This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 400 Volume 4: Great War Begins, Famous Generals Come Out!

Chapter 400: The Battle of Volume Four Begins, Famous Generals Come Out!
For Murong Fuyun, this is really his perfect opportunity...

Qibi Heli's West Conquest Army was unable to move, and Li Chengqian, the remnant of Piaohe County, did not dare to believe it.

This is his chance!
As long as you move quickly, seize the opportunity, and wipe out the resentful army before Li Chengqian can react, even if Tuoba Zhao's entire army is wiped out, it will be worth it!
Don't feel that you have been disadvantaged by the number of people.

Don't forget, Murong Fuyun's biggest advantage is that he can replenish troops more easily than Li Chengqian.

No way, the population base is there!

When it came time to rely on supplementary troops to maintain the war, Li Chengqian was definitely not happy.

Because the Ming court really couldn't afford this kind of war of attrition.

"Khan, why don't you let the minister go." Following Murong Fuyun's order to the three armies, a king under his command (it seems that some people don't know what a famous king is, let me explain briefly, there are many kings in Tuyuhun... A king is a king with a name. That’s how it was written in the old Tang books. Because there are too many kings, it’s called the Unified Record. This section will be added later, free of charge.) Then he said, “The Great Khan just needs to wait for the good news here. "

Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "King Kucha is loyal, he is indeed a model for all officials.

But this time, Ben Khan will go to meet Li Chengqian's yellow-haired boy in person for a while, and King Kucha will stay here to meet the army at any time. "

Murong Fuyun really knows this King of Kucha very well.

Don't expect him to be so positive about things that are not beneficial.

It's nothing more than discovering this god-sent opportunity!

Although these guys are not as good as Murong Xiaojun and others, their vision and thoughts are not that bad.

They can still see this kind of timing.

If there is a chance to destroy their resentful army, how can they miss it?

If they can take this as an opportunity to defeat the Daming Royal Court and recover Chishuiyuan, they will have a chance to become the second Gaochang King or Tianzhu King.

Of course, this is about status, not ability.

But how could Murong Fuyun easily give them such an opportunity?
There is already a king of Dingcheng and a king of Xihai over there, and he will give these famous kings a chance to rule the roost?

In the end, several powerful officials came out all at once, if they were all like Murong Xiaojun, would he be able to sit comfortably as a profuse?
Therefore, there is no way for him to lead the army south this time.

King Qiuci also understood this truth, so he had no choice but to salute: "The humble minister is here to wait for the Khan to return in triumph!"


When Murong Fuyun was about to send his troops south, Tuobazhao fell into a hard fight.

Don't look at the aid of only 5000 people, and don't look at the so-called resentful army as a counterfeit.

But don't forget, even if they are not the resentment army, they are also the Xixi army!
The equipment rationing is exactly the same as that of the resentful army!
The only thing they are worse than Yuan Jun is their world-shattering reputation and undefeated self-confidence.

What's more, their help gave Xi Tong hope to fight back. Not everyone is Xi Tong, so it can be seen that this is a conspiracy.

This boosted the morale of Xi Tong's department!
For a while, the battlefield fell into a stalemate.

Not far away, Qibi Heli, who was looking at all this with a telescope, nodded in satisfaction and said, "The advantage of ordnance is indeed the greatest advantage of my Ming Dynasty!"

"Hehehe..." On the side, the general also smiled, "Tuobazhao is probably the first time facing my army of Ming Dynasty. This method is not much better than that of Murong Shun back then."

"He just hasn't gotten used to it yet." Qibi He Li said, "If you want to say, Tuoba Zhao is indeed a rare fierce player, but that's all.

We have known him before, when he has absolute crushing strength, there is really no solution.

But once he loses this ability to absolutely crush and needs to rely on wisdom to win, he has no choice.

He thought that he would always be able to defeat ten times with one force, but he didn't know that fighting a war is not just about recklessness.

If you really want to say something reckless, who wouldn't?

Therefore, Tuoba Zhao can only be a general, charge into the battle, he is naturally a good player, let him command the battlefield as a commander, it is really possible to exhaust the three armies to death.

Of course, if he really got used to this rhythm, it was really possible for him to make a way out.

After all, those soldiers under his command are of the same virtue as him. "

"That's true." The general nodded and said, "Although Tuobazhao has some shortcomings, the soldiers he brought out are definitely the toughest in Tuyuhun.

When an ordinary army encounters this situation, its morale will definitely be damaged. As a result, his subordinates, like him, are all fucking crazy!
Unexpectedly, he rushed towards Yiyuan Peak head on. "

"From this point of view, Tuoba Zhao still has some merits." Qibi He Li also highly recognized, "We also fought against Tuoba Zhao in the past, and every time we were overwhelmed by his indomitable recklessness. I didn't have any temper at all.

I don't know who will win this time? "

"Hmph, the past was the past, and the present is the present." The general said disdainfully, "Ever since he was equipped with the latest weapons from the Ming Dynasty, the general has thought about this problem.

Tuoba Zhao's style of play is said to be reckless, but in fact, to put it bluntly, it is to fight people for their lives, playing the game of exchanging lives for lives, but his subordinates are like him. Like a lunatic, who the hell is going to war to change lives?

We have also said before that if you want to defeat Tuoba Zhao, you only need to be more reckless than him, crazier than him, and less concerned about casualties than him, this thief will be defeated immediately!

But for us at that time, if we really wanted to do this, the Qibi Department would definitely die out completely.

After all, even if we really win, my Qibi Department will definitely suffer heavy losses.

But it's different now, now that we are equipped with the latest weapons of Ming Dynasty, why should we play with him to risk our lives? "

"That's right, it's different today. It's a fool's dream for Tuobazhao to rely on his previous reckless style of play." Qibi He Li also said, "His style of play, as long as he can't be reckless, As a result, morale will inevitably suffer a heavy blow."

The two of them chatted comfortably here.

Anyway, it's not them who are fighting bloody battles on the battlefield right now, but on the battlefield, that's interesting.

Although Xi Tong found out that this was a conspiracy, since the resentful army had already arrived, he could only lead the army to fight back first.

"Brothers, kill, the reinforcements will go from south to north, and our army will go from west to east. First drag down the main force of Tuobazhao, and let the reinforcements divide and wipe them out!" Xi Tong shouted immediately.

Now that the matter has come to this point, let's take advantage of the situation to achieve the greatest result. Xi Tong is also a very decisive person.

His combat goal is very clear, to hold back as many enemies as possible, and to create opportunities for the reinforcements to wipe out the enemy.

Resentment army, he has seen it before.

As for the various weapons, they are really Tuoba Zhao's nemesis.

As for the resentful army, hehe, Yi Yuanfeng and Zhao Yan are like two mascots, and they don't need to command them at all.

Speaking of which, Qibi Heli's personal soldiers are also absolutely perfect!

They were all under Murong Shun's command back then, and they pretended to be the resentful army, so they could really confuse the fake with the real.

Especially with Zhao Yan and Yi Yuanfeng around, they can really scare many people.

As for why Qibi Heli's personal soldiers were all under Murong Shun's command back then, this reflects his wisdom.

Let's put it this way, he conscripted more than 3 people from the Western Army, except for the [-] tribesmen he brought earlier, the rest were either Murong Shun's soldiers or Dayan Mangjiebo's personal soldiers.

It can be said that the proportion of his direct descendants is frighteningly low.

In this situation, if he, the leader of the army, still treats him differently, he is really trying to die.

It was precisely to win over people's hearts that he didn't even have a single Khibi tribe in the military camp, just to express his views.

Not to mention, his hand is quite useful.

So far, apart from not having a single record, he still has a high prestige in the West Conquest Army.

At least Murong Shun's old ministries, and Dayan Mangjiebo's cronies, none of them felt that they had been treated unfairly in the West Conquest Army.

Nowadays, the big guys are all thinking about making contributions.

"Damn it, this resentful army is really a tough nut to crack!" On the battlefield, Tuoba Zhao looked at the direction of the resentful army and said viciously.

He wanted to fight hand-to-hand with the resentment army, but the resentment army always kept the two sides at a distance of twenty steps.

These twenty steps are disgusting. Bows and arrows can't show their power, but they are an excellent attack range for Liannu.

You want to expand the distance, and the resentful army shamelessly sticks up, and you want to stick it up for hand-to-hand combat, but in the end, they use a continuous crossbow to suppress you and move forward.

This made Tuoba Zhao inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Sudden! Let me rush forward!" Tuoba Zhao roared angrily, "What nonsense resentment of the army, wait for Lao Tzu to rush in front of them, will they still be able to fight against the sky?"

I have to say, what kind of general brings out what kind of soldiers.

Almost all of Tuoba Zhao's subordinates are just like him, crazy and fearless!
Hearing his words, everyone rushed out desperately.

Behind the resentful army, Yi Yuanfeng looked at this scene and said with a smile: "This Tuoba Zhao is not useless, at least he is good at leading troops."

He and Zhao Yan are the two mascots for this trip, and they are not needed for commanding the army at all.

After all, they knew almost nothing about this army, and if they were to command it, it might not have the current effect.

So, at this moment, both of them watched all this quietly from behind.

"Tuobazhao is hard to say, but after this battle, General Qibi will surely become famous!" Zhao Yan said, "The Zhengxi Army will probably become famous all over the world!"

"The general is indeed a great talent." Yi Yuanfeng nodded and said, "I have been thinking about it on the way here, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that the general's move is completely unsolvable.

First of all, Murong Fuyun thought that Zhengxi Army was dragged outside Water River City by King Dingcheng and Dayan Mangjiebo, and they would definitely not be able to escape.

As a result, after we switched defenses with the general, he blocked the news. In addition to the short time, Murong Fuyun will not be suspicious in a short time.

The pouring river army wants to wipe out the bandits. Now, it is almost a matter of course for our resentment army to come to rescue Xitong's tribe.

And it is a stroke of genius for him to impersonate the resentful army at this moment, the weapons and equipment are exactly the same, and they are all old people from Chishuiyuan, plus the two of us...

It's really perfect, one link after another, it's hard for Murong Fuyun not to be fooled. "

After speaking, Yi Yuanfeng shook his head, "Compared to the great general, I'm still far behind."

"General, don't underestimate yourself. Over the past year, I have won many battles against the army!" Zhao Yan also laughed, "The general will have a bright future in the future."

"Brother Zhao Yan, don't put a high hat on me. Everyone knows how the victories have come over the past year." Yi Yuanfeng laughed, "It's all His Highness who loves you, but when it comes to the future, as long as you follow His Highness wholeheartedly, Who doesn’t have a bright future, hahaha.”

In this battle, the two of them are the most idle.

And not far away, Qibi Heli was looking at the changes in the battlefield, and suddenly, a horse came to report.

"General, Murong Fuyun has led an army of [-] troops to the south and is rushing here."

"[-] troops?" Hearing this number, Qibi Heli was also shocked, imitating Li Chengqian, squeezed his chin, and said, "This old thing really wants to win the battle.

I have a letter here, you go back and bring it to your generals! "Speaking, Qibi Heli took out a letter that had been written a long time ago from his arms and handed it to the messenger.

"Of order." After the messenger finished speaking, he rushed back immediately.

After he left, Qibi He Li said to the generals beside him: "Qibi Ming, your Tiger and Leopard Camp is really having a tough battle this time. Murong Fuyun personally led an army of [-] to go south, which shows that he wants to fight quickly. If you don't give the 'Resentful Army' any chance to breathe, it means that you will have to fight against his [-] army later.

Can you be sure? "

Qi Biming, that is, the general of the Tiger and Leopard Camp, patted his chest and promised: "If the last general is allowed to defeat Murong Fuyun's [-] army, the last general can only say his best, but if he drags his five Wan Dajun, the final general still feels hopeful."

"Half an hour, you have to hold on for at least half an hour." Qibi Heli said, "After the lone wolves led by Tumenluo attacked their camp, Murong Fuyun must know that we were fooled when he saw us. up.

But he will send at most 1 to [-] people back to the camp to stop Tumonro, delay Tumonro and our encirclement, buy him time, and use his superior force to eat us first.

For us, this is actually an opportunity. As long as we can hold Murong Fuyun back, Tumenluo will have a chance to eat up his returning army.

At this time, it is no longer a matter of small tricks that can be accomplished, it is time to show real kung fu, let's see who can resist more! "

"General." Qi Biming said with some doubts when he heard the words, "In this way, isn't the Iron Eagle Guard led by Qi Bihai a bit of a waste?"

"Waste?" Qibi He Li laughed and said, "You don't understand, but they are the key to any accidents.

Sometimes, even if you worry about it blindly, you really have to worry about some things. "

He didn't explain, nor did he need to.

Moreover, this has already been said clearly, Qi Biming is not a fool, how could he not understand.

It can only be said that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

"Go get ready and pull the army over. When Murong Fuyun arrives, we can't let them join Tuobazhao's army. They must be separated. We will be under a lot of pressure later."

"The general obeys orders." After finishing speaking, Qi Biming also left.

The army is still several miles away, and now, it's time to pull it over.

But when Qi Biming brought the army over, Tumenluo just watched Murong Fuyun's army whizzing past.

Looking at the army of tens of thousands of people, Tomonro was extremely excited.

Although he was the leader of Dayan Mangjiebo's former soldiers, his life in the Daming court for more than half a year really gave him a sense of belonging.

Even though he was a pawn, when his status was the most humble, he could still live like a human being in the royal court of Ming Dynasty.

It was a relief he had never enjoyed before.

The royal court of the Ming Dynasty only depends on ability, as long as you are capable, so what if you surrender?Didn't he make a comeback again and become the general of the Lone Wolf Rider?

This kind of feeling that as long as he has enough ability, he can rise to the top without intrigue at all, for a guy like him who is originally underappreciated, it is really cool.

"Brothers, what are we!" As Murong Fuyun's army went away, Tumenluo asked after gathering the army.

"Wolf!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Yes, we are wolves, we are hungry wolves, we are lone wolves!" Tumonro shouted, "If we are wolves, we have to eat meat! I, the Lone Wolf Riders, have never made an inch of success since they formed an army!
This made the Laozi unable to hold their heads up in the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty. Every time they saw those bastards of the Resentment Army, they consciously lowered their heads!
Fuck, I've had enough!
what about you? "

"Fucking enough!"

"That's right, those bastards of the Resentment Army walk straighter than us!"


Everyone said in a hurry.

Hearing this, Tu Menluo said loudly: "The reason why their backs are straighter than Lao Tzu's is because they won a few more battles than Lao Tzu!

I just don't have a chance!

Today is your chance!
The opportunity to make meritorious deeds, become a marquis immediately, and straighten your back is right in front of you.

Tell me, what should I do! "

"Kill his mother!"

"Yes, kill the motherfucker!"


In an instant, the crowd was furious!
They waited for this opportunity for too long, really too long!

They also want to make contributions, and they also want to be like the resentful army, which is frightening to hear.

They also hope that when others ask, he can proudly say, I am riding a lone wolf in the Western Army!
Man, it's that face that lives!

If that face is gone, is he still alive?
"Well said!" Seeing this, Tumenluo immediately said, "Today is destined to be the time when my father's lone wolf ride will become famous all over the world. After today, whoever hears of my father's lone wolf ride must not tremble!
Who sees the fathers riding alone, can't back away?
The whole army obeys orders!

Wherever my lone wolf rides, chickens and dogs will not stay!

Wherever my lone wolf rides, there must be no standing enemies!
Wherever my lone wolf rides, there must be mountains of corpses and seas of blood!
kill! "

The high morale that had been aroused by him, blurted out with the last kill word, instantly heightened the enthusiasm of the army to the extreme.

In just a moment, the army roared out!

They have the most advanced weapons, the highest morale, and the brightest future!
How could they be afraid of war?


Kill him personally and turn his back on his back.

Kill him with a bright future!
And when Tuobazhao's camp discovered that the Lone Wolf Riders were rushing towards them, at first they thought it was because Murong Fuyun's army hadn't finished walking, and when they realized something was wrong.

There is no chance of resistance.

As Tumonro said, wherever the lone wolf rides, there is no standing enemy in sight!
As long as it is still standing, even if it is a pig, it must be chopped down to the ground!
This is Lone Wolf Ride!

In just a few moments, the remaining one thousand people in Tuobazhao's camp were killed by the Lone Wolf Rider.

"Catch up, catch up with Murong Fuyun, kill! Keep killing!"

After the first battle, the lone wolf rider has gone crazy...

(This part is free--the war scenes are a bit of an underwhelming one, but I've been trying.

The main reason is that I am too obsessed with logic, just like Qibi Heli pretending to be a resentful army. If he always wants to be reasonable, there will always be something missing, and I don’t like to learn from it. Whether it’s all the tricks or calculations in the book, I racked my brains (made it up) all by myself, just like Qibi Heli pretending to be a resentful army, so this makes it not perfect, but I personally feel that it can barely be justified, at least I can justify myself and explain it.

Well, finally, ask for a monthly pass! )

(End of this chapter)

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