Chapter 162
Sooner rather than later!
With the consent of the two, immediately report to the section chief.

So a meeting was arranged overnight to discuss specific actions.

Many people from the intelligence department attended the meeting today.

The meeting was presided over by Shen Lushui, and Zhu Yue, Song Shutang, Long Hao, Li Tairan and others were all present.

After Shen Lushui took the chair, he said: "Since Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui are willing to take risks and try to catch the spies, we must also make a sound plan to prevent them from encountering danger. Today's meeting will discuss the details of the operation, and everyone can speak freely."

Said to avoid suffering!

But everyone knows that the danger is inevitable.

After all, to make bait, you need to get the 'mountain ghost' to take the bait. If there are many people around you to protect secretly, the 'mountain ghost' who is still in the dark than you will not know, and will not fall into the trap when facing such a trap.

Therefore, we can only convince the 'Mountain Ghost' that it is an opportunity.

But to achieve this, who can guarantee the safety of Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Song Shutang took the initiative to say: "Everyone can talk about what they think, and since the two have agreed, there is no need to consider safety issues."

Hearing this, Li Tairan took the lead and said: "If you want to lure the snake out of the cave, you must let the 'Mountain Ghost' know how important Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui are to you. Even those who are new to the 'Mountain Ghost' may not be clear about it."

Zhu Yue went on to say: "But even if the 'Mountain Ghost' knows that the three of you are members of the Sword Holding Group, it will be difficult for them to understand how important the two of you are to you. The news of the team members may not be the best candidate."

Asking this question without waiting for Song Shutang to answer, Long Hao said: "Before the enemy plane bombed, Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui risked their lives and drove forward during the bombing, just to find Shutang. Ghosts' learned, that must make the two of them the best candidates for revenge."

Between the three of them, the premise of action has been clarified.

But the next step is difficult.

Zhu Yue said: "In this way, the 'Mountain Ghost' will definitely attack Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui, and the two of them will also face the situation of being alone. Can they withstand the fatal blow of the 'Mountain Ghost' in the dark?"

In this case, no one can help.

We can only pin our hopes on the parties involved.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Song Shutang said, "There's no need to worry."

Everyone was worried about the safety of Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

But Song Shutang was worried about replacing the 'mountain ghost'.

Seeing this, Shen Lushui said: "Then what we and the intelligence department can do is to let the 'Shangui' choose Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui as their targets. As for the follow-up, it all depends on them."

"We arrange personnel to control the two people along the way from their residence to the bureau, so that there is no need for secret protection, and it is not easy to be detected by the 'Mountain Ghost', and they can rush to support as soon as the 'Mountain Ghost' strikes." Song Shutang made a suggestion.

"In this way, the two people's action routes are locked from the residence to the bureau, will it be too limited, causing the 'Shan Gui' to become suspicious?" Li Tairan asked.

"'Shan Gui' assassinated members of the intelligence department, causing all the staff in the bureau to receive a warning. It is understandable not to go to other places during this period of time. On the contrary, the 'Shan Gui' will feel that it is not a trap." Song Shutang thinks Such an arrangement would provide more protection for the two of them, and would also be of greater help in arresting Takashi Kuno.

Faced with this proposal, Shen Lushui said: "Arranging personnel along the way may still not be able to provide support in time."

You can't arrange people too close to each other.

It is bound to be discovered.

And sometimes it is impossible for some people to appear on the street, which is out of date.

Therefore, Takashi Kunogi chooses to do it during the day or at night, which also has a huge impact on the placement of personnel.

The second is that from the bureau to the residence is not a downtown area.

If it is remote, there will be fewer people.

Manpower arrangements also need to consider specific environmental factors.

These Song Shutang also understood in his heart, so he said: "Arrangement as best as possible."

"It can only be so."

When the matter was about to be finalized, Long Hao asked: "The distance between the two people's residences is not too far, does the 'Mountain Ghost' dare to attack within such a range?"

"He dares!" Song Shutang said directly.

Another person may have to think about this issue.

But Takashi Kunoki.

There is no need to think about it.

"Then I will report to the director, contact the important people in the general affairs department and the telecommunications department, and wait for the news tomorrow." Shen Lushui said.

"The General Affairs Office and the Telecommunications Office won't embarrass us, will they?" Zhu Yue asked.

In fact, it is not difficult.

It was you who put their people at risk first.

And life is hanging by a thread at any time, so it's reasonable that people don't want to help.

After all, it is your intelligence department's business.

"Ask first." Shen Lushui can't guarantee it now, but since the parties have agreed, it won't be too difficult.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Go back and rest overnight and come early the next day.

Shen Lushui also went to see Bao Yiwei early in the morning, and then contacted the General Affairs Office and the Telecommunications Office.

But things went surprisingly smoothly.

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui have been assigned by their respective section chiefs to the intelligence section to wait for orders.

The two met on the way, and Nie Hong smiled and said, "It's a pleasure that they still agreed."

"Such a good opportunity is used for testing, how can we refuse the door." Yan Qinghui said.

Although the two were fished out from the interrogation department.

But everywhere there is no doubt in his heart, otherwise, how could it have been so long, and it is not necessary to do some marginal work.

And all the factions understand that they did not order to target the Sword Holding Group.

The only possibility is that Yu spy instigated rebellion.

Isn't it a great opportunity to prove his innocence by using the spy as a bait to catch the spy this time.

The General Affairs Office and the Telecommunications Office will naturally not block it.

"It's really a good opportunity." Nie Hong felt that killing two birds with one stone.

It was a good thing to be able to solve one more problem since the spies were going to be arrested.

During the conversation, the two came to the intelligence department, Shen Lushui waited for a long time, and went out to greet him in person.

I am very grateful to the two for their willingness to risk their lives and assist the intelligence department in arresting spies.

Then he revealed the plan in full.

Although Song Shutang was present, Shen Lushui talked with him in person, showing his importance.

Hearing that the range of activities was only the distance from the office to the residence, Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui knew that although there were many explanations, it was Song Shutang who was worried about the two encountering accidents and tried to protect them as much as possible.

The two did not dispute the arrangement.

The Intelligence Section has decided that you do not need to make a change request.

Seeing that the two had no objection, Shen Lushui arranged for Zhu Yue to release the news to let the 'Shan Gui' understand the importance of the two to Song Shutang.

After saying goodbye to Shen Lushui, the two finally came to Song Shutang's office, and the three were able to talk.

"Brothers, the news has been released. You must be careful on your way to and from get off work starting today, and the pistol must be loaded and safe." Song Shutang seriously reminded that from the moment the news was released, danger could come at any time.


Song Shutang glanced at the closed office door, and said in a low voice, "If the situation is urgent, you can kill the 'Mountain Ghost'."

Hearing this, both of them looked at Song Shutang.

Seeing this, he said: "Never risk your life, and don't hold back when it's time to kill."

"The intelligence department doesn't want to live?"

"Compared to living, I hope that the two brothers are safe and sound."

The value of catching alive is great.

But Song Shutang knew what he wanted.

Both living and corpses are acceptable.

If two lives are the price of living, he would rather not.

This can only be said behind closed doors.

And killing the 'mountain ghost' will not increase Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui's suspicion of spies.

If they are really spies, they can just send the news and tell them that this is a trap, and there is no need to kill to silence them.

After all, in order for the two to be used as bait, there is no way to arrange personnel to follow and monitor, so it is very easy to pass messages.

As for murder!
Sacrifice your own safety to help your intelligence department catch spies. In an emergency, you didn't catch any survivors to protect yourself, but you also killed the "mountain ghost" to solve the serious troubles of the intelligence department. Will the intelligence department still be able to fight back?

Yan Qinghui said calmly and softly, "Listen to Shutang."

He also didn't want to see Nie Hong die because of this, and he didn't want to see Song Shutang feel guilty for the rest of his life after death.

Nie Hong didn't answer but nodded slightly to show his understanding.

After this matter was over, the voices of the three gradually amplified.

Song Shutang asked: "Do you need to prepare other things?"

"No need." Nie Hong felt that to make a bait, one must have the awareness to be a bait. The same as usual is considered a good bait, and too much preparation would be inappropriate.

Yan Qinghui thought the same way, saying that there was no need to prepare anything specially.

"I found out that the 'Mountain Ghost' doesn't need to be a strong enemy, so I issued a reminder to attack them in groups."


Nie Hong was blunt about Song Shutang's ramblings.

"Didn't the two elder brothers bother me before?"

"You see, this kid just disliked our long-windedness at the time."

"Don't dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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