This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 99 Volume 2 The Beginning of the Great War

Chapter 99 The Beginning of the Second Great War

I don't know if it's because his subordinates were killed before, or because he himself is a killer, anyway, Lou Ning has been killing crazy in the Chishuiyuan area for the past few days...

But those who do not follow, one word, die!

Tribal conquests on the grasslands have always been the worst.

In fact, there is nothing to say about this. For countless years of history, every rising tribe has come here.

"My lord, I found Lou Ning leading a group to slaughter a small tribe."

Not long after leaving Riyue Mountain, Ma Ye rushed to report.

When the members of the Pu clan who came out with Li Chengqian heard this, they immediately became alert.

One of the purposes of their trip was to investigate the reality.

Pusiruo is a very cautious or suspicious person. The previous news was brought back by Li Chengqian's people. Whether it was out of doubt or questioning the abilities of Zhao Yan and others, he wanted his people to confirm the news. .

After all, this news is too important to Platts.

At this moment, when Ma Ye said that Lou Ning was slaughtering a small tribe in front, the group of people immediately changed their minds.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not hearing, they wanted to confirm the news in person.

Li Chengqian turned his head and glanced at the Pu clan who was about to move, and said in a flat tone: "Steady."

"My lord..." The leader of the Pu clan was about to speak, when Li Chengqian raised his hand and said in a displeased tone, "Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Before leaving, Puxi Ruo warned these clansmen in front of Li Chengqian that they should listen to Li Chengqian's orders outside, as for how he explained to them in private, this is unknown.

Therefore, it is difficult for the Pu clan to say anything at the moment, but everyone can feel the unruliness shown on their faces.

Thinking about it, a group of warriors on the prairie would be somewhat dissatisfied if they were made to surrender to a teenager.

"Don't forget the purpose of our trip!" Li Chengqian is also a guy who has lived two lifetimes. How could he not be aware of their dissatisfaction, so he said immediately, "In the valley, there are still your people. Brothers, you are all waiting for us to get food back, do you really think of our mission when they starve to death and besiege the city?"

After he finished speaking, the group of Pu clan fell silent.

For them, Li Chengqian also has a headache.

These people, it is indeed my help to use them well, but the key is that these people are not of the same mind as him.

If it weren't for being unable to refuse at that time, Li Chengqian would never have wanted to bring these guys out with him.

There are many times when one plus one is greater than two, but it is not uncommon for one plus one to be less than two.

Seeing that these people were quiet, Li Chengqian said again: "Before leaving, your leader handed you over to me, so I have to guarantee your safety, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, you must obey my orders. If you do No, you can leave now on your own, whether you go back to Riyue Mountain or immediately go to Lou Ning for revenge, that is your business, you should think about it yourself."

"Master, you are joking." The leader of the Pu clan said, "Since the leader asked us to follow the arrangement of the master during this trip, naturally he dare not disobey."

This person's name is Plebobo, God knows who gave him such a ridiculous name, if he is not called full name Bobo, it always feels like he is taking advantage of others.

Li Chengqian ignored him, and after confirming a few words with Ma Ye, he said, "Well, you continue to stare at them now, remember, don't disturb them, we will go around from the east."

He doesn't want to conflict with Lou Ning now, mainly because he doesn't know what Murong Shun's intentions are, so it's better to avoid his edge for the time being.

Besides, during his trip, he had no intention of going head-to-head with Murong Shun.After all, with only 80 people like him, he doesn't have enough capital to go head-to-head with others!
"Young master, do you think we should also send two people to go with Brother Ma? After all, we are more familiar with this grassland. If we are really discovered, we will have someone to take care of us." Plebo still didn't want to let go of such a Opportunity, Wen Yan said something.

After a little thought, Li Chengqian understood that people with feelings still had the task of verifying the news, so he said immediately: "It's not impossible, but the ugly words are up front. After you go, everything has to be up to Ma Ye. If you don't follow, it will affect the safety of our brigade, kill without mercy!"

"It's natural." Plebo nodded immediately.

Soon, he chose two of his clansmen to follow Ma Ye and leave.

After they left, Li Chengqian led people to go around from the east.

Temporarily conflicting with Murong Shun's people is an extremely unwise choice.

But many times, many things are not what you want to do.Just as Ma Ye took the people away from Yizhuxiang, they came back again, and this time they were obviously a little hasty and nervous.

Ma Ye seemed to be yelling something from a long distance away, but it was too far away to hear him clearly.

But no matter whether he could hear clearly or not, whether it was Li Chengqian or Zhao Yan, even Pule Bobo realized that something was wrong.

"Get ready to fight!" This was the first sentence Li Chengqian said.

There is only one reason why the horse industry behaves like this, they are exposed.

At this moment, it is not the reason why they were exposed, but how to deal with it.

At this moment, Li Chengqian's mind was running crazily like a high-speed motor.

There was only one reason why he didn't tell everyone to run away immediately.

The horse industry is back.

As a professional scout, it is impossible for Ma Ye not to know where to go after being exposed.

Whether it was for himself or for Li Chengqian and the others, if there was a large army chasing after him, he would definitely not run back, but would try to lure the enemy away.

Now, there is only one reason why he dared to run back, there are not many enemies!

This is what Li Chengqian wanted to understand in an instant.

Of course, Zhao Yan and the others also figured this out.

They don't have as much thought as Li Chengqian, just one thing, they believe that Ma Ye won't harm them, that's all!

"If it's your people who exposed us, don't blame me for being rude!" After speaking, Li Chengqian gave Plebobo and the others a cold look.

After all, Ma Ye hadn't had such a problem for a long time, and as a result, their people had problems as soon as they followed up, which had to make Li Chengqian suspicious.

Don't talk about him, even Plebb thinks so in his heart.

Things that were going well at first suddenly went wrong, and everyone would be suspicious.

Of course, it is inappropriate for Li Chengqian to say these things at this moment. If he really wants to be held accountable, that is after the fact. Now we have to rely on everyone to work together. Saying these words will still have an impact on internal unity.

This also shows that he is not mature enough at this time.

"People from Lou Ning found us, just behind, more than 40 people." At this moment, Ma Ye's words finally came clearly.

As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, sure enough, he immediately shouted: "Everyone obeys orders, kill all these people, and we will run away immediately!"

Thoughts are always good. How could Li Chengqian have imagined that it was because of this incident that the battle between him and Murong Shun in Chishuiyuan was completely started...

(End of this chapter)

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