Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 143 Spy Identity Confirmation

Chapter 143 Spy Identity Confirmation
The Southern Bureau informed that this matter was extremely critical.

Early notice required.

However, it is not advisable to meet too frequently before, so I plan to wait a few days before finding a suitable opportunity.

In the past two days, Meng Jiaqi was busy working at the newspaper office and never looked for Song Shutang.

Song Shutang continued to contact actresses and waited for news from Shanghai.

Tonight Zhu Yue sent someone to look for him to go back, Song Shutang knew the news from Shanghai, and immediately rushed to the intelligence department.

Going directly to Zhu Yue's office, he opened his mouth and asked, "But is there any news?"

"Not only is there news, but there are also doubts." Zhu Yue's tone was full of surprise.

"What doubt?"

"Xie Ying's parents were struggling to make ends meet, but according to the survey of local members, they are living a pretty good life now."

"Remittance from Xie Ying?" Li Tairan was also in the office, making a guess at this time.

"After investigation, there was no remittance."

"Where does the money come from?"

"This is where the suspicion lies. The local members made in-depth investigations and found that Xie Ying's parents had a good fortune after the Japanese occupied Shanghai."

"Is it related to the Japanese invaders?"

"I only investigated this in three days, so I will report it first, and the follow-up investigation is still going on." Zhu Yue said that this is all the news so far.

not enough!

These cannot be used as the basis for locking Xie Ying.

Although Xie Ying's suspicion level can be increased, she still needs to be investigated, and the problem of wasting time has not been resolved.

"It seems that Xie Ying's problem is not small, and her parents also have doubts." Li Tairan said.

"How to investigate later?" Song Shutang asked.

"Focus on Xie Ying to investigate." Zhu Yue replied.

"Too slow!" Song Shutang said bluntly.

"What do you suggest?"

"Since her parents have problems, it's better to start with his parents."

"Specifically?" Li Tairan asked.

"I heard that Yue Jian, chief of the operations department, did not go well with the assassination and anti-rape operation in Shanghai."

"What has it to do with this?"

"Let the Operations Department send people to sneak into the house directly, interrogate Xie Ying's parents and force him to confess the truth. If it is really a spy, the Operations Department can kill him, and it will be considered a sweep of the tide." Song Shutang thinks it is best to cut the mess quickly.

It is inappropriate for members charged with investigating this matter to undertake such a task.

Members of the Mobility Section are suitable for the job.

Xie Ying's parents will be able to solve the problem if they open their mouths. At that time, the two will lose their value, and they will not be able to be arrested and imprisoned in Shanghai.

This proposal is quite bold.

But there is no problem under careful consideration.

The members of the Operations Department were already on the front line, so it was not too difficult to force Xie Ying's parents to tell the truth.

As for blaming good people.

Xie Ying's parents have doubts, and the possibility of unjust, false or wrongly decided cases is relatively small.

Moreover, coercion is not a sentence, and there are no conditions for using it.

Being wrong is nothing more than frightening him.

Zhu Yue said decisively: "I'll report to the section chief. Team leader Li will invite Section Chief Yue to meet you in the section chief's office."

"Okay." Li Tairan immediately opened the door and left.

"You come with me." Zhu Yue said to Song Shutang.

The two joined hands to find Shen Lushui, and randomly expressed their intentions.

At the same time, Li Tairan invited Yue Jian.

After entering the door and sinking into the water, Yue Jian was invited to sit down.

"Are you aware of the matter?" Shen Lushui asked.

"Leader Li has made it clear." Yue Jian said that he had made it clear on the way here.

"What does Chief Yue think?"

"It's not difficult."

"Then trouble Section Chief Yue."

"Section chief Shen is polite. If it is really a spy, I would like to thank you for providing the information." Yue Jian was under a lot of pressure during this time.

The operation to intercept the defecting officials in Shancheng failed, so that two officials publicly expressed their support for Wang Ni the day before yesterday. Shancheng did not report the accident and the news is unknown.

But the outside world has known.

Shangfeng ordered to kill the two traitors in Shanghai, but he couldn't find a chance, and the assassination of other targets was also blocked.

At this time, if he could kill the two spies, it would also boost his morale, so Yue Jian naturally agreed to take action.

"How long will it take?" Song Shutang asked.

"Telegram to Shanghai tonight to formulate an action plan. If it is fast, results will be achieved before nightfall tomorrow." Yue Jian said that it will not be too late.

Xie Ying's parents lived in the alley.

It was not difficult for members of the Operations Section to sneak in secretly with guns to control the two.

It doesn't take too long to start intimidating after restricting movement.

"Waiting for good news from Chief Yue." Shen Lushui said.

"I'll make arrangements right now."

After Yue Jian left, Song Shutang and the others also returned to their office.

Then just wait.

In the evening, Yue Jian didn't go back to rest at all, and was always ready to receive new information in the operation department, so that he could issue instructions as soon as possible.

The next day, I came to the intelligence department and learned that the Shanghai side had already started to take action.

Everyone simply stayed in the intelligence department to wait for news.

After all, you should not meet too often with actresses.

Having nothing to do during the waiting period, Long Hao ran to Song Shutang's office to chat to pass the time.

"Do you think Xie Ying's parents are spies?"

"We'll know at night." Song Shutang felt that there was no need to guess at this moment.

"It's okay anyway, guess what."

"What do you think?"

"It should be." Long Hao naturally hoped so.

Song Shutang smiled and said, "I think so too."

"You can't learn from me."

"It doesn't matter if you win."

"Bet a meal, I guess you guess not."

"You have already made the decision for me." Song Shutang said helplessly.

"Gamble or not?"


Hearing that Song Shutang was willing to bet on Long Hao, he had a smile on his face.

But he said instead: "Then your luck is really good. You can always find the key points when you catch the spy before. This time, you pick two out of the eight people. It's a coincidence that the spy is still among the people you selected. "

Long Hao's seemingly understatement was just chatting.

But Song Shutang faintly smelled something different.

It was previously discovered by investigation.

This time it is a matter of distribution.

Although Zhu Yue and Li Tairan selected first, the list was written by Song Shutang.

Does Long Hao have a deep meaning in what he said at this time?

Song Shutang understands that people in the intelligence department will not say something for no reason, and Long Hao must also have the intention of probing.

Maybe he didn't suspect that there was something wrong with Song Shutang.

But I'm really curious why he was the first to discover the spy again!

"Luck." Song Shutang understood, but didn't explain too much.

Luck is enough!

Long Hao sighed, "When will I have such luck?"

"Learn more from me."

"Can luck also be learned?"

"Since you can't, what are you curious about?"

It wasn't embarrassing for Song Shutang to ask Long Hao back, he said with a smile, "It's boring to ask."

"Better bored."

"Can I still doubt you?" Long Hao shouted.

"I didn't say it."

"It's not that I didn't pretend to be self-confident, I..." Long Hao realized that the description was getting darker and darker, so he just kept silent.

Fortunately, when the news from the Operations Division came, the two of them had no time to worry about luck, and went to Shen Lushui's office together.

Long Hao's curiosity aroused attention, not to mention suspicion, and Song Shutang knocked it out, and he stopped being unreasonable and unforgiving, and the matter was considered over.

When they came to Shen Lushui's office, Yue Jian was already there, and Zhu Yue and Li Tairan were one step ahead of Song Shutang and Long Hao.

Seeing someone come, Qi Yuejian stood up and said, "Good news."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the three characters.

"Xie Ying's parents are indeed spies. They admit it personally. At the same time, Xie Ying's physical skills have also been proved that they are spies."

"Great!" Li Tairan had been investigating the whereabouts of the five thousand dollars for a long time, and this time he was finally able to see the moonlight when the clouds opened.

While Song Shutang was happy, he also felt something in his heart. The identity of the spy was kept extremely secret, how did the Red Party know?
What kind of intelligence network does the Red Party have!
(End of this chapter)

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