This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 291 Volume 3: Ask the matchmaker before the battle!

Chapter 291 Ask the matchmaker before the third roll!

I saw Murong Wanqiu holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other.

Seeing this, Wan Tengpu said excitedly: "The last general will hold the shield for him himself!" After speaking, he looked aside and shouted, "Shield!"

A soldier also handed over a shield with an excited expression on his face. Wan Tupu, who took the shield, rode forward, holding the shield with one hand, and stood horizontally on the horse.

"What is this for?" Li Chengqian asked curiously.

Yi Yuanfeng smiled and said: "Your Highness just saw it, this is a unique matchmaking matchmaking in the grassland, and it is a great gift!"

"Nonsense!" Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian said angrily, "Tell him to stop quickly, what does it look like?"

"I can't stop." Yi Yuanfeng said, "From the moment she rode her horse, she couldn't stop. Just now, even if Liu San and the others draw their bows and arrows, she has to continue."

"Why? Don't die?" Liu San was a little puzzled.

Yi Yuanfeng explained: "Even if we are grassland people, we basically follow the orders of our parents and the words of the matchmaker in matters of marriage. Since she wants to break this rule, there is no turning back.

Asking the matchmaker before the battle, it was a woman who bet everything on herself, which required great courage. "

Saying that, Yi Yuanfeng also had a proud face, this is the woman on the grassland, even if he is not familiar with him.

"Princess, don't do it!" At this moment, another group of cavalry with dozens of people came quickly, shouting loudly.

Liu San took a look through the binoculars and said, "It's the soldiers sent by Murong Xiaojun."

Before Li Chengqian allowed Murong Xiaojun to send a team of 99 people to protect Murong Wanqiu's safety, now it seems that they should be these people.

But it's funny to say that all of them are equipped with the equipment of the Ming court, which are just products before the iteration.

For them, Yi Yuanfeng and the others were more vigilant.

As for Murong Wanqiu, she continued to gallop forward as if she hadn't seen her, and stopped when she was about ten steps away from Wanqiu, and said loudly: "I am Wanqiu, the beloved daughter of King Gaochang , I’m here today to ask the matchmaker!”

As soon as she said this, the natives on the prairie were all in awe, even the soldiers who were stopping Murong Wanqiu just now stood up on their horses and stopped in place.

For them, asking the matchmaker before the battle is the highest etiquette for a woman to express her love.

You can not understand, but must respect.

But these things are relatively unfamiliar to Liu San and the rest of the Han family, and they all stared at Murong Wanqiu as if they were curious.

The same is true for Li Chengqian, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

When those women in the later generations pursued the rich and handsome, they were much more crazy than this one. Stories about sending guns for thousands of miles and paying more attention to affection than courtesy are not uncommon.

And at this moment, the arrow in Murong Wanqiu's right hand suddenly twisted around her hair, a strand of blue silk wrapped around the arrow, and then she drew the bow and struck the arrow, and the arrow mixed with a strand of blue strands went straight to the shield in Wan Tupu's hand and go.

After a burst of vibrato, Wan Tupu turned the shield over, and said boldly: "A strand of blue silk can be relied on!"

When Murong Wanqiu heard this, she took out another arrow from the quiver, and immediately stroked her clothes casually, a corner of the clothes was pierced by the arrow, and then another arrow shot out.

"A corner of the hem of the clothes is proof!" Wan Tupu shouted again after the inspection was correct.

For the natives of Tuyuhun, this was indeed a shocking scene, but for Li Chengqian and others, it was no different from watching a monkey show.

Yuchi Baolin even felt that this was delaying the progress of the army.

But Murong Wanqiu didn't care about that, and continued to shoot arrow after arrow, until the last blood-stained arrow was shot, the complicated process really started.

Yes, when Wan Tengpu checked the arrows on the shield and confirmed that they were correct, the complicated process had just begun, at least Wan Tengpu and the others thought so.

Yi Yuanfeng explained to Li Chengqian: "According to the rules on the prairie, the Nine Arrows have something to say, this Highness may not understand, it doesn't matter, but the Nine Arrows have nine words, this Highness can listen to it, according to the rules, she must Let His Highness understand her intentions within nine words, but there are only nine words."

"What the hell." Li Chengqian looked puzzled. After watching for a long time, he didn't know what it was about.

But Murong Wanqiu said directly: "If I have nine arrows, I should have nine words."

"Here we come." Yi Yuanfeng said with a smile.

Li Chengqian shook his head, this made...

Just when he was in a daze, Murong Wanqiu suddenly shouted: "However, I only have one word today.

Li Chengqian, dare to marry a concubine!Do you dare to marry? "

"Okay!" Wan Tupu and others shouted immediately.

This is a domineering question!

What nonsense, I just say, I dare to marry, how dare you marry?
Li Chengqian was dumbfounded. Are women these days so unrestrained?
Isn't this the same as a woman proposing to a man?
Even in later generations, that is a rare thing.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?" Yi Yuanfeng shouted, "It's your turn to express your opinion."

"What's my attitude?" Li Chengqian was dumbfounded, "She's crazy! If Murong Xiaojuan finds out about this, it might break her leg."

"No." Yi Yuanfeng shook his head and said, "Did Your Highness see the knife on her waist? She only used a bow before, but this knife is also useful.

If His Highness refuses, she can only use this knife to kill her. "

"What's the point of using death to prove your ambition?" Li Chengqian became more and more confused the more he listened.

Yi Yuanfeng explained: "There are only two outcomes when asking a matchmaker before the battle. One is success, and everyone is happy. The other is defeat. Death can prove one's ambition. There is no third way to go.

The reason why asking matchmakers before the battle is called the most special etiquette on the grassland is that it requires a woman's determination to do such a thing. "

In fact, to put it bluntly, everyone's permission is limited to women's freedom to marry.

If every woman uses this to seek her own freedom to marry, that's fine. Therefore, women are allowed to ask matchmakers before the battle, but the price of failure is a fresh life.

A woman only has one chance to ask a matchmaker in her life.

When Li Chengqian heard it, he actually understood. Isn't this the dross of feudal society?

Freedom is given to you, but freedom comes at a price.

At this moment, he is also in a dilemma. This fucking puts him in a dilemma.

If you agree, you don't know how Murong Xiaojun will react, if you don't agree, you don't know how Murong Xiaojun will react.

At the beginning, he left Murong Wanqiu in Riyue Mountain, just to create some gaps between Murong Xiaojun and Murong Fuyun, but now it's okay, this has become a trouble for him.

Of course, it would be nonsense to say that Li Chengqian was not moved.

Except for Yuchi Baolin, who would not admit that Murong Wanqiu is a beautiful woman?

But Murong Shun knows that a man who can't control his crotch can become a great man, how can Li Chengqian not know?
So right now, he is really in a dilemma.

Compared to his embarrassment, Murong Wanqiu is a little uneasy at the moment.

It stands to reason that such a beautiful woman like herself came to ask a matchmaker before the battle, even if Li Chengqian had a hidden disease, he could be cured of it!
But Li Chengqian didn't say anything for a long time, so she felt a little uneasy.

During this period of time, she thought a lot. Compared with Dayanmang Jiebo, Li Chengqian must be the most suitable husband.

After all, no matter in terms of age, status, or potential, Li Chengqian would be far behind.

And it is impossible for her to hide in Riyue Mountain all the time, even if she pollutes herself, it will not help. Every time Dayan Mangjiebo looks at her, she can see greed in it.

Besides, Dayan Mangjiebo was just greedy for her beauty.

On the contrary, Li Chengqian's eyes are much cleaner every time he looks at her. She doesn't know, Li Chengqian has seen all kinds of beauties in later generations, which style has he not seen?
And the reason why she took such a risk was because she inquired and inquired from Chang Le before she made such a bad plan.

In the final analysis, Li Chengqian is a good man, so he can be called a gentleman.

Since he is a gentleman, he cannot escape being deceived.

She didn't believe it anymore, Li Chengqian could still watch her die to show her ambition?
But at this moment, seeing that Li Chengqian didn't respond for a long time, Murong Wanqiu also panicked immediately, this wood, could it be that she really isn't interested in women?Immediately, she pulled out the scimitar from her waist, not because she wanted to show her ambition with death, but to force Li Chengqian as a show.

No matter what, she is still Murong Xiaojun's daughter!

Seeing her holding a knife, Yi Yuanfeng immediately shouted: "Not good!"

Li Chengqian was also taken aback, and said helplessly: "Okay, I understand what you want, I will talk about it later."

If Murong Wanqiu is forced to death, no matter what the reason is, Murong Xiaojun will probably have to jump. On the contrary, if Murong Wanqiu is married, Murong Xiaojun will probably react, but there is always room for maneuver.

After all, for Li Chengqian, Water River County is now the bridgehead for him to win the entire Tuyuhun, and there is no room for loss.

Of course, there are many aspects to this move. If you really want to marry Murong Wanqiu, no matter how Murong Xiaojun reacts, Murong Fuyun will definitely be more suspicious of Murong Xiaojun. From this point of view, this is also a good thing.

Besides, Li Chengqian has nothing to complain about being such a beautiful woman?

Compared to Wu Mei, Su's and Hou's, this Murong Wanqiu was conquered by herself.

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, Yi Yuanfeng and the others cheered again, Murong Wanqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the soldiers sent by her father, and said: "Go back, the chief of this county will follow my lord Go out."

Those guys are also helpless, this matter has caused a lot of trouble, but there is no way, they have no choice but to leave.

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Is she going to go out with the army?"

"Yes." Yi Yuanfeng said, "at this moment, her saber is no longer used to prove her will, but to fight side by side."

Li Chengqian was speechless, and there were many rules and regulations. When he was about to say a few words, he suddenly saw the excited expressions of Wan Tupu and others. At that moment, he understood.

At the moment, there is no more words.

It can only be said that the imperial court of Ming Dynasty has really developed too fast, and everyone is aware of the sense of crisis.

"It's okay to go out with the army, but don't be reckless." When Murong Wanqiu arrived on horseback, Li Chengqian said casually.

When Murong Wanqiu heard the words, she immediately said: "I understand."

Li Chengqian didn't say much anymore, and the army continued to move south.

When he arrived at the border town, Li Chengqian saw Yi Yuanxi directing the crowd to be busy.

"Thank you for your hard work." Li Chengqian said, "This king personally sits in this city, and you will return to Riyue Mountain after a day's rest."

Yi Yuanxi clasped his hands and said, "It's a matter of being loyal to the emperor, how can you work so hard."

These people have recently learned a lot of rhetoric from those Han officials. After all, their king is a descendant of the Han family, and they will learn more if they like it.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Now I really have the intention of being a high-ranking official. Tell me how the battle in the border town is going."

"General Qibi is worthy of being the younger brother of the great general, and he is very disciplined in leading troops to fight..." Yiyuan Xibaba said a lot, but all of them were talking about the monk Qibi.

As for Lou Ning, he didn't mention a word.

But this is normal, after all, Lou Ning almost wiped out his Yi family at the beginning.

Li Chengqian nodded after listening, and at this moment, Lou Ning and Qibi Shamen walked over together.

"See Your Highness." The two of them and their accompanying soldiers said in unison.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Thanks to everyone."

"It's not hard." Qibi Shamen laughed loudly, "This time, the last general knows the advantages of Daming's weapons. As long as we don't want to, those Tubo thieves won't be able to get under the city wall at all."

Speaking of this, he is happy.

After fighting for so many years, he still doesn't know that fighting can be done like this.

Li Chengqian is not surprised by this, the military equipment of the Ming court does have a huge lead in this era, there is nothing to say about it.

"Go back to the city first, and you gather all the news first, and then present it to the king. The king must study it first." Li Chengqian said, "General Yi, you take the resentful army and each of you to find a place to set up camp. Trekking is not easy for everyone.”

Yi Yuanfeng nodded immediately.

As for Liu San, Yuchi Baolin and other personal guards, they naturally followed Li Chengqian. Originally, Murong Wanqiu also planned to follow Li Chengqian, but Li Chengqian asked Yi Yuanxi to temporarily arrange a residence for her.

When Li Chengqian came to the temporary residence, he immediately said to Liu San: "Let Ma Ye secretly investigate the situation of the matchmaker before the battle. The investigation should be detailed and not publicized."

Liu San nodded immediately, expressing that he was relieved of the matter.

Li Chengqian was waiting for all parties to gather information, and now he urgently needed to know whether the Tubo attack was Tubo's rebellion or Songtsan Gampo's disgusting deeds in the name of rebellion.

Not long after, pieces of information came together, and Li Chengqian analyzed each available piece of information one by one.

But it is a pity that although there are a lot of information sent, there is not much information that can be used.

"Your Highness, it's just that Tubo is rebellious, do you need to be so cautious?" Yuchi Baolin didn't understand.

Judging from the information obtained from intelligence, these people are indeed rebels from Tubo, because they were blocked everywhere in Tubo, so they set their sights on the Ming court. Who made your Daming court rich?
These days, speaking with strength, there is nothing wrong with it.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, which is more extreme in this era.

"If they were Songtsan Gampo's direct troops, this king would not take it seriously." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Okay, let's search more and see if there is any useful news for us.

To deal with these people, our purpose is not to exterminate them, understand. "

Several people nodded. Of course, Ming definitely didn't understand. Why should they understand this kind of thing?
And on the top of the city, Qibi Shamen and Lou Ning appeared here at the same time. At this moment, Qibi Shamen asked: "Your Highness led the army to march in person. Is this a battle to determine the universe?"

The tone of his words was actually a bit sad.

In his opinion, even if Li Chengqian didn't come, he could still rely on the soldiers and civilians in the city to win the battle.

When Li Chengqian came here, it was obvious that he was taking credit for his achievements.

So, how could he not complain?
Lou Ning also understood the meaning of this guy's words, but said: "The general may be overthinking, every move of His Highness must have a deep meaning.

If it was just for a battle to determine the world, His Highness might not come in person.

Relatively speaking, this bit of military merit is dispensable to His Highness.

Whether it was the defense of Riyue Mountain or the encirclement and suppression of Murong Shun, His Highness has earned enough military exploits. "

Qibi Shamen also nodded, the reason is indeed the same, but he just can't figure it out.

From this point of view, these two guys are a bit petty.

Does Li Chengqian still need this kind of military merit?
What are you thinking?
As long as there is meritorious service in the entire Ming court, can't Li Chengqian get a little bit of it.

"Then how do you think His Highness plans to defeat the enemy?" Qibi Salman asked.

After all, both of them have thought about this matter before. Now when he asked, Lou Ning shook his head and said, "I don't know. Your Highness's thinking has always been unconstrained. I am a military general and follow orders. That's it.

However, this general still thinks that His Highness should make a big move this time, otherwise, there is no need for His Highness to go out in person for mere Tubo bandits. "

"I hope it's a big move." Qibi Samana said after hearing the words.

At the same time, in Murong Wanqiu's temporary residence, she curiously looked at everything around her.

For her, the Daming Royal Court is indeed strange, but she is not afraid.

This is the path she chose, and she has no right to be afraid.

Is marrying Li Chengqian a good match for her?It’s hard to say, at least not right now.

No one knows what Li Chengqian will be like in the future.

But one thing is certain, that is, it must be better than Dayan Mangjiebo.

Dayanmang Jiebo was already doomed, that's all he had to do, but Li Chengqian was still full of possibilities.

She is actually gambling, but she can't do without gambling, this is the fate of a woman, even though she is Murong Xiaojun's daughter.

Of course, she also understood how much uproar it would cause when the news spread back to Piaohe County and Tuyuhun, but she did it anyway, she just wanted to be selfish for herself!
Obviously, my youngest daughter belongs to every family, so why do I have to worry about the major issues of my family, country and world? Does it have anything to do with me?

She just wants to be like a little daughter who is loved by her parents and do what she wants to do to her heart's content. Is she wrong?
The rise and fall of the family, the honor and disgrace of the country, why should she be shouldered by a girl?
This is not fair!

 Sorry, I have a fever, I guess the update has been a bit suspended in the past few days, but there must be a chapter, after all, this chapter is quite expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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