This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 392 Volume 4 Li Chengqian's Way to Break the City

Chapter 392 Volume [-] Li Chengqian's Method of Breaking the City
The seventh year of Zhenguan, the third day of March.

There is a proverb that says on March [-]rd, snakes come out of the mountains.

Although this sentence has no actual basis, it also shows from the side that in March in Yangchun, the earth is warming up.

It was also on this day that Li Chengqian finally led the resentful army to arrive outside the city of Watering River.

He had to hold back the army of Dayan Mangjiebo and King Dingcheng, so as to relieve the pressure on Qibi Heli and others.

"Your Highness, why don't I leave the Tiger and Leopard Camp here to assist His Highness?" Qibi Heli hesitated for a long time, and finally said.

Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "No, Murong Fuyun is very likely to send troops south this time. If you can't completely annihilate Tuobazhao's army before Murong Fuyun goes south, the future will be difficult."

"The resentful army has only five thousand soldiers..." Qibi Heli was still insisting. He knew very well that his future was already tied to Li Chengqian, so nothing happened to Li Chengqian.

However, Li Chengqian was unmoved: "This king knows that Dayan Mangjiebo and King Dingcheng have at least [-] troops, ten times larger than this king, but so what!

As long as this king is here, whether he is Dingcheng King or Dayanmangjiebo, who would dare to act rashly? "


"There's not so much to worry about." Li Chengqian said in a low voice, "General Qi Bi is going north this time, and we should also pay attention to Xi Tong. After all, we haven't come into contact with this person until now, understand?"

Hearing Li Chengqian's words, Qibi Heli asked: "Your Highness, what do you mean, this person has a problem?"

"I don't know if there is any problem." Li Chengqian said, "But you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. Anyway, don't trust blindly.

Therefore, the West Conquest Army cannot reduce its staff. Only a fully staffed West Conquest Army can deal with any emergencies.

As for this king, you don't have to worry, this king can drag King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo to death in this city of watering rivers. "

When Qibi Heli heard the words, he stopped talking.

Although he was worried, he still believed in Li Chengqian. Li Chengqian had created too many miracles, so he had no reason not to believe it.

Besides, the fighting power of the resentful army is really fucking exaggerated.

Moreover, this was the first army to follow Li Chengqian, so there was nothing to say about their loyalty.

"By the way, how did you do what this king told you to do before?" Li Chengqian asked again.

Speaking of this, Qibi Heli immediately became happy: "Your Highness doesn't need to explain this matter, how well Dayan Mangjiebo and King Dingcheng understand the truth, there is a lot of earth and rocks piled up not far away. It's almost like a small hill.

It is estimated that when they dug the trench, there was no place to dispose of the earth and rocks, which made us cheaper. "

Hearing this, Li Chengqian also shook his head with a wry smile. He could only say that some people really think they are smart.

In the afternoon of that day, Qibi Heli led the Zhengxi Army to march northward.

At the top of the city, King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo watched the army retreat outside the city, wondering, when they saw Li Chengqian's banner hanging out.

"Ming Wang is here?" Seeing the flag, King Dingcheng was stunned.

Dayan Mang Jiebo was also a little surprised, but then he showed ecstasy: "He's finally here!"

After tossing for so long, isn't it just for the sake of avenging shame!

"How should we deal with it?" Dingcheng King asked.

Speaking of it, he was also a little excited. If Li Chengqian's undefeated myth ended in his hands, it would definitely be a political capital worth showing off for him.

"Notify the army that people are watching at twelve hours a day. Li Chengqian is a scheming man. Be careful that he comes up with any unexpected way to break the city." Dayan Mang Jiebo said, "No matter how serious you are when you deal with Li Chengqian It’s not too much. Especially the armaments of the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, there are all kinds of weapons, so we have to guard against them.”

Just when Dayan Mangjiebo and King Dingcheng were thinking about how to resist Li Chengqian's attack on the city, Li Chengqian was explaining something to Liu San.

"Have you heard everything clearly?"

Liu San nodded and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely bring Wang Shilang back safely."

"Be careful on the road." Li Chengqian said, "The best time to establish our overlord of the Ming Plateau is only when you have made a final decision."

As soon as Liu San heard the word "timing", Liu San had a headache.

Since following Li Chengqian, he has heard these two words a lot.

Everything talks about timing, but he knows the timing and doesn't know why.

"I understand." Regardless of whether he understands or not, Liu San nodded honestly.

After finishing speaking, Liu Sanchao and Li Chengqian cupped their hands, then turned and left.

After he left, Gao Chunxing asked with some doubts: "Why doesn't Your Highness use Changsun Chong? It's much more convenient for him to start from here. Isn't it better to recruit Wang Shilang from Riyue Mountain?"

"Wang Xuance is more suitable for this matter, and he also has experience in this field." Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Besides, it is inconvenient for others to take over Chang Sun Chong's job now. Changing someone else may make those Herders are uneasy.

But now that the war is imminent, if they are not appeased, they may cause future troubles. "

Gao Chunxing understood. In other words, after Chang Sun Chong took over the job, he couldn't lose it, which meant that he couldn't make such a great contribution.

He knew very well that if Wang Xuance made another outstanding achievement this time, he would absolutely have to hold down Changsun Chong in the Ministry of Rites.

It's not hard to see from here that Li Chengqian's actions are profound.

"Your Highness, General Yi, General Wan Teng and others are asking to see you." At this moment, Yuchi Baolin walked in.

After a while, several people walked in together.

"See Your Highness." After bowing his hands and saluting, Yi Yuanfeng said, "Your Highness, the army has already set up camp and can break through the city at any time."

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian laughed and said: "Okay, we only have [-] soldiers and horses, plus the king's personal soldiers, and there are no more than [-] people. We can destroy any kind of city.

If you really want to fill it with troops, how can you break the city easily without a force of tens of thousands of troops? "

Hearing the words, Wan Tengpu was speechless at once: "That fellow Dayan Mangjiebo suffered a big loss in Riyue Mountain, so he is probably waiting for this day? I don't know which guy gave him a trick, but actually put This virtue was dug outside the city..."

"Your Highness, what shall we do next?" Yi Yuanfeng said, "Isn't it a solution to spend so much time?"

Li Chengqian smiled, and said: "Why is there no way? We have only five thousand troops, and they have at least forty thousand troops in the city, and there are no less than twenty thousand troops hidden outside the city.

Just keep consuming, they consume more energy than us?


The king will attack the city if he eats too much.

Tell the soldiers, this battle, don't attack the city, let's defend the city! "

"Defend the city?" Wan Tupu said with disbelief when he heard the words, "Could it be that your Highness is wrong? The city of pouring rivers is in their hands. What kind of city are we guarding?"

"Who said we can't defend the city?" Li Chengqian smiled, "Since there is no city, then we will build a city outside the city of Water River. The digging outside is messy, thinking that this king will use human life to fill it up, is he out of his mind?

Why does this king have to attack the city?
Trapping his tens of thousands of troops in the city of pouring rivers is no better than besieging the city. "

As he said that, Li Chengqian shook his head with a wry smile, "Da Yanmang Jiebo is really very clever. If I can't get in, how can he get out? Fortunately, he thought he had come up with an excellent solution... ..."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, is this okay?
"Your Highness, I'm afraid it will be difficult to build a city outside the Watering River City?" Yi Yuanfeng said.

Li Chengqian nodded: "It's really not easy to build a city, but how difficult it would be to build a few walls around Watering River City, don't forget, Changsun Chong accommodated many refugees.

You can't just feed and drink for nothing all the time, can you? "

This time, everyone understood.

They are familiar with this matter, Li Chengqian has done it before.

"Then we didn't actually come to break the city this time?" Pluboqi said belatedly, "Actually, we came to defend the city again?"

"Yes, defend the city!" Li Chengqian smiled, "It doesn't matter if we break the city or defend the city, as long as our goal is achieved, in the final analysis, our goal is to hold back the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that King Dingcheng and Dayanmang formed.

And the longer we delay, the less pressure will be on General Qibi and the others, and the more pressure will be on Dayan Mangjiebo and the others.

After all, these tens of thousands of troops and the herdsmen they plundered to dig trenches couldn't help but eat and drink, right? "

"Hahaha..." Wan Tengpu laughed when he heard the words, "From this point of view, Dayan Mangjiebo is in a cocoon, and he has created a big trouble for himself."

He doesn't mind whether to attack or defend the city, as long as there is a battle to fight.


The next day, Chang Sun Chong came with thousands of refugees in person.

During this time, he has gathered many refugees.

Today, to say the least, there are more than 1 refugees in his camp.

And what he brought this time was carefully selected by him.

The reason why these refugees are willing to come is simple: they have wages.

Although he could not die of hunger in Changsun Chong's camp, he only had two meals of porridge a day.

Although they are considered to be honest and responsible now, after a long time, two porridge a day will definitely not satisfy them.

As the old saying goes, this is the reason for promoting Mi En and fighting Mi Qiu.

Just when Chang Sun Chong didn't know how to resolve this inevitable conflict, Li Chengqian's letter arrived.

This time, it can be regarded as a solution to Chang Sun Chong's urgent need.

Otherwise, after a long time, the guy who is not satisfied with two meals of porridge will inevitably make some kind of moth.

"Your Highness, these people were all made homeless by those refugees, and I have carefully screened them." Chang Sun Chong searched the camp for a long time before finding Li Chengqian who was planning the city wall not far from the trench.

"As long as you can work." Li Chengqian said to everyone after looking around. "Forget it, the city wall starts from these two trenches, which just saves digging the foundation."

After speaking, he got up and looked at his eldest grandson, and asked, "How many people are there?"

"There are more than 300 people." Chang Sun Chong said, "Almost every one of them was carefully selected by humble ministers, and no refugees were mixed in."

In fact, Li Chengqian really didn't care if there were refugees mixed in, but seeing what Chang Sun Chong said, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

He knew the psychology of Chang Sun Chong.

"It's not hard to share your worries for His Highness." Chang Sun Chong laughed quickly.

He was really careful about this matter, and since he had a chat with Gao Chunxing, he has been reflecting on it.

Li Chengqian nodded, and said: "I won't go back tonight, I will go back tomorrow morning, everyone will have a good gathering outside the city tonight, um, Baolin, let me know, roast the whole lamb tonight, and reward the army .”

When Yuchi Baolin heard this, he cheerfully arranged for it.

He is happy with this matter.

As soon as he left, Li Chengqian went to look at the refugees brought by Chang Sun Chong.

When seeing Li Chengqian for the first time, these refugees were still a little nervous.

They had already heard of this King Ming.

Although young, his status is no less noble than that of Murong Fuyun.

"See Your Highness." At that moment, everyone shouted at you and me.

Li Chengqian didn't mind about it, he showed a warm smile, took out the tin horn again, and said: "You don't need to be polite, I think the eldest grandson has told you all.

This king really needs your help this time. Here, I thank you all in advance. "

With that said, Li Chengqian bowed to everyone in a serious manner.

All of a sudden, everyone was terrified.

Good guy, that's the king of the Ming court, what kind of thing is it to bow to them?
The person standing in front suddenly stepped aside.

But in his heart he had a little more favorable opinion of King Ming.

Look how humble he is.

But they don't understand that people must ask for courtesy!
"Your Highness doesn't dare to do this." Someone shouted immediately.

Li Chengqian got up, smiled, and said: "Yes, it's freezing cold, and I should not bother you to help me build the city.

And you are all older than this king, as the saying goes, you are not older than me, but older than me.

affordable. "

Li Chengqian was very polite to these people.

Really kind.

King Ming didn't have any airs.

But anyone who really knows Li Chengqian knows that this politeness is not so easy to bear.

However, Li Chengqian's words are very useful in the hearts of these herdsmen.

This is the king they dreamed of.

At that moment, they even thought that they would not regret dying for such a king.

They only know that there is finally a king who treats them as human beings!

Become a human!

What a simple and unadorned vision, but in their view, what a gift.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will work hard!" Someone shouted.

He is so excited!
Then, countless people followed suit!
They do!

really want to!

That night, outside the city of Piaohe, there was laughter and laughter.

For tonight's feast, Yuchi Baolin killed hundreds of sheep.

For a moment, the entire camp was filled with laughter and laughter.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that there is a strong city opposite them, and in the strong city, there are still tens of thousands of troops watching.

But everyone is so happy.

Dayan Mangjiebo and King Dingcheng, who watched all this by the light of the fire, couldn't believe it.

"What's the situation? The two armies are at war, what are they celebrating?" King Dingcheng was a little at a loss.

He couldn't understand what Li Chengqian did all this for.

It's war!Brother!

Can we be serious?
Dayan Mang Jiebo was also a little dazed at first, but seeing the soldiers at the top of the wall swallowing uncontrollably, he immediately punched the top of the wall with his fist: "Shameless!"

After speaking, he also shrugged his nose and sniffed carefully.

Seeing this, King Dingcheng also learned a bit, then shook his head and smiled wryly, and said: "It's really shameless! But Li Chengqian thinks this can shake the morale of my army?

joke! "

After finishing speaking, he was also a little helpless, it smells so good...

The air in the cold wind seems to be filled with the unique smell of mutton, which is really unbearable for nomads like them.

"This is Li Chengqian..." Dayanmang sighed and said, "As long as he can win the battle, he really will do anything."

Is Li Chengqian wicked?

That's really immoral...

The subordinates of King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo probably haven't eaten two meals of meat since the conquest?
After such a toss by Li Chengqian, there is really a big gap.

As for whether Li Chengqian's actions have any practical effect, it doesn't really matter.

Just pure disgusting people.

"Your Highness, why don't we take advantage of their night attack on his camp?" King Dingcheng said.

Dayanmang shook his head and said, "What you can think of, Li Chengqian can't think of? Save yourself, don't let your army go out, just..."


Just as his voice fell, an arrow was directly nailed to the pillar behind him.

For a moment, he was also scared to death.

"Your Highness, there is a letter on the arrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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