Chapter 48
In Chang'an City, the time has just passed, and the West Market is already full of people.

No matter how big the snowstorm is, it can't stop people who are running around for life.

Yang Lin, who was standing at the door of the shop, looked worried at the endless stream of people.

The plaque of the Changming store has been hung up, and the store has opened its doors for business.

Although people often stop curiously, but there is no one who enters the store.

"Hey, the smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley!" Yang Lin sighed.

No matter how good something is, if others don't know about it, it's useless blindness.

"What's the rush?" Wang Dequan said calmly, "Look at the big family who went out so early. Besides, it's snowing, how cold it is."

After speaking, he rubbed his hands together, and let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing Wang Dequan rubbing his hands, Yang Lin suddenly remembered something and said, "Did we forget something?"

Wang Dequan was also surprised: "That's right, at that time Mr. Li asked us to wear gloves and go for a walk on the street."

Strolling is impossible, after all, I have to watch my own business, but it would be nice to get a pair of gloves to wear.

In fact, it's not that they forgot, the main reason is that businessmen always want to earn two more, and there are not many gloves in the first place, so they want to use them for themselves after they can't be sold.This is somewhat similar to those who grow apples in later generations and eat rotten apples all the time.

It's just that they don't think about it, and they don't say whether there is any leftover for them in the end. Even if there is, it will be spring by then, who still wears gloves?
Thinking of this, both of them went into the shop and one of them found a pair of gloves and put them on.

Standing at the gate with gloves on, watching the pedestrians coming and going on the street, it doesn't look like others put their hands in their armholes.

"What are you guys?" After standing at the door for a short time, a passerby asked curiously.

Seeing someone questioning, Yang Lin raised his hands, sometimes clenched and sometimes opened, and said at the same time: "This thing is called a glove, and it is the best way to keep warm in winter. If the guest officer needs it, he should go into the small shop to have a look."

Li Chengqian asked a few of them to walk around the street wearing gloves, just to make a living sign, but these old guys were worried about business, and no one took it seriously.

The passer-by was not very old, he looked to be in his teens, he was dressed gorgeously, and there were a few followers behind him, so he looked like he came from a wealthy family.

Having been in business for so many years, Yang Lin still has some eyesight.

"We'll have to see it." The young man immediately became interested and said, "If it's really useful, at least I'll buy some."

After speaking, the young man went straight into the shop.

Yang Lin and Wang Dequan hurriedly followed.

Even if there is only one guest, the two dare not be sloppy.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of styles." The young man saw all kinds of gloves as soon as he entered the store, and immediately picked up a pair and put them on his hands to make gestures.

No one stopped the young man's actions, although even Yang Lin and the others would treat these gloves as nothing else, but now they wanted the young man's affirmation even more.

After gesticulating for a long time, the young man still had no words, and Yang Lin, who couldn't hold his breath, said with a smile on his face: "Little Lang, are you satisfied with these gloves?"

Langjun is the title of this era. As for the son, it was Li Chengqian who made it up.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" The young man nodded and said, "Not to mention, it's really strange. Putting on the gloves you mentioned, your hands feel warm."

Hearing the young man's words, Yang Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart, which had been anxious for so many days, finally calmed down.

"Just as long as Xiao Lang likes it, the number of gloves in our store is limited. If Xiao Lang likes it, you have to hurry up."

When the young man heard it, he immediately realized that, among other things, this thing is really a good thing in winter, at least you don’t have to put your hands in the armholes when you go out, right away, and said immediately: "Well, give me the Come to a dozen pairs."

When you encounter such a good thing, you have to act quickly. There are many rich people in Chang'an City. If you act slowly, they may be scooped up by others.

As for the price, there is no need to ask, young people just know that this thing will not be cheap the moment they get started, so they don't ask for much.

"Xiao Langjun bought a dozen or so pairs, you think you bought it for your family? This is filial piety, the little old man is cheeky, and Xiao Langjun's pair of gloves should be regarded as our respect for Xiao Langjun's filial piety."

Yang Lin said with a smile, he can't say it's a gift, it's not a face but a slap in the face, but from the point of view of filial piety, it doesn't matter.

The young man was also very happy when he heard that, after all, it is not wrong for others to praise him for his filial piety.

"The shopkeeper is polite, but you will not be rewarded for nothing, so please forgive me."

Yang Lin spoke politely, so he listened a lot.

But what kind of person is Yang Lin? He hurriedly said: "If you don't feel that you won't be rewarded for your merits, then I would like to ask you to say a few good words for our Changming Shop when you get together with your friends. Such kindness, It is a great kindness to Yu Xiaodian, and please accept my worship, Mr. Xiaolang."

After finishing speaking, Yang Lin was ready to bow his hands, and he would not give anyone a chance to refuse. The young man was taken aback for a moment. Compared with these cunning businessmen, he was indeed inferior, and he said immediately: "The shopkeeper How can this be so, I accept it."

"The little old man thanked the little man first, and I will prepare it for the little man." Yang Lin laughed so hard when he heard the young man's words.

He was content with opening a business and selling so much, let alone having an extra live signboard by the way.

Seeing that the money and goods were settled, the young man asked his attendants to go out with gloves, but Yang Lin saw it with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, as Li Chengqian said, those who can afford it don't care about those three melons and two dates!
"Old Wang, just keep an eye on the store, I'll go out for a walk." The business has opened, and Yang Lin is not so disturbed, and now he is about to go out for a walk.

In fact, Wang Dequan also wanted to go around, but there must be one person in the store, so he nodded immediately.

He finally understood that the reason why Li Chengqian let the two of them walk around the city of Chang'an wearing gloves was to make a living sign.

At that moment, after watching Yang Lin leave, he also stood at the door, and from time to time he cupped his hands at the shopkeepers of several shops around him.

Its purpose is obvious.

On the other side, the young man slipped into a restaurant in the West City without going far with his gloves on. He came out today to have fun with a few cronies.

In the restaurant, several young people who were about the same age as him saw him coming in slowly, and someone immediately said, "Sanlang, why are you the last one every time?"

"Brothers, forgive me, next time, next time I will be the host." Saying this, the young man named San Lang bowed his hands in apology.

When they heard what he said, they didn't mind at first, but when they saw the gloves on his hands, they asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Gloves." San Lang said with a smile on his face, "This thing is very warm for the hands. It was just seeing this thing that delayed some time."

He originally intended to show off, among the honorable children in Chang'an City, who doesn't like to show off something that others don't have?

"Really or not?" Hearing what he said, someone immediately got started, and Saburo stepped back immediately and said, "Brothers, don't try to trick my younger brother, to tell you the truth, my younger brother bought it at the Changming store in Xishi City." , if the elder brothers catch up early now, it is estimated that they can still buy it, but if it is late, the younger brother can't guarantee it.

After all, you have also seen that this thing is very practical in winter. "

He was flattered by Yang Lin before, but now that he had the opportunity, he didn't forget to brag about it for him. It's just a matter of two words, and it doesn't cost much.

Besides, these gloves are really easy to use.

PS: Some people say we are short and weak, no, you are Cui Geng!You dare to Cui, don’t I dare to join?Besides, if you don't Cui Geng, how do I know if anyone is watching it!If you want to add more, just say it!Old men, why are you being reserved!
(End of this chapter)

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