Chapter 314 Juan [-] One ebbs and another ebbs and flows, Misfortunes lead eastward.

Ever since Li Chengqian came here through time travel, he has always felt insecure.

After all, this era does not belong to him.

In the beginning he was absolutely vigilant against everyone in this era.

I can't believe anyone, even if he left Chang'an, he took Liu San and the others away, and he just wanted to use them to survive in this world.

As for Changle, he even regarded it as his amulet.

Because from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't regard himself as Li Er's son.

But over the past year, he has changed a lot and grown a lot.

At least, he dares to trust many people now, let alone be wary of those around him all the time.

But this kind of change is only after they have been together day and night for a long time.

Whether it is trust or friendship, it takes time to settle.

This is like why he trusts foreigners like Pusiruo and Yi Yuanfeng, but he has to be on guard against that Eunuch Yuan who almost grew up watching Li Chengqian grow up all the way here.

Because people like Pusiruo established a relationship of trust with him, but Eunuch Yuan established a relationship of trust with the former Li Chengqian.

It's that simple.

Li Chengqian is willing to treat Changle as his younger sister and spoil her for the rest of his life, but she is also the daughter of Empress Changsun, Changle and Chengyang are definitely different in Li Chengqian's place.

Therefore, Li Chengqian never trusted Li Er.

For Li Er, he has no foundation of trust at all.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the current Daming Royal Court is like a plate of delicacies with all kinds of color, flavor and taste, it is too fragrant.

Really, it's so fragrant.

Daming what?
Daming has all kinds of weapons that any emperor would salivate over!
Daming also had various crafts far beyond this era.

Whether it is the refined alcohol of Ming Dynasty or the cheap paper of Ming Dynasty, even the dishes of Ming Dynasty are rare in this era.

Therefore, whether it is Li Er, Murong Fuyun or even Li Yuan, as long as any one of them wins the Ming court, they will get a qualitative leap.

If Murong Fuyun wins the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, it will not be a problem for Tuyuhun to double his national power. At that time, he will even be able to fight against Tang Dynasty, at least for a few more years.

And if Li Er wins the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, while the army of Datang will be invincible, the national power of Datang will also skyrocket in an instant.

Don't forget, it is no exaggeration to say that the goods produced by the Daming Royal Court are the most sought-after goods in the whole world.

As for Li Yuan's purpose, Li Chengqian didn't know yet, but he also knew that his nominal ancestor had absolutely no good intentions.

Even Tubo was staring at Daming's fat.

In other words, today's Daming is actually surrounded by wolves, and if he is not careful, he will be swallowed up to the bone.

Li Chengqian is very clear about this.

It is precisely because of this clarity that he wants to quickly strengthen himself.

Only when they are strong enough, these people will not easily set their minds on themselves.

Of course, in the current situation, relatively speaking, the threat from Li Er is the smallest.

Li Er wants it, but if he wants it, he wants it. His eating will definitely not be too ugly.

The second is Li Yuan. Although Li Chengqian doesn't know what Li Yuan's purpose is, with Li Yuan's current strength, he can only do some small tricks secretly.

After that, it was Tubo.

Although Tubo is a wolf, it is a pity that this wolf is too busy to take care of himself now, and with Su Pi's restraint, Tubo is not able to go north for the time being.

Finally, there is Tuyuhun.

But Tuyuhun was also waiting for an opportunity. After all, Li Chengqian's status as the prince of the Tang Dynasty really gave him a lot of convenience.

It was precisely because of these things that he decided to attack Tuyuhun.

There is not much time left for him.

It's not that he must plot against Tuyuhun, but that if he doesn't plot against others, they will plot against him after they calm down.

"Pass down the horse industry." Li Chengqian said with a sigh.

In this world, after all, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. Since he has shaped the Daming Royal Court into a plate of delicious meat, he must bear such a risk.

But this is also a paradox.

If he didn't develop the Daming court, would the Daming court be able to come to where it is today?

He was overthrown by those famished herdsmen a long time ago, and he had no choice but to flee back to Datang in desperation.

So, he actually had no choice.

To this day, it is inevitable.

Not long after, Ma Ye came.

Since the war with Su Pi ended, Ma Ye and the others have been idle again.

They are not secret spies, but scouts. When there is no war, there are not many things.

"Your Highness." Ma Ye saluted with a smile.

Seeing the snowstorm all over his body, Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Are you practicing again?"

As long as there is no war, they spend most of their time practicing.

Ma Ye said with a smile: "It's just to exercise your muscles and bones."

Li Chengqian didn't ask more about this question, but instead said: "I won't practice today, gather your subordinates, and you will have something to do right away."

"Of order." Ma Ye replied immediately after hearing the words.

Li Chengqian said: "After years of snow disasters, Tuyuhun's people's hearts are already unstable, and coupled with the changes in Waterhe County, Murong Fuyun may not have a good time this winter.

But when the internal conflicts are stimulated to a certain extent, he will definitely turn the internal conflicts into external conflicts, so as to gather Tuyuhun's overall strength and resolve internal conflicts at the same time.

Therefore, this winter, Murong Fuyun is very likely to send troops south.

On the grassland, in the past, Dayanmang Jiebo secretly supported some tribes, and Murong Fuyun could not have done so.

Although they are the citizens of my Daming Royal Court now, and we are trying our best to appease and even influence them, it is inevitable that there will be some stubborn diehards.

So this king needs you to lead someone to find out these people.

This king knows that this is not what you are good at, but there is nothing you can do about it. There is no one more suitable than you to do this in the royal court of Ming Dynasty. "

Li Chengqian was really helpless, with only so many people under him, he was still a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the task will be completed in the end." Ma Ye said immediately.

Li Chengqian nodded: "This king will ask Wu An to cooperate with you, you only need to find suspicious people, or even suspected people, and you don't need to do anything else.

However, before Murong Fuyun sends his troops south, there must be a result. For this, you don't even need evidence, as long as you think he is suspicious.

After finding out, hand over the list to the king.

Another thing you have to remember is not to cause commotion and panic among the common people, let alone arresting people secretly and extorting confessions by torture. This king does not want evidence, but only a list. Do you understand? "

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Ma Ye immediately understood and nodded.

Although this may affect their work, His Highness does not need evidence, but only a list. It can be said that this is a great right for them.

But for anyone with a bad mind, this job is definitely a fat job.

Conversely, this is also Li Chengqian's trust, and he must be a confidant.

Li Chengqian was actually helpless.

He didn't dare to ask for any evidence at the moment, if he really wanted to make a scene known to everyone, it would definitely make people panic, and if someone with a heart spread it, there might be some trouble.

Therefore, as long as he wants the list, no matter whether it is or not, as long as there are suspects, he will be regarded as him.

As for how to deal with these people, Li Chengqian had his own arrangements.

Soon, Ma Ye left.

As soon as he left, Li Chengqian summoned Pusiruo, the generals of the Zhengxi Army and the Resentment Army, and he wanted to change the army's outfits.

Since the war may come at any time, the priority of equipping the army has become the top priority.

"See Your Highness." All together, they all bowed to salute.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "Today, the king asked you to come to change the clothes of the Zhengxi Army and the Resentment Army. Now there are constant internal conflicts in Tuyuhun, and the situation in Piaohe County is also changing suddenly. We have to guard against it.

And as the two most elite armies of Ming Dynasty, the burden on your shoulders is not light.

This time, the king is planning to replace Zhengxi Army and Resentment Army with fourth-generation Liannu and other armaments. In the future, even if Tuyuhun does not go south, we will go north to completely eliminate this hidden danger! "

It was not the first time Li Chengqian said this to them, and everyone was no stranger to this.

For them, both of them are very happy to play Tuyuhun.

Tielebu and Tuyuhun are feuds, and Qibi Heli has been waiting for this day.

And Chishuiyuan was tossed into that ghost by Murong Shun at the beginning, and they also settled this account on Murong Fuyun's head.

It's just that, going north now, Da Ming's strength is not enough, this is what they are most worried about.

Although speaking of it, Daming claims to be able to mobilize a hundred thousand troops at any time, hehe, what about the civilian workers that the hundred thousand troops need?What about food?
Besides, if Tuyuhun really wanted to mobilize, he would definitely be stronger than the troops of the Ming court.

"This king knows what you are worried about." Li Chengqian said, "But you have to be clear, even if we don't have thoughts about Tuyuhun, they will also have thoughts about us after they recover, it's inevitable.

Today's Daming royal court is a sweet pastry in the eyes of others, and everyone wants it.

The reason why no one has done anything to us until now is not that we have really deterred them, but that they themselves are in constant trouble.

It has never been my king's style to sit and wait for death. Since there is danger, he should strangle it in the bud. "

"Don't worry, Your Highness, as long as His Highness gives an order, the last general and others will definitely lead my warriors of Ming Dynasty to clear all obstacles for His Highness." Qibi He Li said immediately.

Although he also felt that the timing was not right now, and Da Ming was still not stable, but he knew his identity, and as a general, it should be like this.

Yi Yuanfeng and the others expressed their opinions immediately, while Wan Tunpu and Puluboqi showed excitement on their faces.

War, they love it so much.

"Now the Zhengxi army has [-] troops, and the resentment army has [-] troops. This is already the most elite [-] troops in our Daming court." Li Chengqian said, "This time, after the two armies change their outfits, let's get acquainted with the new weapons first." , and then seize the time to practice.

Pu Shangshu, from now on, the rations and rations of the two armies will be increased by [-]%. These are all for defending the hundreds of thousands of people of the Ming court, and there must be no shortage of rations for them. "

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I understand this." Pussiro nodded immediately.

Li Chengqian also said: "In addition, from now on, the Ministry of Household Affairs will start to prepare food for the Zhenbei Prefecture. In addition to food, other strategic materials must also be properly prepared.

After the resentment army changed their clothes, they rushed directly to Zhenbei Mansion, even if they were practicing, they also practiced in Zhenbei Mansion. "

"I obey." Yi Yuanfeng said immediately.

They understood what Li Chengqian meant.

After Zhenbei Mansion began hoarding strategic materials, whether it was to defend against Tuyuhun or Qiu Bowen, the resentful army had to go north.

In the final analysis, money is still touching.

After explaining some matters, Li Chengqian asked Qibi Heli and Yi Yuanfeng to take people to prepare for the change of clothes.

But Puxiruo was left behind by Li Chengqian.

"The envoy from Tubo is looking for you?" Li Chengqian asked.

Puxi Nuo smiled and said: "Returning to Your Highness, I have already approached the minister before, but the business relationship between the two countries cannot be settled by simply chatting."

Ever since he took up the job as Minister of the Household Department, Pusiro has become more and more like a miser.

But this is also normal. The consumption of tens of thousands of people in the entire Ming court is taken from his account. As the saying goes, if you are not in charge of a family, you don’t know how expensive it is. In his tone, he would complain every time a sum of money was paid.

"Don't delay this matter." Li Chengqian said, he guessed that this old guy was going to be delayed by Tuyuhun.

After all, these old guys don't have the slightest liking for Murong Fuyun.

Pusiruo was stunned for a moment, he was not surprised that Li Chengqian saw his thoughts, he did not hide this matter, what he was curious about was that His Highness did not stop the business with Tuyuhun.

Seeing him like this, Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Pouring River County is already in chaos, but what is the root cause of their cholera? It's profit.

At this time, Murong Fuyun stretched out his hand again, this chain of interests is interesting.

However, for the time being, we will have to spend some thought on the business transaction with Murong Fuyun.

First of all, one thing must be confirmed, that is, it cannot be used by the enemy, and items such as gloves and cloaks to keep out the cold are not allowed to be released.

The same is true for Water River County, and these materials will not be allowed to leave the country in the future.

If they ask the reason, tell them directly, I, Daming Wang Ting, is not enough.

But for items that are more enjoyable, such as music boxes and dressing cabinets, just sell them.

The more we sell, the more benefits we get, but the more they buy, the more money and food they consume.

And, who are they buying it for?
Naturally, it was sold to the nobles in Tuyuhun. Where would the nobles get it back after spending money and food? "

"Looking for love from those ordinary people?" Puxiruo understood instantly, and was immediately stunned.

Your Highness is plotting Tuyuhun to death.

If this is the case, Tuyuhun will complain sooner or later.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "So, don't procrastinate, hurry up and finalize this matter. Sell as much as you can sell. For us, these things are neither edible nor wearable. They are of little use. Don't treat them as like a baby, understand?"

Even if Pusiro nodded his head, it would be a good thing to exchange these things for some money and food.

After Pusiruo left, Li Chengqian began to organize the existing information and make detailed plans.

This busy work lasted for several days.

In the past few days, Pusiruo also reached a consensus with the envoy of Tuyuhun.

The envoys of Tuyuhun didn't expect this matter to be finalized so quickly.

In the next period of time, Li Chengqian arranged all kinds of affairs.

The most important thing is people's livelihood. This time, Li Chengqian directly opened medical clinics in the fifteen cities of the Ming court.

The doctors who defected from the Tang Dynasty before also came in handy this time, almost all of them were assigned by Li Chengqian to medical centers in various cities. In order to make these people go willingly, Li Chengqian also wasted a lot of effort.

It was an official position and a generous salary, and Li Chengqian threw it out.

Regardless of whether it was Murong Fuyun who sent his troops to the south, or he sent his troops to the north, the internal stability of the Ming Dynasty was the most important thing.

And the Ministry of Industry has not been idle during this period. In order to make everyone in the Ming court have a job to support their families, dozens of projects have been tossed back and forth.

Simply relying on workshops cannot support these 30 people, at least not now.

It's not a matter of production, but of sales.

As long as anything floods, it will lose its initial value.

Take the dressing room as an example, it can sell a few pieces now, but if thousands of dressing rooms are brought to Chang'an, can they still sell a few pieces?
Things are rare.

Therefore, the only one that can really provide these people with a large number of jobs is the Ministry of Industry.

Although the work provided by the Ministry of Industry is much more tiring, but it has come to this point, who dares to be picky?

It's nice to be able to support a family.

Believe it or not, even if you have to work in the ice and snow in the winter, everyone is working hard, and no one has even complained.


But when the royal court of Ming Dynasty was developing steadily, pouring river county was in chaos.

Ever since Murong Fuyun asked King Dingcheng and Murong Xiaojun to investigate the smuggling together, King Dingcheng didn't care about anyone else, but focused on Murong Xiaojun. In other words, this guy was sincerely making trouble for Murong Xiaojun.

As long as Murong Xiaojun's caravan came back from the Daming Royal Court, he would definitely investigate it again and again with the excuse of strictly investigating smuggling.

In the process, he would even indulge his soldiers to deliberately destroy the things brought back by the caravan.

To put it bluntly, I didn't even drink the soup, why do you eat meat?
For this reason, the two often broke out conflicts.

Murong Xiaojun was aggrieved.

But he didn't do anything at all.

Since returning from Fucheng City last time, these guys don't know whether they have discussed it or something. Recently, he didn't catch a caravan about smuggling.

And the caravans of various tribes are still dangling under Murong Xiaojun's nose all day long.

This gave King Dingcheng something to brag about, you see, once this king left, Dou Liang did not leave the country, this is his ability.

Murong Xiaojun was so angry, but he couldn't say a word.

Just when the two were fighting in full swing in Watering River County.

In a private house in Watering River City, a man in his thirties said: "Recently, the various ministries have discussed, and we have to wait for a while, suspend the smuggling business, and intentionally disgust King Gaochang, and you don't want to go there anymore." Encourage them, so as not to be seen by them."

The man who spoke was Wu An's subordinate and the person in charge of the secret spy department in Pourhe County. His name was Zhang Wuge. He was also the first group of people who followed Li Chengqian to Riyue Mountain with Li Qinjian.

At the same time, he was also the first group to follow Li Chengqian into Chishuiyuan.

You must know that the first batch of people who followed Li Chengqian into Chishuiyuan were all killed along the way, and today, they can be regarded as the direct descendants of Li Chengqian's direct descendants.

When Wu An established the secret spy department, the backbone staff was naturally selected from these direct descendants, and fifth brother Zhang joined the secret spy department at that time.

"Are we doing nothing now?" someone asked.

Brother Zhang Wu shook his head, feeling very helpless, not because he didn't want to do anything, but because he couldn't do anything under the current situation: "I heard that Murong Fuyun gave the death order, saying that Dou Liang is not allowed to leave the country, otherwise Gaochang Both the king and the king of Dingcheng will be severely punished.

And you did it too hard before. Not to mention they made a lot of profit from the previous smuggling, and many people died. Even if they don't care about these lives, the risk is too great.

In addition, this time, they are determined to embarrass King Gaochang, so they will definitely not take risks in a short time. "

"His Highness once said that the reason for not wanting to take risks is because of insufficient benefits. As long as the benefits are in place, I don't believe they are unwilling." Someone said, "Fifth brother, I have an idea, can you see if it works?"

The person who spoke was a member of the Pu clan, Pu Qi, who was not very old, only about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Brother Zhang Wu looked at him and asked, "What do you think?"

"Liannu?" Pu Qi said, "They are not willing to take risks on other things for the time being, but what about Liannu? They are also unwilling to take risks? If we reveal a news that there are merchants over there smuggling this stuff, Can they not be moved?"

"Are you crazy?" As soon as he finished speaking, someone said, "Who would dare to smuggle ordnance? Your Highness will have to skin you if he finds out."

Pu Qi said: "It's smuggling for them, do we need to smuggle it? I heard that His Highness sells a generation of Liannu to Tubo, so what about selling it to Tuyuhun?

Moreover, look for yourself, we are now equipped with Qing Yishui's third-generation Liannu, and even the second-generation Liannu is eating dust in the warehouse. If we can really sell it to them, it will make them tempted again.

Secondly, it can also generate income for our Daming.

So many first-generation Liannu that were replaced back then are piled up in the warehouse, and if they are not sold, they will only eat ashes.

The most important thing is that with this thing, if they fight in Water River County, it will be lively. "

Brother Zhang Wu nodded and said: "Pu Qi is right, but this matter has to be decided after asking His Highness. I also have an idea here, listen to it.

Although King Gaochang had conflicts with them frequently recently, both sides were still restrained and did not make much noise.

That's what I thought, why don't we help them?
I know that Xihaiwang has a caravan moving on the grassland recently, I think..."

Brother Zhang Wu is not a good bird, he wants to use this opportunity to make trouble.

"Fifth Brother, do you mean to intercept this caravan?" Someone asked directly.

Nodding his head, Fifth Brother Zhang said: "I know about this caravan, there are not many people, there are only a few dozen people in total, and it has been very active in Water River County recently.

From what it looks like, it should be brought here temporarily by King Xihai, presumably for the purpose of disgusting King Gaochang.

Therefore, if we intercept and kill this caravan, we don't need to set the blame on us, they will definitely turn their suspicious eyes on King Gaochang.

As for King Gaochang, he was already aloof, and he was tortured enough by these guys. I reckon that even if the shit bowl was put on his head, he would not defend himself.

If we leave some Daming's goods in the caravan, he will probably be happy to take the blame. After all, after Dingcheng King came, he did not seize a smuggling caravan, which really put him in an embarrassing situation.

And the King of Xihai, who knows he has been wronged, will let it go? "

He has considered this matter carefully, and combined with the current strength of the Secret Service Division in Water River County, he formulated this plan.

"I think it's feasible." Someone said, "Before we act, we can also release a message, saying that the reason why the smuggling disappeared as soon as King Dingcheng came is because there was not so much smuggling before. The smuggling is all directed and acted by King Gaochang himself, and even killed the good ones, so put the pressure on King Gaochang first."

With that said, everyone discussed the details of the plan again.

This kind of thing doesn't need to be reported, their task is to disturb the river county.

After the discussion, Fifth Brother Zhang said: "Pu Qi, you are responsible for spreading the rumor first, and other people will inform our people, get ready, and we will start in three days."

"Then what I said before?" Puqi asked.

Fifth Brother Zhang immediately said: "I'll send someone back to Riyue Mountain to ask His Highness what you mean about that, but I think it's not a big problem."

After speaking, everyone dispersed immediately.

That afternoon, rumors spread in Watering River City.

It's too easy to spread such rumors.

Now there are the most things in Water River County, the most caravans.

All the tribes specially made Murong Xiaojun disgusting.

As long as the rumor reaches their ears, they will immediately spread the rumor to more people.

For them, as long as it can hurt Murong Xiaojun, they are willing to do it.

However, within two days, almost all the troops stationed in Water River County heard such rumors.

Of course, after repeating what others say, this rumor is really rare to hear.

But what's funny is that after hearing the rumor, some of the people in Pourhe County even believed it, and the only one who didn't believe it was King Dingcheng.

He really couldn't believe it, because he cleared it...

Of course, believe it or not, he enjoyed watching the theater.

As long as Murong Xiaojun is unlucky, why isn't he happy?

As for Murong Xiaojun, as soon as he heard the rumors, he knew that it must have been released by Dingchengwang and others.

But he was also helpless. After King Dingcheng came, he really didn't catch even a smuggling caravan, which made people think too much.

And just when rumors were flying all over the sky, an even more shocking news came.

On this day, Murong Xiaojun was having a headache in the palace, when suddenly someone came to report: "My lord, a caravan was slaughtered fifty miles outside the city of Piaohe, and there are still scattered goods from Ming Dynasty at the scene."

Upon hearing this, Murong Xiaojun immediately stood up and said: "Prepare your horse, go and have a look."

He has actually been waiting recently, just waiting for these guys to return to their old jobs.

After all, these guys are not monolithic, and everyone has selfish motives.

And at the same time, King Dingcheng also received the news, and his reaction was exactly the same as that of Murong Xiaojun.

(End of this chapter)

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