This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 320 Volume 4 Congratulations Xue Rengui!The art of strengthening the army.

Chapter 320 Volume [-] Congratulations to Xue Rengui!The art of strengthening the army.

Fang Laoer was really dumbfounded, he had no idea what happened?
Why did it fall into Li Chengqian's hands?

The point is, what the hell is this weight-carrying?

They don't know.

Li Chengqian seemed to be aware of this problem, and said to himself, why did I forget the method of training soldiers in later generations?
Well, it's not that he forgot, it's because he was too busy before.

It just so happens that these bastards are so energetic every day, it's good to find something for them to do.

By the way, we can also see if the methods of military training of later generations will work in this era.

But he is not worried, no matter what, the practice is not bad.

"Where are your instructors?" Li Chengqian asked.

Fang Yiai said cautiously, "It's in the barracks."

"Take me there." Li Chengqian said.

When they heard this, they immediately put the little leopard back.

They are actually bored every day. In the final analysis, the imperial court of Ming Dynasty really doesn't have many recreational activities, which is nothing compared to Chang'an.

Fang Yiai actually set up this hunting ground just for fun, and really has no other ideas.

As for the copper coins he earned, he wouldn't put them in his pocket either. His eyelids weren't so shallow. Usually, after saving some money, he would spend it on drinking and having fun in the entire military camp.

For this reason, Fang Yiai still has some prestige in the Youth Army.

"My king thought that you moved the barracks here for hard training, but it turns out that you are doing well, cleaning up what's there every day." On the way, Li Chengqian said.

Not to mention a reprimand, but a few words of warning.

But when he said this, Fang Yiai immediately called out to Zhuang Tianqu: "Your Highness, what you said is unreasonable. Aren't we being disliked by Xue Zheng in the school? That's why I voluntarily assigned myself to this poor mountain." Being in the company of wild beasts in a remote place is also..."

"It's my sister, yes yes yes!" Li Chengqian turned around and kicked Fang Yiai when he heard this, "Why do you really think I don't understand? Come on.

But it's a good thing that the Boys' Army and the school are separated. In the final analysis, that is the future treasure of Ming Dynasty, and you are just a bunch of scumbags. Letting you go to school is like killing your old people. I don't bother to care about you. "


Fang Yiai just smirked, he is really not interested in letting him be the king of the kids in the school.

The school should be left to Wei Shuyu and those brats. Anyway, they feel that they are already adults, and they are ashamed to hang out with a bunch of brats all day long.

In order to be able to move out of the school, they are also really wicked. They get up and do exercises every day before the hour, and run as soon as they run, and they have to fucking yell twice. They almost tossed the students in the school neurasthenia.

In the end, Chen Sheng, who couldn't take it anymore, came to discuss with Li Chengqian, and allocated a separate barracks for the Boys' Army.

To talk about these bastards, there are so many evil ideas, and the goal has been achieved, and there is no need to open it yourself.

"What about Wenhua Treasure Land?" Li Jingren said from behind, "I still prefer to be named a Marquis immediately."

"Hmph." Li Chengqian joked after hearing the words, "I'm afraid you'll seal your throat immediately, and it's like an arrow."

Li Jingren was taken aback, how bad am I?If you don't speak anymore at the moment, who do you look down on?

When they arrived at the Boys' Army barracks, the others were all practicing.

Even though it was snowing heavily, Xue Rengui never gave up practicing.

Upon seeing this scene, Li Chengqian turned around and asked, "Why are you acting like a normal person while they are practicing?"

When he said this, Li Chengqian still had some thoughts. If these guys were treated differently based on their family background, then they would not be suitable to stay in the Youth Army, and even the Ming court would not be suitable for them.

"Can they compare with us?" Fang Yiai said immediately after hearing the words, "We were the first to complete the assessment task set by Instructor Xue, and Yao Da and Shusun Yu, but these guys are wilder than us. He insisted on going into the mountains to play knife and hunt with those animals, and almost every time he came back, his body was covered in blood, and now he is almost a regular visitor to the medical center."

Fang Yiai was just reckless, but not stupid. He didn't understand the meaning of what Li Chengqian said, so he immediately carried Shusun Yu and the others out.

Li Chengqian nodded in satisfaction, as long as he didn't engage in privileges, then he could accept it.

"The last general will see Your Highness." Seeing Li Chengqian walking in, Xue Rengui immediately dismissed the crowd and let them rest for a while, then ran over quickly, bowed and saluted.

The others also shouted in unison, but they were quickly sent away by Fang Yiai and others.

Everyone didn't take it seriously, and looked at this side from a long distance.

Li Chengqian smiled and waved at them, then looked at Xue Rengui, and said, "This king is here today for the expansion of the youth army, but I just saw these guys practicing, so I want to discuss with you."

When they heard that the Boys' Army was going to expand their army, Fang Yi'ai and the others were all staring!
The expansion of the army is good. After the expansion, there will be more positions.

Otherwise, their previous military exploits were just a decoration.

Even Cheng Chuliang smiled now.

If he really wants to expand the army, he can at least get a centurion, that's not a problem at all.

"I don't know what your Highness wants to discuss?" Xue Rengui asked, he was still more stable than Fang Yiai and others.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about the expansion of the army first."

"If the Boys' Army wants to expand its army, the barracks will have to be moved." Xue Rengui said, "After all, this is inside the palace, and it's not good if there are too many people."

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "This time, what I mean by this king is to expand the army for the entire Daming royal court, and anyone who is over fifteen years old or younger can join the Youth Army.

The main purpose, as you can guess, is that years of snowstorms have left an indelible shadow in everyone's hearts. To recruit these half-grown children into the military camp is to plan for the future, and to be able to Reduce the pressure on the common people.

After all, one less mouth to eat means less stress.

Even if he entered the workshop or mine, he could withdraw and join the Boys' Army. According to the policy, his family would continue to fill the job quota that originally belonged to him.

As for the barracks, it was placed outside Riyue Mountain. The place guarded by General Yi back then, Fang Lao Er, do you still remember that place? "

"Then why don't you remember?" Fang Yiai smiled immediately, "It was there that I became famous."

"Hurry up and get there..." Li Jingren said speechlessly, "What do you call becoming famous? Your ass is blooming, but you still have the face to show it off?"

But Fang Yiai said disdainfully: "The flowers bloomed for my royal court, why are you not convinced?"

"Okay, stop bickering." Li Chengqian said, "As long as you know the place, it's no problem to open up a barracks for the Boys' Army in that place."

"The place is quite suitable." Cheng Chuliang said, "However, there will be a mixture of good and bad in this expansion of the army. Will people mix in a few?"

In fact, everyone knows what is going on on the grassland.

Tuyuhun has dominated this land for hundreds of years. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is not even a single person who follows them wholeheartedly.

There are definitely Murong Fuyun's people hiding in the grassland.

It's easy to talk about other places. If one or two people get mixed up in this barracks, especially the Youth Army, it will be troublesome if they let him grow up.

What is the advantage of the Boys' Army? It is highly malleable.

But this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Strong plasticity means that you are easily influenced by others.

To use an analogy, if Shusun Yu is Murong Fuyun's person, then he will definitely affect many people in the Youth Army, because his ability is there, and many people are willing to believe him.

"There is no way to avoid this, and it is also a challenge for you." Li Chengqian said, "Besides, this king can tell you very clearly that such people definitely exist.

But what to do, you have to think about it yourself.

Of course, there will not be too many such people, and there may not be no chance to put him..."

Having said that, Li Chengqian stopped talking.

This is a double-edged sword.

Murong Fuyun wanted to use these secrets to subvert Daming in the future, so couldn't Li Chengqian take advantage of them?

"Don't worry, Your Highness, as long as these people join the Youth Army, even if it is a stubborn rock, the general will melt him down." Xue Rengui immediately expressed his opinion.

He knew very well that this was his chance.

In the beginning, although he only came here to fill his stomach, but as he got a deeper understanding of the Ming court, he knew that there was a stage here for him to act.

Moreover, Li Chengqian still valued him very much, which made him realize that this was an opportunity to revive the lintel.

Although Xue Rengui's family was poor when he was young, but to be honest, his Xue family is also from a famous family. If his father Xue Gui had not died early, the Xue family would not have fallen into ruin.

People these days seem to have a different kind of paranoia about revitalizing the lintel, but this is a good thing for Li Chengqian, because they are afraid that Xue Rengui will lose his fighting spirit and thus bury a star.

Of course, even if it was buried, Li Chengqian would not let Xue Rengui go, that's for sure.

If he can't get it, then he will be ruined. What is there to say?

For such a general, even if he is really annihilated in the dust of history, he will not give him the opportunity to shine in other places. If the situation changes suddenly in the future, won't this create trouble for himself?

"You don't need to worry too much. Maybe when they grow up, Tuyuhun will be gone." Li Chengqian said confidently, "If they don't show half-heartedness, even if you know it, don't do anything deliberately. Just do it in your mind.”

Li Chengqian really didn't care much about this.

If it goes well, by this time next year, Tuyuhun will become a thing of the past, and those people will know what to do by then.

Of course, it is still necessary to pay attention. These days, the most indispensable thing is careerists.

"By the way, Shusun Yu and Yao Da go into the mountains all day long to compete with those animals?" Li Chengqian asked suddenly.

He still remembered Yao Da, and his identity was suspicious, but after such a long time, this guy didn't show anything suspicious, and Li Chengqian didn't have time to arrange someone to investigate his details.

But it doesn't mean that Li Chengqian has forgotten about this guy.

Xue Rengui didn't know this, and said with a smile: "They are not as good as Fang Baifu in terms of personal physical fitness, and there is no better way. Why don't they go to the mountains and find those big animals to practice, and it will be somewhat effective."

"It's been effective, and I can spend half a month in the clinic once I come out." Fang Yiai said disdainfully from the side.

As soon as Li Chengqian heard what he said, he immediately kicked over: "People who are not as good as you know how to find a way, how about you? You are as good at riding and arching as Uncle Sun Yu, and you are so good at riding and shooting every day? It's just you Like this, sooner or later you will be surpassed by Shusun Yu, and then he will be granted the title of marquis immediately, and you will be sealed immediately, no, you are better than him, and you can still get a horse leather shroud."

Li Chengqian still knew the general situation of the Boys' Army. Shusun Yu didn't say anything else, but he definitely deserved the number one in riding and shooting.But when it comes to physical fitness, Fang Yiai really has an advantage. I don’t know how this guy is so tall. In the youth army, except for Xue Rengui, almost no one is his opponent. The key is to grow up at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Like a strong boy, it's no wonder he doesn't want to hang out in the school.

However, Li Chengqian also realized that the practice method of later generations had to be adjusted.

Otherwise, it would be too unreliable to go to the mountains to find big animals to practice like Shusun Yu and Yao Da.

"Exactly, didn't I just say that I have something to discuss with you." Li Chengqian said, "That's right, this king has thought of some practice methods, let's discuss it and see if it works.

It's better than going to the mountains every day to practice against those big animals. If the days are long, accidents will inevitably happen. "

"Your Highness, please." Xue Rengui said, "Go to the camp to discuss, it's still too cold outside."

He didn't care whether it was cold or not, the key was not to freeze Li Chengqian to death.

Today, Li Chengqian is the hope of the entire Ming court, not only because of his ability, but also because of his identity.

After saying that, several people got into the camp of the Youth Army.

Because the Boys' Army is not yet a regular army, there is no so-called Chinese army camp.

However, this tent is similar to Li Chengqian's original king's tent. It is a long table, and Xue Rengui's position at the top used to be, but since Li Chengqian came, this position naturally became Li Chengqian's.

In the corner of the tent, there was also a stove burning, which made the whole tent much warmer.

"Bring a pen and paper." Li Chengqian said as soon as he sat down.

Along the way, he was recalling the content of the military training he learned in later generations.

The most memorable thing is the military training of college freshmen.

It's not the dancing kind...

After Xue Rengui handed over the pen and paper, Li Chengqian wrote and drew on the paper.

Of course, the content is not all the military training content of his college days, but also some content that he saw on film and television programs and news.

Anyway, it wasn't to torment himself, he just searched and scratched and got them all out.

Not long after he finished writing in the notebook, he handed it to Xue Rengui and said, "Let's see first, whether it is feasible or not, this king is just some suggestions, and the specific implementation plan, let's discuss it again, let's work together. "

Here, Li Chengqian deliberately made some unworkable methods, in fact, to give them a chance to show off.

Let him do everything, everyone has no sense of participation, and they are afraid that their enthusiasm is not so high.

Xue Rengui nodded while watching, Fang Yiai was like a giraffe, with a long neck, peeking from the side.

It means that Li Chengqian is here, if Li Chengqian is not here, these guys can really surround him.

This also shows that there are still problems with the military discipline of the Boys' Army.

After a while, everyone finished watching, and Fang Yiai said: "Your Highness, what is this military posture? Just standing still for an hour? It's too simple. I think this one can be omitted. It doesn't matter at all. What's the use."

"It doesn't work?" Li Chengqian sneered, "This one is tailor-made for you guys, it doesn't matter if it's a young army or a resentful army, since there is a word for army, it's a soldier!
Look at what you look like day by day?Sitting or not sitting, standing or standing, rules and so on are almost equal to zero.

Just like you, if you really go to the battlefield, it’s no problem to fight against the wind, but what about fighting against the wind?

It is impossible for us to have every battle the same as before, there will always be setbacks, what do you do at this time?
Standing in the military posture, in the final analysis, is to temper the tenacious will of the soldiers, hone the unyielding perseverance of the soldiers, and cultivate the discipline of steel.

Standing in a military posture is like a pole, connected to form a Great Wall of flowing flesh and blood. Where there is a country and people, there are my soldiers of Ming Dynasty!
Standing in the military posture is like a big tree next to the barracks, uprooted from the dry land, towering into the clouds, stepping on the ground, with the blue sky above the head, with a heroic spirit that can lift the mountains and the world, no matter you are windy from southeast to northwest, I will stand still.

Standing in a military posture is a place where you forget yourself when you stand on the snowy training ground. Even if your legs are sore and stiff, even if you have already become an ice sculpture, the blood stored in your body and the heat from your pores are enough. Melt down all winter.

Standing in a military posture, not everyone can stand up and learn it well.

Only warriors who are dedicated to defending our Ming Dynasty can go through thousands of tempers in the melting pot of the army, so that you can see the majesty and masculinity of a soldier in every gesture, and you can deeply understand that the responsibility of a soldier is more important than Mount Tai. At that time, your words and deeds will be filled with the temperament of a soldier everywhere, and wherever you are placed, you can tell at a glance that you are a soldier of my Ming Dynasty.

Do you think it is useful to stand in a military posture?
This one is not discussed, one hour a day is the minimum requirement for everyone in the Boys Army. "

Everyone was dumbfounded, no, just standing upright for an hour, how can you still say so much?
But if you think about it carefully, good guy, this is really a test.

Don't look at Fang Yiai who said it lightly before, but if you let the big guy stand for an hour according to Li Chengqian's standard, it will really kill you.

Although they didn't understand, they just felt that what Li Chengqian said was awesome.

"Then, it's useless to ask everyone to know how to swim." Fang Yiai found another one, and said, "Not to mention that the Ming court doesn't have many rivers, the key is that swimming in this winter is exciting just thinking about it." .”

As he spoke, he shivered.

Li Chengqian nodded, and said: "You can ignore this one for the time being, and we can talk about it after winter."

"Your Highness, what is this armed cross-country?" Xue Rengui asked.

"Armed cross-country is cross-country with heavy loads. Considering that everyone in the Youth Army is not very old, the load should be [-] catties. It looks like you can carry [-] catties a day and run for [-] miles. But at the beginning, you can Less, take your time." As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, he saw someone looking over, glared at them immediately, and said, "This is all for your own good. We won't be able to win every battle in the future. There are always times when you fail.

Not to mention anything else, practice this cross-country with heavy loads, and when the day comes, you will run faster than others, right?Will it harm you if you become the king? "

Xue Rengui nodded. He didn't think it was to prepare for running away in the future, but after practicing like this, everyone's endurance must have improved. When fighting, they must last longer than others. Life-saving capital.

"Your Highness, what about the crossbar?" Li Jingren said, "It feels a bit weird for these few people to lift the crossbar together."

"I understand this." Li Deju, who had been silent all this time, said, "Your Highness hopes that we can trust our brothers and unite with our brothers."

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "The virtue award is right. Who can you trust on the battlefield? Who do you dare to hand over your back to? It's not your comrades-in-arms. , who else can you rely on?
What I said earlier, whether it is from the expansion of enrollment in the future or from your youth army before, since you have entered this barracks, until there is no real evidence to prove that there is something wrong with him, you are one of your own. How should you treat yourself? teach you?
Especially you guys, put away your little grandpa's airs, if you are capable, earn one by yourself in the future, I will put this king's words here, Daming Royal Court, anyone, as long as they make great achievements, they will not be less rewarded.

But the credit is not enough, so don't expect this king to be selfish. "

"Your Highness said that, are we like that? If you don't believe me, ask Instructor Xue, do we usually bully anyone in the barracks? Shusun Yu and Yao Da are trying to compete. It has nothing to do with us. Let's talk about it." , We have a good relationship in private, we used to steal wine..."

Fang Yiai didn't have a good mouth, so he slipped up while talking, and Li Jingren stood up and covered his mouth.

"It's okay, okay, I don't know what virtue you have." Li Chengqian said with a look of disgust, "Is he competing with you? That's self-improvement, don't believe it, okay, you continue like this, wait for others You are all dukes, you might still be big soldiers."

For these guys, Li Chengqian didn't mind prodding them.

These guys still have abilities, knowledge and courage, but they lack a little motivation.

And what they lack is not the motivation to go to the battlefield, but the motivation to practice.

But at their age, they can understand. Everyone has a family background. Who doesn't think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world?

Xue Rengui on the side read all the training content again, wrote and drew on it, discussed with Fang Yiai and others, and then handed it to Li Chengqian: "Your Highness, look See if this works? Let’s practice these first for the time being, one by one, practice so many together, it will definitely not work, we can’t eat too much.”

He was quite optimistic about these drill methods, mainly because he didn't have a systematic drill content before, and now Li Chengqian sent it, so he was of course willing to give it a try.

Moreover, he still values ​​the Youth Army very much.

In the future, if he can lead the young army he personally drilled to fight against the enemy, that will make him feel more at ease.

Li Chengqian looked at it, then nodded, and said: "Well, take your time, you have made a detailed plan and submitted it. Boys, you still have to hold on tight."

"The general understands." Xue Rengui said, "But in this way, the general wants to slow down the expansion of the juvenile army. At least we need to practice first, otherwise when the recruits arrive, we If the guy hasn't done well as a recruit, it's a shame."

For this, Li Chengqian naturally would not refuse, nodded, looked at Fang Yiai again, and said: "Don't forget you two, you will carry a load of sixty miles!"

Fang Yi'ai didn't have time to say anything, at this moment, a young army boy hurried in and said, "Instructor Xue, it's not good, something happened."

(End of this chapter)

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