This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 336 Volume 4 Chaos opens and killings are rampant.

Chapter 336 Volume [-] is chaotically opened, and killings are rampant.

Zhenguan six years, early December.

It has been more than a year since Li Chengqian left Chang'an, and it has been more than a year since he came to the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

It is no exaggeration to say that this year has been more exciting than the decades in his previous life.

From the panic at the beginning and his focus on survival, until he gradually gained a firm foothold and developed ambitions, his mentality has also changed with his situation and his own abilities.

I still remember that when he first crossed, he only wanted to escape from the Tang Dynasty, because in his perception, Li Chengqian didn't win anyone, and finally ended up depressed, dying earlier than Li Er.

He wants to escape, even if he lives in a corner, as long as he can escape Li Er's clutches, he is willing.

At that time, living safely and smoothly was his greatest desire.

Do everything carefully, afraid of this and that.

Remember when he left Chang'an?
Even if he had the opportunity to overthrow Cui Lu and others, he still didn't dare to do things too extreme.

It's not an exaggeration to say a word.

This shows how cautious Li Chengqian was back then!

But now?

Now he wants to plot Tuyuhun, he wants to occupy the latrine and not shit, even if he is not in Chang'an, he doesn't want others to take that position in Chang'an.

He has changed. Over the past year or so, his mind has been subtly changing.

It may be because his own strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the goals he pursues are also getting bigger and bigger.

I don't know when he started, he has linked Datang's throne with himself.

Desires are hard to satisfy, this is human nature, no one can escape.

"Your Highness, the steward of the caravan is seeking an audience outside the palace." At this moment, Chunhua came in and said.

Li Chengqian nodded.

Not long after, a man in his 20s walked in: "Tang Yueming sees Your Highness."

Tang Yueming?
The name is interesting.

"You have worked hard for more than a year." Li Chengqian said with a smile.

"Your Highness is serious." Tang Yueming also smiled, "It's hard work to be able to serve your empress and Your Highness."

To be honest, they have worked very hard this year. Although they haven't done much business, a caravan hasn't earned a single penny for more than a year. For those who just goof around, they are naturally looking forward to it.

But whoever wants to make some achievements for those who pursue a little bit?
Therefore, being left alone by Li Chengqian for more than a year has really put them under tremendous psychological pressure.

"As the old saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, this time it's time for you to show up." Li Chengqian said, "It's just been idle for more than a year, the caravan..."

"Your Highness, don't worry." Tang Yueming immediately understood Li Chengqian's meaning when he heard this, and said immediately, "Today, I heard that His Highness called his subordinates into the palace, and more than 300 people in the caravan were inexplicably excited. It has been more than a year. Everyone has been waiting for this day.”

What he said is not false, although now the big guy has nothing to do every day, and his daily life is still nourishing.

But when they reached their stage, who wouldn't want to make some achievements and go straight up from there?

You know, they have unique advantages.

Li Chengqian nodded: "Alright then, go back and get ready, my king has a big deal for you."

Upon hearing this, Tang Yueming's face immediately beamed with joy.

Waited, finally waited.

Over the past year or so, he has seen Li Chengqian's abilities like Tao Zhugong's. Li Chengqian said that this is a big business, so naturally it will not be small.

This time, they can finally return home.

Speaking of which, he hadn't been back to Chang'an for more than a year, because he didn't accomplish anything and he didn't have the face to go back.

"Your subordinate will go back and make arrangements." Tang Yueming immediately bowed and left.

Li Chengqian nodded and didn't say much. After Tang Yueming left, he looked back at Chunhua and asked, "Is this Tang Yueming really called by that name? Shouldn't he be a eunuch?"

Chunhua chuckled when she heard the words: "Your Highness may not know, this Tang Yueming was born in the Tang family of Jinyang, and he is considered to be from a famous family, so he is not a servant.

As for his name, it was a coincidence. "

She naturally knew the meaning of Li Chengqian's question, and immediately explained it to him.


And where Tang Yueming and the others settled down, everyone was also looking forward to it.

They have been out for more than a year, and they are actually anxious.

Sometimes Li Chengqian's thoughts are not all right.

The reason why these guys were willing to come out of Chang'an in the first place was because they wanted to make some achievements.

How can someone who is just dawdling in his life be willing to travel thousands of miles to come to this bitter cold place in the northwest.

But Li Chengqian kept silent, and they could only be anxious.

"Steward Tang is back." Just then, someone shouted.

Seeing Tang Yueming come back, everyone immediately asked: "Guan Tang, what do you mean, what does His Highness mean by this?"

"Everything is ready, Your Highness may have some business to hand over to us." Tang Yueming said immediately, "Carriage, harness, horses, fodder, whatever is needed for a long journey, all are ready for me.

If anyone messes it up for me, don't blame me for not saying hello in advance. "

"Don't worry, we polish the harness every day, and it's already shiny." Someone said immediately.

Immediately, many people also shouted.

It was obvious that they had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Even though Tang Yueming said that they might have to travel in this cold winter, no one complained.


When the imperial court of Ming Dynasty was thriving.

Watering River County is exceptionally exciting.

First of all, under the instigation of Huang Song and others, Yang Lao Er finally embarked on a smuggling journey.

For Yang Lao Er, this is something he has always been thinking about.

Younger Yang, he always feels like he has some serious illness, maybe because he is young and doesn't like that kind of stable life, he just likes this kind of life.

Speaking of which, what kind of business is he in?How nice to be a bandit!

So, who is unlucky if he is not unlucky?

As soon as his team set off, Huang Song and others sold it to King Dingcheng.

If you want to say that Huang Song and others have any deep hatred for Yang Lao Er, there is actually no such thing. In the final analysis, it is just that Yang Lao Er's existence threatens their future. It's as simple as that.

Can you say they are wrong?

In fact, it's hard to say.

As far as Yang's second character is concerned, the future is indeed a ticking time bomb. When they are in high positions, it is really possible to pack them all up and take them away.

They cannot afford such a risk.

People are all selfish, so what is there to say?

Watering River County.

King Dingcheng also just came back from Fucheng City.

The smuggling of arms this time allowed him to take advantage of it.

Firstly, it made Murong Fuyun satisfied, secondly, it made those guys earn a lot, and most importantly, he humiliated Murong Xiaojun, which made his reputation among the kings of Tuyuhun skyrocket.

It's ironic to say that when Murong Xiaojun was deeply trusted by Murong Fuyun, who would dare to show his teeth to Murong Xiaojun?
But today is different, who doesn't want to step on Murong Xiaojun to climb up.

"My lord, there is news that a smuggling caravan has entered the country from Daming?" Just when King Dingcheng was triumphant, some subordinates came to report.

Hearing his subordinate's words, King Dingcheng immediately beamed with joy.

What is he missing now?
What is lacking is the achievements in combating smuggling. If there are proud achievements in this area, then what can Murong Xiaojun compare with him?


The subordinate immediately said: "I have already entered the country, but the person who sold the news said that for the first cooperation, I want [-]% of the total price of the goods, and I have to give it to him first. If we don't want it, he is going to sell it to King Gaochang."

"Give it to him!" King Dingcheng didn't even know that the price was already ridiculously high, but did he care about it?What he cares about is performance.

What's more, in his opinion, even if he gave [-]%, he still made money.

As for whether that guy would lie to him, he was really not worried.

There are really not many people who dare to blatantly lie to him as King Dingcheng.

His subordinates nodded, and retreated immediately, while King Dingcheng quickly assembled his troops, and as soon as there was news, he would attack immediately.

But when King Dingcheng was busy cracking down on smuggling, Murong Xiaojun listened to his subordinates' reports with a face of anger, especially when he heard that Murong Wanqiu was almost attacked before, he slapped him hard. On the table.

"How courageous! This king has endured and endured, and they dare to attack this king's beloved daughter!" Murong Xiaojun was furious, "Come on, order the soldiers and horses, this king will personally ask this old man what he wants for!"

People in Tuyuhun are like this, with a violent personality like fire.

Murong Xiaojun was able to suppress his temper in other matters, but when it came to Murong Wanqiu, he lost his mind.

Of course, the main reason is that King Dingcheng and others have gone too far during this period.

He was really aggrieved, now that he heard Murong Wanqiu was attacked, how could he hold back his anger?
As for whether the news is true, is there any doubt?

Didn't King Dingcheng just come back from Daming, isn't this just right?

If it wasn't for something important, why would King Dingcheng go to Daming to take risks?Once his identity is discovered, he will be in big trouble.

On this day, Water River County was quite lively.

As soon as Dingcheng Wang took his troops to encircle and suppress Yang Laoer, Murong Xiaojun took his people and smashed his garrison.

In a fit of rage, without seeing the rightful lord, it was only natural for Murong Xiaojun to vent his anger on his residence.

This kind of thing is actually not uncommon even in Datang, let alone Tuyuhun.

And when King Dingcheng received the news, he froze in place, followed by rage.

"Go ahead, I'll go back and ask Murong Xiaojun for an explanation!" King Dingcheng said through gritted teeth, "I'll kill any of the smuggling caravans if I catch them later!"

He was really mad at the moment.

His own resident was smashed, did he smash his resident?

That hit his face!
If he can't breathe, he won't be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life!
Hearing the words, his subordinates were also filled with righteous indignation.

If King Dingcheng hadn't explained otherwise, they would have wished to follow them back.

But because of this reason, they are also on their way non-stop now, they just want to get rid of those smugglers earlier, and then go back.

But in Water River County, Yang Lin frowned after hearing the news.

Everything happened in a hurry, which caught him off guard.

"Is there any problem with Yang Laoer?" After pondering for a while, Yang Lin raised his head and asked.

The guy said: "No problem, I've already made arrangements over there." Speaking of this, the guy asked curiously, "Uncle, my nephew is a little confused, Mr. Yang has nothing to do with us. It's obvious that Huang Song and those guys want to bully him, why should we save him?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Yang Lin said, "You should immediately send someone to take a shortcut to contact Murong Xiaojun, the commander who has been helping us smuggle, and tell him the news about Yang Laoer and his smuggling exposure.

He's a smart guy and knows what to do.

No, you go in person, the old man is afraid that others will not be able to explain clearly. "

At the end of Yang Lin's speech, he added another sentence.

Hearing the words, the man immediately nodded in response, and immediately backed out.

After the buddy left, Yang Lin pondered over it again and took out a lot of news for comparison.

Soon, he realized that Water River County was going to be in chaos.

But this kind of chaos is not enough for him or for the Ming court.

Yes, not enough.

At best, it was just a battle between King Gaochang and King Dingcheng.

This chaos is still within the controllable range.

Not enough, far from enough.

At least to achieve Li Chengqian's goal, that's really far from it.

Thinking like this, Yang Lin walked out of the room and shouted: "Come here, let the manager of the store come over, the old man has something to ask him."

After a while, the manager of the fur shop returned to the backyard. This guy was also Yang Lin's nephew.

"Is uncle looking for nephew?" the steward asked.

Yang Lin asked: "In our shop, who has been going to other tribes to collect skins recently?"

"Recently, my nephew went there in person," said the steward.

Yang Lin nodded, and said, "You went to other tribes recently, how are they doing? The old man is asking about the comparison with Piaohe County."

"How can it be compared?" said the steward, "Although King Gaochang is a bit domineering, he still cares about the life and death of the herdsmen under his rule. As for the other tribes, the situation is not very good this winter. There are quite a few people.

Anyway, every time I go before, I can hear such news.

Moreover, the big guys don't have much food in their hands. This winter, they are afraid that it will be difficult. "

This is not to say that Murong Xiaojun is really good to the people under his rule, the main reason is that he has seen how Murong Shun was drowned in Chishuiyuan, so since the beginning of winter, he has paid more attention to this matter .

As for the other kings, they had never really seen Murong Shun's downfall at that time. In their view, the reason for Murong Shun's downfall was simply because Li Chengqian had the Tang Dynasty behind him. What did it have to do with the herdsmen in Chishuiyuan?
Of course, there is another reason, that is, the land of Tuyuhun is a natural selection.

It's not just any part of the country that is suffering from natural disasters, everyone is suffering from natural disasters, why should you help you?I can't survive the natural disaster, who do you want to blame?

And, most importantly, every natural disaster is a reshuffle for each tribe.

Some people rise and some people decline. This has never changed.

After Yang Lin heard this, he immediately said: "Now you immediately take people to various ministries of Tuyuhun to collect fur goods, of course, the main purpose of your going this time is not really to collect fur goods.

This time, your main purpose is to spread the wealth of Water River County among the various tribes. The richer the better, to attract the herdsmen of those tribes to come to Water River County! "

Speaking of this, Yang Lin sighed and shook his head, "It's still too late, if we had thought of this earlier, we wouldn't have to be so hasty now."

In the final analysis, Yang Lin is just a businessman after all, and it is already very good to achieve this step.

When the steward heard this, he immediately walked out and started to make arrangements.

On the other side, the guy who walked out from Yang Lin's side also rushed to the commander's camp after hurrying.

When the commander heard the words, he immediately scolded the guy all over his face.

If King Dingcheng knew about this matter, he would definitely use it to attack King Gaochang, after all, the people were released from him.

To put it bluntly, he is one of the umbrellas for this smuggling business.

If King Dingcheng learned of this, he would be in even more trouble.

"Don't be upset, general." On the way here, the man thought it over and said, "We have nothing else to do when something happens, but it's not that there is room for twists and turns."

"How do you say it?" the commander asked immediately.

Hearing this, the clerk said with a cunning face: "Isn't it the general who received a secret report that King Dingcheng's subordinates were collaborating with others in smuggling, and then decisively sent troops to capture the stolen goods and wipe out all the thieves?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The commander immediately became excited when he heard this, "You boy, you really know how to do things."

"Where is it?" The clerk laughed, "The letter has arrived, so I won't bother the general, please leave."

After speaking, the man turned and left.

The commander in chief quickly assembled his troops.

At this moment, he dare not delay.

Not long after, another group of soldiers and horses headed towards Yang Lao Er.

Speaking of which, Yang's second child is also unlucky enough.

The first time he smuggled, he encountered two waves of people who would put him to death.

If Yang Lin hadn't arranged for someone to rescue him, he wouldn't even know how he died.

In the afternoon of the same day, the commander-in-chief led more than a thousand of his troops to slaughter King Dingcheng's subordinates and Yang Laoer's caravan in a valley.

And it is from today that the entire Water River County will finally start its most chaotic era.

The killing will completely invade this once peaceful land.

All of this is just because one person has moved his mind about this place.

There is no right or wrong, and there is no right or wrong.

After all, they are just running around in the circle of their own interests.

(End of this chapter)

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