Chapter 91 The Unsung Hero

For Li Chengqian, Taoyuan has never been his end point.

Even if he has a Zhuangzi in Taoyuan, when did you see him caring about that Zhuangzi?
The place he really wanted to stay had always been Tuyuhun.

There is no other reason, but because every inch of Datang's territory belongs to Li Er.The Li Er who he once admired but now fears.

Only when he stepped out of Datang's territory did he feel that he could decide his own life.

That's it.

Therefore, when by chance, the Pu clan mistakenly thought that Murong Shun was going to integrate the various tribes in Chishuiyuan, Li Chengqian planned how to seize this opportunity.

In fact, he did it too, and the Pu's tribe finally stood on the opposite side with Murong Shun.

Killed dozens of Murong Shun's followers in one go, no matter how good-tempered Murong Shun was, he must have done something, otherwise how could he convince the crowd?How should those followers see him?

It stands to reason that the source of Chishui is not large, and the area is less than [-] square kilometers. The specific size, in simple terms, is only half the size of Jiangsu in later generations.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

It's that big!
Coupled with the characteristics of Tuyuhun's vast land and sparse population and the reasons for the inconvenient transportation in ancient times, Chishuiyuan still has a vast land that is uninhabited. It's human nature.

And this dangerous situation was exactly what Li Chengqian wanted.

If you let him, dozens of people, look for such a dangerous situation in Chishuiyuan, he will be unlucky, and he will not be able to find it in ten or eight years.

"My lord, get busy first, I also want to arrange for the clansmen to prepare for the migration." Puxiluo took a deep breath, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

That place was originally a escape route reserved for myself by Platts [-], but now it is shared with others like this. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no lump in my heart.

But he also understood that at this time, without Li Chengqian and his group, their migration path would be extremely difficult.

In their tribe, there are only about 300 old and weak women and children together, and there are less than [-] people who can really fight and dare to fight. If they really want to meet Murong Shun's followers, where do they come from to resist?
Even with the addition of Li Chengqian and his party, the future is still worrying.

"Don't think too much, the leader. We are in the same situation now. If there is a safe enough place for us to live, believe me, I will definitely face everything that the leader will face in the future."

Li Chengqian said sincerely.

Taking advantage of others, of course I have to say a few words of comfort.

Pusiruo nodded heavily, but didn't say much, turned around and was busy arranging for his clansmen to move.

As for Li Chengqian, he smiled, turned his head and said to Chao Zheng: "Help Zhao Yan and the others treat their wounds first, remember, I need them to restore their combat capabilities as quickly as possible."

Chao Zheng nodded. The injuries of these guys were all minor injuries. In addition, when they were injured before, everyone helped to bandage their brothers, so it didn't take him much effort.

Glancing at the wounded in the Pu's tribe, Li Chengqian said again: "After treating the wounds of our own people, help them deal with them too. Remember, don't use alcohol on them for the time being."

Although Chao Zheng didn't understand what Li Chengqian meant, he nodded.

Soon, the entire Pushi tribe became busy.

After getting busy, it is easy to see which ones are happy and which ones are sad.

Compared with the sad face of Platts' [-] because they gave up their homeland that had survived for so many years, Li Chengqian's side was much happier, especially those rough guys, this time they made a lot of money.

Not only the sheepskins earned from business, but also the trophies captured in a big battle, which made each of them smile again and again.

Although they were the last to fight in the previous battle, but because of this, when they went to the battlefield, those guys had already been defeated, and after the whole battle, they had no casualties, and even took time to pick up a few people head.

In addition, in the end Li Chengqian went crazy with an excuse, and they also got the first batch of good jobs to collect the spoils. Can they not smile so much now?

After tossing and tossing for less than half an hour, watching the sky gradually darken, Platts's department was finally cleaned up.

No way, they have a lot of people, a lot of livestock, and a lot of property.

With a population of three hundred or so, it will naturally take some time to tidy up.

"My lord, you can go." Pusiruo walked over and said.

Li Chengqian nodded, there is nothing to say, let's go.

Even if the sky is dark now, we have to go. No matter from Li Chengqian's or Puxiruo's point of view, not to mention it's just dark, even if there are knives in the sky tonight, we still have to move.

Otherwise, wait for Murong Shun to send someone to drag them out of the bed at night and cut off their heads?
So everyone has no opinion on starting now.

But at this time, it is necessary to talk about Pusiro.

Before setting off, Pusiruo did something that completely made Li Chengqian dare not underestimate the ancients.

This matter is actually not complicated, it is very simple, but it is also very careful, and it is also a very cruel thing.

Because Platts has a lot of property, there are dozens of horse-drawn carts.

And among these dozens of carriages, a dozen or so carriages are extremely special, because they are all filled with stones!

At first, Li Chengqian didn't know what the carriage was used for, but he was just curious.

I saw Pusiro and some old people in their tribe hugging each other with tears in their eyes, and then the group of old people went straight to the carriages full of stones, drove the carriages and left.

In the cold winter night, Li Chengqian was deeply impressed by that desolate but unrestrained back.

Li Chengqian understood.

At that moment, he suddenly discovered that it is not unreasonable for any ethnic group to leave a splendid imprint in the long river of history.

"Put away your cheap tears." Seeing the tears of the tribesmen rolling in their eyes, Pusiro said, "For the sake of the tribe, each of us may be like them. Today, they are just the forerunners. If tomorrow, we need When we die for the Horde, we are also pioneers.

Remember, they are the warriors of our Platts Department, even if they can no longer lift the knife or draw the bow, they will always be the warriors of our Platts Department.

Now, all we have to do is leave so that we can live up to the opportunity they gave us with their lives.

Everyone, listen to the order and let's go! "

Li Chengqian shook his head, got on his horse and said, "Let's go."

Even though he said so, his eyes were still on those old people who had already been submerged in the night.

The carriage has ruts...

In order to avoid Murong Shun's men chasing the ruts to them, Pusiruo unexpectedly came up with such a cruel method.

Now, before the big troops started, there were ruts in several directions on the ground!

Li Chengqian was thinking, if one day he encountered the same predicament, would he be as cruel as Pusiro!
(End of this chapter)

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