This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 44 Volume 1 Cui Mingyuan's Anger

Chapter 44 Volume [-] Cui Mingyuan's Anger

While Yang Lin and the others were thinking about their future, the Cui family was toasting.

In the past few days, for their Cui family, that really made people excited!
Since shopkeeper Cui gave a heartfelt speech in front of the grain shop that day, the reputation of the Cui family in Jingyang has reached its peak.

The common people's favor towards their Cui family is overwhelming!

At this time, who dares to blame the Cui family for selling grain in limited quantities, they will be the first ones to quit.

On the same day, when Cui Mingyuan first received the news, he was about to go to Cui Hao for a theory. When did the words of the sage teach them to do this?

As a result, as soon as he walked halfway, he heard that the common people were grateful to the Cui family, and he was stunned. After learning the whole story, Cui Mingyuan didn't have any excitement, but only anger!
It's no problem for two tigers to fight each other, but what about the people?Just being fooled by you?

At that moment, he thought of Li Chengqian's words, why!
Yes, why!
But he couldn't say these words...

He is a person with vested interests, why should he say such a thing?

In the end, he had no choice but to return to his county office lonely. He knew very well that he couldn't change anything. If he questioned Cui Hao at this time, the common people probably wouldn't agree!
At this time, the Cui family.

Cui Hao and others raised their glasses to celebrate.

"Come, come, shopkeeper Cui, this cup is my respect to you. Those deafening words that day are the starting point of my Cui family's prosperity today!"

Shopkeeper Cui also drank a lot, stood up and said: "It's too much reputation, too much reputation, the old man is just telling the truth. The people are ignorant and don't know the dangers of the world. That's why we scholars need to warn them.

To talk about this cup, I should respect Brother Cui Hao, if not for his guidance, I would have been given a headache by the Yanglin family that day. "

Shopkeeper Cui is also a scholar, but like Cui Hao, he has not developed in the officialdom. Of course, it is also true that his personal ability is limited.

With so many scholars in the gentry, it is impossible for all of them to become officials. Let alone whether the court allows it or not, the gentry themselves will not allow it.After all, there are only so many official positions, one radish and one pit, which actually caused a lot of struggles within their gentry.

Of course, for a big family like theirs, there is really nothing to say about internal struggles.

Hearing this, Cui Hao smiled: "Brother, you are being polite. In the final analysis, he is good at dancing with his sleeves. I'm just talking about it. But my brother has an excellent grasp of the timing of tense development!"

That's what I said, but everyone didn't know that Cui Hao was proud and resolute at the moment.

You know, his guard against Li Chengqian back then was no joke at all. Ever since Li Chengqian's words in the bamboo forest made him mess up in the wind, he didn't dare to underestimate Li Chengqian anymore.

But when Li Chengqian made a move, he just raised his hands, turned the clouds upside down, and even used this to raise the reputation of the Cui family in Jingyang to the top. Just like that, why isn't he proud?

To be the crown prince, even if he is young, he is still the crown prince, but under his hands, he is not an all-in-one enemy, and this alone is enough for him to brag about for a lifetime.

"Even though he has a noble status, he is still a child with a yellow mouth. Even if he is taught by famous scholars and scholars every day, he is always shallow on paper. I hope that after this time, our highness can calm down and study the books of sages."

After finishing speaking, everyone burst into laughter again.

As far as they are concerned, it is really something to be proud of to deflate the royal family.

"Like you to fool the common people? Don't you have no dignity?" At this moment, the angry Cui Mingyuan pushed away the servants of Cui's family and rushed in.

These days, he is very tangled.

He knows what's going on, and he doesn't care about Cui Hao and Li Chengqian's fight, but you fight back, don't fool the common people!

What are the people guilty of?
Why is it being manipulated by you like this?

For the past few days, he has been waiting for Cui Hao and others to give him an explanation, but after waiting for a few days, there is no movement. After he couldn't bear it, he finally came to the door.

Originally, I just wanted to talk to Cui Hao, but I happened to hear their brazen remarks, and when I couldn't bear it, Cui Mingyuan became furious!

Although he is also from the Cui family, his family was not rich when he was a child. If his surname was not Cui, what is the difference between him and the ordinary people under his current rule?
"Why does Mingyuan get angry?" Cui Hao stood up with a smile on his face.

Although they are all from the Cui family, in this room, only he is qualified to have a conversation with Cui Mingyuan.

Cui Mingyuan said with a gloomy face, "I'm not angry, I just can't figure it out, everyone here is a well-read person, why are there such words today! Such behaviors!

The common people are ignorant, but it is not a tool for you to use in this way!

And what about the Yang family, Li family, and Wang family?You used gossip to force me to this point!Over the years, you have tried every means to take their business into your pocket, isn't that enough?Is it really my Cui family's way to force their family to be destroyed? "

Cui Mingyuan became more and more angry. Although Jingyang City relied on the help of the Cui family to survive the famine in recent years, the business in Jingyang City has become more and more sluggish these years, like a pool of stagnant water.

And the instigator of this is precisely Cui Hao and others.

"Brother Mingyuan's words make me feel ashamed." Cui Hao walked over with a smile.

Cui Mingyuan sneered and said, "If that's the case, then it would be even better!"

In fact, Cui Mingyuan himself was also very entangled.

He is the Cui family, standing on the standpoint of the Cui family, it should be so.

But he is also the county magistrate of Jingyang. From the perspective of a county magistrate, doing so will not benefit him at all.

The point is, if the Yang family, Li family, and Wang family are really going to be abolished, only Huang Song will be left. In the future, Jingyang's business will definitely be under the monopoly of Cui Hao and others.

This is not a good thing for Jingyang, or for him, Jingyang's parent official.

"Hmph, the county magistrate has great official authority." Cui, the shopkeeper who had had a few drinks, was dissatisfied. As soon as you came in, you would blow your nose and stare, showing your face, "But I don't know, which sentence I said wrong Could it be that the grain bought by the Yang family, Li family, and Wang family from us was transported away by His Highness the Crown Prince?
Or is there no shortage of food in Jingyang?In other words, Jingyang can no longer accommodate us, so let's go with our food! "

"Treasurer Cui, don't say a few words, our county magistrate is only angry for a while." Someone smoothed things over and said, "The magistrate is also more concerned with shopkeeper Cui. He drank a few more glasses today."

In fact, the estrangement can be seen from the way they address Cui Mingyuan.

In the past, who would call Cui Mingyuan the county magistrate?

Cui Mingyuan was also very angry, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

If the food was transported away by them, it would be a big deal. Moreover, he could see that the shopkeeper Cui had indeed drunk a lot today, so there was no need to argue with him.

"I hope you can take care of yourself!" In the end, Cui Mingyuan just walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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