This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 375 Volume 4 Li 2: I was compared to my son?

Chapter 375 Volume [-] Li Er: I was compared to my son?

Murong Xiaoyong was very nervous, he knew that if he said a wrong word at this moment, he might not be able to get out of this big account.

And Li Chengqian just looked at him like this. At this time, he still didn't understand that Princess Gaochang just didn't want to remarry, and she actually had the same meaning in giving him those things.

Of course, don't think that Princess Gaochang is seducing Li Chengqian...

That's not.

She just wanted to leave everything that Murong Xiaojun left behind to her son.

If Murong Xiaoyong was to inherit everything from her elder brother, how many sons would she have in the future?
Don't look at others, just look at Shifu Khan. After Murong Fuyun succeeded to the throne, what happened to Shifu Khan's sons now?
These are bloody facts, can she not be on guard?

Being stared at by Li Chengqian like this, Murong Xiaoyong also quickly calculated in his heart, but after thinking about it, he finally shook his head. In the final analysis, the situation is stronger than others.

Sometimes, when you should bow your head, you still have to bow your head.

"I understand, little one." After thinking through all this, Murong Xiaoyong decisively chose to bow his head.

Although this means that he will lose the chance to climb to the top of Pourhe County, but is it ashamed to bow his head to the strong?No shame.

"You, you were born to be in the officialdom." Li Chengqian said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, "I am still short of a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment in Ming Dynasty. I don't know if you have any intentions."

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, Murong Xiaoyong was immediately stunned.

Li Chengqian knew very well that he couldn't oppress this guy too hard. If he really wanted to be too hard, he would definitely feel resentful, and that would not be a good thing for him.

Who knows if the second master of Water River County has any confidence in Water River County?He can't kill this guy casually now, so he still has to give him some sweetness.

Moreover, he didn't want to leave Murong Xiaoyong in Water River County and bring him back to Riyue Mountain. It would be a happy scene for everyone, and Princess Gaochang was satisfied.

With Murong Xiaoyong as an official in the Ming Dynasty Hall, Murong Wanqiu also has help, right?
"Speaking of which, my Ministry of Criminal Justice in the Ming Dynasty is still empty, let alone a minister, and I don't even have a servant." Seeing that he was silent, Li Chengqian raised his mouth again.

What position to assign this guy, he really thought it through.

In the end, the doctor of the Ministry of punishment was selected.

Although this position is not high, but now he is the official of the Ministry of Punishment, the most important thing is that there is a lot of room for advancement.

When Murong Xiaoyong heard this, he immediately bowed and saluted: "My humble minister, thank you."

He is a smart person. Hearing Li Chengqian's words, he immediately saw the opportunity contained in it.

It is said that he is a doctor of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but he has the final say on the entire Ministry of Criminal Justice?
He doesn't care about the size of the official position, what he values ​​is potential, and it can't be said that potential is Li Chengqian's attitude towards him.

He knew very well that it was impossible for Li Chengqian to let him be a high-ranking official as soon as he came. If this was the case, then he would not be far from death.

"Don't be too polite, go get busy. After dealing with King Gaochang's funeral, come to the tent to listen." Li Chengqian said,

"Speaking of which, it's time to set up the Ministry of Punishment of the Ming court."

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's obviously suggestive words, Murong Xiaoyong immediately cupped his hands and said: "This humble minister will definitely live up to the king's orders."

Nodding his head, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Go and do your work. Also, tell Princess Gaochang that you don't have to worry about the food and grass for the officers and men of Piaohe County. This king has his own arrangements."

After Murong Xiaoyong left, Chang Sun Chong was still holding back his laughter.

Seeing him like this, Li Chengqian said angrily: "What's so funny about you? Learn a little bit, this is what it looks like to be an official, why don't you go back to Chang'an and learn from your uncle?"

Changsun Chong didn't say a word, Li Chengqian is more and more dignified now, and he doesn't dare to be like before.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Chengqian didn't bother to talk to him. That's what he said, but Chang Sun Chong didn't have anything to criticize when he did things.


Murong Xiaoyong who left King Li Chengqian's tent immediately walked towards Princess Gaochang.

He is indeed a smart man, Li Chengqian asked him to tell Princess Gaochang that the matter of food and grass had been settled, but in fact he asked him to show an attitude.

So he didn't dare to neglect for a moment.

"Princess, the second master is here." Princess Gaochang, who was bringing Murong Wanqiu and her brothers and sisters to guard Murong Xiaojun's spirit, was also taken aback when she heard this, why is he here at this time?Shouldn't you be busy with the burial of the prince?But she didn't ask much, just nodded.

Not long after, Murong Xiaoyong came in, first bowed to the coffin, and then said to Princess Gaochang: "Prince Ming asked me to tell my sister-in-law, His Royal Highness will take care of the food and grass for the soldiers."

After hearing Murong Xiaoyong's words, Princess Gaochang became even more sluggish, what do you mean?
But soon she realized that Li Chengqian helped her solve the problem!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shaking her head, this is the benefit of power.

Looking at Murong Xiaoyong again, she immediately became more pleasing to the eye.

For a man who has been thinking about going to bed with her, she really didn't have a good impression before, but now that the problem is solved, she is relieved, and she can at least explain to her sons.

"Trouble second master." Although she didn't know how Li Chengqian did it, she didn't care or care. Most women are result-oriented and don't care much about the process.

Murong Xiaoyong said: "It's all one family, sister-in-law is serious, and this time it's all thanks to King Ming.

By the way, the younger brother has to go to His Royal Highness's account after finishing his brother's funeral affairs. The younger brother is not talented. Thanks to his elder brother Yu Ze, he was prosecuted by His Royal Highness as a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment. From now on, he can't greet his sister-in-law every day, and hope her sister-in-law Haihan. "

Princess Gaochang understood what she said, and immediately bowed and said: "This is a good thing. If it weren't for the prince's funeral today, we should celebrate it, but I still want to congratulate the second master."

For her, it is really a good thing, Murong Wanqiu is worrying about having no one to assist her in the Ming court, now Murong Xiaoyong is going to serve in Daming, how can it not be a good thing?
"That's the position, isn't it too low?"

As soon as she said this, Murong Wanqiu stood up behind her and said, "Concubine mother, you can't say that. If my child remembers correctly, the Ministry of Punishment of Daming seems to be a doctor like the second uncle. There is no servant and no minister.

As long as Second Uncle makes achievements..."

"Official position doesn't matter." Of course Murong Xiaoyong understood the implication of this, and immediately said, "The main reason is that Wanqiu is alone in Riyue Mountain, as an uncle, I have to go over to help, right?"

Princess Gaochang nodded and said: "It's very good, very good."

She is really happy, only when Murong Wanqiu's position is unassailable, their life as orphans and widowers will get better and better.

At that moment, she felt a little more satisfied with her son-in-law.

With a hint from myself, the two of them had a divine encounter without any communication. This son-in-law really understands her mind!

"Wanqiu, when we get back to Riyue Mountain, if there is anything you don't understand, you should ask your second uncle. In front of His Highness, you might as well say a few good words for your second uncle." Since you are not worried about Murong Xiaoyong thinking about her body, Her attitude immediately changed, "Second Lord, Wanqiu needs more advice from you in the future."

"My child knows." Murong Wanqiu nodded obediently.

She really needs such a person now.

"It's natural." Murong Xiaoyong said immediately, "We are all a family. If our Murong family wants to go further in the future, we have to rely on Wanqiu."

What he said was the truth, the truth.

Isn't there a reason why he is willing to give up Water River County?
If the future Murong Wanqiu can leave a son and a half for Li Chengqian, and Li Chengqian returns to the Tang Dynasty to ascend the throne as emperor, Murong Wanqiu's children will have a chance.

It's almost time...

Speaking of this, everyone inevitably brought up the topic of Murong Wanqiu again, mainly urging her to get pregnant earlier.

During this period, both Murong Xiaoyong and Princess Gaochang tacitly did not mention the matter of remarriage.

They are all understanding people, as long as they are clear in their hearts, there is no need to say it out loud.

Where does the hatred come from in this world?At least in the eyes of these people, interests come first.

The next few days will be spent dealing with Murong Xiaojun's funeral.


He looked at Chang'an again.

Ever since Li Jing and the others set out for the expedition, the court has obviously become a little more lifeless.

Military generals are really annoying, they have too many things to do, they don't obey the etiquette, and there are a lot of various problems.

But you have to admit that when they were in the court, the court was indeed a little more angry. Although these guys were bluffing, they could sometimes act as a mediator.

It's like Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Yaojin and other guys. Although the court hall with them is a little less polite, it is really lively.

These guys, the credit is there, or the credit is too great. If you don't make a fuss, Li Er is worried, and they can't sleep well, right?

"Grand Duke Dai and the others have military reports to send back?" Li Er sat on the main hall and asked a little bit out of interest.

In fact, he knew if there was one, and if there was one, how could he not know.

Fang Xuanling heard the words, bowed out of the class and said: "Return to Your Majesty, it is still the military newspaper from a while ago, and there is no new military newspaper to send back yet."

"It's very cold these days..." Li Er seemed to have thought of something, and said, "It's also fortunate that there are some leather goods made by Changming Company to keep out the cold, otherwise, our soldiers would have suffered. "

"That's true." Wei Zheng said, "After the winter this year, there are obviously more leather goods businesses in Chang'an than in previous years. This has created a new business."

He is now a staunch princeling!

It's not that he wants to invest in Li Chengqian, but that he wants to see how Li Chengqian's model will end up.

So he spared no effort to support Li Chengqian.

Doing so is actually against his own principles, but as a survivor of the Xuanwumen Incident, he is really afraid of doing it again.

Every change of dynasty was accompanied by blood and rain, and he wanted to see if Li Chengqian's approach could break the curse.

Throughout the ages, I have never seen a prince from the outside to the inside.

"That's true." Xiao Yu also said at the side, "This year Chang'an set up a lot of fur workshops, which gave many people a chance to settle down."

Xiao Yu simply wanted to seek truth from facts, but Wei Zheng didn't mean that, he was sharing the firepower with Li Chengqian.

Who told Li Chengqian to make money...

Li Er is tired, is that what I fucking mean?

Li Chengqian has indeed done a lot this year, and everyone in the world is willing to listen to it, but he is the only one who is not.

Because this year, he seems to be lacking.

"Report! Taozhou good news!" At this moment, there was a rush of voices from outside the hall.

Li Er was stunned, I...

Does this person really want to be?
Taozhou's urgent report is probably related to that bastard!

The point is, what is this guy doing again?
"Good news?"

Fang Xuanling and the others were also stunned, what good news?

It would be good if Taozhou's troops can protect themselves at this moment, and there will be good news?

For a moment, they also thought of Li Chengqian, and everyone was stunned again.

Not long after, the messenger went to the hall.

"Your Majesty, great victory! The war in Water River County, His Royal Highness beheaded Murong Xiaojun, and Water River County surrendered!"

As soon as the messenger entered the hall, he spoke in a hurry.

Everyone who was still curious about the good news immediately stood there dumbfounded.

Even the members of the Cui family were fucking stupid.

what do you say!
Li Er was stunned.

I am, no, I am a dog and still...

My army has just set off not long ago, and I expect you, a little bastard, to help me restrain Tuyuhun. Did you, a little bastard, give me such a surprise?

Is this a fucking surprise?

This is a scare, okay?
Lao Tzu's army hasn't made any achievements yet, Jian Tianjing has heard your news, what do you want to do! ! ! ! !
Li Er is really speechless, can you save me some face?

Yes, he had thought that Li Chengqian must be playing Tuyuhun's idea, but he didn't expect it to be so soon!

Fang Xuanling and the others were also dumbfounded. Is this the script?
They originally thought that Li Er had mobilized troops from Taozhou and Hezhou, and that Li Chengqian should be struggling to support him these days, but in the end, you went straight to the fucking north?

The key is how long has it been since you took down Water River County?

Do not be so exaggerated.

My prince, if you do this, it will appear that we are too incompetent...

Really, if this news reaches the front line, those unparalleled warriors in my Tang Dynasty will have to scream!
"Tell me specifically." Li Er let out a breath and asked.

The messenger did not dare to delay, and immediately explained the specific details.

Of course, they didn't know much, that is, Li Chengqian beheaded Murong Xiaojun, and Murong Xiaojun's subordinates surrendered to Li Chengqian.

More, they don't know.

After the messenger finished speaking, everyone was speechless for a while.

Li Chengqian, what he does is always unexpected.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Wei Zheng quickly stood up, bowed and saluted.

When everyone saw it, they also hurriedly stood up.

Even the Cui family had to stand up.

Wei Zheng saw the gloom in Li Er's heart, so he wanted to divert his attention.

Hearing this, Li Er felt even more aggrieved.

Congratulations, shovel, congratulations?

My army has not made an inch of success, and they have already attacked the city?

What are you congratulating me for?
But I thought so, but said on my mouth: "I am happy with all the ministers."

Having said that, Li Er changed the subject and said, "Fang Qing, send this good news to Duke Dai and let him see it!"

These words were mixed with Li Er's monstrous resentment.

Damn, being compared by my own son, I can't stand it!

(End of this chapter)

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