Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 141 Anti-investigation in Shanghai

Chapter 141 Anti-investigation in Shanghai
Can first-timers get a piece of the pie?

What is the relationship with Xie Ying?

She took advantage of the opportunity to show an encouraging smile and planned to leave.

But the person in front of him spoke faster: "Why don't you accept my interview."



"But I only played a small part."

"There are no small roles, just small actors. I think we need to pay more attention to small people at the moment. Maybe you can write a report with a different angle."

"never mind……"

"Please do me a favor, otherwise I'll return today without success, and I'm afraid I'll lose my internship position."

Xie Ying really wanted to say why did she want to help you?

I have never met before, so I obviously have no obligation to help.

But Song Shutang's emotional words were exaggerated, causing the passing actor to hear this and turn to persuade Xie Ying to help.

Young actors know that survival is not easy.

I don't want to see Song Shutang lose his internship.

The persuasion to Xie Ying was out of goodwill, although she didn't really consider the other party's feelings, but it was exactly what Song Shutang needed now.

The words escalated all over the place and immediately attracted the attention of many reporters and audience. Xie Ying didn't want to see the situation getting worse, so she nodded in agreement.

The two walked out of the cinema and sat down at a street stall.

There are many street stalls open outside the theater, and Song Shutang thanked Xie Ying for dinner.

"What do you want to ask?" Xie Ying asked holding a bowl of herbal tea.

"Why did you become an actor?"

"It's a mistake."

"Can you elaborate on that?"

"Family reasons are inconvenient to mention."

"Excuse me."



"Yes." Xie Ying wasn't surprised why Song Shutang knew where she came from. Many people would have guessed it the first time they saw her. After all, her clothes and accent would reveal this.

"You look so natural in your performance, why are you still an intern?"

"Before the company closed down, I came to the mountain city to seek development. It is not easy to become a trainee actor when I first come here."

"What company did you work for before?"

"Lianhua Film Company."

"Mr. Luo founded it?"


"The "Old Capital Red Dream" filmed by Mr. Luo's company sold well at the box office, which revived domestic films." Song Shutang spoke highly of Mr. Luo.

Xie Ying smiled and said, "The time and place are right."

"How to say?"

"In 29 years, Hollywood began to shoot sound films, and no longer made silent films, and the equipment of most domestic movie theaters did not support showing sound films, so there was a shortage of silent films.

"Red Dream of the Old Capital" was born under such circumstances, filling the market for silent films, and thus achieved great success. Of course, it is undeniable that the film itself is wonderful. "

"There are still such stories." Song Shutang recorded in his notebook, as if he was very interested in these.

Xie Ying shook her head and said, "You don't want to report these things. If I am misunderstood and belittled "The Dream of the Old Capital", then my acting career may come to an end."

"Please don't worry about this, and whether my report can be published in the newspaper is still unknown."

"Take it easy."

"Thank you."

After the thanks were over, Song Shutang asked again: "Then will there be a gap between you?"


"After all, you have been struggling for many years before, and you can be regarded as a small celebrity. Suddenly, your status has plummeted when you come to a foreign land. Starting from an intern actor, how do you calm down?"

"I wasn't very famous before, and now that the world is in trouble, how can I not settle down if I can have something to eat."

"Why don't you choose to stay in Shanghai?"

"Stay in Shanghai to make fun of the enemy?"

"That was not what I meant."


After asking a few more questions, I checked out and left.

She wanted to send Xie Ying back on the pretext that it was getting late, but she refused.

Song Shutang didn't insist either.


From the conversation with Xie Ying, you can't catch her at all.

It is not surprising that spy literacy is so good.

But now Song Shutang wants the intelligence department to lock down Xie Ying, directly suspecting her identity as a spy, there is no good reason.

How do you say it when you go back?
Could it be that he felt that there was something wrong with Xie Ying?

When the intelligence department acts depends on the feeling!
It's just that Song Shutang didn't want to continue to procrastinate, so he allowed the intelligence department to investigate the eight people, and finally led them to Xie Ying's office slowly, which was too time-consuming.

Want a quick fix!

After all, Wang Ni negotiated with the Japanese in Shanghai to set up a puppet government. Now that he has the identity of the people who were instigated to rebel, he may be able to bring out more people, so you can't delay.

On the way back, Song Shutang made up his mind to start with Xie Ying's parents.

Rest overnight in Xialuojiawan, run into Long Hao at the intersection the next day, and the two go to the intelligence department together.

On the way, Long Hao naturally asked about Song Shutang's contact yesterday.

"It's a bit unusual."

"Abnormal?" Long Hao regained his energy in an instant.

Originally just asked.

Anyone who would have thought that the first direct contact would find out.

This luck is too good!
"Let's talk in Corey."

"Come on."

At this time, I said that I have to repeat it several times. It is better to tell it in front of everyone after I arrive at the intelligence department.

When he came to the intelligence department, Long Hao couldn't wait to drag Song Shutang to Zhu Yue's office.

Li Tairan also followed after seeing this.

Last night, Li Tairan actually made contact for the first time, but nothing came of it.

Now hearing Long Hao say that Song Shutang had discovered something, he was equally curious.

"Have you found anything?" Zhu Yue asked.

"It's also reasoning."

"tell me the story."

"I talked with Xie Ying last night, and I didn't find any clues, but she didn't mention her parents at all during the conversation."

"You didn't mention your parents?"


"Do you think it's suspicious?"

"According to the information we obtained from our investigation, Xie Ying's parents' business failed and they were struggling in Shanghai. It was after she became a child star and gained income that she could barely support the family's life in Shanghai.

But now that Shanghai is occupied by the enemy, as far as we know, life may be more difficult than before. Secondly, it is very troublesome for Xie Ying to send money to Shanghai in the mountain city. Why doesn't she care about her parents who are far away in Shanghai? "

"Maybe it's because I was worried that I didn't mention it in front of you."

"When it comes to this topic, I don't even see a worried look on her face."

"Could it be that Xie Ying left some savings before leaving Shanghai?" Long Hao raised a point.

"Even if life is worry-free, but people are in enemy-occupied territory after all, how can they not care at all?"

"Is it possible that Xie Ying's parents failed in their business in the early years, but they were unwilling to put down their figure to go to work, so that they had to rely on her to support their family, and they had conflicts in their hearts. They didn't have feelings for their parents. They came to the mountain city to escape from their families, so they didn't care about the other party's life now. Okay?" Li Tairan's hypothesis is obviously more credible.

Song Shutang said: "It's better to check Shanghai instead."

"Reverse investigation in Shanghai?"

"Let the comrades in Shanghai check to see if there is any problem with Xie Ying's parents."

Song Shutang now believes that the information provided by the Red Party is true.

Xie Ying is a spy.

If the identity background information is correct, there must be problems with Xie Ying's parental identity.

Cha Xieying is not easy to start.

What about her parents?
Now that Japanese bandits are rampant in Shanghai, her parents may be in a different state of mind, and maybe they can find out some clues.

Faced with this proposal, Zhu Yue said: "I want to report to the section chief for a decision."

"it is good."

"Any other information?"

"That's all for now."

Everyone dispersed and Zhu Yue went to find Shen Lushui.

Wait for an answer after the presentation.

Shen Lushui didn't think for a long time and said, "I will arrange members from Shanghai to investigate Xie Ying's parents."

The basis for Song Shutang's suspicion is indeed not obvious.

But if you really hold on to it, it is also a suspicious point.

Moreover, Song Shutang always brought surprises in the crackdown on spy operations before. Now Shen Lushui does not want to ignore his proposal. Maybe it will be another surprise?

The action team is now stirring up a bloody storm in Shanghai.

It is not difficult to investigate Xie Ying's parents through this muddy water, so you might as well give it a try.

Zhu Yue got an affirmative answer and went back to the office, calling Song Shutang.

After hanging up the phone, Song Shutang didn't wait, but went to see the second actress he was in charge of.

Since I intend to conceal it, I have to do a full set of the play.

You are just suspicious of Xie Ying at this moment, but you don't identify her. The other suspects will naturally continue to investigate.

The second actress Song Shutang is responsible for is also from Shanghai.

After all, the Japanese occupation of Shanghai led to the closure of many film companies, and a large number of employees moved to Chongqing.

No abnormalities were found in the first contact, which was expected.

 Thanks to the boss of polybutylene terephthalate for his monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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