This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 33 Volume 1 Craftsman, Fast Horse, Conspiracy

Chapter 33 Volume One Craftsman, Fast Horse, Conspiracy
When Chunhua and the others were studying making gloves, Liu San had already arrived at the door of the study.

He took the two people who arrived earlier yesterday to find those craftsmen early this morning. Originally, this job should be Zhao Yan's work, but Li Chengqian is going out, so the person in charge of guarding is naturally Zhao Yan, who came to Jingyang one step earlier than them, is more suitable. .

"Patriarch, everyone is here, it's in the front yard,"

Li Chengqian got up and looked at Chang Le who was staring at Chunhua and the others making gloves. Seeing her watching him get up, his eyes shifted to himself, and he stretched out his hand immediately.

Seeing this, Changle immediately got up and held Li Chengqian's hand.

When she first left Chang'an City, she still had some fresh energy, but when she was really far away from Chang'an, that fresh energy had long been taken over by the fear brought to her by strangers.

When they came to the front yard, a group of craftsmen in coarse linen clothes stood in the yard, a little tiptoeing, very uneasy.

If it wasn't for the fact that the price offered by Liu San and the others made them unable to refuse, they would really not want to come.

"Why are you standing in the yard?" Seeing this, Li Chengqian said, "Liu San, why don't you invite people into the house?"

After all, Li Chengqian still doesn't understand this era.

However, although he didn't understand, these craftsmen were abiding by the rules of this era. Hearing what he said, they all waved their hands repeatedly and said, "No need, no need, we are all pariahs, and we dare not dirty the son's mansion."

They are not stupid. Although this young man is not very old, he is well dressed, and he is leading a little girl carved in pink and jade. With Liu San and other burly men guarding him, he looks like a child of a rich family. , It's not that they dare to be presumptuous.

If they knew that the person standing in front of them was the current prince, they might not even be able to stand firmly at this moment.

Liu San was also a little dazed, this is really inappropriate.

Craftsmen have not had a high status since ancient times. If you said that you want such a group of guys to enter the hall in front of the prince, it would be too embarrassing for them.

Seeing that he couldn't resist these old-fashioned guys, Li Chengqian gave up the idea, and immediately sent someone to fetch a few charcoal stoves, and simply talked with them in the yard.

After all the arrangements were made, Li Chengqian asked, "Is it possible to make a carriage?"

"If you are looking for someone to build a carriage, you can find us." Speaking of his own job, a craftsman immediately picked up the topic and said, "My name is Zhang Erniu, and my ancestors have been here for generations. They are all craftsmen, I dare not say anything else, but in Jingyang, at least [-]% of the carriages come from my Zhang family."

"No, Zhang Erniu, why am I so unwilling to listen to your words? You said it was okay before, and your Zhang family is indeed like this." The person who answered the words gave a thumbs up, but then He said, "But now, if you count your dogs, are there two males?"

After he finished speaking, everyone laughed.

"No, I remember that Er Niu's dogs are all females, and they keep a bunch of puppies."

Zhang Erniu's family has been in a bad situation for the past few years, coupled with successive years of natural disasters in the pass, only him and his daughter are left in the family. If the situation is not so good this year, it is estimated that the father and daughter will have to go to the street to beg for food.

"My lord, be careful when you speak!" Liu San immediately scolded them when he heard their vulgar words.

When he said this, everyone immediately realized that they stopped laughing one by one.

Li Chengqian didn't care about these things, he waved his hands and said, "It's okay, everyone can do whatever they want."

He really didn't care, the sudden hearing of this unfamiliar Guanzhong accent made him feel a little more friendly.

It's not that he said a local dialect, but mainly because of the time he lived in, and that's how everyone spoke.

After traveling to the Tang Dynasty, all the people he came into contact with were literati, and everyone spoke in a polite manner, forcing him to do the same.

However, despite what he said, those craftsmen were still very cautious, and the superiority and inferiority cultivated for thousands of years were far from being eliminated by Li Chengqian with a few words.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian had no choice but to continue: "I want to build a few carriages to travel a long distance, but the current carriage is too bumpy, do you have a solution?"

When it comes to these professional things, everyone is pondering.

After a while, it was Zhang Erniu who said first: "Your high status, the carriage must be different from that of ordinary people like us, and there must be a pawn rabbit and a fu rabbit. If that is the case, there is nothing we can do, so please ask your son Forgive me."

Zhang Erniu's tone was very humble, he knew too well that these noble sons and young masters were far from something they could offend.

To put it bluntly, if someone said that he was not even worthy of shining Li Chengqian's shoes, he would definitely not refute it. At best, he would spit in a place where no one was around after leaving, and then curse, what the hell.

But it was the only way he could think of to vent.

After hearing what Zhang Erniu had said, the others all agreed.

Regardless of the relationship between everyone in private, but at this moment, everyone is still a grasshopper on a rope.

For their reaction, Li Chengqian was not surprised, it was just expected.

After waving his hand, Li Chengqian said: "It's okay, I drew a few blueprints here, and you can build according to my blueprints."

The reason for asking is actually to see the level of the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty. Obviously, these people are more conservative than aggressive.

With that said, Li Chengqian handed over the drawings he had drawn to everyone.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously.

What kind of craftsman does a pampered young master know?
Although they were in awe, it was not Li Chengqian's ability that they were in awe of, but his identity.

But when these craftsmen saw the drawings drawn by Li Chengqian, the more they looked at them, the more surprised they were!
Everyone stood there dumbfounded, terrified!
Although they have no culture, as craftsmen, such simple drawings are naturally understandable.

They can make carriages, and they have done a lot, but they dare to say that such an exquisite carriage design is the only one in the world!
Thinking like this made me even more uneasy.

These days, the craftsmanship is passed down from family or learned from a teacher, and someone like Li Chengqian who directly gives it to others, they really have never seen it before.

"This..." Someone said in disbelief.

After all, it is the tradition of the feudal dynasty to cherish the broom.

"It's just a broken blueprint, what is this, my son told you to look at it with confidence." Liu San knew that Li Chengqian didn't understand these things, so he said immediately.

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian also understood, and immediately said: "It doesn't matter, you just do what I ask, and this drawing will be regarded as part of the reward."

"Don't dare." Someone said at the moment, "Just this blueprint has already benefited us a lot, so I dare not ask for more rewards."

They are craftsmen, so they naturally know the price of this blueprint, that is, Liu San has a fierce face, and someone else has to point at his nose and scold him for knowing how to play...

Li Chengqian didn't care about these, and then said: "These are just rough things, and the real essence is not there."

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up. Although they knew the value of this thing, greed is human nature after all.

Seeing their reaction like this, Li Chengqian didn't mind, and continued: "If someone is willing to follow us out of Jingyang, I can teach you the true essence.

Of course, we are going to the northwest on this trip, which is undoubtedly a departure from home for you.

But there is one thing that can be rest assured, as long as you follow me to do things with peace of mind, I dare not promise to be rich and powerful, but you can always do it without worrying about food and clothing.

Think about it for yourself, and I won't bother you for now. "

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian didn't stay any longer, and left the front yard holding Chang Le.

Here he is, these people are not down-to-earth.

And a group of craftsmen, who were also confused at the moment, immediately discussed.

However, at the same time as they were discussing, dozens of fast horses galloped away from the Golden Light Gate in Chang'an City.

They had only one mission on this trip, and that was to inform Ashina Li and Murong Fuyun of the news of Li Chengqian's journey to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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