165 Threat
There is no inconvenience in the residence bureau.

The beds and bedding are all ready, and the toiletries are also available. There are places to take a shower, which is more convenient than at home.

Meals are in the cafeteria, and three meals a day are provided.

There is no sense of anxiety after staying for a few days.

Occasionally, Long Hao would bring some food from restaurants outside to improve Song Shutang's food.

Today, at night, Long Hao came here with delicious food.

It is inconvenient to eat in a single dormitory, so the two eat together in the office.

During the period, Song Shutang asked: "Is the search still fruitless today?"

It has been searched for many days, but no clues have been caught.

"'Mountain Ghost' seems to have evaporated from the world." Long Hao was angry when he said that.

The dense population of the mountain city has indeed caused great trouble to the large-scale search work.

They were deeply touched by the arrest of spies before.

Besides, the 'Mountain Ghost' is proficient in the art of assassination, his ability to pretend to be invisible to everyone is probably at its peak, and it is really not easy to capture him.

The great opportunity slipped away from my fingertips that day, and now I feel panicked when I think about it.

"I can't always be stuck in the game. Habits become habits, but it is useless to cut off your arms." Song Shutang thinks this is not a long-term strategy.

But Long Hao said: "There are too many people hunting down 'mountain ghosts', but you are not many, and you are not enough. Why are you going to join in the fun?"

"If the 'Mountain Ghost' can't be found, and I don't show up, how can he show up?"

"Wait for the section chief's order."

"Go and talk to the section chief."

"You live in the office all day and you don't want to go, let me go?" Long Hao felt that he was not stupid.

Just as the two were eating, the phone in the office suddenly rang.

"A team from the Intelligence Section."


"right away."

After hanging up the phone, Song Shutang dropped the chopsticks and said, "Go to the section chief's office immediately."

"I just saw the section chief left after get off work, so he's back?" Long Hao was puzzled.


The two came to Shen Lushui's office, and the lights were turned on.

After shouting the report, Zhu Yue was not among them.

Shen Lushui said to the two of them: "I will ask Zhu Yue to go to the chief to inquire about the news."

"What happened, Chief?" Song Shutang asked.

"Xue Sangeng, deputy director of the Eighth Route Army's Shancheng Office, and Xiong Yuxiang, general manager of the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper, came to find the director together." Shen Lushui said.

Xue Sangeng!
Xiong Yuxiang!
All are acquaintances.

Song Shutang previously dealt with the two when investigating whether the "Tiger Bee" was hidden among the members of the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper.

But why did these two come to find Bao Yiwei together?

Facing the inquiry, Shen Lushui said, ""Xinhua Daily" received a letter, the content is that the 'Shan Gui' kidnapped Meng Jiaqi and asked you to go to the appointment, otherwise Meng Jiaqi will be skinned and killed!"

"What?" Long Hao was surprised.

Song Shutang also looked puzzled.

Kuno Muchong's disappearance for a few days was not just to avoid arrest, but to take the opportunity to kidnap Meng Jiaqi and use it to threaten Song Shutang to show up.

But why did he think that Meng Jiaqi could threaten him?
The three looked at each other.

Earlier, Kuno Mutaka chose Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui for reasons that were justifiable.

Why are you focusing on Meng Jiaqi now?

Long Hao reacted very quickly and asked: "Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang want us to obey the arrangements of the 'Mountain Ghost'?"


"This is an obvious trap, how can we obey?" Long Hao felt that Kuno Mutaka wanted Song Shutang's life by doing this.

You will die if you listen to him.

Shen Lushui said: "Two people from the Red Party came to exert pressure, but the director refused. You will be in the director's office in a while. You don't have to say anything in the school."


Shen Lushui took him to see Bao Yiwei.

I saw Zhu Yue at the door.

Zhu Yue stepped forward and said: "Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang said that our intelligence department has the obligation and responsibility to arrest spies, and we have a duty to protect the people in the mountain city. We strongly urge us to save people."

"They care so much about Meng Jiaqi, her identity may not be simple." Shen Lushui muttered.

But without thinking about it, Shen Lushui asked Zhu Yue and Long Hao to wait outside the door, and he brought Song Shutang into the office.

When I entered, I saw Xue Sangeng, Xiong Yuxiang and Bao Yiwei arguing endlessly.

Seeing Song Shutang coming in, the three were a little quiet.

Xue Sangen immediately told Song Shutang about this matter, and wanted to ask him for help.

Shen Lushui immediately refused, saying that he would definitely save people if he saved them, and he would definitely arrest the spies if he was arrested, but he couldn't listen to the spies, because he was sending himself to death.

"But the spy gave an ultimatum. If you don't obey his arrangement tomorrow, Meng Jiaqi will surely die." Xiong Yuxiang said hastily.

In the end, there was another quarrel in the office.

Song Shutang didn't say a word.

Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang became angry after a long quarrel, saying that they would continue to sue, and Bao Yiwei did not stop them.

But before parting, Xiong Yuxiang said: "May I let Deputy Team Leader Song see you off?"

Bao Yiwei knew that they wanted to persuade Song Shutang alone, so he intended to refuse.

But if Xiong Yuxiang and others stayed here after being rejected, it would be troublesome.

Then he nodded in agreement with Song Shutang to send it off.

After a few people left Shen Lushui, they immediately said: "Song Shutang and Meng Jiaqi have met a few times, but they are not at the level of threat at all. How could the 'Mountain Ghost' follow her?"

Bao Yiwei said angrily, "The Central Bureau."


"Before, the Central Committee learned about the problems we are facing now, so it released Song Shutang and Meng Jiaqi's close relationship and maybe mutual admiration. The 'Mountain Ghost' is too lazy to judge whether it is true or false. They will find out if they arrest people and threaten them. If it is false, Meng Jiaqi will be killed. It won't affect him in any way."

"The central government is a good means." Shen Lushui said.

The Military Control Bureau disagreed with the Red Party's request to rescue Meng Jiaqi.

It will inevitably be criticized and bring a lot of trouble to the Military Control Bureau.

What if the Military Command agrees to the rescue?

The Central Statistics Bureau can make use of the issue, saying that they have close contacts with the Red Party.

If Song Shutang was personally persuaded and decided to rescue Meng Jiaqi privately, the Central Unification Bureau could insist that the relationship between the two was extraordinary and that Song Shutang had an affair with the Red Party.

Regardless of the outcome, it is good news for the Central Bureau of Statistics.

As for you asking Shangfeng to sue the Central Statistics Bureau?

The spies arrested Meng Jiaqi.

She may be from the Red Party.

To die at the hands of a spy is a murder with a borrowed knife.

Will the summit really deal with the Central Statistics Bureau?
As for the Red Party's request, just ignore it. After all, the request is unreasonable, so how can they obey the spies.

However, such calculations by the Central Bureau of Statistics made people feel dissatisfied. Both Bao Yiwei and Shen Lushui wanted to find an opportunity to reciprocate.

At the same time, Song Shutang has sent Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang out of the Military Control Bureau.

Originally thought that the two of them might want to understand each other with affection and convince themselves with reason.

But Xiong Yuxiang said: "I have no choice but to respond to the news sent by the spies. It is really helpless to go to the door to force the rescue, but I also know that obeying the spies' arrangements is tantamount to giving away my life. team leader.

Regarding the rescue of Meng Jiaqi, we will think of another way. This time of acting is considered enough. Deputy team leader Song showed an impatient look and left. "

Hearing Xiong Yuxiang's words, Song Shutang understood the deep meaning.

Meng Jiaqi develops herself!
The Central Statistics Bureau is still investigating itself behind the scenes!

If the Red Party did not respond to the spy news this time, it would show that the Red Party has a different attitude towards Song Shutang, lest he be in danger.

That's why Xiong Yuxiang and others came to the Military Control Bureau to make a fortune.

They didn't come here to rescue Meng Jiaqi, but they actually dispelled other people's suspicions.

Xue Sangeng and Xiong Yuxiang did not leave first.

They need to show that they are trying to persuade Song Shutang.

Tell him to walk away and end the conversation.

Song Shutang didn't answer, and left as he said.

Seeing his back, Xue San couldn't bear to ask: "Is this the person whom the Southern Bureau negotiated and decided to instigate rebellion and development?"

Xiong Yuxiang said: "Knowing things can't be done, not indecisive and complaining, clean and indifferent, isn't this just an excellent intelligence worker?"

Xue Sangeng didn't say anything more after hearing the words, but said: "The play is over, go back and discuss the rescue matter, this matter depends on the Kuomintang and there will be no progress, I still need to wait and find a way."

"Come on."

Song Shutang, who returned to the Military Command Bureau, fell into deep thought.

Today, it is impossible to go wrong with the constant response to the ever-changing.

The same is true of him.

But have you really made up your mind?
The Red Party sent favors several times.

Now it is also acting to help him eliminate hidden dangers.

Could he just watch Meng Jiaqi die?
A young and fresh life!

And this matter was originally a battle between him and the 'Mountain Ghost'.

Among the innocent people involved were Zhou Zhuang and Yuan Peng.

Want more Meng Jiaqi?
And now that you don't show up, the 'Mountain Ghost' may continue to threaten him like this. Could it be that he is allowed to continue killing people?
With a decision in mind, Song Shutang headed towards Bao Yiwei's office.

(End of this chapter)

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