Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 148 The Complete Set of Drama

Chapter 148 The Complete Set of Drama


The most primitive and instinctive desire.

Stretching out, hanging by a thread, living in a cage is not what people want.

The vines hanging in the air can't help but want to grab them.

But with a little force, the vines fell from the void, and fell into a mess!

Lying on the bed at night, Xie Ying could still feel the tightening around her neck, which made her unable to fall asleep for a long time.

The moment she stepped out of the Military Command Bureau, she had a plan in mind.

Live for yourself!

In her opinion, breaking through Song Shutang is the easiest and most efficient, and she is very clear about her own advantages after undergoing espionage training.

But what happened tonight left her with lingering fears.

Recalling the cold eyes of the other party, I felt that one foot had already stepped into the abyss of death.

After a sleepless night, Xie Ying got up the next day to wash and dress up, and covered up the light marks on her neck, lest she would die at the hands of Song Shutang if it would affect the progress of the mission.

Then went to the film studio to start daily work, Xie Ying looked as usual, but when she saw Song Shutang by chance, the fear deep in her eyes was hard to erase.

Today Song Shutang met Zhu Yue again.

As soon as he sat down, Zhu Yue said, "Xie Ying recently received a letter from the post office. She was worried that 'Grit' might be observing in the dark, so she didn't take the initiative to contact her to inquire about it. Did she tell you about the letter?"

The identity of 'Grit' is unknown, and it is very likely that he is hiding and hiding.

Therefore, it is inconvenient to contact Xie Ying easily.

Song Shutang disguised his identity and entered the film studio to create conditions for meeting Xie Ying, so Zhu Yue asked this question.

"The letter did come from 'grit'."

"'Grit' really couldn't bear it."

"But his location is still not revealed through the post office, and Xie Ying can't get his information, so the current scene must continue."

"I'm afraid there will be a lot of noise in the re-enactment."

"Find some low-level personnel to pretend to be the leaders of Shangfeng, invite theater actors to perform a play, and then meet them in the official residence. Although the process is troublesome, there is no risk."

Now you are stuck.

Act even if you don't act.

Zhu Yue nodded and said: "I'll go back to the department and report to the section chief. I'm going to do the final act to close the net. The news from Shanghai can't be concealed for too long. Let's make a quick decision."

The problem in Shanghai has existed from beginning to end.

To be able to delay until today is already an effort.

Exposure may appear at any time now, so they can't help being nervous.


"it is good."

"And keep an eye on Xie Ying."


"She's dishonest."

Zhu Yue's eyes questioned and Song Shutang answered affirmatively, so he understood.

"It really makes full use of the remaining advantages."

"In short, inform the people below to be more vigilant."

"rest assured."

It can be seen that Song Shutang was not seduced by beauty, and Zhu Yue felt that there was no need to worry too much about Meng Jiaqi.

In comparison, it is obvious that Xie Ying is better.

After all, he came from Shanghai to dress in modern fashion. The child actor was born with excellent temperament and gorgeous makeup. Facing such a temptation, Song Shutang could categorically refuse, and obviously he would not be fascinated by Meng Jiaqi's obsession.

It's not that Meng Jiaqi's appearance is not good, it's just a judgment on the matter.

After saying that, the two left one by one.

Zhu Yue came back from Guanyinyan very quickly, and he appeared in Shen Lushui's office not long after.

I heard that acting needs to continue, and Shen Lushui, who is in charge of the follow-up, cannot directly arrange it.

It was not difficult to find someone to watch the show pretending to be an official.

The difficulty lies in the final official residence interview.

It is hard to guarantee that you will not be noticed by 'grit' if you find a house casually. How dare you make a mistake now that it is at a critical juncture.

Shen Lushui went to find Bao Yiwei.

When Bao Yiwei heard that the intelligence department planned to use the high-level official residence.

This matter must be reported at all levels.

The arrest of the spies is of great importance, especially when it involves the people who were instigated. Wang Ni is about to move and the situation is unpredictable. The early detection of the spies in Shancheng and the people who were instigated is the first.

Considering these things, Bao Yiwei went to see Director Dai.

Director Dai called the Chairman to report the matter.

I got an answer soon, since acting must be realistic.

Huangshan Mansion and No. 5 Lianglukou Xincun, the two addresses are at the discretion of the Intelligence Section.

When Bao Yiwei came back with the news from Director Dai, Shen Lushui was very excited.

But it's also stressful.

If the Chairman supports you so much, if you can't catch 'Grit', how should you explain it?
In the office, Shen Lushui explained the situation seriously to Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue's heart naturally also tensed up.

"There is no room for loss."

"My subordinate understands."

"Where to choose?"

Zhu Yue replied: "Huangshan official residence."

The two addresses are real and effective high-level residential addresses.

One is the chairman, and the other is the chairman's wife.

Visible support.

The Huangshan official residence was chosen because it was located on the south bank. Even if the 'gravel' wanted to observe, it might not be possible to obtain information due to limited conditions.

At the same time, the various intelligence information of the Huangshan official residence is even more tempting.

In fact, Shenlushui is more inclined to No. 5 Lianglukou Xincun, with less risk.

But Zhu Yue suggested that he understand that it would be more conducive to the development of the mission.

In the end, Shen Lushui made up his mind and said: "Then choose the Huangshan official residence, but you should also understand the pressure you are facing, and there must be no problems."

"My subordinate understands."

Returning to Guanyinyan from the intelligence department, Zhu Yue contacted Song Shutang.

The two met again in the evening, and Zhu Yue informed the plan that the plan had been approved and started secretly.

In fact, Song Shutang has already heard about it in the film studio. The actors of the selected play gathered for rehearsal tonight. Although they have performed many times, this time must not be missed.

Many actors who are also filming tasks also asked for leave.

Fortunately, I heard that the rehearsal is tonight, the performance can be performed tomorrow, and the filming will be normal the day after tomorrow, so it is not too much of a waste of time.

Such an arrangement seeks to be fast!

I am afraid that the news in Shanghai will not be concealed.

But in the eyes of everyone, it is inappropriate to affect everyone's normal work, and it is considerate and caring.

Naturally, Xie Ying was also in rehearsal this time, and had already left the film studio.

But Song Shutang still wants to stay here.

When the performance is over and the audience at the Huangshan official residence is over, it will be the highlight.

Zhu Yue came to inform that he was going to be in charge of tomorrow's performance, and left in a hurry.

Song Shutang is still resting in the dormitory of the film studio.

On the second day, there was a lot of leisure in the film studio.

Although not many actors were selected, many production crews took the opportunity to have a day off, allowing everyone to take a rest after intense work.

Therefore, fewer people started working on time today.

Song Shutang seemed to be doing nothing after wandering around twice.

Suddenly someone handed him a cigarette and said with a smile, "Bring me a fire."

"Sorry." Song Shutang didn't smoke on weekdays, and he didn't have the habit of carrying fire with him.

It is only carried when the sword holding team performs tasks, in case of emergency.

Most of Shancheng's home courts are for surveillance and arrest tasks, so they are not prepared.

The person who borrowed the fire was a few years older than Song Shutang, and his face was a little disappointed, which showed that he was quite addicted to cigarettes.

"I came by car today and the matches disappeared, maybe they were squeezed out."

"You go and ask other people."

"It's not that the business of the film studio is booming, but what I saw today is a bit deserted. The other staffs are busy shooting, so I won't disturb you."

"They'll have a break."

"Are you an employee here?" the man asked.

"It is."

"Our company is preparing some equipment and venues in the concession to shoot movies. The film studio has quoted a high price. There are many people waiting in line to rent it, but I think it's just average."

"There is a reason for today's incident..." Song Shutang explained a few sentences.

The man was skeptical when he heard it, and thought that Song Shutang, as a staff member here, might help tell lies to deceive himself.

Song Shutang left without much explanation.

But after leaving, he turned to observe the person in the dark.

He worried whether this person would be 'grit'.

Taking advantage of Xie Ying's absence, he came to the film studio to inquire about the news and see if the performance of the selected play was true.

But under Song Shutang's secret observation, he found that there was nothing wrong with this person.

Although there is the intention of inquiring secretly, it is actually to find out the base rent price and to negotiate a cooperation with less money.

As a result, Song Shutang lost interest.

It might seem like a morning wasted watching someone useless, but that's what intelligence work is all about.

If you are not vigilant enough, you may miss the 'grit'.

In the afternoon Song Shutang even searched for 'grit' in the film studio, wanting to see if he would take the initiative to investigate the situation, obviously 'grit' was not so impulsive.

On the contrary, Zhu Yue's progress here is smooth.

The audience pretending to be high-level people prepared in advance, and even a few high-level doubles were specially arranged to cooperate with the action.

After the performance, everyone was invited to the Huangshan official residence for an interview.

There are reporters following the peers, and they seem to be invulnerable.

 Thanks to Yang Xiaomiao who likes Dongbula, the big thief Caoshangfei, will1881, and the boss of Chenluo Chenlo for their monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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