This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 69 Volume 1 Taozhou Command Army

Chapter 69 Volume [-] Taozhou Command Army (you can guess who it will be)

After Li Chengqian listened to Ma Ye's report, he was a little dazed.

It seems that he is still making too much of a fuss.

However, as a guy who has experienced a lot of tempering in later generations, his thick skin is definitely unique among his peers.

Hearing this, without blushing or beating heart, he said, "All right, Liu San, make arrangements and prepare to leave."

What's wrong with being afraid of death?

Bah, that's not a mistake, is it?
Soon, the group set off again.

When he arrived at the foot of Hutou Mountain, Zhao Yan had already removed all the people and goods from the village.

Originally, Zhao Yan wanted to get two heads to claim credit, but since he took down the stockade, he no longer had such an idea, and he always felt ashamed to make up for it.

"Young master, how do you deal with these people?"

Li Chengqian looked at these bandits. To be honest, he had never seen a bandit standing in front of him alive after two lifetimes.

But after looking at it, I suddenly lost interest. They also have two eyes and one mouth, and they don't have superhuman powers in the legend. They waved their hands and said, "If you have someone with human life on your hand, cut it off, and forget it if you don't. , let them go."

Li Chengqian is not interested in suppressing bandits.

If it wasn't for the sake of not showing cowardice among the people under his command, he would not even want to kill people. After all, his thinking is still the same as that of later generations. There is still a long way to go before he can fully adapt to the life of Datang.

Besides, they didn't rob themselves. As for robbing others, what does it have to do with him?
As soon as Li Chengqian's words fell, two people ran away. Needless to say, there must be a life lawsuit in the hands of these two people.

As soon as the two of them ran away, Wang Jin chased after him quickly.

At the same time, some of the women and children immediately knelt down and shouted in despair: "We can't let them go. If we let them go, we will have no way of life!"

Although there were family members of these bandits among the women and children, most of them were captured by them. If Li Chengqian released these people, they would definitely return to their old jobs, and their life would be difficult.

"My lord..." Zhao Yan explained beside Li Chengqian.

When Li Chengqian heard the words, he immediately said: "If you are willing to go with us, then go together. Whether you find a way to go home or continue to follow me in the future, it is up to you."

In the future, he needs a lot of people, even women, so he was moved after hearing Zhao Yan's explanation.

As for the others, he didn't want to worry about it. It didn't matter if the composition of his team was more complicated, but he absolutely couldn't have anyone who might be hostile to him, not even children.

For these women and children, this is not a multiple-choice question in itself.

Is it possible to continue to stay in the robber's den?
Immediately, a group of people said gratefully, and then quickly stood aside.

On Hutou Mountain, Li Chengqian didn't waste too much time, it was unnecessary and meaningless.

After confiscating some necessary supplies, such as weapons and ironware, Li Chengqian and his party set off again.

At the same time, Chang'an, the residence of Duke Yi Qin Qiong.

Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda were also there.

The three of them are all former ministers of Wagang, and they walk closer on weekdays.

Over the years, as Qin Qiong's health deteriorated, everyone usually came to his house to discuss matters.

"Your Majesty let me lead the army in Taozhou this time. What's the meaning behind it?" Niu Jinda said, frowning.

Compared with his two old brothers, he is a bit broken now.

These two are both Dukes of the state, and he hasn't even been a Marquis yet...

But speaking of this, several people were also lost in thought.

Qin Qiong shook her head and said, "It's hard to say, Taozhou and Tuyuhun border. Could it be that His Majesty wants to attack Tuyuhun again?"

"We've just finished fighting the Turks, so you won't be mobilizing troops against Tuyuhun so soon?" Niu Jinda said, "If we really mobilize troops against Tuyuhun, I'm sure it won't be just me."

"You may all be thinking about it." Cheng Yaojin said when he heard the words, and the two looked at him together. Among the three of them, the most shrewd one was this old guy, but Cheng Yaojin was not in a hurry to speak , looked at the servants waiting on the left and right.

Seeing him like this, Qin Qiong waved his hand immediately, and the servants immediately retreated. Only now did Cheng Yaojin say in a low voice, "I also thought about it last night, and I always feel that this time your majesty asked you Going to Taozhou to serve as the commanding army may have something to do with our Highness."

"Is it related to the prince?" Niu Jinda was even more confused, "Isn't the prince going to the Western Regions?"

Hearing what he said, Cheng Yaojin shook his head: "Why don't you understand? Western Turks and Tuyuhun have blocked the road to the Western Regions, who do you expect His Highness to lead more than 20 people through?
Not to mention the prince, even if it is you and me, if you give us twenty or so people, how dare you say to cut through them?
So it's not obvious, His Highness can't go to the Western Regions, at least not now. "

Qin Qiong nodded, it was such a reason, and everyone had thought about it before.

"But His Highness said above the main hall that he was going to the Western Regions. If he didn't go, it would have a great impact on His Highness's reputation." Niu Jinda still couldn't figure it out.

Going back on one's word and gaining weight in this day and age is still very degrading.

Cheng Yaojin said: "What's the impact, what's the impact? Did they say they can't go? Did they say when they would go? Not at all. If that's the case, can His Highness prepare to go to the Western Regions in Taozhou? Who can force it?" Your Highness is going down?

If someone really dares to do this, even if His Majesty doesn't say anything, see if the empress will let him go. "

Cheng Yaojin could see all this clearly.

It was impossible for Li Chengqian to go straight to the Western Regions. If he really wanted to do this, it would be no different from sending him to his death.

Therefore, the best choice is to plan in the border state capital first, or even simply stay in the border state capital.

These people always thought that the reason why Li Chengqian ran away in a fit of anger must be that they sensed that there might be a crisis in Chang'an City recently.

Otherwise, how could the current crown prince commit suicide in the hall?
Because of this misunderstanding, everyone has been quite cautious recently.

"Zhijie is right." Qin Qiong also said, "It seems that His Majesty is preparing for the prince. Do you still remember that two days ago, His Majesty promoted Cui Mingyuan to Taozhou? Don't you? Taozhou commanding army, it seems that His Royal Highness is going to settle in Taozhou in all likelihood."

Cheng Yaojin nodded, and said: "However, it can be seen that, at least for now, the prince has not fallen out of favor. Where is Taozhou? It is the traditional power of the Li family in Longyou, right?

Look at Lao Niu again, Lao Niu is from Longxi Didao, right?
You said, within the sphere of influence of the Li family in Longyou, plus the old cow from Longxi, how could His Royal Highness be in danger?

To put it bluntly, the purpose of letting Lao Niu from Longxi serve as the commander of Taozhou was to take care of His Royal Highness. "

It's just that they never expected that some people like to take the initiative...

(End of this chapter)

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