This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 352 Volume 4 Bitch Archway, Li 2 Sends Troops!

Chapter 352 Juan [-] Bitch Archway, Li Er Sends Troops!
Seeing this, Murong Wanqiu immediately said: "Although my daughter knows it, the Great Khan cannot defeat my Highness. If the two countries really go to war, the father will definitely be caught in the middle because of the daughter. At that time, father Wang's situation will only become more difficult.

If this is the case, the daughter might as well go back to Water River County with her father. Even if she dies, the daughter still hopes that the family will be together. "

Come, come, Murong Wanqiu has started to play the emotional card.

For a father, especially a guy like Murong Xiaojun.

If his son plays this trick with him, he will feel contemptuous, but it is still very useful for his daughter to play this trick.

Many people are actually the same, allowing daughters to act like a baby, but sons are never allowed to act like a baby.

"Da Ming and Tuyuhun should be safe in the short term." Murong Xiaojun said, "Comparatively speaking, it's safer for you to stay in Daming, but remember from now on, don't go out of the palace if you have nothing to do."

Hearing what Murong Xiaojun said, Murong Wanqiu pretended to be surprised and asked: "Don't you know Father? Khan is ready to send troops south at any time?"

Just as Murong Wanqiu finished speaking, Murong Xiaojun was stunned.

"Who did you hear?"

He really doesn't know about this. Recently, he has put all his energy into fighting with King Dingcheng and others, and he has never heard of this matter.

"Father really doesn't know?" Murong Wanqiu said, "The Great Khan has already assembled troops in secret, and that's exactly what happened. His Highness was afraid of making things difficult for his daughter, so he agreed to let her return to Water River County. Does the father really not know? It stands to reason that the king father is the minister of the Great Khan, so such a big matter should be discussed with the king father."

Her words pierced Murong Xiaojun's heart like a sharp knife.

It's so fucking heartbreaking!

The enemy country knew about such a big event, but I didn't hear any news about it. What does it mean?
"It's okay, even if the war really breaks out, it won't affect the father for a while." In front of his daughter, Murong Fuyun had to hold on. As a father, he should be his daughter's most solid backing.

But Murong Wanqiu shook her head helplessly: "Impossible, Da Khan is not my Highness's opponent, my father doesn't know about it, and the current Ming Dynasty is no longer what it used to be.

Let's take the Resentment Army as an example. Although the Resentment Army is only a few thousand people, its equipment is excellent, and only General Qibi's Zhengxi Army can compare with it in the whole world!
Remember the continuous crossbow they were equipped with?
Now, the entire Resentment Army and Zhengxi Army have been equipped with iterative Liannu, which is much stronger than before.

Moreover, not long ago, Ming Dynasty completed its first census.

The population structure of the entire Ming Dynasty is clear at a glance.

It is said that today's Ming Dynasty can arm an army of no less than [-] string-controlling soldiers at any time.

With excellent equipment, sufficient food and grass, unrivaled momentum, and Datang's support, Tuyuhun is definitely not a one-on-one enemy. "

Speaking of this, Murong Wanqiu looked helpless, "My daughter should go back to Water River County. When the war breaks out, my daughter can still share some of my father's worries."

How else can I say that Murong Wanqiu is shrewd.

She played retreat to advance to perfection.

First, he made up the knife to make Murong Xiaojun realize that he is no longer in the power level of Tuyuhun, then he introduced the strength of the Ming court, and finally he played the emotional card.

This made Murong Xiaojun, who was already resentful towards Murong Fuyun, more firm in his thinking before he came.

Yes, before he came, he actually had an idea.

Murong Wanqiu's words were just to strengthen his mind.

After chatting with Murong Wanqiu for a while, Murong Xiaojun left.

He knew it was time to make a decision.

On the other side, Changming Restaurant.

Now Changming Restaurant has become a chain restaurant, apart from Daming Fifteen City, there are also several restaurants in Datang.

And at this moment, Qiu Bowen was entertaining Murong Xiaojun's subordinates in the restaurant.

Of course, he was also intentionally or unintentionally introducing the power and prosperity of the Ming court. To put it bluntly, he was also tempting these guys to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

Regardless of what these guys think, but hearing what Qiu Bowen said, I'm still a little moved.

Just as they were changing cups, Murong Xiaojun pushed open the door of the private room under the leadership of Liu San.

Seeing this, Qiu Bowen immediately stood up and said goodbye.

Now that Murong Xiaojun is here, it means that they may have reached a conclusion over there, so don't bother them to make the final decision at this time.

After Qiu Bowen left, Murong Xiaojun sat down and poured himself several large bowls of wine.

His mood is really hard to describe in words.

After following Murong Fuyun for so many years, but he can't even gain the most basic trust, it's no wonder he is willing.

The point is, it was his daughter who told him that Murong Fuyun was about to send troops south, which dealt a huge blow to his vanity.

The enemy country knew the news, but he didn't know it!How embarrassing is this?

Don't look at how calm he was in front of Murong Wanqiu before, it was all just pretending!

As for Murong Xiaojun's subordinates, seeing that his lord drank alcohol as soon as he sat down, none of them dared to say anything, there must be something wrong!
After a long time, someone mustered up the courage to ask: "My lord, what's the matter? Is the princess seriously injured? If that's the case, this subordinate will go back and slaughter... King Dingcheng!"

He originally wanted to kill Murong Fuyun, but after hesitating for a while, he changed his target to King Dingcheng.

When Murong Xiaojun heard this, he said with a smile: "Wan Qiu is fine, but Da Khan is already ready to send his troops south, but we in Piaohe County don't know anything about it!"

It's really hard to say whether his behavior has any acting elements.

To him, betraying Tuyuhun was actually a difficult matter to talk about. What he needed now was for everyone to understand his motives.

In layman's terms, it means being a bitch and wanting to set up a torii.

On this point, one cannot say how hypocritical Murong Xiaojun is, but letting him betray Tuyuhun is indeed a difficult decision, and he needs absolutely sufficient reasons to convince himself.

And his subordinates were also taken aback when they heard this.

If Murong Fuyun wants to send his troops south, it stands to reason that he can't avoid them in Piaohe County. Could it be that your Murong Fuyun's army flew over their Piaohe County?
"Too much deceit." Someone reacted, and immediately said angrily, "My lord, Da Khan doesn't trust us in Piaohe County!"

"It's more than distrust." Another person interjected, "Recently, my subordinates have heard that someone said that we must first settle down when we fight against the outside world. My lord, the Great Khan is planning to do something to us!"

"Damn it, if you want me to say, it's better to strike first. Now the Great Khan has repeatedly forced us to pour river county, and even indulged the king of Dingcheng, they and various herdsmen to burn, kill and loot in my pour river county. We took this opportunity to turn against Murong Fuyun!"

In an instant, everyone started to talk about it.

This is exactly what Murong Xiaojun wanted.

By now, he has made a decision.

The next day, Murong Xiaojun and others who stayed overnight in the North Mansion of Daming Town set off for Water River County.

Before leaving, Murong Xiaojun said to Qiu Bowen: "I would like to ask the magistrate Qiu to tell the princess to let her rest in Riyue Mountain to recover from her injuries. I will come to see her again after I finish my work."

When Qiu Bowen heard this and added Murong Xiaojun's address, he immediately understood, and immediately said with a salute smile: "The old man will definitely bring the words of the prince."

After speaking, the two smiled tacitly.

After personally sending Murong Xiaojun and the others away from Daming's territory, Qiu Bowen went back to report with a smile on his face.

When Murong Wanqiu heard the words from Qiu Bowen, her hanging heart finally came to fruition.


And just when Murong Xiaojun was about to go back to do big things, Chang'an and Li Er finally made a move.

A few days after the new year, Li Er specially gave everyone a vaccination in advance, and when it came to the court meeting that day, Li Er finally wanted to see each other.

In the seventh year of Zhenguan, the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival was just two days past.

It is also the first Wangrichaohui held in the seventh year of Zhenguan.

Today's Great Court Meeting has only one topic, and that is to send troops to Goguryeo.

Because Li Er had communicated with important ministers in advance, people such as Fang Xuanling and Gao Shilian were not surprised.

As for a group of generals, they are gearing up.

To be honest, listening to Li Chengqian for more than a year has already made them itchy.

Although there were also voices of opposition, compared to the group of screaming generals and the acquiescence of the big bosses, the voices of opposition were extremely limited.

In the end, the whole court will gradually evolve into who will lead the army.

Speaking of which, the Tang Dynasty in the early years of Zhenguan was really like a cloud of fierce generals.

Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde, Li Xiaogong, Hou Junji, Zhang Liang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, etc., etc., if you pick one at random, they are all strong enough to stand alone.

Right now, the most intense competition is Yuchi Jingde, Hou Junji, Li Jing and Li Ji.

Except for Yuchi Jingde who volunteered on his own initiative, the other three were all nominated by others.

"Your Majesty, according to my humble minister, it is more appropriate to be the Duke of Dai," Wei Zheng said.

The Duke of Dai is Li Jing.

In this matter, Wei Zheng is still adhering to meritocracy.

After all, this is a battle to destroy the country. In terms of fighting skills, in today's Tang Dynasty, Li Jing definitely has the ability to overwhelm everyone.

But Li Jing heard the words, but he didn't make much statement.

His character is like this, he will do whatever the emperor arranges, and he will never speak easily.

Yuchi Jingde heard the words, but he was dissatisfied and said: "What's the matter? Is this old man much worse than Dai Guogong? Is it possible that a small Goguryeo is still my opponent of the great Tang army?"

This guy is rude and unreasonable.

To be honest, Yuchi Jingde's personal bravery is indeed not weaker than anyone else, but there is still a big gap between him and Li Jing when it comes to being superior in the military formation.

The most important thing is, this guy is shameless enough!
Guess who's jumping up and saying this right now?He is the only one who dances the best!
Of course, this is his political wisdom.

Above, Li Er didn't blame him when he saw this, but said: "Okay, as the saying goes, the lion fights the rabbit, and it also uses all its strength. It just so happens that there is no war around the Tang Dynasty. The best chance.

Destroy the country in the first battle, help me in the Tang Dynasty, and the world will be perfect.

Hear the order on behalf of the Duke. "

"My minister is here." Li Jing bowed and left the class immediately upon hearing this.

"Appoint Dai Guogong as the general manager of the Pyongyang Road March, and lead [-] troops from Jiang, Huai, Ling, and Kip to march from Laizhou to Pyongyang by sea."

"The humble minister takes orders!" Li Jing bowed and saluted.

Li Er nodded, and said again: "The Duke of E is listening to the order."

As soon as he heard his own name, Yuchi Jingde stood up immediately: "Appoint E Guogong as the general manager of Liaodong Road Marching Merit, and lead an army of [-] to march towards Liaodong..."

In one breath, Li Er arranged everyone properly.

But speaking of it, Li Er was a little cautious when arranging troops and horses.

Speaking of it, the former Sui Dynasty was unable to attack Goguryeo for a long time because it was unable to attack for a long time, which eventually indirectly led to the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty, so Li Er did not dare to take it lightly.

Except for Yuchi Jingde and Li Jing, almost half of the generals have been appointed by themselves. They have no opinion on the appointment. As long as they can go to battle and kill the enemy, they will be satisfied.

After all, this time may be their only chance to make military achievements.

As long as it enters the peaceful and prosperous age, this military merit will become more and more difficult to mix, and there is no way to do it.

After all, the reason for the war is that you can't eat enough. If you are full of food and drink, there are a few people who are obsessed with war.

But for Li Er, he really wants to prove himself as soon as possible, and at the same time, he also wants to call Li Chengqian's weight in this way.

As soon as the war between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo broke out, if Murong Fuyun still couldn't seize the opportunity, it can only be said that this guy deserved what he is in today's field.

The Great Dynasty will end, some will be happy and some will be sad.

The happy person naturally took advantage of the opportunity to send troops, while the sad person was because it was not his turn this time.

This kind of thing is also common. After all, there were really too many famous generals in the Tang Dynasty in the early years of Zhenguan.

And guys like Yuchi Jingde, who were taking chances, all had smiles on their faces, and rushed home directly after the court. This army was dispatched. Although these generals didn't have much to prepare, the people at home still Need to arrange it.

Besides, my family will also bring it with me.

On the next day, Yuchi Jingde, a quick-tempered person, was the first to set off.

And as Yuchi Jingde led the army to send troops, the news that Datang sent troops to Goguryeo gradually spread.

Strange to say, this news is like growing feet, and went straight to the bitter cold in the northwest.

It wasn't until Murong Fuyun received the exact news that he danced and danced that the news stopped.

When Murong Fuyun received this news, he was very excited.

As long as Datang sent troops to Goguryeo, he would be in danger.In addition, he has made a lot of preparations during this period of time, and what he has been waiting for is that the Tang Dynasty will send troops to Goguryeo.

It's just that he never thought that when the Tang Dynasty sent troops to Goguryeo, it was actually the root of all disasters for him.

Also receiving the news was Li Chengqian from the Daming Royal Court. He was different. When he heard the news, this guy looked exhausted.

It's an opportunity, yes, but it's also a disaster.

"Notify Yi Yuanfeng and Qibi Heli that there is movement in Datang, and tell him to be more careful. If something cannot be done, we might as well act first."

He knew that with Datang's dispatch of troops.

The plateau, which had been silent for some time, finally began to erupt into a frightening chaos.

If he can become the final winner in this chaos, he will also gain a firm foothold on this plateau.

But if he loses, all the hard work he has done before will also become someone else's wedding dress.

Therefore, whether it is for Li Chengqian or Murong Fuyun, they all have reasons to win this battle!
(End of this chapter)

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