Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 1 Dilemma

Chapter 1 Dilemma
In [-], on the second day of the second month of the second month of Jimao in the lunar calendar, the dragon raised its head.

Mountain City (Chongqing), Luojiawan.

Nationalist Government Military Commission Bureau of Investigation and Statistics (Military Command), Judiciary Division, Interrogation Division, No. [-] Interrogation Room.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Song Shutang felt that there was air leaking everywhere, because there was no glass on the windows.

This scene is not uncommon in mountain cities. The Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng (Wuhan), and fighter planes took off from Hankou to bombard the mountain city continuously. The heavy bombing in the past few days caused heavy losses to the mountain city.

Many glass pieces were blown and shattered, and those who survived the disaster were also removed manually by the owner. After all, the explosion spread and the sharp glass shattered and shattered, and the lethality was not low.

The old newspapers were pasted with paste, and the pasted windows were slightly yellowed, and the corners of the paper blown by the wind swayed.

"Mr. Song, let's talk for ourselves."

The words resounding in the interrogation room moved Song Shutang's eyes away from the window and fell on the person in front of him. There was a table between them, and the priority was clear.

The person who spoke was Cao Yanning, Chief of the Interrogation Section of the Judiciary Department of the Military Command.

"What are you talking about?"

"Talk about why the Sword Holding Group suffered heavy losses and casualties in an operation against Japan, but you were able to bring it back!"

The Armed Sword Team of the Military Command was the Secret Service Department of Lixingshe at that time. It was composed of elites from various departments in the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War, with the intention of fighting against the Japanese invaders and eradicating traitors.

The team of holding sword performed well and made outstanding achievements repeatedly, becoming the ace team in the game, but almost all members were wiped out in the last operation against Japan.

Only Yan Qinghui, Nie Hong, and Song Shutang survived, and all three are now being held for interrogation in the Judicial Division of the Military Command Bureau.

Looking at each other, Song Shutang said coldly: "I have answered it many times."

Not shy away from meeting their eyes, Cao Yanning put his fingers on the table and said, "Please answer again."

"Do you want to hear the answer you want to hear from me?"

"It's about hearing the truth."

"What you call the truth is to doubt me?"

"Work required."

"It's your job to rub salt in the wounds of soldiers who were born to die?"

"Maybe the wound is just a cover?"

"What do you think is the truth?"

"Song Shutang, a member of the Sword Holding Group, defected to the Japanese and used the lives of members of the same group as votes in exchange for glory and wealth."

Cao Yanning's cold and serious words failed to change Song Shutang's strangeness. He had expected it and was not in a hurry.

"Take refuge with the Japanese?" Song Shutang smiled, as if mocking Cao Yanning.

"Dealing with him every day, being drunk with money and feasting, under the corrosion of sugar-coated shells, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be distracted."

"Luxury and rich? Is this what you think of working in enemy-occupied areas?" Song Shutang's face became more mocking.

"It's not without lessons learned from the past." Cao Yanning pressed on step by step.

"If I'm really greedy for pleasure in exchange for glory and wealth, why should I come back and throw myself into the trap?"

"The Japanese sent you back, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart."

"Then am I rich and rich, or am I licking blood with the tip of a knife?"

"The Jianjian team is carrying out the task, and Xijian takes a slant, and does the opposite, which can be unexpected."


"True and false, false and true, Mr. Song knows better than me, doesn't he?"

"Evidence?" Song Shutang asked indifferently.

"I'm afraid it's just death without proof."

"Then stop talking nonsense."

"Maybe it's true?"

"That's true, your level is not good."

Tit for tat, swords drawn, the atmosphere in the interrogation room fell into a stalemate for a while.The member of the interrogation department who was in charge of taking the interrogation records had stiff fingers holding the pen, and he could only write quickly when the conversation was too fast.

Cao Yanning was not surprised. The interrogation of Song Shutang in the past few days ended in dissatisfaction.Members of the same group sacrificed, and dirty water was poured on themselves, and no one would be calm.

If you are not in a hurry and can cope with it freely, then there are many doubts, but even if Song Shutang behaves like this, Cao Yanning may not believe what he said.

He was observing Song Shutang, but Song Shutang was observing him.Is there any connection between Cao Yanning and the previous accident of the Sword Holding Group?
Tough to deal with!

Regardless of whether it was Yan Qinghui, Nie Hong, or Song Shutang in front of him, Cao Yanning took turns to review them, but there was no progress.

There is no mediocrity in the Sword Holding Group!
However, the way the three survived was different.

Yan Qinghui was in charge of the radio station and was not present for the operation that day, so he survived.

Nie Hong was in charge of driving, and was on standby at the evacuation site, and survived.

As for Song Shutang, he directly participated in the operation and charged into battle with other members of the Sword Holding Group. It can be said that his survival was a narrow escape.Those who faced the action all died, and Song Shutang lived alone. In Cao Yanning's view, the most suspicious of the three.

"Mr. Song is very angry." Cao Yanning hoped to seek a breakthrough.

"The interrogation department spouted blood and pointed deer as horses, so I might as well greet them with a smile on my face."

"Just investigating."

"Oh, investigation?"

"What does Mr. Song mean?"

"Is it an investigation, or is it you, Section Chief Cao, who want to step on your own people?"

Hearing Song Shutang's words, Cao Yanning opened his eyes angrily, clapped his hands on the table and asked, "Song Shutang, why did you say that?"

"Section Chief Cao is depressed and frustrated. The workplace is not smooth and he will not be promoted for a long time. It is a good way to use the name of my sword-holding team to gain the limelight and take the opportunity to rise to the top."

Song Shutang's words were full of sarcasm, he was not afraid that Cao Yanning would not understand, what he wanted to do now was to provoke this person.

Cao Yanning, chief of the interrogation section of the Judicial Department, was born in 35 and is [-] years old now.

In [-], he graduated from the sixth batch of Jinling (Nanjing) Central Military Academy. After graduation, he performed well in war against warlords. Later, he was transferred to the post of chief of the interrogation department because of his upright and jealous personality.

There were not a few of my classmates who graduated in the same year as directors at that time. Cao Yanning offended many people in his position, so he was not promoted for a long time.

In Song Shutang's mind, information about Cao Yanning flashed one by one, and what he wanted to do now was to provoke this person.

Straightforward and hot tempered!
This is Song Shutang's solution
Frustrated in the workplace, no promotion for a long time!
Take advantage of the problem and step on your own people to take the lead!
With just a few words, the smell of gunpowder permeated the interrogation room.

"We fought desperately against the Japanese on the front line, disregarding life and death. Section Chief Cao wanted to be promoted in the back, and used our lives as a weight to interrogate the members of the Sword Holding Group so that Section Chief Cao can show off in the bureau." Song Shutang continued to fire Topped with oil.

"How can I, Cao Yanning, behave like a villain."

"As a 'cousin' who still wants to set up a memorial archway, it's better to use torture and beating directly, so that you can be promoted to the ranks and rise to the top." Song Shutang looked disdainful.

Being pointed and scolded in person, Cao Yanning's anger welled up in his heart. He has been in the interrogation department for many years, devoted himself to his duties and worked hard without complaint.

Today, it is said that he wants to turn black and white into nothing, and wants to use his own blood to pave his way to official career, which is extremely ironic.

Song Shutang deliberately wanted to provoke Cao Yanning, but seeing that the heat was about the same, he planned to work harder.After being prodded by his words, Cao Yanning turned off the recording equipment, got up and walked out from behind the desk.

Seeing this, Song Shutang was secretly happy, but kept talking, he wanted to force the other party to do something.

A member of the interrogation department hurriedly came to Cao Yanning's side, and said in a low voice, "Chief Cao, many eyes have been staring at us. If we do something, we will be blamed."

"When did the interrogation department start to pay attention to methods and methods?" Cao Yanning couldn't understand Song Shutang's face at this time.

"It's a review." The clerk reminded.

There is a huge difference between interrogation and review.

Seeing that Cao Yanning was about to make a move, but was persuaded by the people around him, a trace of disappointment flashed in Song Shutang's eyes. The way out of trouble he had planned earlier seemed to be hindered.

The impulsive Cao Yanning calmed down, sat back at the table again, and said: "It's no loss that you are a member of the Trump Action Team, the Sword Holding Team, and your methods are really powerful."

Seeing that Cao Yanning saw through the calculation in his mind, Song Shutang did not hide it, and said with a free and easy smile, "I underestimate Section Chief Cao."

"I want to provoke me, conflict with me, and force the military department and the operation department to intervene in the interrogation. It's a good idea."

"It's a class move."

"Since the Sword Supporting Team participated in the anti-Japanese operations, they have always completed every task with excellence. They have made countless achievements in repelling rape and killing the enemy. Now that the Trump Team is almost wiped out, how can there be nothing wrong with it?"


A trace of anger flashed in Song Shutang's heart.

The ace team was "annihilated."

Those who were alive at this time became the most suspicious people!
(End of this chapter)

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