Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 106 The joy from the heart

Chapter 106 The joy from the heart

Shangshibanpo was not bombed intensively and was not greatly affected.

During the day, the protection team cleaned up the streets, and the ambulance team rescued the wounded. The workload was not heavy and the night was over.

However, two families were unfortunately bombed, and the houses were damaged and uninhabitable. They were temporarily resettled elsewhere, and the house repair work will start tomorrow.

Fortunately, there were no incendiary bombs among the bombs thrown, otherwise the losses on the stone slope would have been even more serious.

Walking to the heights, you can also see the sparkling fires in the lower half of the city!

The fire caused by the incendiary bombs is still spreading. The fire brigade extinguished the fire all night and observed the fire situation. There are many affected residents in the urban area, and night resettlement is also a big problem.

Within a day, the mountain city was severely affected.

Many people are destined to have no sleep tonight!

Taking advantage of the night, I came to Uncle Li's house.

The kerosene lamp was not on in the house, so Song Shutang knocked on the door.


A familiar voice came, and his worries were put down.

"it's me."

"Come in."

The door was opened, and Uncle Li appeared in the house. Through the moonlight, he saw Song Shutang's face was wounded, and his expression tightened.

Song Shutang also saw that Uncle Li's arm was wrapped in bandages, and his expression turned cold.

"How did you do it?" Song Shutang was the first to ask.

Uncle Li stepped aside and said, "I was hit by a brick."


"On the way to the air-raid shelter today, I saw a child being pinned down by a collapsed wooden pile. I stepped forward to help rescue him, and a brick from the roof fell, so I blocked it with my arm."

"Is it serious?" Song Shutang complained.

It is rare for Uncle Li to take care of himself in this situation, but he still has to help others.

But Song Shutang knew that there was no need to persuade him, as Uncle Li's character was like this.

"How did you do it?" Uncle Li didn't light the kerosene lamp, and they sat opposite Song Shutang in the dark.

He lives alone and has no friends, and only works overtime by lighting a kerosene lamp at night when he is busy, but now that his arm is injured and he cannot work, it would seem strange to turn on the lights late at night.

"I'm on a mission today..." Song Shutang said the mission.

Uncle Li listened quietly without interrupting, and only after he understood the cause and effect of the whole matter, he said: "Your actions today are a bit too forced."

"Yes." Song Shutang did not refute.

With Hu Zhaoying on his back!
Against the air attack!

Catch Li Mucong hard.

Although it is successful now, Uncle Li said that it is barely right.

As a person who experienced it personally, Song Shutang understands the danger of today.

"Do you know where the problem is?" Uncle Li's tone changed and Song Shutang seemed to return to the sword holding group. Whenever Uncle Li talked to him like this, it was after doing something wrong.

The group leader 'Tiangu' will sit aside.

Uncle Li taught him to learn to think after the fact.

Song Shutang subconsciously looked behind Uncle Li, but did not see the team leader 'Tiangu'.

There was a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth in the darkness.

"The problem is that it was exposed too early, and everything was controlled by the enemy." He sat up straight and began to answer.

"The intelligence department's planning and arrangement are fine, and the investigation logic is also fine. Why is it exposed too early?"

Uncle Li would not ask useless words.

So Song Shutang didn't rush to answer, but thought seriously in his heart.

"Li Mucong is more capable than we thought."

"Not exactly."

"That is?"

"The power of the six-legged group may far exceed your imagination."

"Six-legged team!"

"It's impossible for Li Mucong to do it alone."

"We speculate that there are members of the six-legged team cooperating with Li Mocong."

"Is it just cooperation?" Uncle Li's voice was deep in the darkness.

Just cooperate!

Song Shutang fell silent.

Uncle Li waited quietly.

It took about 10 minutes before Song Shutang said, "There are not many clues at the moment."

"Pay attention to this when investigating."


Later Song Shutang continued to ask: "Now that the intelligence department is investigating, is it necessary for these 11 people who met Li Mucong?"

"You don't think so?"

"I just find it weird."

"I understand what you mean, but the intelligence department has to investigate, especially Bao Yiwei will not let go of any clues. These 11 people may all be arrested and brought back to the Military Control Bureau."

"Catch them all?"

"Just wait and see." Uncle Li knew Bao Yiwei very well.

After talking about the task, Song Shutang asked: "Is it convenient to go to the air-raid shelter to hide?"

"is acceptable."

"Would you like to change your place of residence, it will be safer." Song Shutang said with deep meaning.

"It's not necessary." Uncle Li didn't know if he understood.

"I'm afraid there will be too many people. The farms in the suburbs are actually quite good. The places are large and not among the key targets of the air strikes."

"Suburban countryside?"


"Which suburb?"

"I heard that Hongyanzui is okay." Song Shutang avoided looking at Uncle Li in the dark.

Uncle Li said calmly, "It's better, it's convenient to meet, otherwise you will be in trouble if you want to come and see me in the future air raids."

"The farm is safe, you can see it or not, right?"

"Okay?" Uncle Li's tone changed.

Song Shutang wisely changed the subject and said, "During the air raid, Brother Nie and Brother Yan drove from Luojiawan to Xiaoshizi to look for me."

"Nie Hong is impulsive. When did Yan Qinghui become so reckless?" Uncle Li felt that this was very different from the Yan Qinghui he remembered.

"They have suspicions about each other, and they want to use it to prove each other's innocence. Is this what two intelligence officers who have been working for many years should do?"

"Perhaps there is depression in my heart." Uncle Li can actually understand that the former comrades in the team were suspicious and suspicious of each other, and this feeling is really tormenting.

"But now I should be depressed."


"Who is the one who betrayed the team?"

"Although it's pitch black in front of me, I can feel your eyes scrutinizing me." Uncle Li said with a smile.


Song Shutang was examining Uncle Li in the darkness with his eyes.

But as Uncle Li's voice fell, he also laughed out loud.

It can't be Uncle Li.

After Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui proved their innocence, the dispute between factions has collapsed.

As for surrendering to the enemy, it is even more nonsense.

Uncle Li's legs are disabled!

And if Song Shutang hadn't left Uncle Li in a coma on his back that day, he might have followed in the footsteps of the team leader and others. The price of defecting to the enemy is so high, but now he can only repair shoes here to live, what is he trying to do?
The rebellion is nothing more than power and money.

But Uncle Li doesn't have it!
"This feeling is really good." Song Shutang grinned happily even if it touched the wound.

There are no traitors in the Sword Holding Group!
All are innocent.

No news could bring Song Shutang such joy.

Previously, Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui were suspected.

Song Shutang was extremely tormented.

All of them are both teachers and friends, turning against each other is like being dug out from the apex of the heart.

Uncle Li also smiled.

Why is he willing to doubt Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui?

"You said if the two of them knew that you were still alive, what would their expressions be?" Song Shutang suddenly became interested.

"Tell them?"


"Afraid of causing trouble to them?"

"I'm also afraid of bringing you trouble." It's just that this sentence is what Song Shutang thought in his heart, and he didn't say it out of his mouth.

Uncle Li's gaze in the dark is also full of deep meaning, but fortunately he can't see each other's faces clearly, otherwise the expressions must be very exciting now.

Fortunately, the two did not continue this topic.

Song Shutang turned to say: "You have limited mobility, so be careful in the face of air raids."

"Don't worry about me."

"Do you really want to change places?" Song Shutang asked again unwillingly.

"Red Rock Mouth?"

"Let's go." Song Shutang continued to speak from Uncle Li's tone, and he had no good fruit to eat.

"Slow down the road."

"it is good."

From the upper stone slope to the lower Luojiawan.

Along the way, Song Shutang was thinking about what Uncle Li said.

The capabilities of the six-legged team far exceeded their expectations!

The cooperation between the six-legged team members and Li Mucong was far beyond their imagination!
So what exactly did these people do?
After a day of stalking, fighting, air raids, interrogations, etc., I was exhausted.

Song Shutang fell asleep with thoughts in his mind.

When he woke up the next day, his mouth was still full of the smell of blood. Li Mu's attack was really serious.

The number of water bearers dropped sharply today after experiencing air raids and bombings yesterday.

Song Shutang shared a bucket of water with others, so that they would not be unable to wash.

Long Hao waited for a long time at the intersection with his breakfast, when he saw Song Shutang coming out, he handed it to him and said, "Eat it while it's hot."

"Why did you come so early?"

"Irritated, Li Mu never opened his mouth."

"should not."

"It's really hard-talking."

The two came to the intelligence department while they were talking, and saw Zhu Yue hurried out.

"What's the matter, team leader?" Long Hao asked, blocking the way.

"You came just in time, come with me to arrest people."

"Catch who?"

"All 11 people who met Li Mucong were captured."

"Catch them all?"


Song Shutang did not expect that Uncle Li really hit the spot.

The intelligence department really started to arrest people.

"These are all prominent figures in the cultural world, arrest them all?" Song Shutang asked.

"Catch!" Zhu Yue glanced at the director's office, and the meaning was obvious.

Long Hao asked in a low voice: "An order from the director?"

"I have already consulted Director Dai for instructions, and I can arrest people with peace of mind."


 thanks for the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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