This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 841 Volume 5 Changle’s Pain.

Chapter 841 Volume Changle’s Pain.

Changle's pain is extremely difficult for others to understand.

How can I put it, there has never been true empathy in this world.

Others cannot understand all your pain because they have not experienced it personally. The best they can do is to comfort you with a few words.

Moreover, everyone's sadness is different...

Perhaps in the minds of others, Changle may even feel that he is pretentious.

There is nothing wrong if you think about it. Your brother is the founder of the Ming Dynasty and your father is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. What do you have to worry about?

In the Ming Dynasty, you were the eldest princess, but when you returned to Chang'an, you were the direct princess. No matter where you are, with this status, you are the only one.

Speaking of which, I don’t know how many people are envious...

After all, in one sentence, the whip didn't hit me, so it didn't hurt at all.

At this time, the only one who can really understand Chang Le's mood is Empress Changsun, who is thousands of miles away.

Yes, the only one who can understand Changle is this eternal sage.

But unlike Changle, Queen Changsun did not feel sorry for herself.

She knew very well that this was Tianjia.

Besides, it's not like she hasn't experienced such things before, and she's not as childish as Changle.

After all, although Changle has suffered a lot with Li Chengqian these years, but really speaking, Li Chengqian also protected this cheap girl very well.

At least in the Ming Dynasty, no one dared to play any intrigues in front of Chang Le.

Even people like the Hou family and the Su family obviously restrained themselves in front of Chang Le.

Even Murong Wanqiu and Qi Bilina, who are not harmless in front of Changle?
This is Li Chengqian's greatest protection for Changle.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the young masters are planning to attack the Yun family." The maid on the side said with a smile.

They are all old people who have been with their eldest grandson for many years, so they naturally speak much more casually.

"It's okay, let them have a hard time." Empress Changsun also smiled when she heard this and said, "Since Zhang Liang started raising fake sons, he should have expected today's ending.

In the final analysis, His Majesty is still kind and unwilling to kill the meritorious officials of the past. Now that he dies on the battlefield, it is the best destination for him. As for those so-called fake people, huh..."

Speaking of Zhang Liang, Queen Changsun still felt a little regretful.

After all, this person did suffer a lot for Li Er back then, and she still remembered this bit of affection. As for Zhang Liang's lies, haha, would she care about the lives of these guys?

Clinging to Zhang Liang is already their way to death.

"But we still need to keep an eye on the family of the Duke of Yun." Empress Changsun hesitated for a moment, then said, "After all, they are innocent, and this has nothing to do with them. As long as they can keep calm at this time, even if the Duke of Yun is defeated, it will not be their fault."

Empress Changsun is indeed worthy of the word "virtuous empress". In recent years, Li Er did not go on a killing spree, and Empress Changsun played a big role.

When the palace maid heard this, she smiled and said, "The young masters must know their own propriety."

After serving the eldest grandson for so many years, these maids naturally know the eldest grandson.

Regardless of what they are doing now or what Changsun said, as long as these guys still care about Li Chengqian, Queen Changsun will be facing them. This is the most basic underlying logic, and it is not that difficult to understand.

"That's true, these little guys still know how to measure." Queen Changsun also laughed when she heard this. After a moment, Queen Changsun suddenly asked, "By the way, are there any rumors in the market recently?"

"Is your Majesty asking about the King of Yue?" The palace maid frowned when she heard this.

When Empress Changsun saw her reaction, she immediately asked: "Did something happen?"

"It's not a big deal." The palace maid heard this and said quickly, "It's just that there are rumors recently that the King of Yue has the style of a virtuous king.

But really speaking, the one who has been most affected recently is the King of Shu. I heard that there are already widespread rumors that the King of Shu intends to take advantage of King Liang..."

After hearing what the palace maid said, the eldest grandson shook his head and said helplessly: "These guys have all grown up, and each one is more thoughtful than the other. That's all, let them go. Do you really think that their father and brother are easy to get along with?"

As for the eldest grandson, as long as her sons don't cause too much trouble, she doesn't care much about these things.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about.

Just like she didn't care about Li Er's brothers, she didn't need to care about Li Er's sons.

"By the way, let someone call Changsun Chong and Yao Da. If I have anything to ask them, I will ask them." After saying this, Queen Changsun suddenly said this.

Upon hearing this, the palace maid did not hesitate, and soon Chang Sun Chong and the other man followed the palace maid in.

Seeing that both of them had arrived, Queen Changsun gave the palace maid who was close to her a look, and the palace maid dismissed all the irrelevant people.

Only after they were left alone, Queen Changsun said: "Do you know the profound meaning of this brilliant move?"

"Auntie is saying that the Ming Dynasty destroyed Duke Yun in the first battle?" Changsun Chong asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Empress Changsun nodded and said: "This brilliant move must have aroused the vigilance of the Tang Dynasty. Why do you think Gao Ming did this?"

"Zhang Liang slaughtered more than a hundred people from Shusun Huai, and everyone in the Ming Dynasty shared the same hatred. Is there no problem?" Yao Da said with some confusion, "Is the Queen worried too much?"

From the names he and Changsun Chong used, it is not difficult to tell that Yao Da is more straightforward in character, while Changsun Chong is better at maneuvering. Changsun Chong knew how to call her an aunt, and there were no outsiders. Changsun Chong knew how to do it, but Yao Da couldn't say it out loud.

This is not to say that Yao Da and Empress Changsun are unfamiliar, let's put it this way, if Changsun Chong is replaced by Yao Da, he can also call her aunt with a happy face.

Such a ready-made thigh is useless if you don’t hug it, right?
Queen Changsun didn't say much, she just looked at Changsun Chong.

Changsun Chong sighed and said: "Perhaps my aunt's worry is correct. Your Highness may have also felt the pressure brought by the Tang Dynasty, so he deliberately showed some of the Ming Dynasty's confidence. But let's not hide it from my aunt. What kind of strength does the Ming Dynasty have? Confidence, although my nephew is an official in the Ming Dynasty, it is hard to say.

Just this time, after His Highness issued an order, countless herdsmen swarmed forward. This was something that my nephew had never thought of, and probably even the officials of the Ming Dynasty had never thought of it.

Perhaps, even His Highness himself did not expect such an effect.

But it is undeniable that His Highness's move was indeed successful.

In the Tang Dynasty, many people were eyeing the Ming Dynasty.

If you want to dispel other people's ill intentions, you can only show your fangs. "

After Changsun Chong finished speaking, Queen Changsun nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's true, but what will Your Majesty think?

We actually all know that Gao Ming is guarding against his brothers, not His Majesty, but His Majesty doesn’t know that, once His Majesty misunderstands, what will happen to Tang Ming..."

Although Changsun Chong had no reaction on his face, he smiled in his heart.

Others don’t know, and they, the officials of the Ming Dynasty, don’t know?

His Highness is here to show the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. In the whole world, there is only one person who can really pose a threat to His Highness, Li Ke and his ilk. Haha, not to mention their Highness, even the officials of the Ming Dynasty did not take it seriously. inside.

Of course, he actually knew that his aunt was trying to cover up His Highness. If Empress Changsun could not see the situation clearly, no dog would believe it.

In terms of political wisdom, no woman today can match her.

"I'm afraid it's hard to avoid a battle between Tang and Ming." Changsun Chong thought about it for a while before saying, "It's not about what will happen between His Highness and Your Majesty. As long as there are still people who are thinking about that position, this battle will be hard to avoid. ”

What he said was ambiguous.

Although it seems to be talking about Li Ke staring at the East Palace, in fact it is talking about Li Chengqian staring at Li Er's buttocks.

Under the supreme imperial power, there is no such thing as father and son. In this regard, Li Er, as a father, has set a good example.

Queen Changsun naturally understood, and immediately shook her head, and said helplessly: "This is the most troublesome part. Once a large-scale war breaks out between Tang and Ming Dynasties, it will not be so easy to stop it. Can you understand?

Even if the clever brother provoked this turmoil, there is no turning back..."

Changsun Chong had not heard the profound meaning of these words at first, but as he thought about it more deeply, he was stunned for a moment. After a long time, he asked in disbelief: "What aunt means is that as long as the King of Shu chooses After all, someone won’t let this conflict stop and really trigger a war between Tang and Ming?”

He was really stunned now.

Although he had mentioned before that the War between Tang and Ming was inevitable, the War between Tang and Ming in his words was different from the War between Tang and Ming that Queen Changsun was worried about.

"This is what worries my aunt the most." Empress Changsun said, "In a battle, sometimes it will not change because of personal will.

Obviously, Gao Ming took this action precisely because he saw this, and his purpose was more to shock.

The Ming Dynasty is not easy to bully, nor should it be bullied.

But he forgot that the Tang Dynasty cannot be bullied!

All the civil and military officials in the court could not accept such a powerful prince. "

After saying that, Queen Changsun let out a long sigh.

Having a son like Li Chengqian has been her pride for a long time, but now that this incident has happened, she is really worried that the relationship between father and son will not end well.

Changsun Chong actually understood it now and frowned slightly.

He had bet heavily on the Ming Dynasty. If the trouble really got out of hand, his political career might really stop here.

Of course, Yao Da still didn't quite understand what he said at the moment. Although he had some general ideas, the two men spoke in a more reserved manner, which was indeed a test for a guy like him who lacked experience in political struggle.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak for a long time, he said hesitantly: "Let's fight. Whether it's the Tang Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, there are big problems inside. It doesn't matter if we fight a war. Your Highness has often said before. , only when the river dries up will you know who is swimming naked.

By then, it may not be impossible to uncover a few guys who are fishing in troubled waters.

As for the position of Datang, in fact, it is no longer very attractive to His Highness.

As long as His Highness can successfully capture the five Tianzhus this time, His Highness will definitely want to go to sea, because in the early years, His Highness has been saying that the Ming Dynasty does not have its own outlet to the sea.

The reason why we went south to Tianzhu was actually for the outlet to the sea.

Even if you don't care about the so-called outlet to the sea, the Ming Dynasty may be slightly lacking in population, but it may not be inferior to the Tang Dynasty in other aspects.

So, even if a fight breaks out, that will be it. "

Complain a few words, and if you have a chance, please advise this bitch. It doesn't matter whether it is written or not in a shabby book. He is still lying in the hospital. If the accident had not happened in a hotel this time, but at home, the stainless steel wreath I told him before would have been as good as the Qingming Festival. I've known this bitch for a few years and it's never made me worry. To put it simply, he is a stubborn person. Whether he is seriously ill or not, he cannot go to the hospital unless he is unable to move. If someone else has a cold for three days, he can cough and cough for a month. You should persuade him to go to the hospital. He can talk louder than you, saying that birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws and cannot be forced to change. You should say that he is sick. He still doesn't believe it and feels that he is making sense. A few years ago, I can’t remember the exact time, he had a pain in his head. He said it was like a cramp in his head. Anyway, we were in the office at the time. We saw him hitting the wall in pain, so we asked him to be sent to the hospital, but he was hit hard in the head. Damn it, if you say it doesn’t hurt that much anymore, that’s bullshit. My head is smoking, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.

There was nothing I could do about being hospitalized last year. I screamed in pain in the dormitory in the middle of the night. I could hear him crying and howling in the whole building. Everyone knew what kind of virtue he was. Unless he couldn't help it, he wouldn't be like that. That was when he was When I was sent to the hospital, what was irritating was that this guy was in so much pain that he was still saying something in the car. He could just go back and sleep. Isn't that irritating? In the end, he stayed in the hospital for several months, but it was of no use. He was uncooperative anyway. There was nothing the doctor could do. He couldn't persuade the damn ghost with words. He prescribed medicines, including Chinese and Western medicines. He spent a lot of money, but he didn't take the medicine. He is still on sick leave to this day. Anyway, the disease is not getting better. You tell him, he really has his own reasons. He believes that birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws, and this law should be followed and not violated. You could say he is sick, but he does not encourage others to do this. He only demands himself. If others suffer from three illnesses, he is quick to persuade them. That is to say, I am a friend. I know that his heart is not bad, otherwise we would have stopped communicating with him long ago.

Also on New Year's Eve last year, he lit up the house with a fire heater and called me via video call at 23:, but I didn't receive the call. I asked him what was going on the next day and when he told me, I was scared. He died, because that night was our New Year's Eve gathering, and he ended up saying that when he found the fire, he hesitated for a long time whether to put out the fire. Fortunately, the fire was not too big, otherwise he would not be able to survive in years. Sometimes, I really feel that what he has in his head is different from others. That's all. He will be discharged from the hospital in two days. I would like to advise him when I have time. If he doesn't write, he will not starve to death. He is almost forty years old. Not to mention starting a career, he should start a family and live a good life. . People who are almost forty years old are no longer the age to talk about personality.

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