Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 155 venting anger

Chapter 155 venting anger
The scene of the crime was near Tonghui Middle School.

Close to South Road.

This direction is going to the suburbs.

Song Shutang and Zhu Yue planned to go to the scene to have a look at the moment.

The corpse has not yet converged, so it cannot be checked immediately.

Long Hao followed along.

On the way, Song Shutang asked, "Why did Zhou Zhuang appear at the scene of the incident because of his personal business?"

Zhou Zhuang was one of the murdered members.

"I heard from the members of the same group that Zhou Zhuang plans to go to Jingfo Temple because he has a rest today."

"What did he go to the temple for?" Long Hao asked.

"The stretcher ambulance team composed of monks in the previous air raid on Jingfo Temple rescued Zhou Zhuang who failed to hide in the air-raid shelter in time that day, but one of the monks was injured in the arm by the rubble from the explosion, but he gritted his teeth and insisted on taking the unconscious Zhou Zhuang. Zhou Zhuang carried it away, and he was so grateful that he planned to go and have a look when he was resting."

Many monasteries in the mountain city have stretcher teams composed of monks, who are responsible for rescuing the wounded during air raids, which is a very valuable force.

Zhou Zhuang benefited from this.

With a grateful heart, I want to visit.

I didn't expect to die here.

During the conversation, the three came to the scene of the crime.

A narrow path!

Bloodstains were still clearly visible on the ground.

Song Shutang looked back and forth and said: "In such a narrow road, if you kill him with a sharp weapon at close range, Zhou Zhuang must have seen this person, but he didn't raise his vigilance. It can be seen that he didn't notice anything abnormal at all. When they passed by, they were suddenly shot and killed by the opponent."

On-site observation can confirm that what Zhu Yue said is correct.

It was not by chance that Zhou Zhuang discovered the spy and was murdered to silence him.

But the murderer came for Zhou Zhuang.

"This path is a shortcut to Jingfo Temple." Zhu Yue said.

"Does the murderer know that Zhou Zhuang is going?" Long Hao asked.

In such a narrow alleyway, the two of them had to turn sideways when they met, so it was difficult to judge whether Zhou Zhuang had come back from Jingfo Temple or was rushing to Jingfo Temple based on Zhou Zhuang's lying posture.

But it's also more important.

After all, if the murderer is waiting here, it means that he knows the purpose of Zhou Zhuang's trip, so where does the news come from?

The Intelligence Section of the Military Command Bureau?
The murderer was too well-informed.

After squatting on the ground to check for a while, Song Shutang asked, "Is Jingfo Temple far away?"

"Not far."

"Go and have a look."

The three of them walked across the path to Jingfo Temple.

Ask Zhou Zhuang if he has been here today.

Zhou Zhuang came to visit the monk named Jingwen. He was a little thin but full of strength. He also had to do a lot of coolies in the temple, not sitting in meditation all day long.

Jingwen was very embarrassed to ask about Zhou Zhuang's situation, saying that Zhou Zhuang had indeed come today and brought him a lot of gifts.

They also had a general understanding of what happened to Jing Wen and Zhou Zhuang.

Only then did I learn that Zhou Zhuang was not only because of Jing Wen's help, but also because Jing Wen's appearance was very similar to Zhou Zhuang's brother.

But brother Zhou Zhuang died on the front line two years ago.

Maybe Zhou Zhuang is willing to come to visit, but also to express his condolences.

Actually, you said they look very similar?
Zhu Yue, Zhou Zhuang's older brother, has seen it before, and it is not very similar to Jingwen in front of him.

But maybe Zhou Zhuang's longing made him like this.

He didn't tell Jingwen about Zhou Zhuang's murder, but he also guessed a little bit, so he asked again and again.

In the end, Long Hao explained a little, and Jingwen looked compassionate.

After leaving, he went to the main hall to chant scriptures for Zhou Zhuang.

Coming out of Jingfo Temple, Zhu Yue said: "Zhou Zhuang has been dependent on his elder brother since he was a child, and his elder brother and father took good care of him, and even helped him to go to school in a hard life. His elder brother is honest, while Zhou Zhuang is much smarter.

Later, his elder brother joined the army and followed Zhou Zhuang secretly. Instead, he was selected for training and engaged in espionage work. The two brothers got together less and separated more, but they missed each other. Later, the news of his brother's death in battle was a big blow to Zhou Zhuang. Maybe Jingwen let him Thinking of my brother, I came to visit, but I didn't expect to lose my life because of it. "

War has changed countless things.

Zhou Zhuang's story is not alone.

There is no time to feel sorry for Zhou Zhuang, the arrest of the murderer is considered an explanation for him.

Song Shutang said in front of the temple gate: "Since Zhou Zhuang was attacked to death after returning from the temple, it proves that the murderer watched him enter the Jingfo Temple and knew that Zhou Zhuang would return the same way, which shows that Zhou Zhuang came by the small road. .

So he waited in the small road in advance, and then entered at the same time with Zhou Zhuang, and killed them when they met in the middle. "

Hearing Song Shutang's analysis, Long Hao said: "It proves that the murderer followed Zhou Zhuang."


"But why did he kill Zhou Zhuang?" Long Hao couldn't figure it out.

Zhou Zhuang obviously didn't know any secrets.

If it is known, it is impossible not to report to the intelligence department.

Moreover, he has the deepest relationship with his elder brother. After his elder brother died of the Japanese invaders, it is nonsense to say that he was involved with the Japanese invaders.

It seems that there is no reason for the murderer to kill Zhou Zhuang.

Could it be that it was really revenge for the assassination and anti-rape in Shanghai, and the spies in the mountain city?
But the response to this report is much weaker than that in Shanghai, and it is easy to lead to investigation by the intelligence department, which is not worth the candle.

At present, even the reason for the murder cannot be deduced.

The three returned to the intelligence department at night, and Zhou Zhuang's body was also transported.

Several people went to have a look.

At the door, I also met Lu Qiaowei from the infirmary.

"Why is Nurse Lu here?" Song Shutang asked.

Lu Qiaowei was wearing gloves, and he seemed to have just come out of the room, his face was livid.

"The person who collected the body said that Zhou Zhuang's wound looks a bit strange, let me take a look." Although Lu Qiaowei is a nurse, she has dabbled a lot.



"Why is it strange?"

"The wound is not deep, and it cannot achieve the effect of killing with one blow."

"so it is?"

"Bleed to death alive." Lu Qiaowei had just come to such a conclusion, and his face was livid.


Song Shutang immediately said, "But there were no traces of struggle at the scene."

"I was unable to struggle but my mind was clear. I could only silently feel the flow of blood, and then lost consciousness."

"Damn it!" Long Hao clenched his fists tightly.

The blood on the ground didn't feel too much just now, but now it seems to have seeped into the ground.

"The murderer did it on purpose." Zhu Yue thought it was no coincidence.

The murderer's subtlety must have been intentional.

"It's not a simple assassination." Song Shutang said.

If it is an assassination, pay attention to one fatal blow, clean and neat.

Not so.

This kind of behavior is obviously vindictive!
enjoying the killing process.

Watching Zhou Zhuang's blood slowly run out.

"Did Zhou Zhuang offend anyone?" Long Hao asked.

The problem is more complex today.


Pushing the door open and looking at Zhou Zhuang's body, one can imagine the pain he faced before.

Coming out of the room, Zhu Yue said: "With such a professional approach, the biggest suspect is still a spy. As for the motive, it is still uncertain. Let's investigate Zhou Zhuang's whereabouts these days."

The three parted ways with Lu Qiaowei and returned to the intelligence department.

The following staff members stepped forward and reported: "Leader, these are Zhou Zhuang's relics, but he has no relatives in the mountain city, so what should we do with them?"

Everyone glanced at the things on the table.

Zhu Yue said: "He has no relatives."

It's not that there are no relatives in the mountain city, but there are no relatives in this world.

"Pack them all up and bury them together at the time of burial."


Song Shutang said in Zhu Yue's office: "The murderer is venting his anger."

Long Hao said: "The spy will never retaliate like this?"

The intelligence staff are of high professional quality, and they also give professional recognition to spies. The enemy will not do these things to retaliate. There has never been a precedent before.

"There's a lot of doubt about the whole thing."

"Keep an eye on the situation here at the French embassy, ​​and don't make extra trouble." Zhu Yue believes that this matter is currently the key.

Song Shutang said: "I'm in charge of investigating Zhou Zhuang's murder. Team leader, you stare at the protesting crowd."

The division of labor is clear and convenient for command.


Leaving Zhu Yue's office, Long Hao followed Song Shutang closely. He also wanted to investigate Zhou Zhuang's matter, and he didn't plan to stare at the protesting crowd.

"How to check?" Long Hao asked.

"First investigate among the staff, Zhou Zhuang's recent whereabouts, etc., to see if we can find any clues."

"I'll investigate." Long Hao immediately took over the task. He was very familiar with the team members, so it was very efficient for him to investigate this matter.

"At the same time, arrange for people to put Zhou Zhuang in the ground as soon as possible." Song Shutang explained.

The clues on the corpse have been searched, so there is no need to look again.

And the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it is difficult to preserve the corpse at all.

"I will arrange for the staff to be buried early tomorrow morning."

"Together." Song Shutang planned to see Zhou Zhuang off for the last time.

The members of the same group have many tasks and cannot spare time, Song Shutang is in charge of investigating the matter, but he has time, so he has the right to send off on behalf of the group members.

(End of this chapter)

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