This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 312 Volume 3 Reversing black and white, the spring breeze is proud.

Chapter 312 Volume [-] reverses black and white, and is proud of the spring breeze.

The cold wind has gone to autumn, and the snowy winter is coming again.

Winter is never a gentle season.

In the vast history, it has brought too many painful memories to mankind.

Why do you often hear a word called winter?But we have rarely heard of spring, summer, and autumn?
Sad because of winter...

For some elderly people, surviving every harsh winter is like winning a battle, which is something to be proud of.

But how many people fell down on this cold winter day?

Every time he thinks about this, Murong Xiaojun can't help but sigh with regret even when he is riding on horseback.

But even so, so what?

Those people who are obsessed with interests still gave Daming the food they depended on for survival!
He even slaughtered [-] warriors under his command for this, and what he can endure until now is his limit.

Seeing that Fucheng City was in front of him, he rode his horse and galloped wildly.

Even though the icy cold wind mixed with large flakes of snow slapped his weather-beaten cheeks, he was not afraid at all.

At this time, his face was already filled with monstrous anger, and he wanted to seek justice for the dead souls under his command.

At the same time, another team of fast horses entered the city before him.

After slaughtering Murong Xiaojun's subordinates, they knew that they had caused trouble.

But they're not too worried either.

What are you worried about?
People from so many tribes participated, how could Murong Fuyun punish all their tribes because of one Murong Xiaojun?


Murong Xiaojun is very powerful, but not so powerful that he can compete with all the tribes.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Xihai Wang Tuobazhao's subordinates are reporting to him what happened that night.

Shirking responsibility and adding oil and vinegar are naturally indispensable.

But the theme has not changed, that is, Murong Xiaojun ate his mouth full of oil, but he didn't even let them take a sip of the soup.

In fact, Tuoba Zhao is also clear about the virtues under his command.

But he was still furious.

His anger was not aimed at himself, but at Murong Xiaojun.

Although Da Khan asked you to strictly investigate smuggling, he didn't let you kill people directly.

Besides, so what if Da Khan said it?

There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom. Who is on the line like you?

It’s fine if you don’t eat a mouthful of oil, but you eat a mouthful of oil yourself, why don’t you let us take a sip of the soup?
This is too much.

Of course, even if Murong Xiaojun himself did not engage in this business, he would still be furious, but at that time, his rhetoric changed again.

All in all, just two words, interest.

Moreover, Tuobazhao was just promoted to the prime minister of the country, and with his character, it was just when he was inflated, Murong Xiaojun didn't give him face, how could he not be angry?
"Everyone has gone?" Tuoba Zhao asked.

His subordinates nodded and said: "King Gaochang is too arrogant. The humble officials and others are just patrolling the border. His people suddenly jumped out and attacked us. The humble officials suspect that they just came back from the Ming court. There is some collusion with Daming, I am afraid that we will find out, and I want to kill people to silence it."

"Hmph!" Tuoba Zhao snorted coldly, "I'm going to meet Da Khan right now."

In fact, he had roughly guessed what was going on, that's why he hurried to meet Murong Fuyun.

But when he arrived at the Wang Tent, he realized that everyone had come.

"Khan, King Gaochang may have a different intention." Someone said, "Since the trade between Waterhe County and Daming, King Gaochang has made countless profits, but he has almost used them on the herdsmen in Waterhe County. Invite to buy people's hearts, so why?"

After saying this, he didn't say any more.

Enough is enough, that's enough.

When Tuoba Zhao saw this, he also understood, well, stop talking.

Murong Fuyun is suspicious by nature, as long as he throws out an introduction, he will guess it himself.

Moreover, inviting people to buy people's hearts is itself a taboo for kings.

After hearing this, Murong Fuyun smiled, pretending to be indifferent and said: "No problem, King Gaochang is just serving the people wholeheartedly."

That's what he said, but who knows what he thinks in his heart?
But at this moment, someone came in to report, and King Gaochang asked to see him.

Murong Fuyun was also taken aback, but he quickly realized that something must have happened. Look at these people in the king's tent, he is not stupid.

Nodding his head, after a while Murong Xiaojun walked in with a snowy face.

He wasn't surprised to see these people in the king's tent. The villain just sued first, but there are quite a few of them.

"Why is King Gaochang so dusty?" Murong Fuyun was also a little curious, "Could it be that something happened in Piaohe County?"

"Back to the big sweat, yesterday, the five hundred warriors under Wei Chen's command were strictly investigating the smuggling caravan from Daming, but they were suddenly attacked, and none of the five hundred warriors were spared and all of them were killed." Murong Xiaojun said with a face of pain.

He also didn't say who did it, after all, there is no proof of it, but he believed that Murong Fuyun must know who the murderer was.

There are only a handful of people in Jiaohe County who are capable of doing this, and besides, who is doing the smuggling business with Daming?
Isn't this the lice on the monk's head--obviously?

The fact is also the same, Murong Fuyun immediately understood after hearing what he said.

Xin said it's no wonder these guys will come one after another, the relationship is for this matter.

Glancing at the crowd, I saw that each of these guys looked like nothing had happened and didn't care.

Everyone can get to this point, who is a fool?

do you have proof?
There is no evidence you are talking fart.

Even if the whole world knows that they did this, so what?

No evidence!

"Khan, King Gaochang was ordered to strictly investigate smuggling, but smuggling has been banned repeatedly. This is dereliction of duty!" Someone said immediately.

Hearing his words, Murong Xiaojun laughed angrily: "Does King Dingcheng know who is doing smuggling?"

"How did this king know that Water River County is the territory of King Gaochang? According to my subordinates stationed in Water River County, they are now unable to move forward in Water River County, and even the local herdsmen don't want to see them.

King Gaochang is really good at it, but in a few years, he built the watering river county into an iron wall, and the water can't get in, and the needle can't pierce it. If it weren't for the sweat and I, we all believed that the king of Gaochang was loyal. I thought that Water River County wanted to imitate Daming and become king on its own. "Dingcheng King said with a smile on his face, but these words were heard in Murong Xiaojun's ears, which directly ignited his fiery temper.

"King Dingcheng really has a good mouth, but it's a pity that there is only one good mouth left. Apart from being able to do some shameful deeds that harm the country and the people, and slander Zhongliang, what else can you do?" Murong Xiaojun said, "Even if you really think that I don't know who is doing those smuggling activities, do you think the Great Khan doesn't know either?

In the entire Tuyuhun, how many people could have such a large amount of grain to send to Daming?Don't you have any calculations in your heart?
According to what this king knows, in less than a month, the amount of grain transported from my Tuyuhun to Daming is as high as [-] shi, how dare you!
Now that the cold winter has come, my people in Tuyuhun still have no food for the winter. Do these rebellious officials and thieves want to watch my people in Tuyuhun starve for food in this cold winter? "

After hearing Murong Xiaojun's words, Murong Fuyun who had been watching the show was shocked, a hundred thousand stones, he didn't expect these guys to be so courageous.

"Is smuggling really rampant to this extent?" Murong Fuyun asked.

Murong Xiaojun nodded: "This is just the information that I have, I don't know how much information I don't have. Khan, I can't go on like this!"

He was really worried that if this continued, Tuyuhun would really be in danger of food.

"Great Khan, King Gaochang's heart can be punished." Dingcheng King said immediately, "As far as I know, King Gaochang recently killed more than a dozen smuggling caravans, beheading more than [-] caravans involved in smuggling.

The ridiculous thing is that all the caravans that were wiped out by him came back from Daming. What is amazing is that when these caravans escorted grain to Daming, King Gaochang did not find any of them.

This king doesn't understand. Since King Gaochang is dedicated to serving the country and the people, why didn't he solve the problem at the source? If those merchants could be seized before they left the country, why did so much grain flow into Daming as King Gaochang said?
This king suspects that this matter is either caused by King Gaochang's scaremongering, killing the good and pretending to be meritorious.Either King Gaochang had colluded with the Daming royal court, deliberately allowed the smuggled caravans to transport grain to Daming, and then specifically intercepted the goods they bought from Daming. "

After he finished speaking, Tuobazhao also stood up immediately, and said, "Khan, from what I see, it is that King Gaochang and Daming have an affair. The missionary mission is stationed in Riyue Mountain, and its heart of connection is already such a clear heart, everyone knows it!"

Murong Fuyun listened carefully to their arguments, but he was actually not sure, who was right?
All reasonable!
He believed what Murong Xiaojun said, that these guys must be wantonly smuggling with the Daming royal court, after all, money touches people's hearts, so there is nothing to say about it.

Besides, if they had no ghosts in their hearts, how could both of them come here.

But he also doubted what these guys said, why didn't Murong Xiaojun stop all this at the source?
This does seem to have a connection with Daming.

The key to this matter is a win-win situation for Murong Xiaojun and Daming!

Daming got the food, but Murong Xiaojun seized the supplies by cracking down on smuggling, even though Murong Xiaojun handed over some of the supplies according to Tuyuhun's rules.

But who knows how much he seized and embezzled?

For a moment, Murong Fuyun felt a little headache.

Not easy to handle.

People like King Dingcheng cannot be dealt with, there are too many people involved.

As for Murong Xiaojun, he is also not easy to deal with, because what King Dingcheng said is correct, and Water River County is now monolithic, unless Murong Xiaojun has the consciousness of King Tianzhu, otherwise, if he moves Murong Xiaojun, it will easily cause Water River County unrest.

"Bloody spout!" Murong Xiaojun said, "This king has been investigating the source of the smuggling, but these guys hide very deeply and are extremely cunning. It is up to this king to say who is behind their backs to shield them from the wind and rain." ?”

They didn't know that it was actually Li Chengqian's secret agent who prevented Murong Xiaojun from finding out the source.

Li Chengqian really cares about him as an old man. After all, the seized food is of little use to him. What he urgently needs now is supplies to keep out the cold. What you want, and then personally deliver it to you.

On this matter, the Secret Service Division and Yang Linna both worked hard.

But when Murong Xiaojun said this, Wang Zhang immediately quarreled.

Murong Fuyun had a headache, this matter is really difficult to handle.

In the end, he said: "Stop arguing. In this way, the strict investigation of smuggling will be handed over to King Dingcheng and King Gaochang. Anyone who leaves the country will be punished heavily!"

After speaking, he kicked everyone out.

He needs to take care of it, it's too messy.

And after King Dingcheng came out of the king's tent, he was very arrogant like a rooster winning a fight.

Murong Xiaojun had a look of indignation.

From the time he saw these people in the king's tent, he knew that the five hundred warriors under his command died in vain.

There were too many people involved, it was impossible for Murong Fuyun to deal with so many people at the same time for the five hundred dead souls under his command.

This is not realistic.

But this beam can be regarded as a complete knot.

His gaze returned to Daming Royal Court.

Following Li Chengqian's series of operations, the entire Ming court finally revived in this cold winter.

After the common people had the means to make a living, they were surprised to find that they had the opportunity to afford the things sold in Changming Commercial Firm.

Even if it is an expensive return stove, it seems that as long as they work harder, they can carry it home.

As for the cheapest gloves, well, they've already been worn.

For them, this is the day they long for.

There is hope, there is hope, and there is direction.

No one cares about the heavy snow flying all over the sky.

You can't fall in love, that's their attitude.

And with the recruitment of workshops in each city, everyone moved into the nearest city one after another.

They used to live by water and grass because of survival, and now they live together in cities for survival.

Things in the world have always been so simple, as long as the fundamentals are grasped, everything is not so difficult.

However, after half a month, the once half-dead Ming Fifteen Cities finally took on the appearance of a city. Even the six border cities are a bit more popular than before.

As for the lack of houses in the city, then do it yourself.

Who doesn't have a few strong laborers?

The really frail and sickly ones have long since fallen in the snow disasters that have followed years.

What makes them happy is that even if they repair the house by themselves, the court will send someone to help.

For this, they were very grateful to Li Chengqian.

This is their king.

In their view, it was Li Chengqian who gave them the hope of surviving in this cold winter.

Whether it's food, gloves, or the return stove, it's all given by Li Chengqian.

In fact, they don't know that this is what they deserve, and they get it with their own labor and hard work.

How much did Li Chengqian really spend?

Anyway, Pusiruo was worried every day, worried that the household department's money and food would bottom out.

But after ten days and a half month passed, he was surprised to find that the money and grains spent by the household department during these ten days and a half month were extremely limited.

Because the common people got the money and food and sent it back.

Send it back through Changming Commercial Bank.

On this day, Li Xiaogong, who had been emotional for a long time, finally set off.

Although it has been more than ten days since the farewell, the mission and the army did not leave just as they said.

Li Chengqian also went out of the Daming Palace to see him off in person. Seeing Li Chengqian appearing on the street surrounded by Liu San and others, the common people cheered one by one.

Your Highness is wise, Your Highness is wise, Your Highness has worked hard, Your Highness needs to rest more...these words are endless.

Li Xiaogong, who was walking beside Li Chengqian, dared not speak, even dared not sigh. If he said something inappropriate at the moment, he was really afraid that these crazy people would rush towards him just by calling it whatever.

At this moment, he seriously suspected that Li Chengqian did it on purpose.

"Farewell, I don't know when we will see you again. Along the way, please take care of yourself, Uncle Wang." Li Chengqian didn't care much about the cheers around him, um, he didn't care much on his face.

Li Xiaogong also said: "Your Highness must also take care of his health. The road to the Ming court is still long, and His Highness doesn't have to work day and night."

Ever since the Daming Palace was brightly lit and day and night, many common people said that their king was too miserable, so they didn't sleep, worrying about their ability to survive in this troubled world all day long.

As for whether a person will die suddenly without sleep for such a long time, they don't care.

Anyway, as long as the Daming Palace is still lit, their king is still working hard for them.

You don't even need to explain to him, as long as you dare to explain to him, he will say, "What do you know? That's our king, do you understand? That's our king! You think you are the same, but only Eat, sleep, eat?"

If you continue to babble and reason with him, he will directly attack you.

This kind of thing happened to people in the Tubo mission. It is said that on that day, dozens of ordinary people chased and beat that guy. If that guy didn't run to the base of the palace wall to ask for help, he probably would have been beaten to death.

"Uncle Wang, don't worry, the common people are just simple and worried about me. They are using this method to persuade me to pay more attention to my body." Li Chengqian laughed.

Li Xiaogong stopped talking, are they honest?Pooh, that's called ignorance!
"There will be a farewell to sending you off, so let's go here." After walking Changming Street, Li Xiaogong patted Li Chengqian's shoulder for a rare occasion, and said, "You are good, you didn't embarrass my old Li family. The Li family is proud, from now on, you will be the pride of my Li family!"

This is the first time he has spoken to Li Chengqian as an elder since his mission.

By now, he was really convinced.

My nephew, that really gave him old Li's parents face!

Li Chengqian immediately bowed and saluted, "My nephew will definitely do his best to not humiliate Li's ancestors."

After the two exchanged pleasantries again, Li Chengqian raised his hand, and Liu San immediately handed over two exquisite wooden boxes, and said, "This is the latest telescope developed by my Ming craftsman, although it is only a little bit better than the previous ones. , but with better privacy…”

As he said that, Li Chengqian introduced the latest telescope in detail, and after Li Xiaogong was so satisfied that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, he said, "One is naturally made by my nephew to honor Uncle Wang, and the other one is for my nephew, uncle Wang." Dedicated to my father, I have been out for more than a year, and I have not fulfilled my filial piety, it is really wrong.

In addition, there are some things that I brought back to Chang'an to honor my mother and the elders, so I kindly ask Uncle Wang to bring them back too. "

After listening to Li Chengqian finished speaking, Li Xiaogong said with a smile: "You boy..."

There are some things he didn't say, but everyone understands.

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Xiaogong finally left.

After watching him go away, the smile on Li Chengqian's face could no longer be concealed. Walking on Changming Street, he looked extraordinarily proud of himself.

He knew that the opportunity for the Ming court had come!

"The envoys of Xuantu and Yuhun have an audience." Li Chengqian said.

(End of this chapter)

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