these two places are really far away, and their merchants traveled so far to do business?

"Yes." Li Qinjian said, "Now I'm staying at Changming Restaurant. I passed the post to Wei Chen before, but Wei Chen hasn't dealt with them before, so I haven't seen them yet."

Li Chengqian thought for a while, and said: "It's okay, go and meet them. I heard that the Japanese country is rich in silver. Hehe, I just don't know how much silver the Japanese merchants brought here this time."

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, Li Qinjian understood and laughed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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