Chapter 349 Volume [-] Gentle Country, Is the Hero Twilight?
"Why aren't we a family?" Li Chengqian smiled, "Since the day you asked the matchmaker before the battle, aren't we already a family? Why, don't you want to?"

In fact, Li Chengqian has been deliberately emphasizing the concept of a family.

The purpose is to completely pull Murong Wanqiu into his camp.

For him, Murong Wanqiu is an important pawn in winning Tuyuhun.

In order to achieve his goal, he had to use all of it, whether it was a family card or a beauty trick.

To be honest, the little girls these days are much easier to coax than those of later generations.

Murong Wanqiu is also a smart person, she came here today with her own purpose, and said softly after hearing the words: "Is Your Highness going to launch troops against Tuyuhun?"

"It's not that I want to attack Tuyuhun. It's that Murong Fuyun is ready to go south. He's just waiting for an opportunity." Li Chengqian nodded. He didn't know why Murong Wanqiu knew all this. Not surprisingly.

Moreover, this is actually a good thing for him. Judging from Murong Wanqiu's words, he has roughly understood the purpose of Murong Wanqiu's trip.

Seeing that Murong Wanqiu remained silent, Li Chengqian asked: "Are you worried about your father?"

Nodding her head, Murong Wanqiu finally said: "My concubine's father happens to be in the middle of Daming and Tuyuhun, if there is any conflict between the two countries, my concubine's father..."

Speaking of this, she is actually very contradictory.

One is her former family, the other is her current and future family, which makes it difficult for her to make a choice as a little girl in her teens.

Of course, this is just an appearance, an illusion she deliberately showed in front of Li Chengqian.

From her standpoint, she hoped that her father would submit to Li Chengqian, which would be good for her future.

Born in a wealthy family since childhood, he knows more about nature than ordinary people.

If she wanted to gain a foothold in the harem, her natal family was her confidence.

"On this point, I can't give you any guarantees. If Daming wins this time, and your father is still alive, for your sake, I can save his life.

But if your father leads troops to the south, you should understand that in addition to being your husband, I am also the king of hundreds of thousands of people. At that time, I will not hold back. If we really want to meet on the battlefield, we will die the result of.

Still the same sentence, if you want to go back now, I will still send you back. "

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Murong Wanqiu was actually not dissatisfied.

Born in such a family since she was a child, she knows these things too well. These are all normal or the most basic operations, so there is nothing to complain about.

There are no father and son on the battlefield, let alone Weng son-in-law...

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, seeing that Murong Wanqiu did not speak, he was not in a hurry.

He is very clear that this girl definitely has her own ideas, otherwise, how could this girl do the thing of spreading the news of her assassination to Murong Xiaojun.

Of course, Li Chengqian wouldn't expose her right now.

Everyone has their own little thoughts, what a normal thing.

Now it depends on how much weight she has in her heart.

Thinking like this, Li Chengqian's hands began to be dishonest again.

Sometimes, Li Chengqian was also very helpless. Before time travelling, he had heard a saying, "The passage to the depths of a woman's soul is..." In fact, this sentence is really rough and reasonable.

Especially in this day and age.

In other words, if he has skin-to-skin relationship with Murong Wanqiu now, then his worries will actually be much less.

Just now, he even thought about this question.

But his body is really...

He also didn't want to overdraw his future so early, so, apart from dishonesty, he was still very responsible.

And the reason why Murong Wanqiu didn't speak for so long was because she was actually waiting.

In other words, she waited until the relationship between the two had made substantial progress before speaking.

But the left could not come, the right could not come, she became a little nervous after waiting, after a long time, Murong Wanqiu asked in a low voice: "Your Highness doesn't like me?"

Upon hearing her words, Li Chengqian understood.

Damn, have you been disgusted by others?
Who is this to reason with.

"That's right." Li Chengqian forced a smile on his face and said, "Now you and I are not very old, having intercourse at a young age will hurt our health, and the future will be long, so don't rush for a while.

Besides, I can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal. "

"It's really just that?" Murong Wanqiu asked again.

As far as her own appearance is concerned, she really has nothing to worry about.

In the past, every time Dayan Mangjiebo looked at her eyes, she wanted to pounce on her. From this point of view, she knew very well that her appearance was her greatest weapon.

It's just that after living in this palace for so long, Li Chengqian has not made any substantial progress, which made her a little more suspicious.

In addition, there is no shortage of beautiful women around Li Chengqian, which makes her even more worried.

Just now, Li Chengqian drove everyone out, and she was ready to sacrifice herself today. As a result, Li Chengqian shrank back when she was about to kick the door, and this doubt became more and more intense.

But Li Chengqian said with a smile: "How many of you sisters, do you think I have met anyone? Didn't you find out that whether it is Daming or Tuyuhun, women generally die early?
This is one of the reasons, I, I hope you all live a long life in the future, so when you should pay attention, you should pay attention. "

Speaking of this, Murong Wanqiu thought about it for a while. Indeed, women are generally younger than men. Although she knew about this problem before, she didn't think about it carefully. Now when Li Chengqian said it, she suddenly felt .

She has never doubted Li Chengqian's knowledge. Since Li Chengqian has said so, there must be a reason for this.

For a woman, no matter how old she is, as long as she likes you, she will find a hundred reasons for you to like you.

From this point of view, women are emotional animals. When she likes you, she is best at touching herself.

For example, Murong Wanqiu at this moment, she felt that everything Li Chengqian did was for them, and she was very moved at the moment.

His face was filled with something called happiness.

After a long time, Murong Wanqiu said in a low voice: "Your Highness, if you give this concubine some time, I am sure that my father will submit to Daming."

It's here, it's finally here.

Li Chengqian was tired, wouldn't it be enough to say so earlier.

He waited for a long time, just waiting for this sentence.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Li Chengqian said with feigned surprise.

But Murong Wanqiu made a fool of herself: "Your Highness, don't ask, I'm sure anyway, it's just that after the concubine's father surrendered to Daming..."

Hearing what she said, Li Chengqian understood.

This girl should have a comprehensive plan, and she started to plan things after Murong Xiaojun's surrender, and she smiled immediately: "If King Gaochang really surrenders, he will not treat him badly, after all, he also helped me Having raised such a beautiful little daughter-in-law, just because of this, we can't treat King Gaochang badly, right?"

He had considered this issue a long time ago, Murong Xiaojun really wanted to surrender, he would not treat Murong Xiaojun badly.

Of course, it's not because of Murong Wanqiu, it's just what I want to say.

After Murong Wanqiu got a definite answer, she immediately felt at ease.

After lingering in the study for a while, Murong Wanqiu left the study satisfied.

The purpose of her trip was achieved, and the answer she wanted was also obtained.

The only regret was that she didn't send herself out, but Li Chengqian's rhetoric was very useful to her.

After leaving the study, Murong Wanqiu went straight out of the palace and came directly to the Wanqiu Pavilion.

Wanqiu Pavilion is the anchor point for the connection between Murong Wanqiu and Murong Xiaojun, which Li Chengqian specially prepared for their father and daughter.

Of course, this is not Li Chengqian's kindness.

Now, the entire Wanqiu Pavilion, from the servants to the guards, is personally arranged by Murong Xiaojun. To put it bluntly, this is also the face of Murong Xiaojun for his daughter.

"What's the situation in Water River County now?" Murong Wanqiu immediately asked as soon as she sat down.

The guards on the side quickly said: "The people of King Dingcheng are haunted. I heard that they fought fiercely with the prince. Moreover, herdsmen from all over the country have begun to come to Water River County, and there are more and more conflicts. This winter, Water River I'm afraid the county will not be peaceful."

Hearing what the guard said, Murong Wanqiu nodded.

Don't look at her a little more shy in front of Li Chengqian, but in front of these guards, she is completely different.

"Bring all the news." Murong Wanqiu said.

She has been collecting news about Water River County.

From the moment she decided to marry Li Chengqian, she has been thinking about how to drag her father into the water.

So she also kept a close eye on the situation in Water River County.

But Murong Xiaojun didn't know that most of the bodyguards he sent to Murong Wanqiu had rebelled after such a long time.Of course, it might be too much to say it was a betrayal. If I really want to say it, just like Murong Wanqiu, now I want to drag Murong Xiaojun into trouble.

There is no way, the life of Tuyuhun is too different from that of Daming.

Coupled with the fact that Murong Wanqiu was bewitching at the side, it was not easy for them to persist for so long.

Besides, the current situation in Piaohe County really made them see no hope.

"Princess, with the current situation in Piaohe County, if we want to do something, we should..." the guard said from the side.

After following Murong Wanqiu for so long, he has now become Murong Wanqiu's staunch supporter.

But Murong Wanqiu didn't speak in a hurry, but carefully looked at the information in her hand, then waved her hand, and whispered a few words in the guard's ear.

When the guard heard this, he was stunned: "Is this okay?"

"Then do you think Murong Fuyun can accommodate my father?" Murong Wanqiu shut up the guard with just one word.

The reason why they chose to stand on Murong Wanqiu's side was that Murong Wanqiu had analyzed Murong Fuyun's current behavior for them.


And when Murong Wanqiu was discussing how to cheat, Murong Xiaojun was also stunned in Water River County.

Murong Fuyun's men came.

Moreover, he asked Murong Xiaojun to provide hundreds of thousands of shi of grain to the herdsmen in various places.

This made Murong Xiaojun very angry.

Don't the people like Dingcheng King have any food?

Fuck, whoever is short of food, these guys will not be short of food.

This is just like him a few years ago, the common people in Piaohe County also couldn't eat enough, but could it be that he, Murong Xiaojun, also couldn't eat enough?Fuck, if you really want to say it, the only people who are really unlucky in the years of snow disasters are the ordinary people.

"My lord, the Great Khan is killing us!" Immediately, a subordinate said.

Murong Xiaojun remained silent.

Does he not understand!

Murong Fuyun asked him to take out hundreds of thousands of shi of grain, but he really couldn't get it out. If he really wanted to collect so much grain, he had no choice but to go to ordinary people's homes to plunder.

If he only needs tens of thousands of shi or even a hundred thousand shi of grain, he can still find a way, but with hundreds of thousands of shi of grain, where can he find a way?

If you really want to do this, the people in Water River County must be even crazier than those on Chishuiyuan.

Murong Fuyun didn't want his life, what is it?
"Damn it, King Dingcheng and the others have made a lot of money by smuggling. They don't care about the life and death of the people under their own control, but they want to snatch these grains from us. How damn would they think!" Someone scolded again.

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone immediately echoed him: "That's right, I heard that King Dingcheng and the others had earned a lot of money and food before, so why don't they want to help the people under their rule, so shameless."

"My lord, I can't agree!"

"Yes, my lord, I can't agree! At worst, I will fight with them."

Murong Xiaojun knew that he couldn't agree, and if he really wanted to agree, his fate would not be better than Murong Shun's, but he also knew that he couldn't just refuse, if he refused directly, Murong Fuyun must have something else in mind.

His current situation is not good in the first place, if he offends Murong Fuyun again, it will be really difficult.

"My lord." Immediately, another person said, "Why don't we just vote for Da Ming, the left and right princesses are now the concubines of Daming, if we vote for Da Ming, the king of Ming will only treat us as guests!"

Upon hearing this, Murong Xiaojun immediately reprimanded: "Bastard, are you going to plunge this king into infidelity!"

For him to betray Tuyuhun, he really couldn't accept it for a while.

But the person who spoke was not cowardly at all, after hearing what Murong Xiaojuan said, he immediately yelled again: "You're so disloyal and unrighteous, when did the Great Khan treat us as human beings?
Watering River County could have had a good winter this year, but what is it like now?It was the King of Dingcheng who made trouble and clamored again, and the herdsmen from all over the place rushed into Waterhe County to burn, kill and loot, and even went to Daming to assassinate His Royal Highness the princess!
It's better now, just let us hand over the food!

My lord, hand over the food, how will we spend this winter! "

Listening to him detailing Murong Fuyun's mistakes one by one, Murong Xiaojun fell silent.

Indeed, if it weren't for Murong Fuyun's tossing, this year's Water River County should have been the best winter in these years, but it is precisely because of Murong Fuyun's intervention that this year's Water River County has suffered a lot of casualties.

Even better than previous years...

Hey... Sighing, Murong Xiaojun said, "We were born here and raised here, how could we make it to that point? In the future, how should we face the ancestors of Tuyuhun?"

"My lord, it's too early to talk about betrayal." At this moment, another person stood up and said, "Why don't we reject Da Khan's request first, and see how he reacts?

If the Great Khan can understand the difficulties of our Water River County, it will be a good thing for everyone to be happy, but if the Great Khan insists on doing so, we really have to prepare for the worst.

Even if we don't want to, the hundreds of thousands of people in Piaohe County must live. "

Murong Xiaojun closed his eyes helplessly.

He knew that what his subordinates said was right.

But for him to betray Tuyuhun, it was really hard for him to accept it.

But he is actually very clear that sometimes, loyalty and filial piety are difficult to have both, let alone loyalty.

The current situation is not up to him alone. His subordinates are all resentful towards Murong Fuyun.

Not only his subordinates, even him, why not?
At this moment, he felt a little more helpless than a hero.

If it was ten years ago, how could he care about such trivial matters?
At that time, Murong Fuyun trusted him. At that time, although Tuyuhun's national strength was not the strongest, he was not in danger of hunger or cold. desperate situation.

There was no better way, so he had no choice but to let everyone retreat, then called Murong Fuyun's people over, and sincerely told the difficulties of Piaohe County.

It's just that he didn't know that the so-called Murong Fuyun was actually bought by Tuoba Zhao and others.

In other words, he himself is a grasshopper on the same rope with Tuoba Zhao and others, and this time is to strangle Murong Xiaojun's last way of life.

(End of this chapter)

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