This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 54 Volume 1 The Kind Li Chengqian?

Chapter 54 Volume [-] The Kind Li Chengqian?

At dawn, the heavy snow stopped suddenly.

Li Chengqian still had breakfast with Changle as usual, even though he hated the eating habits of the Tang Dynasty, he did not miss a meal.

Fortunately, he didn't come from a wealthy family in his previous life, so as long as he can feed himself, it doesn't matter too much.

Of course, it's not that he didn't think about making some novel foods, such as stir-fried vegetables, but after thinking about it, he has made a lot of new things in the past few days. Things will inevitably make people suspicious, so he dismissed the idea.

"Chunhua, you guys can make some more delicate gloves today." After eating, Li Chengqian ordered.

Chunhua nodded.

"When it's done, let someone send it to the palace." He forgot these days that he still had his parents, brothers and sisters in Datang, but because he didn't have any family affection at all, he forgot about it for a while. , This is also just suddenly thought of.

This kind of thing can still be done, it's just a small thing that doesn't cost much.

As for asking Chunhua to send someone back to the palace, Li Chengqian believed that she could do it.

Since the eldest grandson asked the four of them to take care of himself and Changle, he must also want to use them to understand the lives of the two of them. The mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles. How can a mother really rest assured that her young child travels thousands of miles away?
Li Chengqian didn't mind this either, he just needed such a bridge to have some connection with the imperial palace.

Hearing that they were sent to the palace, Chunhua immediately became a little panicked, thinking that Li Chengqian was disgusted by their connection with the palace, and immediately prepared to kneel down.

"Okay, nothing you think about." Li Chengqian was also speechless. People these days just love to think about things. He just wants to establish an image of filial piety and humility. Where are you all thinking?
Of course, he didn't understand that people these days, especially people like Chunhua and the others, didn't live carefully?

"Hurry up and get them, and prepare a pair for each of my younger brothers and sisters. If there are really not enough, go to Li Qinjian and the others to pick out better ones and send them back."

Li Chengqian didn't explain, but after he finished speaking, Chunhua immediately understood, her uneasy heart instantly settled down, and she immediately thought about what to do.

Li Shimin and his eldest grandson must be different.

"My lord, Yang Lin and the others are here." Just after eating, Liu San walked over.

Li Chengqian was actually looking forward to how the situation in Chang'an City was going to be yesterday, so he immediately stood up and said, "Let's go to the front yard."

After finishing speaking, seeing Chang Le immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, looked at him pitifully, and said: "Chang Le is good, big brother will take you out to play in a while, let's eat first."

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Changle didn't say anything. Generally speaking, she was still very sensible, but she was a little attached to Li Chengqian.

When they came to the front yard, the three of them, Yang Lin, were all there, standing in the main hall with excited expressions on their faces.

"I've seen you, son." Since everyone in Li Chengqian's house called him that, they were no exception.

Li Chengqian nodded, took the upper seat, and said: "Everyone sit down, you must be tired after working hard all day."

"Tired but not tired." Yang Link said dutifully, how could he not be tired, he didn't sleep much all night, but it was also strange, even if they didn't have a good rest, they were still full of energy at this moment.

As long as they think of the opening of their food store, the Cui family will be devastated, and it seems that they can't run out of energy.

These years, they have been oppressed by the Cui family so badly.

"Tell me, how was Chang'an yesterday?" Although he was very anxious in his heart, Li Chengqian acted calmly.

As soon as this was mentioned, the three of them were so excited, they immediately told Li Chengqian what happened in Chang'an City yesterday vividly.

After listening, Li Chengqian nodded his head pretending to be profound, and said, "It's almost as I expected."

To be honest, he was also very excited.

But that can't show it's not.

"Is the grain store in Jingyang ready?" Li Chengqian continued to ask.

He has not forgotten the revenge of the Cui family, which must be avenged before he leaves.

Yang Lin said: "If you can pack it today, you can sell the grain tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Speaking of this, Yang Lin and the others also looked forward to it. In the past few days, the three of them have been in bad luck. When they just came to Li Chengqian's mansion, there were still people on the road who spoke badly to them.

Now, they are holding back their energy and waiting to see the faces of those people tomorrow.

At the same time, the Cui family.

Cui Hao naturally received the news, Jingyang City is so big, who can hide it from anyone?
"I didn't expect that they would actually bring food from Chang'an." Shopkeeper Cui said with a worried expression on his face, "If we had known this before, why would we bother? Isn't this a joke?"

Cui Hao also frowned, he never expected that the dignified prince would do such a shameless thing, since we are fighting in Jingyang, how can you bypass Jingyang and go to Chang'an to rescue soldiers?
That being the case, why did you go long ago, why didn't you bring it directly from Chang'an before you left?

Regarding this matter, everyone actually had the same thoughts. Li Chengqian went west to Chang'an in a fit of anger. Except for those things given by Li Shimin and his grandson, he didn't even take away a single stitch from the East Palace.

At this time, I ran into trouble when I first arrived in Jingyang, and then turned back to Chang'an to find a way, more or less like I couldn't afford to lose.

Literati these days still value face very much.

"Let's forget about it." Cui shopkeeper said, "His food problem has been solved, and it doesn't make any sense for us to restrict the sales of food. In my opinion, we should slowly recover to what we were before. If this continues, when will the grain in the warehouse be sold out?"

"Forget it?" Cui Hao said, "The prestige we have just established in Jingyang is gone? Do you know how much we have lost?"

As he said that, Cui Hao suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked, "By the way, you said they transported all the food into the city?"

"Yeah, it's all brought into the city. Didn't you see that the food delivery team is called a leader, at least a few thousand stones." Regarding this, shopkeeper Cui knew it well, even though it happened last night things.


Hearing what shopkeeper Cui said, Cui Hao suddenly laughed wildly, and said with a big laugh: "God help me, really God help me! Hurry up, you immediately send someone out to spread the news, saying that someone has hoarded a lot of food , I’m planning to transport the grain out of the city in a few days, and I said that my Cui family heard the news accidentally, and it’s absolutely true.”

After finishing speaking, Cui Hao still couldn't help laughing wildly, he thought it was a dead end, who knew, there was still a village?
"You can't blame me, really you can't blame me, I can only blame our Highness for being too crazy, and he actually wanted to transport food into the city to show off to us. Now that it has been transported in, I want to see how you handle it. It ships out.

The common people don't care where your food comes from, but as long as it is shipped from Jingyang, it belongs to the people of Jingyang! "

Hearing what he said, shopkeeper Cui's eyes lit up, this move is absolutely perfect!

It has to be said that Cui Hao is still somewhat capable, at least in his move, if Li Chengqian had no backer, he might suffer a dumb loss, but the only regret is that he thought Li Chengqian too kindly.

PS: Don't forget me, this should be tomorrow... Two chapters have been updated today... Does this count as an update?

(End of this chapter)

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