This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 65 Volume 1 That's right, it's him!

Chapter 65 Volume [-] is done, it's him!

Li Shimin's arrangements were definitely more than that. Obviously, he was paving the way for Li Chengqian to arrive in Taozhou.

No matter whether it is from civil servants or generals, he has made arrangements.

After all, Li Shimin still cared about his eldest son.

Of course, Li Chengqian didn't know all this.

When Chang'an went to court, Li Chengqian and his party had already joined the food team and continued on the road.

The people arranged by the Yanglin family, except for a few nephews, are all rough men.

There were only about fifty people, and each family sent less than 20 people.

Their main task is to deliver food, but don't think that these rough guys are useless except to deliver food. If they are really going to be robbed, they are all new forces.

About the time they arrived at Weishi, the convoy chose a fairly wide place to stop.

It's time to rest after a long morning's journey.

Two meals a day are fine on weekdays, but people like Liu San and Zhao Yan can't get hungry.

Along the way, we have to count on them.

"Young master really has the ability to turn decay into magic." After getting out of the carriage, Li Qinjian walked towards Li Chengqian, and said with a look of disbelief, "I have also ridden many carriages, but like the young master, The carriage is also really rare.

The journey was exhausting, but there was no trace of fatigue. "

He wasn't totally flattering, to be honest, what worried him the most during the trip was the exhaustion of the journey, after all, he was getting old, so how could he compare with young people.

Before getting into the carriage, I was still nervous. I always felt that I would suffer a crime, but for the sake of the family, this crime must be suffered!
However, when the carriage drove slowly, he noticed something strange, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Zhang Erniu, who was not too far away, heard someone praising the carriage, and smiled honestly, feeling very proud of himself.

Li Chengqian didn't care too much, he got this carriage just for enjoyment, otherwise, who could carry it for more than 1000 miles?
"If this carriage is sold, those in the carriage business in Chang'an City will probably cry." Li Chengqian did not speak, and Li Qinjian continued.

As a businessman, how could he fail to see the commercial value of this thing.

Ever since he saw the huge profits of gloves, he realized that to make money, he had to earn the money of nobles. Those guys had money and were willing to spend it, and more importantly, they were willing to enjoy it.

If such a carriage was brought to Chang'an, wouldn't it make those nobles flock to it?

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Okay, don't think about the carriage, after all, it's just a small business. But if you really want to do this, what do those craftsmen who build carriages for a living rely on?" earn a living?
It is right to make money in business, but you have to figure out what money can be made and what money cannot be made.Don't do this kind of work of stealing people's jobs. Besides, where do we have so many people to make carriages? "

The reason why he wanted to hold the core technology in his own hands was out of this consideration.

Li Qinjian actually didn't take it seriously, the shopping mall was like a battlefield, who cares so much, who is to blame for his incompetence.

It's just that Li Chengqian said that, so he didn't say any more, it was meaningless.

On the other hand, Wang Xuance nodded and said, "What you said is very true."

From the standpoint of a scholar, of course he is not used to the character of a businessman who is mercenary and penny-pinching.

This is exactly what makes businessmen disgusting.

While they were chatting, Chunhua and the others had already built several charcoal stoves and set up a low table.

"My lord, I'll take care of the chores of burying the pot and cooking first." Seeing this, Li Qinjian immediately bowed and said goodbye.

There are a total of more than a hundred people, and it is not easy to bury the pot and cook.

Li Chengqian nodded. To be honest, he felt that with Li Qinjian around, many things would be much easier.

"Brother Xuan Ce, sit down." Li Chengqian said casually.

Wang Xuance, who was about to follow Li Qinjian to help, immediately cupped his hands and said, "My lord loves you, Xuan Ce was born in a poor family, and I can't be called a brother, you can just call me Xuan Ce."

Li Chengqian smiled, and said: "I told Yang Lin to tell you that day, I thought you would refuse, I don't know why?"

"My lord made me laugh." Wang Xuance said, "My lord is from a noble family, so I don't know my helplessness, so I said Ma Zhou, who is appreciated by His Majesty this year, is here. How does your lord think me compared to Ma Zhou?"

Ma Zhou?

Li Chengqian had the impression that he was the representative of the poor family during the Zhenguan period. He heard the words and said: "Ma Zhou has the talent of a prime minister. If it is about you, you don't know much about it, so it's hard to judge."

"Compared to Ma Zhou, I'm the one who puts gold on my face." Wang Xuance said calmly, "But even if Ma Zhou is talented as a prime minister, wouldn't he be recommended by others? Before that, it was someone else. Is it a doorman in the house?"

According to historical records, Ma Zhou was recommended by Chang He, and since then he has been on the rise.

Wang Xuance's meaning is actually very simple, if Ma Zhou is like this, why don't I need such an opportunity?
Although it is said that the imperial examination was held in the previous dynasty, and there is also an imperial examination in this dynasty, it is not so simple to obtain a scholar through the imperial examination.

In the final analysis, the most officials these days are the ones who have entered the officialdom with kindness, followed by the recommendation. There are really not many officials who have actually passed the imperial examination.

After Wang Xuance finished speaking, Li Chengqian understood.

But for this, he really had nothing to say.

For one's own future, it is inevitable to pay something.

On the contrary, only such people are suitable to hang out in this officialdom.

People who want to save face and suffer are not suitable for being in the officialdom at all.

"By the way." Without mentioning this topic again, Li Chengqian asked, "I'm more curious, how did you help Yang Lin to persevere under the suppression of the Cui family.

Although you are also a scholar, the Cui family might not be polite to you, a rootless scholar like you, right? "

Speaking of this, Wang Xuance also smiled: "Of course the Cui family is not something that I can rival, but I don't need to be a rival, right? To the Cui family, I am just a clown, and I have never taken it seriously. "

Li Chengqian nodded, that's the reason.

Wang Xuance continued: "I just visited our county magistrate, Mr. Cui, and asked him a question."

He also wants to show off. After all, if he wants to be recommended by others, he must show the corresponding ability.

"Um, what's the problem?" Li Chengqian asked cooperatively.

Wang Xuance said, "I asked Mr. Cui, who is the county magistrate of Jingyang?"


Li Chengqian couldn't help clapping his hands when he heard the words.

Cui Hao has a high reputation in Jingyang City because of the Cui family's large amount of food transported to Jingyang these years.

It made the common people feel grateful to him, and they were very close to him.

But although Cui Mingyuan is the official of Jingyang's parents, because he is an official, no matter how good the official voice is, he still has some distance from the common people.

There is no way, there is an insurmountable gap between officials and people.

At this moment, Li Chengqian was 100% sure that this guy was the Wang Xuance he knew.

This is a means, too familiar!

Of course, the specific process of the matter is certainly not as simple as Wang Xuance said.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Li Chengqian really picked up the treasure!
 Push a book: "Rebirth in the Fiery Years, I Farmed in Space"

  This is a very rare work describing that fiery era. Interested readers can take a look at it.Maybe you can find a trace of your childhood memory in the book.
(End of this chapter)

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