This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 322 Volume 4 Torture to extract a confession, tricks come out.

Chapter 322 Volume [-] Tortured to extract a confession, full of tricks.

The common people are always simple.

No, simplicity is not the right word to describe it.

People are always realistic.

Li Chengqian gave them the foundation to survive, so they were willing to support Li Chengqian.

Of course, rather than saying that they are supporting Li Chengqian, it is better to say that they are protecting their own interests.

From this point of view, the Ming court is actually entangled with various interests. As long as everyone's common interests are still there, then the Daming court will be an unbreakable dynasty.

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

This is absolutely true.

Therefore, the reactions of the common people in Riyue Mountain are actually quite normal.

What they are defending is actually their own interests.

It is not surprising that they do anything for their own benefit.

At this time, Li Chengqian had already entered the mountain with Liu San and others.

Although someone led the way, Yuchi and Baolin were still extra vigilant.

Many people surrounded Li Chengqian.

To be honest, they felt that Li Chengqian's presence was just to add to the chaos, and it had no practical effect.

But they didn't understand that Li Chengqian would definitely not be at ease if he didn't figure out such a thing himself and trace the root cause.

He just hoped that in the days to come, he could sleep more peacefully.

In other words, he dared not trust anyone in this matter.

People who feel insecure have always been like this.

Who doesn't lack a sense of security these days?

"It's almost here, do you want to send someone first..." At this moment, the person who led the way said.

Liu San heard the words and said directly: "Your Highness, may I go to the front to have a look first?"

Riyue Mountain was originally a valley, although now it is divided into the royal city and the outer city, but to put it bluntly, it is still a valley.

In the depths of the valley, there are also mountains and valleys, but everyone did not have the manpower and material resources to explore these mountains and valleys.

"Go, don't startle the snake." Li Chengqian said, "If Shusun Yu and Yao Da are in danger, save them first."

From his standpoint, he actually wanted to arrest people first.

But it can't be too much to show that he doesn't care about the life and death of Shusun Yu and others.

It would be chilling.

After all, no one wants to be the one left behind.

After Liu San took the order, he led someone to touch it immediately.

And Yuchi Baolin was even more careful after Liu San led someone to touch it.

There is no big mistake in being careful, and there is a big mistake in carelessness.

Everyone knows this.

It didn't take long before Liu San ran back in a hurry and said, "It's just a group of little thieves, if it wasn't for Shusun Yu and the others who didn't have any weapons in their hands, they would have taken care of them."

"No danger?" Yuchi Baolin asked.

Liu San shook his head: "What danger can there be? Don't underestimate Shusun Yu and the others. These little guys dare to go into the mountains to play close combat with those big animals with knives. Do you really think they are all given for nothing?

That is to say, His Highness is merciful and does not allow these guys to go to the battlefield, otherwise they are also a fierce man on the battlefield. "

Liu San's words are really not bragging for Uncle Sun Yu and the others, if you really want to say it, it's really the same thing.

These guys are also outstanding in the Youth Army, if not for this, they would not be able to pass Xue Rengui's assessment, and they should still be practicing in the barracks like everyone else.

Li Chengqian also nodded when he heard the words: "Come on, I want to see who Fang Xiaoxiao dared to hit my king."

At this moment, Li Chengqian's heart was a little small.

They have even planned a bloody plan.

As long as his judgment is good, this time, he wants to play with a big ticket.

When Liu Sanyi heard what Li Chengqian said, he immediately got excited.

To be honest, he was aggrieved by being beside Li Chengqian.

As a general, who wouldn't want to go into battle and kill the enemy?That is the home of the generals.

Especially pure soldiers like Liu San, they yearn for the battlefield.

The words "Happy upon hearing the war" refer to them.

And Yuchi Baolin didn't say much.

After working with Liu San for so long, he still knows Liu San very well.

Not even talking about Liu San's ability, just about Li Chengqian's safety, Liu San would not and would not dare to be careless.

So he was really not worried.

Right now, he was just following Li Chengqian and doing his own thing well.

It's just that he didn't know that Li Chengqian's needs were different from theirs.

When everyone came to the place where Shusun Yu and others were fighting, everyone was stunned.

Liu San is humble, really, he is humble.

What is a small thief?
When Li Chengqian saw these guys, his first reaction was a group of beggars.

To be honest, these guys are not as good as a group of beggars, at least Yao Da was a beggar back then, but even so, Yao Da is much more respectable than them.

This group of guys can be described as ragged.

The whole body looks like it has been soaked in a mud pit for a few days. The whole body is dirty from head to toe, and even a little tattered.

At first glance, it looks like a group of refugees fleeing.

If it weren't for the shiny weapons in their hands and the cold light of the arrows in the arrow basket, Li Chengqian really couldn't connect them with the gangsters.

"Centurion, I brought you the weapons." The young man who had led the way for Li Chengqian shouted loudly, "Your Highness also personally brought troops to help!"

Hearing what he said, Yuchi Baolin, Liu San, Yao Da and others wanted to kick him to death.

Originally, those guys were like trapped animals, but now when they heard his words, one or two of their eyes lit up.

"Aren't you brainless? Throw the weapon over here and let me stand by His Highness's side. If something happens to His Highness, I will take your skin off!" Yao Da roared immediately.

This guy is just a fool... This shout, if they didn't know each other well, they might have regarded him as a spy.

After all, as soon as Li Chengqian's reinforcements arrived, these thieves were almost in a desperate situation. If they wanted to survive in a desperate situation, there was really no better way than capturing the thieves and the king first.

Besides, who knows if they entered Riyue Mountain with full armor to assassinate Li Chengqian.

So when he shouted, it really helped these guys a lot.

But Liu San and the others changed their eyes and immediately shouted angrily: "Kill!"

When these people stared at Li Chengqian, Liu San became murderous.

This is also a kill embryo!
Li Chengqian didn't care, the reason why that guy exposed his identity was also arranged by him.

Although he also understands that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, but as a king, and he is a king on horseback who has been shot down with a knife, he understands that his life is destined to pace back and forth under a dangerous wall.

Moreover, in order to get something, you must take some risks.

There has never been a free lunch in this world, no matter what you want to get, you must give something.

As for this group of small thieves, Liu San and the others were not nervous at all. They followed Li Chengqian and fought north and south for more than a year. Everyone came here fighting on the battlefield. This was really just a small scene.

Yuchi Baolin didn't move. To deal with these guys, Liu San and the others are enough, not to mention the cooperation of Shusun Yu and the others. If they still can't take down these guys, then Liu San and the others are really blind.

What's more, apart from the lack of battlefield experience, Shusun Yu and others who took up weapons are really not bad in other aspects.

As for himself, he is protecting Li Chengqian at this moment.

This is his task.

The work of the two of them has actually been assigned long ago. Of course, this also needs to be fought for.As for how the two of them fought for this opportunity in private, it is unknown.

But as a military commander, it is inevitable that it is that kind of thing.

As Liu San and the others joined the battlefield, and with the cooperation of Shu Sun Yu and the others, the little thieves with more than a dozen people were instantly in trouble.

Liu San and the others are not Shusun Yu and others, they are much more murderous than Shusun Yu and others, and they are more professional.

There is nothing to say about this. Although Shusun Yu and the others are considered outstanding in the Youth Army, compared with Liu San and the others, they still lack experience. At least, they are not cruel enough when it comes to killing people.

But even so, it only took a moment. After Liu San and the others killed a few people, those little thieves surrendered, and they surrendered quite simply.

This made Liu San stunned. Just now you were staring at Li Chengqian fiercely, so you surrendered?

Li Chengqian couldn't understand it. In this way, these people must not be dead men.

It is impossible for a dead soldier to be so bloodless.

"The trial is here." Li Chengqian said with a gloomy face.

When Liu San heard the words, it was also unequivocal: "You heard it too, tell me, where did you come from? Who ordered you? What did you do?"

Liu San threw out a series of questions in one breath, but no one answered him, and one of them even looked at him with disdain, as if looking at a clown.

Not to mention Liu San, even Li Chengqian was stunned.

He vaguely felt something was wrong.The reaction of these people is not right.

You say they are dead soldiers?They don't have the blood of a dead man.

It's just that a few people died, and they all surrendered. Can this be called a dead soldier?

You say they are not dead soldiers?But they also showed an aura of seeing death as home.

Seeing this, Liu San showed a sneer.

I saw him walk up to a person and cut him off without warning.

In an instant, a person's arm was torn by a knife, and blood flowed profusely.

"Say, who sent you here? What is the purpose of your coming here?" Liu San said fiercely, "I will count to five, and every five counts, I will get an arm.

Five, four, three, two! "

As soon as the count was over, there were none. Liu San swung his saber again, and slashed at the thief whose arm he had cut off just now.

I saw that the unlucky guy had both arms chopped off by Liu San abruptly.

Apart from his painful screams, there was no sound at the scene.

But what is unexpected is that even at this time, no one still speaks.

This scene stunned everyone.

It stands to reason that Liu San's actions can torture a person's psychology, but even so, these guys still didn't respond. At this time, let alone Li Chengqian, even Liu San realized something was wrong.

The reaction of these people is too strange. If they are not afraid of death, they don't have the courage to fight to the death. But if they want to say they are afraid, when they really face death, they have a kind of tolerance for death.

The impatient Liu San immediately swung his knife again, and in an instant, a bloody head rolled to the side: "It's okay, you can keep silent. You can also keep like this. As for me, I will keep killing until I die." Until you speak."

No matter what Liu San said, those guys never responded from the beginning to the end.

It's okay if there is no fear, they don't even have anger.

Such a reaction is so abnormal.

Li Chengqian carefully looked at the crowd, what do they want to do?

But pretending to be so aggressive in front of him, hehe, Li Chengqian really won't spoil him.

"Liu San, stop." Li Chengqian said, "You have to have means to deal with these stubborn people."

When Liu San heard this, he was overjoyed.

To be honest, he still gave in to Li Chengqian during the interrogation. It was Li Chengqian who came up with the idea of ​​interrogating Murong Shun's scouts. That time it opened his eyes.

If you put it this way, Li Chengqian is indeed not a thing.

He is much more ruthless than Liu San. Liu San's method looks bloody, but in fact it has no deterrent effect.

At this moment, Li Chengqian has realized that this group of people are dead men, but they are not ordinary dead men.

Whether they regard death as home or surrender to make a living, they are all just to achieve their own goals.

"What's your highness's trick?" Liu San smiled, not to mention, he was really looking forward to it.

Li Chengqian also said with a smile: "How much effort is it to cut off your hands? Come, someone, go and clean that person's clothes."

When Liu San heard the words, he immediately arranged for people to do so.

Soon a thief's clothes were stripped clean.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian said: "Tie it up with a rope, so that he won't suffer too much later."

Everyone followed suit, and they were also curious about what Li Chengqian wanted to do.

"Use a knife to cut from the strangle marks one by one, take your time, don't worry." Li Chengqian said.

As soon as he heard that it was done like this, Liu San, a violent man, immediately took action.

As long as Li Chengqian said it, Liu San never asked whether it was right or wrong.

Just do it, and since Li Chengqian left Chang'an, when did he miss it?
When the guy who was stripped naked heard Li Chengqian's words, his face turned pale with fright.

Cut it with a knife!

Is this something people can do?
Not to mention him, Shusun Yu and the others were stunned.

And the one who was most excited was Liu. Holding a blunt knife, he walked towards that person step by step, with a playful expression on his face.

Seeing him approaching that person also had a look of panic.

He is not afraid of death, and he is not afraid of torture?But what Li Chengqian said, he had never seen or even heard of it.

It has never been true that the source of fear is the unknown.

When Liu San made the first cut, the man suddenly let out a scream.

Liu San is not a thing either, he is actually holding a blunt knife.

It is conceivable that a blunt knife cuts flesh.

When Liu San slashed people with a knife just now, no one said a word, but when Liu San went down with the first knife, everyone's hearts were trembling.

What Liu San did before, although it looks bloody, but you can't feel the pain!
I can't say that it doesn't hurt. At that time, the pain was too much, and I passed out from the pain.

But a blunt knife cuts flesh, one knife after another, just think about it...

(End of this chapter)

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