This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 361 Volume 4 Where's the Arrow?You shoot!

Chapter 361 Where is the Four Arrows?You shoot!

Zhenbei Prefecture.

Since the war in Pourhe County, Qibi Heli's Zhengxi Army has been stationed here.

Not to mention that Li Chengqian had the intention to go north, even if he didn't, they should be stationed here at this time.

Although the civil strife in Piaohe County seems to have little to do with them, Qibi Heli is still very vigilant.

After fighting these guys from Tuyuhun for so many years, he was very careful with these guys and didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.Besides, this was the first time since he joined Li Chengqian that he was in charge of his own affairs, and he couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

Of course, in the middle of the night, he had already rested.

At this moment, above the city gate, a few soldiers lit a rocket stove, and a pot of water was burning on it. Even though it was warm, it was still so cold that they were shivering in this cold night.

There was a bit of tremor in the voice of speaking.

"Damn it, I can't take it anymore, you go on, I'm going to accompany them on patrol." This is the case in this winter, walking on the city wall, the cold wind is biting, it is really cold, but after sitting down, even more Fucking cold!
"Go, go, fuck, with your small body, you can't block the wind when you sit here." Someone joked immediately, "I don't know what's going on with your mother-in-law. You should be strong and you will be squeezed done."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone laughed.

As for men, don't they just talk about women when they get together, especially rough men like them, how vulgar is that.

The person who was teased was not angry, and said with a smile: "You are envious, but you can't come here. It's not that I'm bragging to you, but my mother-in-law, my god, that really didn't make me pretend to be a man..."

"Roll, roll, roll..." Hearing this guy show off, everyone waved their hands immediately.

The person who spoke smiled and stomped away.

The main reason is that the feet are cold, as the old man said well, as long as the feet are warm in winter, the whole body will be warm, but if the feet are cold, it will be cold even if it is roasted by a fire.

Not long after going out, someone asked, "What? Is it too cold?"

"Who says it's not." Rubbing his hands together, the man said, "Murong Xiaojun and King Dingcheng, these two bastards called Donkey Sunrise, how long will they be fighting? Ah, isn't this fucking tormenting the old men?"

Hearing what he said, the patrolling soldiers said with a smile: "You should have some virtue in your mouth, then Murong Xiaojun was the one who scolded you without opening your mouth? After all, he is also our princess's father!"

"I recognize the princess, and I recognize her father as well, but King Gaochang, who spits Yuhun, cares about me?" That man is also a bastard, of course, from his tone of voice, we can actually hear something.

Another patrolling soldier heard the words, smiled, and said: "That's right, I recognize a cow from Daming, but I don't recognize King Gaochang from Tuyuhun."

After finishing speaking, several people laughed at the same time.


At this moment, an arrow flew directly over the heads of several people with a whoosh.

This made the people who were joking tense, and the patrolling soldiers reacted quickly, probing down through the city wall.

"Enemy attack!" At the same time, someone shouted!
In an instant, everyone who was still warming up to the fire took up their weapons and ran over.

The man who spoke turned his head to look at the arrow that was shot, and saw that the arrow was firmly inserted on a pillar of the city gate.

"It may not be an enemy attack, it seems to be a letter."

Saying so, he hurried forward to take down the arrow, and sure enough, he found a letter in it.

Of course, it is too much to say that it is a letter, to be precise, it is a note.

"Who knows how to read..." After he finished speaking, everyone was immediately embarrassed.

A group of rough old men, it seems that none of them can read...

"You guys wait, I'll go find the general right away." At that moment, the leader in charge of the night patrol took the note and ran away. At this juncture, they dare not delay this kind of thing.

If it wasn't for his inappropriate status, he would have gone directly to Qibi Heli.

However, this matter finally alarmed Qibi Heli.

Without him, there is only one sentence on the note.

I will destroy your city tonight!

Just this one sentence is worth Qibi Heli getting up from the bed in the middle of the night.

"General, what's the matter?"

Qibi Heli waved his hand and said: "Well, let's gather the brothers from the Tiger and Leopard Battalion first. Except for those who are on duty at night, the rest of the brothers will continue to rest. I'm afraid this is the enemy's plan to exhaust the enemy. It really tosses the brothers. It’s enough, I don’t have the energy to deal with it during the day.”

After his subordinates took the order, they immediately went to inform the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion.

But Qibi Heli put on his battle armor and headed straight for the city.

There is also anger on his face.

Although he didn't know who it was, his mother's blunt gauntlet still made him quite upset.

Xin said, at this juncture, I didn't bother you, so you burned incense, and you dare to provoke me?


When Qibi Heli walked up to the top of the city, he looked at the crowd and said, "There may be an enemy attack tonight, and the brothers from the Tiger and Leopard Camp are gathering. First, call out all the brothers who are on duty and patrolling tonight, and then Put all the guy's affairs on this general, if there is an unsightly person coming to attack my Daming border city at night.

Tonight, let them see how I, Daming, managed to gain a foothold on this land! "

Hearing what Qibi Heli said, these guys suddenly became energetic.

Fighting, for these guys, there is really nothing to say, especially now that Ming Dynasty is in a rising stage, and everyone wants to earn some military merits and keep their wives and sons.

Besides, since they changed their costumes, one and two are a little bit ready to move.

I am worried that I can't find anyone to try their new weapons and equipment.

Immediately, a group of people moved.

But when everyone started to move, Qibi Heli looked at the dark outside of the city, holding the note declaring war in his hand, but he couldn't figure it out.

Who sent this?
You said that you want to attack at night or sneak attack, and even send such a thing specially, what do you want to do?

Isn't this fucking idiot...

Whether it is King Dingcheng or Murong Xiaojun, it is unscientific to do so.

It's completely unreasonable.

But this Qibi Heli really couldn't figure it out for a while.

After the soldiers patrolling at night had prepared all kinds of things, before Qibi Heli could give any orders, he heard the sound of galloping horses mixed with the cold wind in the middle of winter night.

The sound became louder and louder from far to near, and the dots of fire gradually became clearer.

If you really want to say, only the people on horseback dare to gallop their horses with torches in the middle of the night. This ability alone has made many people sigh.

"Damn it, it's really here." Seeing this, Qibi He Li was a little dazed, he really didn't expect that there really are such two hundred and fifty guys who would say hello to you before the night attack of.

The reason why he made preparations was because he would rather believe what he had or not. Who knew that this fucking thing was actually true...

"It doesn't matter, the brothers from the Tiger and Leopard Camp should be here soon. Don't panic, everyone. Seeing their battle, there are only 8000 people who survived. I am sitting in the fortified city and have the advantages of armaments. I am afraid that he will be killed. egg.

Prepare the bow and arrow for Lao Tzu, damn it, the King of Hades told him to die in the third watch, and he insists on coming in the second watch, and he is more active than others in sending him to death, so we will help them! "

When everyone heard Qibi Heli's words, they burst into laughter.

Are you panicking? It seems that you are not that panicked.

Now the Western Expeditionary Army has tens of thousands of troops, and behind them are Yi Yuanfeng's resentful army and Qiu Bowen's guarding army. Not to mention the advantages of military equipment, but in terms of strength, they are not far behind.

What's more, now Da Ming's high spirits are very high, and the soldiers in the army are even more happy when they hear about the battle.

Don't panic, they were even a little excited.

Of course, this kind of spirit was also slowly cultivated by Li Chengqian for such a long time.

Just when everyone was waiting, Murong Xiaojun's army had already approached the city.

Seeing this, Qibi Heli immediately shouted: "Draw the bow and shoot!"

Although there were only [-] soldiers guarding the city and patrolling at night, the volley of [-] soldiers was still somewhat lethal.

However, Murong Xiaojun's subordinates were not timid, and rushed down the city gate against the rain of arrows.

Although they didn't understand why Murong Xiaojun suddenly sent troops to Daming, the trust they had cultivated over the years made them believe in Murong Xiaojun's words.

From the beginning to the end, they firmly believed that Murong Xiaojun would lead them out of a way of survival.

At this moment, General Shusun, the leader of the army, also shouted: "In the middle of the night, the guards at the top of the city must be insufficient. Warriors, go!"

At first, he was not prepared to attack the city like this.

Since he chose to attack the city at night, such a siege is undoubtedly the most stupid and impracticable, but before leaving, Murong Xiaojun specifically told them to make their momentum bigger, he didn't know what Murong Xiaojun had in mind, But since Murong Xiaojun said so, he will follow suit.

Although it was a joke to say that the ranger siege was like a joke, but he could also see that their team might be used to attract the attention of others.

On the top of the wall, Qibi Heli frowned, what is this for?
After fighting for so many years, he can be regarded as a well-informed person.

But it was the first time he saw him attacking the city with cavalry!

"Stop for a moment." Qibi Heli said, "Let them get closer and take a look."

He couldn't understand a little.

This is not a way of fighting, at least he has never seen it.

The soldiers on the top of the city were also a little dumbfounded, they had never seen it before.

The cavalry attacked the city, what, you want to smash the city gate open with your head?

It's fucking unscientific!

But he stopped here, and the atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly became awkward.

General Shusun, who was leading the army to the front, was also stunned.

I'm stupid, are you fucking looking down on me?
What about arrows?

You shoot!

The point is, if you rushed to the city like this, wouldn't the fuck be a living target for someone?

This battle was terrified...

"Woo..." Reining in the horse under his crotch, General Shusun raised his hand and shouted, "Stop!"

For a moment, the atmosphere inside and outside the city became strange.

The two armies just looked at each other from a distance.

In the night, which was still in full swing, the needles could be heard suddenly.

The only thing left is probably the neighing of war horses and the bone-chilling wind.

"What's the situation?" On the top of the city, everyone couldn't understand.

Qibi Heli also shook his head, he knew what a fart.

What happened tonight was so weird that he still couldn't figure out what the guys outside the city were up to.

And outside the city, Uncle Sun's subordinates are also a little at a loss, whether to attack or not?
"General, are you not attacking the city?"

Uncle Sun said angrily: "Go, you fucking attacked the city and made a living target for others? Damn, what is this?"

He was really speechless, Qibi Heli ordered to stop shooting arrows, and they lost their direction.

"Damn it, send a few teams to sneak over in the dark to see what's going on?" the lieutenant general asked.

Uncle Sun shook his head: "The general was thinking about a problem, but the prince asked us to make some noise, and only sent us cavalry, and then explained that if we lose the enemy, we can retreat at any time.

You say, what is the intention of the prince? "

"Whatever his intentions are, if the lord wants us to attack the city, we will attack the city." The lieutenant muttered.

Uncle Sun glanced at him and said: "You are a fucking club, let me see if you hit one, don't say that we only have 1 people, even the whole army has come, you try?

Damn, with your brain, don't lead the army alone in the future. "

After speaking, the uncle and grandson began to think again.

At the same time, Dingcheng King's camp.

King Dingcheng was also called out from his deep sleep.

At first, he thought it was Murong Xiaojun who brought people to attack the camp, but when he heard his subordinate's words, he was immediately stunned.

"You said that Murong Xiaojun's soldiers went south to attack Daming?"

The news really shocked him.

"Yes, the news just came that the ones who went were the uncles and grandchildren under Murong Xiaojun's command."

King Dingcheng rubbed his chin.

This news shocked him, but also made him stunned.

What is Murong Xiaojun going to do?
At this moment, he really couldn't understand.

Could it be that Murong Xiaojun and Daming really did not collude?
Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same thing.

He tested Da Ming before, and Da Ming simply agreed to his request to purchase ordnance.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Daming not to know the situation in Water River County. Now that he knows it, he should be even more clear that selling them weapons now is helping them deal with Murong Xiaojun.

And they have been in contact with Murong Xiaojun for so long, but they have never seen Murong Xiaojun's army use Daming's ordnance.

If Murong Xiaojun's entire army was equipped with Daming's weapons, it would still pose a considerable threat to them.

From this point of view, Murong Xiaojun did not show any signs of colluding with Daming.

Of course, they didn't believe that Murong Xiaojun would betray Tuyuhun either.

As mentioned earlier, Murong Xiaojun has a golden signboard in Tuyuhun.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Just as King Dingcheng was thinking, his subordinate asked.

King Dingcheng let out a sigh of relief, he knew what a fart, at this moment, he didn't know anything.

If you want to talk about sending troops, he doesn't even know who to send troops to at this moment.

"Let's take a look first, don't worry." King Dingcheng said, "In this way, you can send someone to continue to keep an eye on this king. If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone rushed in again.

"My lord, Murong Xiaojun is crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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