Chapter 293

what are you saying?
King Subi was dumbfounded!
He guessed that Li Chengqian must have a conspiracy, but he never thought that Li Chengqian had such an idea!

In this way, it makes sense for Li Chengqian to let him go.

Because the royal court of the Ming Dynasty was short of food, they wanted to exchange weapons for food.

But where is it more beneficial to rob it yourself than to let others rob it?
Moreover, he, Su Pi, and Tubo were feuds, not to mention Ming's armaments, even if they didn't, wouldn't this battle not be fought?
Judging from Li Chengqian's plan to sell armaments, it can also be judged that the Ming court is indeed short of food.

After all, this is military equipment, not to mention that they were still beating people to death not long ago, just from the perspective of geopolitics, the Ming court will not sell military equipment to them unless it is absolutely necessary, and they can send troops northward at any time The place.

These are very illustrative.

Is it worth cooperating with?
It must be worth it!

What is their situation now?Is there anything else to choose?

But he still had some doubts, so he immediately asked: "Isn't King Ming afraid that this king will strike back in the future?"

It is said that the Han people are cunning, he does not believe that Li Chengqian is not worried about this at all.

When Li Chengqian heard the words, he smiled and said: "Liu San, bring the crossbow and arrows prepared by the general before, and let King Subi pass by."

Liu San and the others were also a little surprised. King Su Pi was right. If they were equipped with Da Ming's equipment, there was indeed a possibility of a counterattack. This had to be guarded against.

But since Li Chengqian said so, he had no choice but to follow suit.

After a while, Liu San brought several Liannu and ten arrows.

Li Chengqian took a continual crossbow and a clip of arrows casually and said: "After all, this thing was made by the Ming court. King Subi, please see that this clip of arrows is very convenient to load. After that, there will be no unnecessary operations.”

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian shot nine arrows at the pillar beside him.

It was only at this time that everyone discovered that there was another arrow on the arrow clip, but Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Does King Supi know what this arrow is used for?"

Shaking his head, King Subi was also a little curious.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "This arrow is numbered, of course, every arrow on the arrow holder has a number, from the beginning, there is no cap.

And the tenth arrow on each arrow clip can't be shot, this is the whole ten arrows mentioned by the generals in the prison of the Ming Dynasty.

If you, Su Pi, need to buy arrow clips from my Daming in the future, there will be a fixed quota, ten arrows per set is the quota for one arrow clip.

For example, this time, you, Su Pi, bought [-] arrows from the Daming Royal Court, so the next time Ni Su Pi wants to buy another [-] arrows, he must bring [-] ten arrows. This king said so, do you understand? "

King Su Pi understands, this is really easy to understand, to put it bluntly, Li Chengqian is clearly restricting you, Su Pi, from secretly hoarding ordnance, it doesn't matter if you have a crossbow, after all, there are no arrows, and the crossbow in your hand is not as good as a fire stick.

But the question is, can't I make arrows myself?
We don’t know how to use Liannu, that’s fine, but we don’t know how to use arrows?
After talking for a long time, isn't it the same as taking off your pants and farting?

Even Liu San and the others on the side were puzzled.

Li Chengqian had known for a long time that everyone would have this thought, so he took an arrow clip from Liu San's hand, handed it directly to King Subi, and said, "Why don't you take it apart and try it? If you take it apart, you can still put it in it." Going back, I will give you the weapons I brought this time for free, the craftsmanship of the Ming court is not unparalleled in the world, but it is definitely not something that anyone can understand."

Regarding this point, Li Chengqian is extremely confident.

In order to fix ten arrows on one arrow clip, he combined what he learned in later generations, so as to ensure that it can be filled once and fired several times in a row.

Speaking of it, as long as you master the principle, it is actually simple. In layman's terms, it is not difficult for those who know it, but not for those who are difficult.

Moreover, in order to prevent its principle from being disassembled and learned after being dismantled, Li Chengqian specially added some other seemingly useful details to confuse everyone.

In addition, whether it is disassembled or installed on the crossbow, the operation principle of the arrow clip is based on the self-destruct mode. As long as one arrow is removed, all ten arrows except the top one will be automatically detached.

No, King Subi took an arrow clip and looked it up curiously. After a while, he thought he had mastered the trick. After removing one arrow, the remaining eight arrows fell down. .

When he picked up these arrows again, he wanted to assemble them into the original form, but he was dumbfounded. It was obviously very simple, but he just couldn't find the trick to get started.

Seeing this, Liu San also looked at the arrow in his hand curiously, is it really so difficult?
Yuchi Baolin and Murong Wanqiu on the side were also curious.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "If you want to try it, try it yourself. If any of you can put it back on your own, I will reward you very much."

If there is such a person, he must be a genius.

Hearing what he said, everyone got excited, and each of them tried there with arrow clips.

King Su Pi also paid attention to their movements, but Li Chengqian didn't care at all.

What is lacking in this era is actually not technology, but thinking that cannot keep up.

To put it bluntly, creativity is not enough.

Of course, this is also related to the policy. The status of craftsmen cannot be improved, which is the result.

The idea that all things are inferior and only reading is high has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but whoever has a little bit of pursuit, who doesn't know that if you want to make a fortune, reading is the only way out?

"Don't do it, I want to eat meat, but I have to ask where the meat comes from." Yuchi Baolin didn't want to toss about it for a while.

When Liu San heard the words, he immediately spread his hands and said: "You are right, don't do it anymore."

Seeing this, King Su Pi immediately smiled and said: "Sure enough, you are worthy of King Ming, and you are more thoughtful."

At this point, he was convinced.

It's all like this, what else can he say?

But in this way, he felt more at ease. If Li Chengqian had no way to restrain him, he would be uneasy, after all, he was not familiar with Li Chengqian.

"You must not have the intention to harm others, but you must have the intention to guard against others." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "King Supi must also be considerate of this king's difficulties."

"That's natural." King Su Pi followed with a smile, "I have thought about it just now, and I, Su Pi and Daming, do have a basis for an alliance."

Whatever the foundation is not, even if there is no foundation now, he can make up a foundation. To put it bluntly, he wants the military equipment of the Ming court.

Li Chengqian did not expose him, but said with a smile: "The matter of the alliance is not in a hurry, but if King Supi accepts this king's previous proposal, then in order to show sincerity, this king will definitely not stop at armaments."

"Oh?" King Su Pi was overjoyed and asked, "I don't know what other arrangements King Ming has."

Li Chengqian said: "After King Subi got the weapons, is he planning to counterattack Tubo?"

"It's natural." Regarding this point, King Subi had nothing to hide.

"Since we want to fight back against Tubo, wouldn't domestic women become a burden? If King Subi trusts me, just send the women to Daming. In this way, you will have no worries, right?" After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian smiled mysteriously.

King Subi also laughed when he heard this.

If other people listened to these words, they would definitely think that Li Chengqian definitely had bad intentions, but for King Supi, this definitely helped him a lot.

Subi is a matrilineal clan!

Although he considers himself King Subi for the time being, there are still many women in power in the country. After all, he, King Subi, cannot completely control Subi.

But as soon as Li Chengqian said this, he made a move. He directly sent those female relatives to the Daming court with an excuse. Li Chengqian would naturally help him take care of these female relatives. This would definitely be beneficial for him to completely control Su Pi, Li Chengqian This move even helped him a lot.

"If that's the case, then I really have to thank His Highness King Ming." King Subi said very solemnly.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Everyone takes what they need, King Supi is welcome."

For him, this is also a good thing, there are many places that can be used.

"By the way, casualties are unavoidable in a big war. If King Supi can trust it, if there are serious injuries that cannot be cured, they may as well be sent to the Daming Royal Court. Among other things, my Daming Royal Court's healing of trauma is not someone else. Comparable." Li Chengqian added.

Upon hearing this, King Subi immediately smiled and said, "It's true, I'm going to trouble King Ming."

The two discussed for a while, and King Subi stood up and said, "Then King Ben will take his leave first, and after returning to the barracks to understand some situations, he will come to discuss with King Ming."

"Liu San." Li Chengqian said casually, "Send someone to send King Supi out of the city."

After King Supi left, Murong Wanqiu asked curiously: "Why did my husband let him go back? Just this King Supi, I can kill him under the horse!"

Hearing her words, Li Chengqian's head hurt: "Who did you learn this from?"

Prairie people don't seem to call their husbands, do they?

"Changle!" Murong Wanqiu said, "That's what she said, after the Han people get married, they all call it that."

Li Chengqian shook his head and said speechlessly: "Although I agreed to you, but now is not the time to get married, you should do the same as Hou Shi and the others."

To Li Chengqian, marrying another daughter-in-law doesn't really matter much, the main thing is whether he can watch or not eat now, which is the most annoying thing.

When Murong Wanqiu heard this, she immediately shouted: "Brother Ming Wang? But the concubine seems to be a little bit older than Brother Ming Wang."

"Do you care if it's old or not? Are we comparing ages here?" Li Chengqian was speechless.

Murong Wanqiu smiled when she heard the words, she actually did it on purpose, there was no other way, if she wanted to integrate into Li Chengqian's life, she had to take the initiative, sometimes, some things had to be fought for by herself.

Yuchi Baolin on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and felt goose bumps all over his body, and immediately turned his head as if he didn't see anything.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian wished he could go over and give him a kick to fly away, virtue!
But outside the city, as soon as King Su Pi came out, the people in Su Pi's army breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go, go back." King Subi said directly.

Liu San nodded to Yi Yuanfeng and the others, and Yi Yuanfeng and the others moved out of the way.

This shows that His Highness has finished talking and the matter has been settled.

This is a good thing, of course there is nothing to say.

Su Pi's army is still in a daze, is this the end of the matter?
However, they still picked up the weapons on the ground and left the city.

King Su Pi also saw the weapons on the ground, so he didn't need to guess what happened before, but he didn't mind either. After all, this contact with Li Chengqian benefited him a lot.

And they didn't go far, but it was only ten miles away from the border town. King Subi ordered everyone to set up camp, and immediately called his cronies aside to discuss matters.

"My lord, what is the intention of the Ming court?" Someone asked in confusion.

Not only him, everyone didn't understand, or couldn't figure it out.

King Subi said with a smile: "This time, we have caught up with the golden opportunity..."

After speaking, he repeated the conversation between himself and Li Chengqian to everyone in detail.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately rejoiced: "This is a good thing! If this is the case, then for us Su Pi, it is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Armaments are available, and the women in power in the country are also watched over by them, and even the wounded soldiers are also taken care of, how is this not a good thing?
But some people also said: "My lord, is it really so simple for the Ming court to do this? Although we have never met this king of Ming before, we have defeated Murong Shun in a few months, and even forcibly occupied him from Tuyuhun's hands." If Chishuiyuan establishes another country, he is not a good person."

"Indeed, this Duke Ming's performance is too..." Someone agreed.

Someone else said: "Yes, I also find it difficult to understand the deep meaning of King Ming's move."

It's not really their fault that they thought so. Li Chengqian really wanted to convince them in a single battle at the beginning, but these guys kept playing tricks to exhaust the enemy, which made the whole army indignant. Wan Tengpu who killed the embryos and red eyes killed them, but in the end they lost the strength to fight Songtsan Gampo.

"There's nothing incomprehensible about this." Someone retorted, "It should be true that he is short of food in the Ming court. The Tang Dynasty may also be on guard against them. Now, if they want food, they can only go out To rob, but when you go out to rob, how can you get others to help you get benefits?
If you don't believe me, look at it when the time comes, the price of this ordnance is definitely not cheap. To put it bluntly, it might be faster than robbing. "

"You're right." Su Pi Wang said, "The price is indeed expensive. I calculated it. Maybe the food we robbed from Tubo, except for a part of it, must belong to their Daming King. Ting, with this calculation, they are indeed faster than Qiang."

"It's more than that." Another person said, "Don't forget, the reason why we sent troops to the Ming Dynasty this time is because we heard that the Ming Dynasty is rich?
But how did this news come about?It's not all from those Tubo people.

Do you really think that the Ming court doesn't know?Don't they want to take revenge? "

Everyone nodded, this is also true.

"Actually, what you said is not the most important thing." King Su Pi said, "The most important thing is that we really need the armaments of the Ming court now!

Tubo thieves have become more and more rampant recently, and we are already in a disadvantageous situation. If we have these weapons from Ming Dynasty, we can at least strengthen ourselves in a short period of time. "

In the final analysis, it is still an interest.

Li Chengqian gave them a condition that was hard to refuse.

Besides, it's urgent!Regardless of Li Chengqian's motives, they are almost at the point of ruining their country and family, so how can they care about so much?
"Yes, compared to Daming, Tubo is our formidable enemy." Someone said, "No matter what, Daming still recognizes us in the end, unlike Tubo, the Tubo on the left rebelled and the Tubo on the right rebelled."

"That's right, that's true."

As long as you start to accept it, there will always be people who can find reasons to convince themselves that this is human nature.

After discussing for a while, King Subi said: "Take a look at our existing grain and grass, and once you get it, I will go to the city and finalize this matter with King Ming. With Ming's armaments, I think it will be enough for those thieves in Tubo."

Hearing what he said, everyone burst into laughter again.

This is the truth.

On the same day, Su Pi's army sorted out their food and grass overnight. The food and grass they brought out this time were not much, but the army of tens of thousands of people naturally had a lot of food and grass.

King Supi planned to make a deal with the Daming royal court after leaving a few days of food and grass.

Of course, he planned to owe the food and grass that Li Chengqian asked them to leave for the time being, and after going back to plunder some from Tubo, he would slowly pay back the debt. Presumably Li Chengqian would not refuse.

On the second day, King Subi brought people under the city wall again, but this time, not many people came, they were just a food escort team.

King Supi walked in the front, and after visiting once, he didn't have anything to be nervous about.

When Li Chengqian heard the news, he also smiled, and immediately went out of the city to welcome him in.

The process of the transaction was naturally extremely smooth, just as King Supi thought, before Li Chengqian asked them to bear the food and grass for the Ming Dynasty to send troops, so they owed it, and Li Chengqian really didn't care.

But when King Su Pi wanted to pay on credit, Li Chengqian flatly refused.

In this regard, King Su Pi did not have any opinion, after all, it was expected.

After the transaction was over, Li Chengqian said with a smile: "King Subi must remember that there is no quota for the arrows of the Liannu. This king has already said this."

"Don't worry, King Ming." King Subi said with a smile, "This king naturally knows."

"That's fine, I wish Su Pilian victory in advance." As he spoke, Li Chengqian seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and added, "By the way, this king has received a message that Tubo is heading here. Marching, King Subi must pay more attention on the way back."

King Su Pi was taken aback when he heard it, but he soon realized that if Li Chengqian hadn't been here, he would have been furious. The Tubo thief was afraid that Su Pi would not die!
"Thank you, King Ming, for reminding me." King Su Pi smiled, "There is nothing to be afraid of, little Tubo thieves. When I, Su Pi, was strong in the past, he was just suffering from scabies."

This is true, when Su Pi was at his peak, Tubo was really no match.

Songtsan Gampo's father, Nanri Songtsan, also conquered Subi by winning over some dignitaries from Subi.

Li Chengqian also smiled and said: "That's natural. If King Su Pi thinks that my Daming's weapons are still useful, just come again. Don't worry, as long as you have food for Su Pi, my Daming Royal Court's weapons will continue to serve you. supply."

"Then thank you, King Ming."

The two exchanged pleasantries again, and Li Chengqian watched King Su Pi lead people to escort the armaments away, but his heart burst into laughter.


Just you give me eye drops?

Hehe, there are times when you cry!
"Your Highness, the danger of the city here has been resolved, so shall we go back to Riyue Mountain?" Liu San asked from the side.

But Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "Don't worry, let's see the reaction of Su Pi's army and the Tubo army first."

Since Tubo pushed Su Pi out, they would definitely not be willing to let them run back, and they would have to block them to death on the territory of the Ming court.

"Ma Ye and the others have already lurked there?" Li Chengqian asked.

Liu San said with a smile: "It's long gone, they now have a telescope, don't live too comfortably."

"Let's wait for their letter. It would be great if there is someone who can deliver the letter." Li Chengqian was also a little helpless. He thought that there was such a thing as Feige passing letters in Datang, but after inquiring, Only then did I realize that at least for now, the matter of flying pigeons to pass on letters is still unreliable.

Although he knew it, he didn't know how to train pigeons, so he couldn't find a better way.

It seems that we have to think of a way.

"After you get back to Riyue Mountain, please pay attention to see if there is anyone who can train eagles and birds." Li Chengqian ordered casually.

Liu San nodded, he kept this matter in mind.

Since Su Pi's army withdrew, the border towns had been idle. While waiting for the news, Li Chengqian also visited the three cities under construction.

Not to mention, with the investment of a lot of manpower and material resources, and the support of the supervisor, everyone's efficiency is much faster now.

On the fifth day, Li Chengqian was holding the box that Changle gave him when he was leaving, opened it curiously, and smiled wryly: "This girl really gives away everything."

And at this moment, Liu San came in with Ma Ye.

"Your Highness, Subi's great victory!" Ma Ye said, "Tuban only sent [-] people to sneak into Subi this time. I thought that even if Subi's army retreated, it would be a big loss in strength, and it would be in a situation of being attacked by the enemy, so it was defeated in the first battle." Su Pi was defeated, and now he is rushing back with high morale."

"Can my Daming's weapons have any standing?" Li Chengqian asked.

That's what he cares most about.

Ma Ye said with a smile: "It's self-importance. Whether it's incendiary bombs or Liannu, those Tubo people have suffered enough. This time, Songtsan Gampo must be so angry that he vomited blood."

Li Chengqian nodded, that's good.

As long as Daming's weaponry becomes powerful and the Subi people enjoy the sweetness, then even if this is a fire pit, they have to jump into it.

"Get ready, we may have a big deal in a few days, hey, I said to prepare a gift for the little guy earlier, I don't know if there is a deal." Li Chengqian said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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