This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 346 Volume 4 The King of the Outsider and the Saint of the Inside

Chapter 346, Volume [-], the king of the outside world and the sage of the inside, must first settle down in order to fight against the outside world.

After Li Chengqian left, Niu Jinda summoned all his generals.

Immediately, he told everyone about Li Chengqian's arrangement for him.

Everyone was also stunned.

Fuck, that's okay too?
"Patriarch, is this too..." Someone immediately asked.

But Niu Jinda shook his head and said: "The old man has thought about it just now, but I have to admit that he is more thoughtful than us.

If the old man enters the Ming Dynasty's military system now, it will not be a good thing if soldiers don't know the generals and don't know the soldiers.On the contrary, it will even affect the outcome of a battle at a critical moment.

Therefore, His Highness's arrangement is definitely the most suitable for this old man.


Speaking of this, Niu Jinda smiled helplessly, and said, "After all, we people are getting old. In this world, the future depends on them."

Anyway, he was convinced, and he couldn't accept it.

"Let's get ready, the manpower arranged by His Highness will arrive tonight, and we will set off tomorrow morning." Niu Jinda said, standing up and stretching his muscles again, "Not to mention, I haven't been on the battlefield for two years , now I have a little more expectation."

When Niu Jinda was ready, Li Chengqian was not idle when he returned to the palace, but asked Liu San to call all the soldiers brought by Fang Yiai and the others.

Since the end of the battle to defend Riyue Mountain, these people Li Chengqian did not organize them into the army of the Ming Dynasty, but used them as a non-staffed army to defend Riyue Mountain.

One reason was that Daming's army did not lack these hundreds of people at that time, and the other reason was Li Chengqian's guard against them.

Who knows if there will be other spies in here?
But right now, Li Chengqian couldn't care less.

Niu Jinda really needs a team, and for the convenience of Niu Jinda to command, these people are undoubtedly the most suitable.

After all, Niu Jinda was considered a strong general in Datang, and they were more familiar with each other, and they cooperated more tacitly.

Even if there are spies among these people, Li Chengqian doesn't care, after all, Niu Jinda might be the head of Datang's spies in Riyue Mountain.

When everyone heard that they were dispatched to Niu Jinda's command, everyone had no objection.

Ever since the end of the Riyue Mountain defense battle, the passion they had just ignited was extinguished by Li Chengqian in an instant, not to mention how unpleasant it was.

Now following Niu Jinda, it means that Niu Jinda has also surrendered to Li Chengqian. Needless to say, he will make contributions in the future.

At that moment, everyone happily left the palace to find Niu Jinda.

"Your Highness, is this going to let General Niu act as a surprise soldier?" After seeing everyone leave, Liu San smiled, "It's just that there are too few surprise soldiers?"

Li Chengqian smiled and didn't say much.


Do you know what a Raider is?

It's useless to tell him these things, Li Chengqian suddenly asked: "By the way, what are people like Pei Mo doing recently?"

"What can they do? They go here or there every day. I heard that they are following the path of several ministers recently, but they all keep their distance from these guys. I'm afraid this road is not easy to walk." Liu San heard the words Said.

"It's not a problem to let them idle." Li Chengqian said, "I don't know if these people are capable or not, but they still have knowledge, so it's too wasteful to just idle around all day.

In this way, according to your arrangements, the king will hold a Wenhua banquet, regardless of status, status, only knowledge. "

His move not only has the intention of recruiting talents, but also spreads the importance of knowledge to everyone. It can be regarded as an advance publicity for the school that will be opened soon.

Don't look at Li Chengqian's notice before, saying that the school will be opened in the fifteenth city of Ming Dynasty in the beginning of the year, everyone is very excited.

But don't expect these herdsmen on the prairie to attach so much importance to education. You really don't have to force this point.

When the news spread that Li Chengqian was going to hold a Wenhua Banquet, it immediately caused waves in Riyue Mountain.

Many scholars who came from afar from the Tang Dynasty were all gearing up to make their mark at the Wenhua Banquet, and they have been on the rise ever since.

For them, there is no difference between being an official in the Ming Dynasty and being an official in the Tang Dynasty.

And as the news spread throughout the Ming court, those guys who asked themselves some knowledge also came towards Riyue Mountain non-stop. Everyone knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for a carp to leap over the dragon's gate.

Who doesn't know how big the gap is in the officialdom of the Ming court?
Everyone regards this Wenhua banquet as a selection for Li Chengqian to recruit talents, who dare not be nervous?
In Changming Restaurant, after hearing the news, Pei Mo was also very excited.

As soon as he was old, his temperament should have been as calm as iron, but he was still uncontrollably excited.

In fact, it's not difficult to understand after thinking about it. At first, he thought that if he used his talent and learning to join Li Chengqian, he must be a guest of honor after all, right?As a result, Li Chengqian let it hang out for so long, and if he hung it out for a while, he would be fucking dry.

Even so, he didn't expect to see it at all, so when the news came out, he was really excited.

How did he know that Li Chengqian's Wenhua Banquet was held just for them, and he just cuddled grass and beat rabbits by the way.

Since he has accepted Li Er's spies, he will not let Li Yuan's spies go.

This is checks and balances.

Besides, regardless of checks and balances, it is safer to put it under one's nose.

"Let's all prepare, we can't miss this Wenhua Banquet no matter what." Pei Mo said.


When the royal court of the Ming Dynasty was preparing for the Wenhua Banquet, Piaohe County was in chaos.

On the upper floor, Murong Xiaojun and King Dingcheng fought fiercely.

At the bottom, the herdsmen in Piaohe County and the herdsmen who fled from other places were also killed inseparably.

Murong Xiaojun didn't take the fight among herdsmen too seriously.

Now he puts all his energy on fighting against people like King Dingcheng.

If you want to say that it was entirely because of Murong Wanqiu's attack that he had a hard fight with King Dingcheng, that would be wrong.

As the king of Tuyuhun, Murong Xiaojun actually knew very well what the intentions of King Dingcheng and others were.

Regardless of Murong Fuyun's attitude towards the assassination of Murong Wanqiu, it can be seen from this incident that King Dingcheng and the others are constantly eroding his position in Murong Fuyun's heart.

This time, they can trick Murong Fuyun into acquiescing to them to assassinate Murong Wanqiu, so will they trick Murong Fuyun to attack him in the future?
Therefore, the fight with Dingcheng King and the others was actually about who had a higher status in Murong Fuyun's heart.

It doesn't matter what kind of king you are, in this land, if you lose Murong Fuyun's support, any king will be for nothing.

And King Dingcheng didn't care about the following things.

Just kill it, Tuyuhun has always been like this, the weak prey on the strong, what is there to say?

Since they couldn't survive anymore, it was only natural for them to come and grab Yahe County.

I can't survive anymore, so why don't you still have to reason with me?Murong Fuyun is here, and it's not easy!Who told him that Piaohe County was very rich.

And he made his fortune by smuggling, and he also made money from sucking blood from their various ministries.

Why not let it be robbed?

As far as his theory is concerned, Murong Xiaojun will die laughing when he hears it.

The reason why the life of the herdsmen in Water River County is better this winter is indeed due to business reasons.

But the bigger reason is that not only did he not collect taxes from the people under his rule this year, but he also subsidized a lot.

The reason why Murong Xiaojun did this was because he had witnessed Murong Shun's annihilation with his own eyes, which made him behave like this.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest, this is his final evaluation of Murong Shun's downfall.

It was also because of the slackness of these two bigwigs from Water River County that Brother Zhang Wu finally found a chance.

For Li Chengqian to let them kill those ordinary people, some people under his command still couldn't bear it. At this moment, Pu Qi said: "Are we really going to attack these ordinary people?"

"Ordinary people?" Brother Zhang heard the words, looked at the other people, and saw that they were hesitant, so he asked, "What situation do you not know now? If there is a big war, these people will still be ordinary people?

Open your eyes and let me take a good look, why did the herdsmen plunder them?Isn't it because they are richer than it?
Because they are richer, this is the original sin in the eyes of the herdsmen who came here.

But think about it carefully, are the people of my Ming Dynasty richer than these people, and will their next target of looting be our compatriots!
Could it be that even you are so cruel when our Highness!

His Highness said that he is only the king of Daming, he only wants to protect the people of Daming, he only wants the people of Daming to live and work in peace and contentment, and not be in danger of war!
How can you question our Highness so much!

For the people of Ming Dynasty, His Highness is even willing to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history in the future. Could it be that even you can't understand our Highness! "

Brother Zhang Wu became more and more angry as he talked.

He couldn't bear to slaughter these ordinary people, but what can he do?
If we don't stir up the watering river county, is it true that they will go south to slaughter the people of Ming Dynasty in the future?

Hearing what Zhang Wuge said, Pu Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck! Why do you want to do that? We will do whatever His Highness says. Damn it, who dares to say that His Highness is wrong? I am the first to cut it off." His tongue!"

"Yes! Let's do what His Highness says!" Someone immediately followed suit.

Where can you find such a highness?

As long as he can protect the people of Daming, His Highness doesn't care about anything, even his reputation!

Where is such a king?
After a while, everyone looked like they were fighting against each other.

Brother Zhang Wu and Pu Qi who saw this scene looked at each other and smiled.

These two dogs, let's play here!

However, it was necessary to perform this play. After they acted like this, the big guys recognized Li Chengqian more and more in their hearts.

This is the king they look forward to the stars and the moon.

They don't understand, although this is not authentic, it just makes them feel extra comfortable.

Not long after, the crowd once again bloodbathed a tribe in Piaohe County.

However, the tribes they bloodbathed were not big, all of them were small tribes with dozens of people.

In fact, this is not even a tribe, it should be said that they are a big family.

And every time they bloodbathed a tribe, they burned everything except the food.

This is also the habit on the grassland.

Since you want to plant blame, you naturally have to learn everything.

But after slaughtering a few small tribes, Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "This kind of massacre is still difficult to cause too much conflict. No, we have to change the method."

"How about we unite those wandering herdsmen and plunder a larger tribe?" Puqi said.

Brother Zhang Wu had this idea. Hearing what he said, he immediately said, "Are you sure?"

"It's not a big problem." Pu Qi said, "Their sources are quite diverse. There are people everywhere. It's not difficult to get in. It's just that when the time comes, the dragons will have no leader. I'm afraid they won't listen to us."

That's how people are.

Brother Zhang Wu smiled and said, "It's okay, as long as we mess up, what else does it matter to us? In this way, you go to contact those herdsmen who are wandering around, and I will contact those herdsmen in Water River County. Then we will fight , but there are more people who can compare with others.”

"Who is this compared to you? After all, this is also the territory of Pourhe County, so I'll take people there." After Pu Qi finished speaking, he led people away.

For those herdsmen who fled here, they have been paying attention to them all the time, and it is not difficult to find them.

Brother Zhang Wu also disappeared quickly, and he also planned to win over the herdsmen in Water River County, and unite to resist these herdsmen who came here.

This matter is not difficult, after all they are the real victims now, and Murong Xiaojun has no time to take care of them now, the older tribes are not worried, and the herdsmen who fled here are also bullying guys.

So those small tribes are panicking now.

From time to time, I heard that a tribe was slaughtered again, and everyone was terrified.

Brother Zhang Wu just sent people there a few times, and organized a team of hundreds of herdsmen to guard several tribes together.

But Puqi's side is relatively more troublesome, but after all, Puqi eats this bowl of food, and he is currently uniting with many people, ready to make a big deal.

These two guys, that's really not a thing.

After the two communicated in secret, fifth brother Zhang specially created an opportunity for Pu Qi, and asked Pu Qi to lead people to dig out fifth brother Zhang's lair.

And with Pu Qi among them, the way of doing it is naturally unavoidable. Killing, looting, and burning.

When Fifth Brother Zhang and the others received the news, the herdsmen were all furious.

At this time, Fifth Brother Zhang accurately led them to catch up with Pu Qi and the others who ran some distance away, and the battle became more and more intense.

This has also led to more and more investment from both parties.

Originally, there were only a thousand people, but there were thousands of people in Piaohe County calling for friends, and they were not to be outdone, and when the battle was about to retreat, they also began to look for reinforcements.

The herdsmen's dispute, which hadn't caused much disturbance, turned into a local encounter in three days with a total of more than [-] troops invested by both sides.

However, the fleeing herdsmen could not be supplemented by troops, and they were at a disadvantage from the very beginning of the war.

This made everyone angry.

Is it easy for me to grab some food?
I was kicked out by your ass!
At this time, Pu Qi gave them another good idea.

If we can't beat these guys, we will send some people to harass the old and weak women and children in the tribe, which is called "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao".

Not to mention, this move is really amazing.

You have arranged all those capable of recruiting and fighting here, so what strength does the lair have?
For a while, many tribes were slaughtered by him, and the whole tribe became bachelors.

This also further expanded the conflict.

Those men in Piaohe County whose clansmen were slaughtered were heartbroken.

This made the prairie a series of wars in a short period of time.

When Murong Xiaojun heard that half of the people under his rule were massacred one after another, he was also furious.

He didn't think that ordinary herdsmen could do this. Since it wasn't done by ordinary herdsmen, it must be the work of King Dingcheng secretly.

Because of this, Murong Xiaojun has been staring at King Dingcheng recently, and threatened to cut the skin of King Dingcheng himself.

Naturally, King Dingcheng was not afraid at all, this time, he also wanted to completely suppress Murong Xiaojun.

Then in the future, his prestige will definitely be one of the best among the kings of Tuyuhun.

Just when Murong Xiaojun led someone to block Queen Dingcheng one time, when the two were fighting, a cold arrow shot from nowhere, pierced Murong Xiaojun's shoulder blade.

This completely made Murong Xiaojun and his subordinates furious!
It is shameless to shoot cold arrows on the battlefield!
But Murong Xiaojun's injury was unknown at that time, and everyone didn't dare to do anything, so they ran away with Murong Xiaojun immediately.

It was precisely because of this cold arrow that the small-scale conflict on the grassland evolved from the beginning to the point where it was out of control.

After Murong Xiaojun returned, he immediately dispatched more troops to intercept and kill King Dingcheng and others in the entire Water River County.

Naturally, King Dingcheng was not to be outdone, and quickly asked other people for help, directly controlling the troops and horses of various ministries in Pourhe County.

They never imagined that all of this was just arranged by Li Chengqian.

At the same time, in Watering River County, a voice finally came out.

This voice has only a few words.

The outside must be safe first!

When these words came out, King Dingcheng was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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