This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 394 Volume 4 Empress Changsun VS Li Yuan!

Chapter 394: Volume [-], Empress Zhangsun VS Li Yuan!

"I've seen my father..."

"I've seen Azu..."

"I have seen the Supreme Emperor..."

As soon as Li Yuan arrived, everyone stood up and saluted.

Everyone was also curious, why did Li Yuan come here?

But it's really time for Li Yuan to come.

"Excuse me." Li Yuan said with a warm face, "I heard that there is a banquet in the clan today, and I just have nothing to do, so I came here for a walk. Didn't bother you?" (I made a mistake before, after Li Yuan abdicated, he said he should It's me, sorry.)
Look at what you said, even if there is an interruption, who would dare to say it?
After the eldest grandson hurriedly made arrangements, he said, "It's my concubine's negligence. I forgot to ask someone to invite my father, and I hope my father will be happy."

"No, no, no!" Li Yuan laughed, "Since I abdicated, I have lived in seclusion and rarely participated in the banquets of the clan. It's no wonder that you always sit when you come and go."

What he said is interesting, isn't this obviously accusing some people of forgetting him?

But who dares to say that?Even the eldest grandson could only say with a smile: "Father, please sit up."

Now that Li Yuan is here, the chief seat is naturally his, even if Li Er is here, there is nothing he can do.

In the final analysis, Datang still governed the country with filial piety. Although Li Yuan abdicated, he was still Lao Tzu after all.

Li Yuan said kindly: "Then I won't be impolite. There are banquets in my royal room on the left and right, so you can sit there!"

"Royal father can sit naturally."

"Of course the Supreme Emperor can sit."

Everyone smiled awkwardly.

Well, you can say whatever you want!Who can say otherwise?

In fact, everyone knew that as long as Li Yuan wasn't out of his wits trying to fight for restoration, then he really wouldn't counsel anyone in the Tang Dynasty, even Li Er would have nothing to do with him.

Li Er dared to kill everyone, whether he was his brother or his son, as long as he had enough reasons or enough interests, he would dare to kill everyone, but Li Yuan was the only one who didn't do anything.

Even after Li Er came to the throne, Li Yuanlai did not move his nest in Taiji Palace, wouldn't he just watch?

"Guanyin maidservant, what's the topic of today's family banquet?" Li Yuan asked suddenly, "Speaking of which, these years have been hard for you. It's not easy for one person to support the royal family money that cannot make ends meet!"

Hearing what he said, everyone was startled, thinking that you must not be trying to make money from the inside, right?
Thinking about it, it is actually possible, after all, the internal money is not the internal money of a certain person, it is the internal money of the entire Tang clan.

To put it bluntly, this is the small treasury of the royal family. In the past, mice were so poor that they could starve to death, and managing internal funds was a thankless job.

But today is different!

With the gradual expansion of the refined salt business, internal funds can be regarded as a good business that is making a lot of money every day. At this time, managing internal funds is a fat job.

"It's all what a concubine should do." The eldest grandson understood that Li Yuanzhen was just expressing his feelings.

How can there be any reason for the Supreme Emperor to take care of the internal money himself?

Besides, everyone knew that Li Chengqian was filial to his eldest grandson in the refined salt business, but if it was someone else, Li Chengqian might not continue to be filial.

Now who doesn't know that internal money is a golden nest?But no one dared to make such an idea. Who would do the obvious thing of exhausting the resources?
"Good job!" Li Yuan praised, "The internal funds are in your hands, and the people in the clan are also relieved, if anyone dares to come to you, tell the father.

It's not easy for you to deal with them. The emperor came and turned against them! "

Hearing Li Yuan's words, everyone was also relieved, thinking, as long as you don't make trouble, who would dare to make trouble?

We are not fools, the inner money can have today, it is because the eldest grandson is Li Chengqian's mother, you look at someone else?It's strange that Li Chengqian knows how to care.

Of course, what Li Yuan said was true, no one dared to provoke him.

But the eldest grandson understood the meaning of Li Yuan's words, and immediately said with a smile: "Father was joking, the princes of the clan are all sensible people, how could they come to find trouble."

Of course, the clan is not limited to only the prince, but how many clan members who don't even have a prince dare to come to the eldest grandson to find trouble?

"Don't put up a cover for them." Li Yuan said, "I don't know about others. Is Yuan Chang honest? This kid has been languid since he was a child. How could the emperor not know?"

After Li Yuan finished speaking, Li Yuanchang was stunned, what's the matter?This burned me, he was about to get up to refute, but the eldest grandson said: "The king of Han is young, but he just wants to play."

She knew what Li Yuan was thinking, but she had to strangle him to death.

Don't look at Li Yuan's words are all praises for her, but he wants to have a sense of presence!
But you are too emperor, what kind of presence do you want?

An excellent and qualified Taishanghuang is no different from death. Do you still want to speak out?

Do you want to restore?
Moreover, Li Yuan has done a lot of things recently, it's hard to say whether he regrets his decision back then, as Li Er's virtuous helper, how could the eldest grandson let him succeed.

Li Yuan was not annoyed when he heard the words, how could this kind of thing have a result in just a few words, he is not in a hurry, everything is going according to his plan now, why is he in a hurry?
Besides, he just wanted to use his spare energy, and he didn't really want to torment Datang.

There is one thing to say, Li Yuan still has Datang in his heart, but if he didn't have Datang in his heart, he wouldn't let Li Er succeed him so smoothly.

It was precisely because he didn't want the Tang Dynasty to continue to be in turmoil that he willingly abdicated and became his Supreme Emperor. This point, even if Li Er finally covered up Li Yuan's light with his martial arts and martial arts, he couldn't cover it up.

"Well, let's not talk about this." Li Yuan changed the subject directly, "Tell me about the topic of today's banquet, I will also listen to it, how can I say that I am also a member of the royal family, right?"

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone, and when everyone heard it, they didn't dare to vent their anger.

Good guy, the Supreme Emperor is now facing off against the Empress!

At this moment, everyone looked at the eldest grandson, wanting to see how this generation of virtuous queens who were mothered by the world would respond.

The eldest grandson smiled and said: "Father is right, what else in the Tang Dynasty can hide from father?

We're just saying..."

After hearing Changsun's words, everyone turned Mu Guang to Li Yuan again. After all, the twists and turns hidden here cannot be hidden from Li Yuan.

Just when everyone thought that Li Yuan would object, who knew that Li Yuan nodded and said: "That's the truth. There is no Tang royal family who set up their own family outside. It's just nonsense. This matter is well done, father. The emperor supports!"

Everyone didn't understand again, no, what do you mean?

They didn't believe that Li Yuan couldn't understand what the eldest grandson meant.

In this way, Li Yuanjing's situation would be embarrassing!

When Li Chengqian returned to Datang, he was still the prince of the Tang Dynasty, but Li Yuanjing returned to the Datang, was he still the prince of the Tang Dynasty?
"Thank you for your support." The eldest grandson saluted quickly.

In fact, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yuan's gourd. In terms of political wisdom alone, the eldest grandson and Li Yuan were still an order of magnitude behind.

She could understand some things, but she really didn't understand some things.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "I can't talk about support. After all, it is for the good of Datang. Although I live in seclusion now, I also hope that Datang will continue to prosper like this. In the prosperous Datang, I also want to see it. Look at the so-called What a grand occasion it will be in the prosperous Tang Dynasty,"

When he said this, Li Yuan's eyes were bright, but after he finished speaking, he was more or less lonely.

Everyone understands this.

Datang was founded by him alone, but it was not he who created Datang into a prosperous age.

There should be some entanglement in his heart.

"Father is now in a healthy dragon body, and he will definitely be able to see the prosperous Tang Dynasty." The eldest grandson said with a smile.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogong also quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes, if you really want to say it, today's Tang Dynasty has a bit of a flourishing age."

"You kid." Seeing this, Li Yuan pointed to Li Xiaogong and said, "But I haven't come to see me for a while, when will you bring your kid and come to find me to play chess and have a drink."

Hearing what Li Yuan said, Li Xiaogong regretted to the death, he would have known better if he hadn't spoken to him, but now he was in a cocoon, but no matter what, he still said: "It's all the younger generation's fault. The Supreme Emperor apologizes."

"That's enough, that's enough, don't say pleading guilty or not." Li Yuan waved his hand, "If you have the time to think of me as an old man, come and play chess with me, drink and drink, I will be satisfied."

As he said that, Li Yuan saw that Li Daozong bowed his head and said nothing, and knew that he was really not welcome. He looked at Li Yuanchang and his sons, and finally set his sights on Li Ke and Li Tai. Then he said, "Ke'er, Qingque, you two come over and have a few drinks with Azu."

Li Ke didn't feel anything. He got up with a smile and walked towards Li Er. He should be the one who is the most familiar with Li Yuan among Li Er's sons, but Li Tai is a bit dull, calling me to do it. very?
"Still not moving?" The eldest grandson glared at Li Tai, but she couldn't stop it. If she guessed right, Li Yuan wanted to plant a seed for the two brothers, but she really couldn't help it. Unable to stop.

It is only natural for children and grandchildren to respect their parents and in-laws.

After Li Tai and the two walked over, the third grandfather and grandson chatted so happily that the rest of the people were stunned.

When the chat got up, several people even whispered in a low voice.

It won't work if we continue like this.

Empress Changsun knew this very well, and she was in a hurry right now.

If these two guys were really aroused by Li Yuan, it would be a real trouble.

"Father, the song and dance are ready, why don't you enjoy the song and dance first?" The eldest grandson said immediately when he saw this.

"Let's go, let's watch the singing and dancing." Li Yuan waved his hand, then watch the singing and dancing.

He really didn't pay attention to this little trick of his eldest grandson.

But the eldest grandson is really rude, once the various singing and dancing started, he didn't mean to stop, obviously he wanted to dance until the end of the banquet.

Anyway, she didn't intend to give Li Yuan another chance to speak.

This old guy, his recent behavior is too abnormal.

But Li Yuan was also interesting, he was obviously very tired, his eyelids were probably fighting, but he just held on, thinking, if I don't say leave, who would dare to leave first?

Since I want to play, I will play with you.

He didn't feel any psychological burden at all when he did something immoral.

"Although the singing and dancing are beautiful, it's not a problem if you keep watching them like this." Li Yuanjia said to Li Yuanli in a low voice.

Li Yuanli shook his head: "Be patient, those two fighting skills, we will be unlucky.

Hey, if this father doesn't stop, it will be difficult for us in the future. "

He was really depressed. In terms of age, how could Li Yuan outlive Li Er? If Li Er was offended severely, Li Er would have nothing to do with Li Yuan. Wouldn't it be a matter of pinching them?
"Tell me, what is the purpose of Father's visit today?" Li Yuanjia asked in a low voice, "Could it be related to King Zhao?"

"Don't make wild guesses, let alone ask questions." Li Yuanli said, "Look at Li Yuanchang, he just watched his singing and dancing honestly, as if he couldn't hear or see other things clearly.

For us, the greatest admiration is to be a prince of peace, don't think so much. "

He has no political ambitions, and as far as he is concerned, he does not need any political ambitions.

He would be satisfied in this life if he could be the Prince of Taiping safely.

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking, and he is also regarded as a respected status. As long as he asks for a little less, he, the Prince of Taiping, should be the most carefree.

"Third brother, what does Azu mean?" On the other side, Li Tai also said, "I can say yes, let me fight with elder brother, I don't have that idea, you want to fight, you fight, don't bring it Me, I have nothing to pursue."

He also hurriedly separated the relationship, there was no way, the current Li Chengqian was too strong, he didn't dare to stand out at this moment.

Even if Li Chengqian stumbled, as long as the stumble was not serious, he would have no idea.

Li Ke also had a helpless expression on his face, and said: "You think I think, okay, we two are rotten brothers and rotten brothers, who doesn't know who. Just listen to what Azu said.

Now, he is probably supporting King Zhao's self-reliance, and now he wants to muddy the water.

Hey, I don't know what Azu thinks, no matter who we sit in that position, it is impossible to allow King Zhao to stand there on his own. "

"But I heard that father agreed." Li Tai whispered.

Li Ke looked around and said in a low voice: "Father agreed to have a fart, don't you forget, who is watching that place?
You can't allow other people to snore on the side of the couch, do you think our big brother will let Zhao Wang do something self-reliant in front of him?
If this is really the case, look at those guys, which one is not eyeing.

Azu, in fact, he wants us to hold back the big brother, so that the big brother can focus on Datang, so as to give King Zhao a chance to grow up quickly.

Hey, in the final analysis, a grandson is really a grandson, but he can't compare to a son. "

Li Ke finally understood what Li Chengqian said in the Tai Chi Hall, the royal family has no family affection...

Normally, his relationship with Li Yuan was good, but now he was picked up to fight with Li Chengqian, what would he use to fight with Li Chengqian?

"Hearing what the second brother said, this time is really an opportunity?" Li Tai said in a low voice.

As soon as Li Ke heard this, he knew what this kid meant, and immediately shook his head, saying: "Don't test me, I really don't have that kind of thought now. You and I have seen it before, and you should be the best at understanding my thoughts at this moment." right."

He really took it easy.

It's unnecessary. In terms of birth, he is just the eldest son of a concubine. In terms of blood, he still has half of the blood of the former Sui royal family. In terms of ability, he himself feels that he is inferior to Li Chengqian.

That's a fart.

Wait, if Li Chengqian continues to be so awesome, then he can be a peace prince with peace of mind. If Li Chengqian really stumbles, then he will talk.

Anyway, now Li Er is still in his prime, so he is not in a hurry.

Li Tai smiled, feeling quite helpless, and said, "Hey, with such a big brother, our brothers are happy to have a leisurely time."

Speaking of this, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "By the way, when you were at Riyue Mountain, how did you do with the errand that you promised your elder brother?

It's been a while too. "

As he said that, he glanced casually not far away.

"Some eyebrows." Li Ke said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Li Tai immediately asked, "Who is that person behind the scenes?"

"It's hard to say who is behind the scenes. They hide very deeply, but I heard that the father already knows who it is. I plan to talk to the father sometime."

Li Ke actually found out something, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense before it was implemented.

If this kind of thing is really uncovered, it will inevitably be a new bloody storm.

Assassinating the prince of the current dynasty, saying that his crime deserves to be punished is a light forgiveness, not to mention punishing the nine clans, at least he would have to copy and behead all the families and even the three tribes of barbarians.

"If it's messed up, let's talk to Father Huang together." Li Tai laughed.

Upon hearing what he said, Li Ke understood, and the two probably found the same person.

This is interesting.

On the other side, the eldest grandson saw that everyone was feeling overwhelmed, and Li Yuan had no intention of opening his mouth, so he got up and saluted: "Father, it's getting late, father should also rest earlier."

It's not that she can't beat Li Yuan, but that she doesn't have to.

It won't do her any good to break Li Yuan's health, and now that so many people can't bear it anymore, she has to stand up.

How could she not catch this kind of sale?
"Hey, what time has it been?" Li Yuan said with a look of unfinished expression, "I was fascinated by it, but I forgot the time. Well, I'm here today, and everyone should rest early."

After speaking, Li Yuan got up and prepared to leave.

When he left, he gave his eldest grandson a meaningful look.

The eldest grandson took a look, yes, he was tricked again.

Fighting with this old guy, I really fell into his way without paying attention.

No way, this guy is also a ruthless person who has fought all his life.

"Farewell to the Supreme Emperor." Seeing this, everyone immediately got up and said.

Li Yuan nodded, but left without saying much.

"Thank you Queen for helping me." Li Daozong said immediately after Li Yuan left, "If I sit down again, I feel like my bones are about to fall apart, hey..."

"That's right, that's right, I have to thank the queen." Li Yuanli also stood up immediately and said.

With Li Yuan here, they didn't dare to make a mistake. They were really sitting like crazy.

If this continues, they don't know what happened to Li Yuan, they just can't bear it anymore...

"Thank you so much." The eldest grandson said with a smile, "It's all from my own family. In the future, the clan's big and small affairs will have to point to the princes to help me."

"That's natural." Everyone laughed.

They had a feast today, it was really a night of singing and dancing, the key point was that they didn't get any benefits.

And while they were exchanging greetings, another servant came to report.

"Your Majesty is here."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but they quickly reacted.

Li Er should have arrived early in the morning, but he was just waiting for the banquet to end.

Not long after, Li Er walked in with great strides.

"See Your Majesty..."

(End of this chapter)

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