Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 117 Ingenious Acting Heart Breakdown

Chapter 117 Ingenious Acting Heart Breakdown
The first night was spent in the interrogation room.

Hu Zhaoying didn't sleep all night.

Her mind was in a mess and she was about to lose her ability to think.

Photos of Li Mucong being tortured kept flashing in front of his eyes, and Song Shutang's words couldn't help coming to his ears. Hu Zhaoying felt extremely depressed for a moment, and even his breathing became difficult.

The Military Command is in huge trouble.

Whether she is innocent or not, she cannot leave!

Expect Li Mu to take back what he said from waking up?
I'm afraid the odds are slim.

But what really puzzled Hu Zhaoying was that.

Li Mu has spoken?

After a sleepless night, Hu Zhaoying woke up the next day and waited for someone from the intelligence department.

Zhu Yue took a photo to compare with her.

Hu Zhaoying recognized at a glance that it was a photo of her and her mother.

Later, a female staff member came forward and asked her to take off her pants. She knew that she must have contacted her father, Hu Cong, to check her burns.

After everything was over, she waited for another male classmate whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Glancing through the iron fence, he turned his head and left.

Morning is busy.

Wait until the afternoon when Song Shutang finds an opportunity to come and bring her meals.

"You're starving, eat something quickly." Song Shutang handed in the food.

Hu Zhaoying picked it up and ate it while asking, "How is it now?"

"The situation was good. Corey didn't think you were Hu Zhaoying, but the investigation found a lot of clues, and now they all prove that you are Hu Zhaoying."

"Isn't that good news?"

"It's good news, but Li Mu woke up in a daze in the hospital this morning. Members of the intelligence department were lying next to his mouth. He heard him say that Hu Zhaoying was pretending to be Hu Zhaoying, and he couldn't understand some words intermittently."

"woke up?"

"I haven't fully woken up yet, but it looks like I can wake up."

"is it?"

"That's why I said it's bad for you. If he wakes up and insists that there is something wrong with him, it will be really troublesome." Song Shutang looked sad.

Without waiting for Hu Zhaoying to speak, he continued: "Li Mucong really killed people, he said you have a problem, is this a possibility that people can think of?

I saw with my own eyes that you were stabbed and carried you all the way. You didn't affect me at all. When you arrested Li Mucong, you even kicked me. You almost lost blood to death in the air-raid shelter. Team leader They all saw it.

In the end, if there was not a car to take you to the hospital, you would have already been on Huangquan Road. How could this be a spy. "


how is this possible.

What is the only possibility?
Naturally, Li Mucong spoke up.

Now it is difficult for Hu Zhaoying to doubt whether Li Mucong will speak.

After all, if such a plan hadn't been confessed by insiders, how would others know about it?
The food feels a little tasteless in my mouth.

"Is there really nothing I can do?" Hu Zhaoying looked at Song Shutang and asked expectantly.

"The bureau promised Li Mucong that as long as he speaks, not only will he be spared, but he will even be able to eat and drink in the future. Moreover, there are important figures in Shangfeng who value his ability and attitude when facing torture instruments. For your own use."

"Can the spies be used for their own use?"

"Nothing is impossible these days, so maybe Li Mucong must say something in order to survive, and you have become a scapegoat."

Hu Zhaoying knew in her heart whether she was the scapegoat or not.

"And after he catches his accomplice?"

"In the face of spies, they must be killed without mercy. Spies who have lost their value can only comfort the spirits of the sacrificed comrades in the sky and inspire everyone's determination to resist Japan." Song Shutang did not like the mention of spies.

He looked at Hu Zhaoying worriedly and said, "What Li Mu said after waking up today will definitely have an effect. I may torture you later, and I can't stop it."


"You must hold on and don't admit it, otherwise the gods will be hard to save."

"Hold on?"

"All instruments of torture will be used again, you must grit your teeth and persist."

Hu Zhaoying wanted to scold someone in his heart.

Can my wife hold on?

All instruments of torture!
Even Li Mucong can't hold it, how can I be better than 'Tiger Bee'.

After he was convinced that the 'Tiger Bee' would speak, he was full of fear for Hu Zhaoying, the instrument of torture.

It's a reaction to a breakdown in faith.

At this moment, Long Hao hurriedly ran over from outside and shouted: "Shutang, don't get together with her, there is news from the hospital that Li Mucong may wake up tonight, and he will definitely explain what needs to be explained. "

"is it?"

"It's absolutely true. Didn't I wake up once today? If it wasn't for the staff who asked about the situation in a hurry and knocked him out again, I might have explained everything now."

"Go to the hospital."

"The director wants to go with us and fulfill all the conditions he promised Li Mucong."

"Can the spy let him live?" Song Shutang knew about this a long time ago, and he just told Hu Zhaoying about it, but he is still aggrieved.

Long Hao said helplessly: "But he is capable, and he has endured this instrument of torture for so long, I admire him."

"It's still a spy after all."

"We can't refute Shangfeng's meaning."

"But he said that Hu Zhaoying was an accomplice. Is this also true?"

"Since he said it, he can definitely prove it, just let him prove it."

"Okay, I want to see if what I see is true, or what he said is true." Song Shutang said a little angry.

At the same time, he turned to Hu Zhaoying and said, "You wait for me."

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Hu Zhaoying's heart turned back and forth.

Can Li Mucong prove that she is a spy?
Very capable!
When Li Mu confessed everything, what value would she have?
I'm afraid, as Song Shutang said, there is only one dead end.

Then Li Mucong is alive and well?

And it was all Li Mucong's fault for being caught, if he hadn't spoken, would he have been caught?

How could there be any mistakes in such a seamless plan.

Thinking of this, Hu Zhaoying suddenly shouted: "Song Shutang."

He who had gone away came back and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have something to say."

"Wait when I get back."

"What I say is very important." Hu Zhaoying shouted as if he really broke down.

Song Shutang was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Li Mucong is right, I am indeed a Japanese spy."

"Are you dumbfounded?" Song Shutang couldn't believe it.

After Hu Zhaoying said this, she relaxed a lot. She said, "I want to see your director."


"I also want to negotiate terms."

"Are you talking nonsense for your life?"

"It's really me."

Song Shutang stood on the spot, a little too late to react, Long Hao said after being surprised: "I'll call the director."

When Song Shutang walked out of the interrogation room in a daze, Zhu Yue asked with a happy face outside: "Speak?"

Long Hao had already told him when he came out just now.

The surprised expression on Song Shutang's face disappeared immediately, and he changed into a relieved expression and said: "As we expected, we recruited."

"Your method is really good." Zhu Yue said with a smile.

"It's just taking advantage of their plan."

Li Mucong and Hu Zhaoying's plan can be said to be enough to deceive the world.

Therefore, in Hu Zhaoying's heart, if the intelligence department would arrest her, it must be Li Mu who spoke up, there is no other possibility.

In addition, Song Shutang acted in it, expressing that he did not believe that she was a spy at all.

This idea strengthened her even more.

As for you saying that Li Mu never speaks?
Originally, Hu Zhaoying thought so too.

Li Mucong is her belief, someone she is willing to believe in with her life, otherwise how can she cooperate with the implementation of this plan.

But it was the instruments of torture and Li Mucong's tragic situation that made Hu Zhaoying shaken.

With so many clues together, she could only believe that Li Mucong had rebelled and chose to betray herself.

If she really waited for Li Mucong to tell everything, she would surely die.

And the most important thing is that even if Li Mucong died in the hospital, she would not survive.

If the military commander is in big trouble, he will definitely torture her and beat her into a trick.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether she is a spy or not.

The combination of many conditions finally caused Hu Zhaoying's mentality to collapse, and sometimes torture was not necessary at all.

There are often more ingenious ways to destroy a person's heart.

For example, this time acting.

If Hu Zhaoying believed that Li Mu had let go, Song Shutang and the others had already won.

Therefore, her opening was planned, and under such circumstances, there was absolutely no need for her to hold on.

Why don't you use your own ability to quickly confess Li Mu and talk about the conditions.

"Are you still acting when you go in later?" Zhu Yue asked.

"There is a beginning and an end." Of course Song Shutang will act.

 Thank you Xin Wuyang, book friend 1406022514612 boss for your support.

  Thanks to Heitanxiang, the owner of cross5800 for his monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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