This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 300 Volume 3 The patriarchal council is full of talents.

Chapter 300 Volume Three Patriarch Council, full of talents.

Regarding Li Chengqian's desire to become famous, Li Er has nothing to say.

It's just that Li Chengqian grew up so fast that he didn't even realize it.

Now, some people are already comparing Li Chengqian with the old him.

Are you happy?
Naturally, I am happy. If you have a son like this, what more can you ask for?

But there is always some frustration in addition to happiness.

It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and the blue is better than the blue.

But who wants to be the first to be pushed?And who wants to be the blue that has been surpassed?

Don't talk about others, just talk about Li Yuan.

He is the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but among so many founding emperors, he may be the one with the least sense of presence.

Without him, because Li Er covered his light.

But do you want to say that Li Yuan is useless?

Hehe, if he didn't use it, then there shouldn't be the current Datang.

Therefore, Li Er is actually very tangled now.

The son is too useless, he can't look down on him.

Too evil, he can't keep up.

It can only be said that being Li Er's son is really fucking difficult...

Outside the Book Pavilion, a few old fellows sighed, and finally walked in.

For them, there is a fire in their hearts at the moment.

If this fire can be shown, it will definitely burn the Book Pavilion.

Similar to Li Er, they also looked around, wanting to see the overall layout of the bookstore.

Of course, they were also shocked by the static word when they entered the door.

However, they looked more carefully than Li Er, almost every row of bookshelves had to look at them to see what books were on the shelves.

Another example is that every room will take a second look, wanting to see what these rooms are for.

But the more they looked, the more frightened they became, and the more they looked, the more powerless they became.

When they saw that everyone in the transcription room was writing vigorously, they all shook their heads and were speechless.

This is to dig their roots!
When they went up to the second floor, someone from Li Er's side whispered, "The patriarchs of the Cui family are here."

"Patriarch?" Li Er was also taken aback, "Have they arrived in the capital?"

"Should have just arrived. When I heard that the bookstore opened, I came to take a look."

Li Er nodded and stopped talking.

Just come, he actually knew about these guys leaving for Chang'an, but he didn't care too much.

Just so I'll let you see, do you still have the final say on culture and education in today's world?

"Go back, don't disturb those students' studies." Li Er said with a smile.

For those patriarchs of the gentry, he will not meet them here.

After Li Er and the others left, those patriarchs were still looking around on the second floor.

After watching for half an hour, they also left.

Today, they have increased their knowledge.

Back in Cui's parent's house, the old men all looked sad.

"This is digging our roots!" said the patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang.

The patriarch of the Lu family in Fanyang shook his head and said: "Then what can we do? Go and close the bookstore? If you dare to close the bookstore, the scholars in the world will scold you for generations to come! Don't start."

After he finished speaking, everyone shook their heads in silence.

That's right, they can fight the emperor, it doesn't matter.

Really, it doesn't matter to fight the emperor, after all, their existence is to contain the imperial power, and this is something that all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty know well.

After all, for the people of the world, it is not a good thing for the imperial power to be too strong.

Because no one knows who the next emperor will be.

No one can guarantee that every emperor is dedicated to the people.

In the past dynasties, there have been many incompetent emperors. When such emperors have absolute power, it will be a disaster for the world.

But if they stand on the opposite side of the world's scholars, hehe, don't say that you are just five surnames and seven wangs, it would not be a problem to have more.

Literati, it really makes people desperate to ruin people.

Don't forget, after Song Yu wrote "Dengtuzi Lustful Fu", the three characters Dengtuzi can no longer be separated from lust.

Maybe in the future, not many people will know that Dengtuzi is actually a personal name.

This is a literati, you don't need a knife to kill, and an article is passed down through the ages, even if you die, you still have to bear the eternal infamy.

"The matter of the Book Pavilion is a done deal." The patriarch of the Boling Cui Clan said, "This cannot be changed, and no one dares to offend scholars all over the world, not to mention, it is indeed a good thing to revitalize culture and education.

Since cheap paper entered the Tang Dynasty, the revitalization of culture and education has already begun.

We cannot change this.

Since you can't change it, then fight!

The old man doesn't believe it anymore, we have been waiting for so many years, and we can still lose to them. "

"Yes, fight with them!" Said the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan, "The emperor wants to hold the imperial examination, so let's hold it, and then the scholars from your family and mine will also take the exam. They fight!

The old man doesn't believe it anymore, I'm waiting for dozens of generations, and I can't compete with them? "

Several people nodded, this is true.

Since we want to fight, let's fight together, compare the background, who are they afraid of?
If you want to revitalize culture and education, what do you use to revitalize culture and education without decades?

One or two champions?
In five years of Wude, what about Sun Fujia's No. [-] champion in the ages?Now that more than ten years have passed, has culture and education revitalized?
It is not so easy to revitalize culture and education.

Didn't a few generations go forward and succeed, and culture and education will be revitalized as soon as the upper lip touches the lower lip?
Put it lightly.

You know, to revitalize culture and education, this is a continuous work.

When Li Eryi dies and the new emperor ascends the throne, who knows what policy he will have?

After all, it is not uncommon for the new emperor to overthrow the previous emperor's policies. After all, isn't this what Li Er is most familiar with?
This time, everyone raised their fighting spirit again.

This is actually how people are. I hope that as long as this thing is still available, I can still fight.

"Let's not talk about this now." The patriarch of the Lu family in Fanyang said, "I didn't wait for this to come to Beijing this time. By the way, what's the situation with the Li family in Longyou? This time all six of my families are here. He Why didn't the Longyou Li family come?"

"Restricted by the geographical location, know." The patriarch of the Li family in Zhao County said, "It is inconvenient for others to come."

How did this come about?
Strictly speaking, Li Chengqian is now on the territory of his Longyou Li family, and he is still a descendant of his Longyou Li family. His Longyou Li family is still attached to the royal family, how did he come here?
Discussing with you to deal with Li Chengqian, isn't this fucking nonsense!

"Forget about the Longyou Li clan for now." The patriarch of the Cui clan said, he is the Qinghe Cui clan, and it was the Qinghe Cui clan who was smashed by the Li Ke brothers. "It is convenient for him to be in Longyou. When we gather in Chang'an, we will discuss the situation of the Ming court."

As he spoke, he looked at Elder Cui who was standing aside, who was also the person in charge of the Qinghe Cui Clan in Chang'an, "Brother Clan, please introduce the situation to everyone first."

Cui Lao nodded and began to introduce.

From the time when Li Chengqian committed suicide in the main hall until now when Li Chengqian became king outside the territory, he explained in detail what he knew.

It was also the first time for everyone to hear the full version of Li Chengqian's whole extraterritorial kingship, and for a while, they were all stunned.

Although they insist on their identities, they have to admit that Li Chengqian is worthy of the four words of young talent.

Even though they thought that there were many young heroes in each family before, but compared with Li Chengqian, hehe, there is still something missing.

"Old Cui, I have a question, please tell me the truth." The patriarch of the Li family in Zhao County said.

Elder Cui nodded: "Patriarch Li just asks, the old man will know everything without saying anything."

"The things you did in the court and in Jingyang are trivial things, and they are not important." The patriarch of the Li family in Zhaojun said, "But the assassination in Taoyuan will kill our family, Mr. Cui should know That's right."

As he spoke, he stared at Elder Cui, wanting to see his reaction.

All previous actions against Li Chengqian were led by the Cui family. If even Taoyuan's assassination was planned by the Cui family, then I'm sorry, you continue, and I, the Li family of Zhaojun, will not accompany you.

Anything can be done, but this, that is to exterminate the genocide!
When the others heard this, they also stared at Mr. Cui without blinking.

Yes, this has to be clarified.

Assassinating the current prince is playing with fire!

When Mr. Cui saw this situation, he immediately understood: "You patriarchs, don't worry, I'm not so confused yet, let alone risk the safety of the entire Cui family. Besides, as far as we are concerned, there is actually no The need to assassinate that person.

To put it bluntly, I haven't reached that point yet. "

"This old man assures you that the Taoyuan matter has absolutely nothing to do with my Cui clan." Qinghe Cui clan's patriarch also said, "Don't talk about the past, even now, we have no need to assassinate that person."

Hearing what they both said, everyone nodded. This is the best result.

"In this case, the old man is fine." said the patriarch of the Li family in Zhaojun.

The patriarch of the Lu family in Fanyang said curiously: "I am a little curious, why do you only think of sending someone to Daming to become an official now?"

When he asked, all the clan elders behind them in Chang'an felt a little embarrassed.

How to say this?

Could it be that we looked down on Li Chengqian, that grass-headed king before?
Or that everyone didn't regard Daming Royal Court as a good place in their hearts?
They said a thousand words and ten thousand, but they just didn't like the Daming royal court.

Are the clansmen of the major noble families afraid that they will not have the opportunity to become officials?
Anyone who pursues a little bit, who wants to find a way out in Datang, who wants to go to Daming?
Who are the people who went to Daming?

Either it was a down and out scholar, or it was Pei Mo who had no way out in Datang.

Who with a brighter future would go to the Daming court to waste time?
Of course, Changsun Chong and the others are different, it doesn't matter whether they go or not, anyway, after returning to Datang, they will receive no less rewards.

"Okay, why are you embarrassing them?" said the patriarch of the Taiyuan Wang family, "Why, are you willing to go to the bitter cold place in the northwest to educate a group of aliens?
If you don't believe me, I bet you that even if we arrange someone to go this time, I don't know how many people in the family will refuse. "

Old Cui smiled and said: "This is indeed part of the reason, but the reason why we thought of arranging the descendants of the clan to go to Daming to become officials this time is actually not our temporary intention.

This matter sounds a bit strange. "

"Oh? How do you say it?" the patriarch of Taiyuan Wang asked.

Elder Cui shook his head: "I can't tell you the specifics, but it always feels like someone is picking us up to go to Daming. Suddenly, one day, someone in the family heard others talking on the street, why so many students in Chang'an would rather wait in Chang'an. Is there a vacancy, and you don't want to go to Daming to serve as an official?

At first, the old man also thought it was a coincidence or something.

But immediately afterwards, more and more clansmen heard such discussions. "

"Yes, many people in our clan heard it at that time, and it felt like it was deliberately told to us." The representative of Boling Cui's Chang'an also said.

"Only our two families heard it?" the patriarch of Qinghe Cui clan asked.

There was also a look of doubt on his face.

Mr. Cui didn't know what to say, and was a little entangled: "Yes, not all of them. It's strange. Although some people from the Li family, Wang family, Lu family, and Zheng family have heard such a statement, the strange thing is that Here, when they heard it, they happened to be with our Cui family members.

Those who are not with our Cui family don't know about this matter, and it is for this reason that we notified the patriarchs to enter the capital after discussing. "

"This is so strange." The patriarch of the Boling Cui clan asked curiously, "Could it be that there are still people plotting against us."

The patriarch of the Li Clan in Zhaojun said with a smile: "It's interesting, your Cui family was smashed by two highnesses just now, and now someone is picking you up to go to Daming, I don't know what the other party's mind is."

"The other party didn't show any signs of cheating?" asked the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Mr. Cui shook his head and said: "No, when we realized it, it was already too late, and we asked some people in the clan afterwards, and they learned that this statement was actually made in those two days, and they never heard of it after that. heard it.

It feels like it was said on purpose to us. "

"Who could this person be?" The patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang asked curiously, "What is his motive?"

"I don't care who it is for the time being, let's talk about his motives first." Qinghe Cui's patriarch said, "There are two motives, one is to harm us, or one is to harm Daming.

But the first motivation is actually very difficult to achieve. At most, we will arrange some people from the tribe to go. With the background of our various tribes, even if there are no people who go, it will not be considered a serious injury.

So, the motive is actually very obvious. Second, since the motive is so obvious, who do you think it is? "

As he spoke, the patriarch of the Qinghe Cui clan smiled mysteriously.

Everyone was shocked, and someone said: "Then the culprit behind the assassination of that person in Taoyuan?"

"The most likely one is him." Qinghe Cui Clan's patriarch said decisively, "Now, there is no chance to assassinate him, so he wants to use our gentry to cause chaos in Ming Dynasty, and he has a good idea."

"If it's really this person, it would be fun to find him out." Another person said.

However, the patriarch of the Li family in Zhao County shook his head and said, "Don't, if you really find him out, what should you do with him? Dare to assassinate that person, what motive do you think he has? Once exposed, he will die I don't know, but anything related to this matter, don't even think about living.

Don't forget, it's only been a few years! "

"I don't care about him." Qinghe Cui's patriarch said, "Since they have given us this method that we didn't like before, we must try it.

In this way, our family will contribute some money and food, and then we will find someone who seems to have little relationship with our family, and first go to Riyue Mountain to open a business, so that it will be convenient for us to communicate with the tribe in the future.

Moreover, this time, our clansmen must find out whether the Ming court has mastered the latest printing technology. After all, the previous Three Character Classic really shocked us all. "

Everyone nodded, and the patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang added: "If possible, our people still have to work hard for the king's affairs. I heard that there are still three ministers in the Ming court, and there are so many vacancies at all levels. ,unprecedented.

If our people can be placed in these positions, do you understand what this means? "

In this regard, everyone also laughed without saying a word.

It shouldn't be too obvious what this means.

"So, those who go this time, don't fight among themselves, let alone fight among themselves. No matter what position you get, sit down quickly and firmly. If you have the opportunity, you might as well give everyone a hand, but you must remember that when you become an official, You must be diligent in the king's work, this is the only way to rise.

The imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is no better than that of the Tang Dynasty. There, we don’t have any background to rely on. If we want to climb up, we have to do things.

But the old man also believes that our clansmen are much better than those aliens in the Ming court in this respect.

The old man heard that in the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, the heads of hundreds of tribes were officials and ministers of the household department, which is really a big joke in the world. "

Haha ...

Everyone laughed.

Indeed, a small tribal leader who only took care of hundreds of tribes in the past is actually a high-ranking minister of the household department. How can this not make them laugh?

"By the way, the old man heard that the Supreme Emperor also intervened in this marriage?" After laughing, the patriarch of the Fan Yang Lu clan said, "I don't know if the Supreme Emperor's move has any deep meaning?"

"It's hard to say." Elder Cui said, "The one who married was the second daughter of Duke Ying's warrior Xun. This is a bit of a mystery. I heard that this girl is less than ten years old."

Taiyuan Wang said with a smile: "This is not marriage at all. It's okay. It has nothing to do with us. It's the three generations of other people's grandchildren fighting. What does it have to do with us? Besides, I advise you not to interfere in this matter, let alone participate."

"Yes." The patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang said, "I heard that Pei Mo, Pei Ji's younger brother, also took people to Riyue Mountain. Remember to warn the clansmen that you should have less contact with these people, and don't even contact them if you can. touch."

Everyone nodded, it was necessary.

They don't know what monsters these three grandfathers and grandchildren are going to make.

But can this third grandson have a fuel-efficient lamp?
It is no exaggeration to say that these three grandparents are all masters of the world. If they fight, hehe, there will be a big show to watch.

The patriarch of the Qinghe Cui clan also nodded: "At that time, we really have to tell our clansmen that we don't want to get involved in these matters. After all, we didn't go for these things.

After all, we just want to have a foothold in the court of Daming. "

"It's not difficult." Someone laughed, "What the royal court of the Ming Dynasty lacks the most is talents. What do our gentry have? Isn't it just that there are so many talents!"

(End of this chapter)

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