Chapter 359 Volume Four Ignored...

It has to be said that both Tuobazhao and Murong Xiaojun are well-known fighters in Tuyuhun.

Its reputation for bravery was also earned by killing with a knife and a gun in the past.

It's just that it's not so easy for the two of these tens of thousands of people to really compete.

Moreover, judging from Murong Xiaojun's previous arrangements, he actually didn't want to really do anything to Tuoba Zhao.

He had already said that the purpose of this visit was to break up Tuoba Zhao's army formation.

As for what kind of plans or thoughts he has, no one knows.

The reason why the big guys are willing to obey is nothing more than the trust they have cultivated over the years.

They firmly believed that Murong Xiaojun would lead them to find a way out.

It can also be seen from this that Murong Xiaojun still takes good care of his subordinates.

In fact, in ancient times, few who led troops to fight would treat their subordinates badly.

At this moment, the two armies were fighting hand to hand, and the killing was indistinguishable.

But to be honest, it's not that easy to kill a person these days.It's just that in a battle of this scale, even if you fall off the horse, life and death are unpredictable.

Seeing this, Murong Xiaojun shouted immediately: "Don't pester, cut the battlefield, don't let their people gather together."

He had more than 3 troops, while Tuobazhao had only [-] troops. In terms of strength, he had the advantage. Coupled with the fact that he waited for work and was condescending, he was obviously determined by Tuobazhao.

The so-called cutting the battlefield is nothing more than cutting the battlefield into several pieces, then entangle the enemy with the smallest force, and then concentrate the superior force to divide and eat them

This was an all-too-familiar tactic for Murong Xiaojun's army.

Coupled with their superior military strength, it is really not difficult to do this.

Tuobazhao is brave, but being brave is not stupid.

When he realized Murong Xiaojun's intention, he immediately shouted: "Withdraw!"

As soon as he came into contact with him, he discovered that Murong Xiaojun brought all his elite soldiers. At first, he thought that Murong Xiaojun was playing tricks on him, and he got tens of thousands of people from nowhere to scare him. .

After all, King Dingcheng had an army of tens of thousands, if Murong Xiaojun really wanted to take away so many people, King Dingcheng would definitely seize the opportunity to counterattack, but who knows, this guy really brought tens of thousands of elite soldiers to intercept and kill him.

This made him uncomfortable.

Gotta slip!

If it was the mob assembled by Murong Xiaojun, with his strong fighting power, he still had the confidence to touch it, but since it was Murong Xiaojun's elite soldiers, he didn't intend to try.

He still has this self-knowledge.

And those soldiers under his command also noticed the problem, and immediately turned around and ran away.

Who would fight such a battle that obviously had no chance of winning?
It's not necessary, but what they can't figure out is that Murong Xiaojun has brought a large army to intercept them, how will he deal with King Dingcheng?

Could it be that Murong Xiaojun has become rampant to this extent, this is impossible, there must be a reason for this.

It's just that they can't figure it out.

However, even stranger things happened when they ran away.

Even if he was running away, Tuobazhao was actually worried that Murong Xiaojun would chase after him. For this reason, he prepared a lot, and even personally held the line in the rear.

But what surprised him was that Murong Xiaojun was catching up, but he always felt that there was something weird, and if he asked him to talk about it, he couldn't come up with it.

"My lord, why don't we take advantage of the situation and give the King of the West Sea..." Someone asked curiously.

Murong Xiaojun smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is not the time yet, don't look at our superior military strength, but if we really want to fight, we won't be able to take them down for a while, and Tuoba Zhao The soldiers we lead are all a group of lunatics, even if we can take them down in the end, we will lose a lot.

For us right now, it's not worth it. "

He couldn't help it. In the end, there were only so many elite soldiers under his command, and if one was lost, one would be lost, although the herdsmen in Water River County were all warriors who were capable of fighting when they stepped on their horses.

But the quality really can't be compared with the elite soldiers under him.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult to replenish his elite troops, and what does he need now?Of course, it is necessary to arouse the resistance of the herdsmen in Water River County!
If it weren't for the support of the people in Piaohe County, his rebellion would be a joke no matter how you look at it.

As for Tuobazhao, who went deep alone, as long as he kept harassing behind his butt, so that he had no time to replenish food and grass, this guy would definitely be able to rob the people.

This is the effect he most wants to achieve.

Only in this way can he organize the resistance of the entire Water River County.

From this point of view, Murong Xiaojun is not a good bird. In order to make the common people feel resentful, he really dared to let Tuoba Zhao burn, kill and plunder in Piaohe County.

Of course, there is nothing to say about those who achieve great things without sticking to small details.

If they lose, more people may die in the entire Water River County in the end. It can only be said that it will be bad luck for everyone.

Besides, if you want to wake up the blood of these common people, you have to use strong medicine, otherwise, who would give up the current life to live the life of licking blood on the edge of a knife?
Just look at the recent disputes between the herdsmen in Water River County and the herdsmen who came from other ministries. How many of those who have not damaged their own interests have been involved?
In the final analysis, it's human nature to hang on to one's own business.

Murong Xiaojun just disliked that the quality of those herdsmen is not as good as his elite soldiers, hehe, let him try to recruit now, how many people are willing to accompany him to clear the king's side?
Not much.

Really not much, they will just wait until all the dust settles, surrender to the victor, this is the common people.

Therefore, when Murong Xiaojun learned that Murong Fuyun had sent Tuobazhao to support King Dingcheng, he really laughed, this was his chance.

In fact, it was not as Murong Xiaojun expected, when they kept biting on Tuobazhao like tarsal maggots, and at the same time cut off the possibility of them going back to supply, on the third night, Tuobazhao quietly sent out Gathered a team of more than 5000 people and bloodbathed several tribes overnight.

This guy is really amazing at what he does.

Not only did they loot all the money and food, but all the tribes they targeted would never leave behind.

What Tuobazhao did immediately caused panic in Water River County.

With a team of more than 5000 people, which tribe can handle it?
For a moment, the entire Water River County was panicked.


And at this moment, other ministries were spreading the news that Piaohe County rebelled!
This news made those ordinary people excited.

Normally, they didn't react much when they heard such news, but now, who doesn't know that Piaohe County is the most affluent place in Tuyuhun?
Before, everyone was afraid of some things and didn't dare to rush to Water River County, but now they are not afraid anymore.

Soon, under the organization of caring people, one army after another was organized to suppress the chaos, and they went straight to Water River County.

Are they going to quell the chaos?

Hehe, the moment they entered Water River County, they started planning to burn, kill and loot.

To put it bluntly, they came to Shuhe County to make a fortune under the guise of calming down the chaos.

I used to be afraid because of the strict laws, but now it's different, they even have serious reasons, just say, will they miss such an opportunity?
No, definitely not!

This fucking is going against the rules of the sky to do shameless deeds!

Of course, it was Murong Xiaojun who spread the news...

Do you still remember that Murong Xiaojun whispered a few words to his confidantes before the big battle, that's what they said.

At that time, he didn't know that Tuoba Zhao would be the one who would lead troops to support King Dingcheng, so he made preparations early.

But in Riyue Mountain, when Li Chengqian received the news, he shook his head and was speechless. As an old man, he really couldn't say anything.

When the heart becomes ruthless, it is really ruthless.

"Is there any latest news from Zhenbei Mansion?" Li Chengqian asked.

On the side, Liu San smiled and said: "Go back to Your Highness, not yet, but according to the time, it should be soon."

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he looked at the information sent by Water River County.

Not to mention, Water River County is really lively.

"Your Highness, King Zhao Li Yuanjing has been in Hezhou for several days, and, just these few days, a large number of soldiers and horses are gathering at the junction of Hezhou and Tianzhu."

Seeing that Li Chengqian didn't speak, Liu San said something.

The large number of soldiers and horses he was talking about was naturally Li Yuanjing's several thousand men.

"King Zhao? Hezhou?" Li Chengqian muttered, "Before you wanted to learn from me? The ambition is not small."

He wasn't surprised by this. Humans think they are smarter than others. If they don't suffer a few blows, who is willing to admit that others are stronger?
"Your Highness, King Zhao is eyeing the third division of Tianzhu, right?" Liu San smiled.

Li Chengqian also laughed when he heard this.

What does this guy mean, he knows everything, and he didn't bother to expose him at the moment, he said: "It doesn't matter, if you follow it, you will follow it. Just ask Wu Anduo to pay attention to that side later."

Li Chengqian really didn't care about this.

How could it be so easy to imitate him?
Only he himself knows how much he has paid for this step by step.

That is the accumulation of two lifetimes!
Seeing that Li Chengqian stopped talking, Liu San shut up immediately.

It was at this time that news from Zhenbei Mansion came back.

After reading the news, Li Chengqian pondered for a moment.

Qibi Heli has now brought his Western Expedition Army to sit on the border. He expected this. After all, the war in Piaohe County has reached the border between the two countries. Qibi Heli immediately entered the state of preparation for war, which is nothing easy to say.

As for being used by Murong Xiaojun, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it, it's like this these days, you use me today, and I use you tomorrow, how normal is this?

The only thing that surprised him was that King Dingcheng actually sent someone to Qibi Heli to buy armaments, and the price was exorbitant, three times higher than what Li Chengqian sold to Su Pi and Turk in the past!
It's not about the price, Li Chengqian's eyelids are not so shallow, the main reason is that King Dingcheng's move really didn't make him understand.

I have already helped Murong Xiaojun restrain you, but you still dare to buy weapons from me, what are you thinking?

This behavior is like someone who is going to kill you and stab you three or five times. You discuss with them and say that you will sell me a knife at a high price first. Then I will use your knife to try to kill you...

Isn't this a brain disease?
"Your Highness, is this King Dingcheng testing us?" Yuchi Baolin asked beside him.

Li Chengqian smiled: "Aside from testing us, what other meanings can he have? Write back to General Qibi and agree to his request."

"Really agree?" Yuchi Baolin was a little dazed, "If you agree, he will fight us with our own weapons in the future!"

"Promise him." Li Chengqian said, "I want to see, he has been driven to the border between the two countries by Murong Xiaojun, where did he find so much money and food.

Moreover, when we agreed, he was so moved.

But he just couldn't come up with money and food, and he was mad at this bastard.Moreover, it might affect this guy's basic judgment, causing him to fight Murong Xiaojun earlier.

My father-in-law, hehe, that is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At this moment, I still don't know how to plot against me. "

"But is he really going to take it out?" Yuchi Baolin was still a little worried, you are an enemy!
Li Chengqian didn't care.

"If he really puts out money and food, he will naturally sell it. The reputation of a country is more important than anything else.

Of course, when that time comes, we can also disclose the news to Murong Xiaojun. Murong Xiaojun is probably the only one who doesn't want these guys equipped.Then we'll be able to watch the show. "

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he was proud, because he really knew what the deep meaning of King Dingcheng's move was.

But he wasn't worried at all.

There's nothing to worry about.

Even if I agree, you won't be able to come up with money and food. After all, this temptation is meaningless at all.

"Then when shall we go north?" Liu San smiled.

Li Chengqian shook his head, but said: "There is no hurry, the time has not come. I had someone investigate Tuyuhun's strength before. It's not that this king underestimated himself. With Tuyuhun's current strength, it is very difficult for us to go north rashly.

Besides, are you so sure that Murong Xiaojun is committed to us?Wait a minute, the current situation is the least urgent for us.

The longer the time, the better for us, and the clearer the situation.

The king always feels that something is still overlooked, but the king can't say what it is. "

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he was also a little confused. He felt this very strongly, but he just couldn't put it into words.

Liu San and Yuchi Baolin also shook their heads helplessly after hearing this. You can't even tell, let alone us.

At that moment, Li Chengqian asked the two of them to take down the Kanyu map, and went through the latest news again. Looking at the map, Li Chengqian muttered to himself: "What's wrong?"

Tubo was restrained by Su Pi, Xue Yantuo couldn't come down, the Western Turks were almost in conflict, and Tang was also busy completing the world of gold and power. From this point of view, the only threat to Ming was Tuyuhun.

But Tuyuhun is in civil turmoil, why does he feel this way?

Li Chengqian pinched his chin, no, there must be something he has overlooked!

He let out a breath, but in the end he still didn't want to understand what he had ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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